From the Diplomatic Design Patterns: A TileLink Case Study:
Diplomacy is a parameter negotiation framework for generating parameterized protocol implementations.
The goal of this walkthrough is to demonstrate an extremely simple Diplomacy protocol. In this walkthrough, we will demonstrate how to create a parameterized adder and its associated testing modules.
Let's begin by describing the desired circuit. We want a 2-to-1 adder, and to test it, we would like a top-level test bench, two drivers, and a simple monitor.
Let's say we would also like to parameterize the widths of these modules' ports. For the sake of demonstration, when negotiating parameters, our protocol will expect both our drivers to provide addends of the same widths. It will use the smaller of the two widths from the drivers versus the monitor, which is the opposite behavior of typical Chisel width inference.
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.{Config, Parameters}
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import chisel3.stage.ChiselStage
import chisel3.util.random.FibonacciLFSR
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{SimpleNodeImp, RenderedEdge, ValName, SourceNode,
NexusNode, SinkNode, LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
We have a width parameter we would like our modules to share. Any module that wants to send or receive parameter information must have one or more nodes.
Between each pair of nodes, there may be one or more edges. The edge does the negotiation work to ensure parameter agreement between the nodes it connects. Edges are directed, and if we draw an edge's direction with an arrow we can then define the tail of the arrow as the source of the edge and the head of the arrow as the sink of the edge.
Let's pass around our parameters like so:
Diplomacy expects the user to define a graph of directed edges between nodes, and this graph must be acyclic. This type of graph is called a "directed, acyclic multigraph." The direction towards the sinks is downward, and the direction towards the sources is upward.
In our example, we want all of our circuitry to agree upon a Scala Int
to use
as a wire width. For clarity, we will define distinct case classes for our
parameters, although they all contain the same type of information.
case class UpwardParam(width: Int)
case class DownwardParam(width: Int)
case class EdgeParam(width: Int)
In our "node implementation", or NodeImp
, we describe how parameters flow
throughout our graph and how parameters are negotiated between nodes.
We will use SimpleNodeImp
, which performs the same parameter negotiation and
passes the same bundles along an edge, regardless of whether the edge points
into our out of the node.
Our edge parameter (E
) describes the data type that needs to be passed along
the edges in our graph. In our case, we only need to keep track of one Int
describes our describes the final, negotiated width used to actually create our
hardware wires. This will live inside our EdgeParam
We also specify a bundle parameter (B
), which is the type of data that will
resolve into parameterized hardware ports between our modules. For us, this is
a Chisel UInt
with the width described by our edge parameter (see the bundle
object AdderNodeImp extends SimpleNodeImp[DownwardParam, UpwardParam, EdgeParam, UInt] {
def edge(pd: DownwardParam, pu: UpwardParam, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
if (pd.width < pu.width) EdgeParam(pd.width) else EdgeParam(pu.width)
def bundle(e: EdgeParam) = UInt(e.width.W)
def render(e: EdgeParam) = RenderedEdge("blue", s"width = ${e.width}")
Notice that the edge
function does the actual negotiation between nodes. In our
case, it compares the parameters traveling both upwards and downwards, and chooses
the one with the smaller width as the final result to make visible from each node.
The render
function is required by NodeImp
s and holds metadata for rendering
a view of the negotiated information in some graphical format.
Nodes can receive or generate parameters. A module parameterized through Diplomacy must have one or more nodes in order to receive or send parameters. Here, we will create some different types of nodes for use in the modules we would like to parameterize.
In this section, in addition to upward (toward a source) and downward (toward a sink) directionality, we will also discuss inward and outward directionality. Again, let's picture a directed edge as an arrow. For a node, edges that are pointing into the node are inward edges respective to that particular node, and edges who are pointing away from the node are outward.
Let's start off with creating a node for our driver. We will make it a
with the node implementation shown in the previous section, since
s only generate downward-flowing parameters along outward edges.
For our AdderDriverNode
, widths
of type Seq[DownwardParam]
represents the
desired widths for the output wires of the module instantiating this node
). We are using a Seq
here because each node can drive multiple
outputs. In our case, each node will be connected to both the adder and the monitor.
/** node for [[AdderDriver]] (source) */
class AdderDriverNode(widths: Seq[DownwardParam])(implicit valName: ValName)
extends SourceNode(AdderNodeImp)(widths)
Our monitor node follows the same pattern, this time extending SinkNode
, a
type of node that only generates upward-flowing parameters along inward edges.
The parameter it takes in is width
of type UpwardParam
/** node for [[AdderMonitor]] (sink) */
class AdderMonitorNode(width: UpwardParam)(implicit valName: ValName)
extends SinkNode(AdderNodeImp)(Seq(width))
Our adder node will take inputs from two AdderDriverNode
s (the two addends)
and pass one output (the sum) into the monitor. Because the number of inputs and
outputs differ, we will make this node extend a NexusNode
maps downward parameters along inward edges into downward
parameters along outward edges. Similarly, uFn
maps upward
parameters along outward edges into upward parameters along inward
/** node for [[Adder]] (nexus) */
class AdderNode(dFn: Seq[DownwardParam] => DownwardParam,
uFn: Seq[UpwardParam] => UpwardParam)(implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(AdderNodeImp)(dFn, uFn)
There are several other node types, which can be found in Nodes.scala.
"Lazy" evaluation refers to deferring the evaluation of an expression until it is needed.
Parameter negotiation in Diplomacy is done lazily, after the Diplomacy graph
is created. Because of this, the concrete hardware that we want to parameterize
must also be generated lazily. Diplomacy provides the LazyModule
construct for
writing lazily-evaluated hardware modules.
Let's use LazyModule
to define our Adder
. Notice that the creation of the
components used to define Diplomacy graph (in this case, the node), is non-lazy.
The desired hardware for the module must be written inside LazyModuleImp
For this example, we expect our drivers to drive addends of equal bit widths
into the adder, meaning we expect all of our downward flowing parameters to be
equivalent. We also expect a single monitor, so all of our upward flowing
parameters should also be equivalent. Thus, we can require these properties in
our AdderNode
and simply pass on downward the first DownwardParam
we see.
Following the same logic, we can pass upward the first UpwardParam
we see.
/** adder DUT (nexus) */
class Adder(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = new AdderNode (
{ case dps: Seq[DownwardParam] =>
require(dps.forall(dp => dp.width == dps.head.width), "inward, downward adder widths must be equivalent")
{ case ups: Seq[UpwardParam] =>
require(ups.forall(up => up.width == ups.head.width), "outward, upward adder widths must be equivalent")
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
require( >= 2)
node.out.head._1 := + _)
override lazy val desiredName = "Adder"
Our AdderDriver
randomly generates an addend of finalWidth
bits each cycle, and
passes it to numOutputs
/** driver (source)
* drives one random number on multiple outputs */
class AdderDriver(width: Int, numOutputs: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = new AdderDriverNode(Seq.fill(numOutputs)(DownwardParam(width)))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
// check that node parameters converge after negotiation
val negotiatedWidths =
require(negotiatedWidths.forall(_ == negotiatedWidths.head), "outputs must all have agreed on same width")
val finalWidth = negotiatedWidths.head
// generate random addend (notice the use of the negotiated width)
val randomAddend = FibonacciLFSR.maxPeriod(finalWidth)
// drive signals
node.out.foreach { case (addend, _) => addend := randomAddend }
override lazy val desiredName = "AdderDriver"
Our AdderMonitor
prints out the results of the Adder
each cycle and
signals an error if the Adder
returns an incorrect result. It has two
s for taking in addends from the AdderDriver
, and one
to take in the sum from the Adder
/** monitor (sink) */
class AdderMonitor(width: Int, numOperands: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val nodeSeq = Seq.fill(numOperands) { new AdderMonitorNode(UpwardParam(width)) }
val nodeSum = new AdderMonitorNode(UpwardParam(width))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val error = Output(Bool())
// print operation
printf( => p"${}").reduce(_ + p" + " + _) + p" = ${}")
// basic correctness checking
io.error := =/= + _)
override lazy val desiredName = "AdderMonitor"
Our top-level module will be a test bench that instantiate our Adder
and its
peripherals. Notice that different width
parameters are passed into Diplomacy
via drivers
and checker
. As described in our AdderNodeImp
, we expect the
smaller of the two widths to actually be used.
In this module, we also bind our nodes. Sinks are on the left-hand side, while sources are on the right.
/** top-level connector */
class AdderTestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val numOperands = 2
val adder = LazyModule(new Adder)
// 8 will be the downward-traveling widths from our drivers
val drivers = Seq.fill(numOperands) { LazyModule(new AdderDriver(width = 8, numOutputs = 2)) }
// 4 will be the upward-traveling width from our monitor
val monitor = LazyModule(new AdderMonitor(width = 4, numOperands = numOperands))
// create edges via binding operators between nodes in order to define a complete graph
drivers.foreach{ driver => adder.node := driver.node } { case (driver, monitorNode) => monitorNode := driver.node }
monitor.nodeSum := adder.node
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
when( {
printf("something went wrong")
override lazy val desiredName = "AdderTestHarness"
We have used the most typical node binding operator (:=
) here, but other types
of bindings can be found in Nodes.scala.
Now we are ready to generate the Verilog for our circuit.
val verilog = (new ChiselStage).emitVerilog(
LazyModule(new AdderTestHarness()(Parameters.empty)).module
Below is the generated Verilog for our modules! Note the parameterized ports
in Adder
, AdderDriver
, and AdderChecker
all get the lower width (4).
The LFSR is also parameterized to 4 bits.