Checkpoint uses a configuration object to determine which networks and contract information it will be indexing.
// Configuration used to initialize Checkpoint
export interface CheckpointConfig {
network_node_url: string;
optimistic_indexing?: boolean;
fetch_interval?: number;
tx_fn?: string;
global_events?: ContractSourceConfig[];
sources?: ContractSourceConfig[];
templates?: { [key: string]: ContractTemplate };
// mapping from ABI name to contract ABI
abis?: { [key: string]: any };
export interface ContractEventConfig {
// name of event in the contract
name: string;
// callback function in writer
fn: string;
export interface ContractSourceConfig {
// contract address
contract: string;
// name of ABI (if used it Checkpoint will parse events using provided ABI)
abi?: string;
// start block number
start: number;
// callback function in writer to handle deployment
deploy_fn?: string;
events: ContractEventConfig[];
export interface ContractTemplate {
// name of ABI (if used it Checkpoint will parse events using provided ABI)
abi?: string;
events: ContractEventConfig[];