Captures images from your webcam video stream Extracts all Faces from the image,Recognise Faces
FaceRecognition/face recog/
Python Script that captures images from your webcam video stream Extracts all Faces from the image frame (using haarcascades) Stores the Face information into numpy arrays
Read and show video stream, capture images
Detect Faces and show bounding box (haarcascade)
Flatten the largest face image(gray scale) and save in a numpy array
Repeat the above for multiple people to generate training data
FaceRecognition/face recog/
Recognise Faces using some classification algorithm - like Logistic, KNN, SVM etc.
load the training data (numpy arrays of all the persons) # x- values are stored in the numpy arrays # y-values we need to assign for each person
Read a video stream using opencv
extract faces out of it
use knn to find the prediction of face (int)
map the predicted id to name of the user
Display the predictions on the screen - bounding box and name
FaceRecognition/face recog/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
trained haarcasecade for frontalface
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