Repository of PCDC Documentation
Built with mkdocs material
Publish using mkdocs gh-deploy
- python -m venv env
- source env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- bash
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt install python3.8-venv
- python3 -m venv env
- source env/bin/activate
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- source env/bin/activate
mkdocs serve
to run it locally
- Create your feature branch out of dev
- Make the necessary changes
- Test locally with
mkdocs serve
and/ormkdocs build
- Once satified with the changes submit a PR to the
Document update emails default to Instructions to change email address:
- Go to settings
- on the left click the 'Secrets' tab
- select action
- go to the secret called EMAILLIST
- If EMAILLIST doesn't exists create a new repository secret not an enviorment secret
- put 'None' for default email or add alternative email address
The API request requires three redentials (Request URL, API key, & key ID) to complete a access token request. These three credentials will be stored in Github Secrets. To add or change them the instructions are as follows:
- Go to settings
- on the left click the 'Secrets' tab
- select action
- go to the secret
- either edit or create a new secret
- Must be named REQUESTURL, APIKEY and KEYID
- put in corrisponding credentials
- credentials can be gathered by going to the profile page and clicking the orange get API key button
- further explanation at here
Use this link for refernce
- install correct version of Homebrew for your device here
- download Act extension using:
brew install act
- test actions using act
- act -W /path/to/ -s EMAILLIST=None