Health Check library adds new endpoints(routes) to your project which are used to check some services of your application. For example you want to check "Database Connection" of your microservice.
composer require chocofamilyme/phalcon-healthcheck ^1.0
- Example setting your application:
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Micro;
use Chocofamily\PhalconHealthCheck\Providers\HealthCheckServiceProvider;
$container = new FactoryDefault();
$application = new Micro($container);
$container->setShared('application', $application);
$container->register(new HealthCheckServiceProvider());
- Add above ServiceProvider class to the config config/providers.php
- Copy healthCheck.php to config/ and manage necessary configuration values for the project
- Database connection check
- Cache write&read check
- Sessions write&read check
- Storage check
- /health
"DB": "OK",
"CACHE": "OK",
- /health/extended
"DB": {
"STATUS_BOOL": true,
"MESSAGE": null
"CACHE": {
"STATUS_BOOL": true,
"MESSAGE": null
"STATUS_BOOL": false,
"MESSAGE": "Connection to failed"
"STATUS_BOOL": true,
"MESSAGE": null
Create a class which implements Chocofamily\PhalconHealthCheck\Services\Checks\ComponentCheckInterface and add it to healthcheck.php config file like
return [
'componentChecks' => [
'YOURCUSTOMCHECK' => YourCustomCheck::class
There is a configuration param which describes which response class to use to output the response. For example
- /health - Chocofamily\PhalconHealthCheck\Responses\ChocofamilyResponse::class output would look like this
"data": {
"DB": "OK",
"CACHE": "OK",
Feel free to add your responses, if you want for example to output it in a view instead json.