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Error creating formatter: PrettyFace::Formatter::HTML (Gem::LoadError) #34

saikrishna321 opened this issue Aug 7, 2014 · 11 comments


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Hi Guys,

When i tried to create pretty face report i get the below error

i used pretty_face as :: calabash-android run tablet_build5.apk --format PrettyFace::Formatter::HTML --out result/index.html --tags @clean

Could not find 'syntax' (>= 0) among 199 total gem(s)
Error creating formatter: PrettyFace::Formatter::HTML (Gem::LoadError)
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/dependency.rb:298:in to_specs' /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1295:inblock in activate_dependencies'
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1284:in each' /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1284:inactivate_dependencies'
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/specification.rb:1266:in activate' /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems.rb:196:inrescue in try_activate'
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems.rb:193:in try_activate' /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:132:inrescue in require'
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:144:in require' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/constantize.rb:17:inrescue in constantize'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/constantize.rb:6:in constantize' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb:83:informatter_class'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb:182:in block in formatters' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb:178:inmap'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb:178:in formatters' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/configuration.rb:76:inbuild_tree_walker'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/runtime.rb:46:in run!' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/lib/cucumber/cli/main.rb:47:inexecute!'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cucumber-1.3.15/bin/cucumber:13:in <top (required)>' /usr/bin/cucumber:23:inload'
/usr/bin/cucumber:23:in `


Can you please help me with this ?

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iaacek commented Aug 7, 2014

Do you have 'syntax' gem installed or in your gemfile?

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@iaacek Nope i don't have in either gem installed or gem file

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionpack (4.1.4)
actionview (4.1.4)
activesupport (4.1.4, 4.1.2.rc1, 3.2.19)
addressable (2.3.6)
appium_lib (4.1.0)
autotest (4.4.6)
awesome_print (1.2.0)
axiom-types (0.1.1)
blankslate (
builder (3.2.2)
bundle (0.0.1)
bundler (1.6.2, 1.0.22)
calabash-android (1.0.0.tesco, 0.5.3.tesco, 0.5.2.tesco, 0.5.0.pre2, 0.4.99, 0.4.25.tesco2, 0.4.25.tesco, 0.4.24.tesco1, 0.4.23.tesco1, 0.4.23.tesco, 0.4.22.tesco, 0.4.22.pre5, 0.4.21, 0.4.20, 0.1.2.tesco, 0.1.1.tesco)
calabash-common (0.0.1)
calabash-cucumber (0.10.0.pre1, 0.9.169, 0.9.168, 0.9.168.pre4, 0.9.167)
capybara (2.2.1)
CFPropertyList (2.2.8, 2.2.7, 2.2.0)
childprocess (0.5.3)
claide (0.6.1)
cocoapods (0.33.1)
cocoapods-core (0.33.1)
cocoapods-downloader (0.6.1)
cocoapods-plugins (0.2.0)
cocoapods-trunk (0.1.4)
cocoapods-try (0.3.0)
coderay (1.1.0)
coercible (1.0.0)
color (1.7)
colored (1.2)
cookiejar (0.3.2)
cucumber (1.3.15, 1.3.14, 1.3.12, 1.3.11, 1.3.10)
cucumber_statistics (1.0.2)
cucumber_timing_presenter (
cuke_sniffer (0.0.8)
daemons (1.1.9)
debase (0.0.9)
debugger-ruby_core_source (1.3.4)
descendants_tracker (0.0.4)
diff-lcs (1.2.5)
docile (1.1.3)
edn (1.0.6, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
em-http-request (1.1.2)
em-socksify (0.3.0)
equalizer (0.0.9)
erubis (2.7.0)
escape (0.0.4)
eventmachine (1.0.3)
fakeweb (1.3.0)
faraday (0.9.0)
ffi (1.9.3)
fiber (0.0.1)
fuubar-cucumber (0.0.21)
fuzzy_match (2.0.4)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
geocoder (1.1.9)
gherkin (2.12.2)
git (1.2.6, 1.2.5)
haml (4.0.5)
hashie (2.1.1)
http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
httparty (0.13.1)
httpclient (
i18n (0.6.9)
ice_nine (0.11.0)
jeweler (1.5.2)
json (1.8.1)
json_pure (1.8.1)
libxml-ruby (2.6.0)
log4r (1.1.9)
method_source (0.8.2)
mime-types (2.3, 1.25.1)
mini_portile (0.6.0, 0.5.3)
minitest (5.3.4)
minitest-matchers (1.4.1)
multi_json (1.10.1, 1.10.0, 1.9.2, 1.9.0, 1.8.4)
multi_test (0.1.1, 0.0.3)
multi_xml (0.5.5)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
nap (0.8.0)
netrc (0.7.7)
nokogiri (, 1.5.6)
open4 (1.3.4)
parslet (1.5.0, 1.4.0)
Platform (0.4.0)
prawn (0.8.4)
prawn-core (0.8.4)
prawn-layout (0.8.4)
prawn-security (0.8.4)
pretty_face (0.10.2)
pry (
rack (1.5.2)
rack-protection (1.5.3, 1.5.2)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rake (10.3.2, 10.3.1, 10.1.1, 10.1.0, 0.8.7)
rdoc (4.1.1)
require_all (1.3.2)
rest-client (1.6.8, 1.6.7)
retriable (
rmagick (2.13.2)
roxml (3.3.1)
rspec (3.0.0, 2.14.1)
rspec-core (3.0.2, 2.14.8)
rspec-expectations (3.0.2, 2.14.5)
rspec-mocks (3.0.2, 2.14.6)
rspec-support (3.0.2)
ruby-debug-ide (0.4.23.beta1)
ruby-progressbar (1.2.0)
rubygems-update (2.2.2)
rubyzip (1.1.4, 0.9.9)
run_loop (0.2.1, 0.2.1.pre1, 0.2.0, 0.1.5)
rvm (
selenium-webdriver (2.35.1)
shoulda-context (1.2.1)
sim_launcher (0.4.11, 0.4.10, 0.4.9, 0.4.6)
simple_cmd (0.0.1)
simplecov (0.8.2)
simplecov-html (0.8.0)
simplecov-rcov (0.2.3)
sinatra (1.4.5, 1.4.4, 1.0)
slop (3.5.0)
slowhandcuke (0.0.3)
sqlite3 (1.3.7)
thor (0.19.1, 0.18.1)
thread_safe (0.3.4, 0.3.3)
tilt (1.4.1)
timestamped-scenarios (0.1.0)
toml (0.1.1)
tzinfo (1.2.1)
viewcumber (0.3.1)
virtus (1.0.2)
websocket (1.0.7)
xamarin-test-cloud (0.9.33, 0.9.30, 0.9.29)
xcodeproj (0.17.0)
xpath (2.0.0)
yard (0.6.8)
ZenTest (4.10.0)

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@iaacek when i install syntax gem then i get the below error running ma cucumber

uninitialized constant Syntax::Ruby::Set (NameError)

Once i uninstall the syntax gem then cucumber runs fine

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iaacek commented Aug 7, 2014

Interesting. Because looking at my gemfile.lock there is:
pretty_face (0.10.2)
actionpack (>= 3.2.13)

so it's dependency for pretty_face and according to 'gem list' I have 'syntax (1.2.0)' installed. Also the first line in the error you posted says: Could not find 'syntax' ... Not sure why cucumber complains about syntax, try maybe add syntax to your gemfile although it shouldn't be needed. I would also search the whole code for 'syntax' expression just to be sure. My cucumber is working fine with syntax installed...

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@iaacek can you please confirm your cucumber and syntax version ?

FYI : i haven't installed syntax gem in ma machine currently

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iaacek commented Aug 7, 2014

My gem list:

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionpack (4.1.4, 4.0.4)
actionview (4.1.4)
activesupport (4.1.4, 4.0.4)
bigdecimal (1.2.0)
builder (3.2.2)
bundler (1.6.5)
childprocess (0.5.3)
cucumber (1.3.16)
debase (0.0.9)
debugger-ruby_core_source (1.3.5)
diff-lcs (1.2.5)
erubis (2.7.0)
faker (1.4.2)
ffi (1.9.3 x86-mingw32)
gherkin (2.12.2 x86-mingw32)
i18n (0.6.11)
io-console (0.4.2)
json (1.8.1, 1.7.7)
minitest (5.4.0, 4.3.2)
multi_json (1.10.1)
multi_test (0.1.1)
pretty_face (0.10.2)
psych (2.0.0)
rack (1.5.2)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rake (10.3.2, 0.9.6)
rdoc (4.0.0)
require_all (1.3.2)
rspec (3.0.0)
rspec-core (3.0.3)
rspec-expectations (3.0.3)
rspec-mocks (3.0.3)
rspec-support (3.0.3)
ruby-debug-ide (0.4.23.beta1)
rubyzip (1.1.6)
selenium-webdriver (2.42.0)
syntax (1.2.0)
test-unit (
thread_safe (0.3.4)
tzinfo (1.2.1)
watir-webdriver (0.6.10)
websocket (1.0.7)
yard (

I would play around with syntax a bit if I were you.

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@iaacek thanks a lot. will look into this. My gems are pretty much the same as yours.

What you think would be causing this issues?

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@sahithya can you look into this pls

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For whatever it's worth, I get the same issue as mentioned above.

uninitialized constant Syntax::Ruby::Set
Error creating formatter: PrettyFace::Formatter::Html (NameError)

I've done some searching but everything I've found seems to hinge on having Syntax as part of your gem file, which I do.

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+1 Any updates on this guys

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