Manage distributed locks
gen3 klock lock lock-name owner max-age [--wait wait-time]
Attempts to lock the lock lock-name in the namespace that KUBECTL_NAMESPACE is set to. Exits 0 if the lock is obtained and 1 if it is not obtained.
- lock-name: string, name of lock
- owner: string, name of owner - silently truncated to 45 characters
- max-age: int, number of seconds for the lock to persist before expiring
- -w, --wait: option to make lock spin wait
- wait-time: int, number of seconds to spin wait for
gen3 klock unlock lock-name owner
Attempts to unlock the lock lock-name in the namespace that KUBECTL_NAMESPACE is set to. Exits 0 if the lock is unlocked and 1 if it fails. The owner is silently truncated to 45 characters.
gen3 klock list
List basic information on existing locks.