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A centralised NLB set-up for VPN will be installed in the CSOC account. This is going to be a centralised VPN set-up. We plan to set-up different VPN set-ups for different environments like prod, qa and dev


There are two major driving force for implementing the VPN cluster set-up:

  1. Currently, there is a single VM installed as a OpenVPN server. All the users connects to that OpenVPN server and can access the adminVMs in CSOC via which they can access the data commons. A VPN cluster behind the NLB is going to provide a robust VPN system. All the keys, certs will be backed up securely to a S3 and can be retrieved as and when required. It will be quick to launch a new VPN cluster in case the VM goes down. It will also take care of AZ failure.
  2. Currently, all the adminVMs (prod, dev and qa) can be accessed by anyone who is connected to the current CSOC VPN. In fact on a CSOC VPN can access anything in the CSOC VPC (provided there keys are there) With the VPN cluster we have an option of having separate VPN system for separate environment. This is done by pushing appropriate routes to the VPN client machine and having the required ip table rules on the VPN server itself.


To launch a vpn-nlb central set-up, we run the following from the csoc master admin VM

gen3 workon csoc <vpnnlbname>_vpnnlbcentral

This launches a NLB with a target group pointing to the VM running VPN service. Listeners and target groups corresponding to port 1194, port 443 and port 22 are created to handle VPN traffic, HTTPS and SSH traffic respectively. Currently, the autoscaling group has a desired capacity of 1, hence at any point of time, we expect a cluster of one VM. This is a limitation with the NLB set-up as we do not have a stickiness feature for NLB and stickiness is a requirement for multiple VPN access servers behind a load balancer. However, we expect a single VPN VM sufficient for our requirement.


csoc prod-vpn

Hostname (FQDN) -

OpenVPN Network (csoc_vpn_subnet) -

VM network at CSOC for which the routes need to be pused (csoc_vm_subnet) -

VPN server cluster network at AWS (vpn_server_subnet) -

csoc dev-vpn

Hostname (FQDN) -

OpenVPN Network (csoc_vpn_subnet) -

VM network at CSOC for which the routes need to be pused (csoc_vm_subnet) -

VPN server cluster network at AWS (vpn_server_subnet) -


Renewing the OpenVPN server certs

  1. Create a directory to save the current certs mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/oldkeys.$(hostname).$(date +%F)

  2. Copy the current certs to the directory cp /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$(hostname)* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/oldkeys.$(hostname).$(date +%F)/

  3. Source the settings source /etc/openvpn/bin/

  4. Revoke the server cert $EASY_RSA/revoke-full $(hostname)

  5. Run the pki tool $EASY_RSA/pkitool --server $(hostname)

  6. Restart the vpn service systemctl restart openvpn

  7. Make sure the openvpn client can connect to the VPN from your user. If yes, push the changes to the S3 /etc/openvpn/openvpn_management_scripts/

Renewing the OpenVPN client certs

  1. Revoke the user /etc/openvpn/openvpn_management_scripts/ <username>

  2. Send the email /etc/openvpn/openvpn_management_scripts/ /root/<user.csv>

  3. Ask user to get rid of current vpn client config/set-up/2FA and rerun the .ovpn and 2FA as received in the email

Renewing the Lighttpd server certs

  1. Login to the VPN server behind the load balancer

  2. Generate a new CSR as cert.csr

openssl req -subj '/C=US/ST=IL/L=Chicago/O=CDIS' -new -key /root/cert.key -out /root/cert.csr

  1. Take a backup of the existing cert.pem server.pem

mv /root/cert.pem /root/cert.old.$(date +%F).pem

mv /root/server.pem /root/server.old.$(date +%F).pem

  1. Create the new cert.pem

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /root/cert.csr -signkey /root/cert.key -out /root/cert.pem

  1. Concatenate the cert.key and cert.pem and create a new server.pem

cat /root/cert.key /root/cert.pem > /root/server.pem

  1. Check for the end date on server.pem

openssl x509 -in /root/server.pem -noout -enddate

  1. Reload the cert for lighttpd

mv /etc/lighttpd/certs/server.pem /etc/lighttpd/certs/server.old.$(date +%F).pem

cp /root/server.pem /etc/lighttpd/certs/server.pem

  1. Restart the lighttpd service

service lighttpd restart

  1. Backup to S3



Once you workon the workspace, you may want to edit the config.tfvars accordingly.

There are mandatory variables, and there are a few other optionals that are set by default in the file, but you could change them accordingly.


env_vpn_nlb_name             = "occ-dev-vpn"
env_cloud_name               = ""
env_vpc_id                   = "vpc-0f8c7b18c1596fd73"
env_pub_subnet_routetable_id = "rtb-064af9f9b08de3dd8"
csoc_planx_dns_zone_id       = "Z043146513PFJKDJS33N1"
csoc_vpn_subnet              = ""
csoc_vm_subnet               = ""
vpn_server_subnet            = ""
image_name_search_criteria   = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-\*"
ssh_key_name                 = ""
csoc_account_id              = "504226487987"
organization_name            = "occ"
bootstrap_script             = ""
cwl_group_name               = "occ-dev-vpn.planx-pla.net_log_group"


Required Variables

Name Description Type Default
csoc_vpn_subnet string
csoc_vm_subnet Subnet where the vpn server will be string
vpn_server_subnet Subnet that the service will allocate to clients string

Optional Variables

Name Description Type Default
env_vpc_id VPC ID where where the instances will be. string "vpc-e2b51d99"
env_vpn_nlb_name Name for the instances. string "csoc-vpn-nlb"
env_cloud_name This one will be used as hostname. string "planxprod"
ami_account_id AWS account id to use for AMIs look up. strint "099720109477"
image_name_search_criteria AMI name intended to be used for the VM. deployment string "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-2018*"
env_pub_subnet_routetable_id Route table id used for public access. string "rtb-1cb66860"
csoc_planx_dns_zone_id Route53 host zone id to use for adding the vpn hostname. string "ZG153R4AYDHHK"
ssh_key_name Key to access the VM. It must exist already in the account. string "rarya_id_rsa"
bootstrap_path Path where the bootstrap scrip is. string "cloud-automation/flavors/vpn_nlb_central/"
bootstrap_script The actual bootstrap script in the path set above string ""
organization_name For tagging purposes string "Basic Service"
extra_vars Additional variables for the bootstrap script. Ex. key=value list []
authorized_keys This file content will be appended to the users .ssh/authorized_keys string "files/authorized_keys/ops_team"
cwl_group_name Logs group name for instances logs string "csoc-prod-vpn.planx-pla.net_log_group"
branch For testing purposes string "master"


Name Description
vpn_nlb_dns_name DNS name placed in the Route53 hosted zone specified as variable