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base repository: chavyleung/scripts
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base: 0.7.69
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head repository: chavyleung/scripts
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compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 11,778 additions and 7,635 deletions.
  1. +12 −0 .gitignore
  2. +6 −0 .prettierrc
  3. +1 −1 10000/
  4. +582 −168 Env.js
  5. +1 −1 Env.min.js
  6. +66 −72 Loon.cookie.conf
  7. +56 −61 Loon.task.conf
  8. +7 −18 QuantumultX_AppStore_Local_Cookie.conf
  9. +5 −20 QuantumultX_Local_Cookie.conf
  10. +3 −16 QuantumultX_Local_Task.conf
  11. +0 −27 QuantumultX_Remote_Task.conf
  12. +96 −4
  13. 0 { → achived}/10086/10086.cookie.js
  14. 0 { → achived}/10086/10086.fee.cookie.js
  15. 0 { → achived}/10086/10086.fee.js
  16. 0 { → achived}/10086/10086.js
  17. 0 { → achived}/10086/
  18. 0 { → achived}/bcz/
  19. 0 { → achived}/bcz/bcz.cookie.js
  20. 0 { → achived}/bcz/bcz.js
  21. 0 { → achived}/dbsj/
  22. 0 { → achived}/dbsj/dbsj.cookie.js
  23. 0 { → achived}/dbsj/dbsj.js
  24. 0 { → achived}/fenqile/
  25. 0 { → achived}/fenqile/fenqile.cookie.js
  26. 0 { → achived}/fenqile/fenqile.js
  27. +8 −1 bilibili/
  28. +204 −89 bilibili/bilibili.js
  29. +152 −0 bilibili/redpocket.js
  30. +2,944 −2,209 box/chavy.boxjs.html
  31. +580 −147 box/chavy.boxjs.js
  32. +448 −91 box/chavy.boxjs.json
  33. +29 −0 box/chavy.boxjs.test.json
  34. BIN box/icons/BoxJs.dark.png
  35. BIN box/icons/BoxJs.light.png
  36. +1,211 −46 box/release/box.release.json
  37. +1,052 −19 box/release/
  38. +14 −1 box/rewrite/boxjs.rewrite.loon.plugin
  39. +14 −1 box/rewrite/
  40. +3 −1 box/rewrite/boxjs.rewrite.quanx.conf
  41. +3 −1 box/rewrite/
  42. +31 −0 box/rewrite/boxjs.rewrite.stash.stoverride
  43. +31 −0 box/rewrite/
  44. +11 −1 box/rewrite/boxjs.rewrite.surge.sgmodule
  45. +13 −3 box/rewrite/
  46. +17 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.baks.js
  47. +33 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.boxjs.js
  48. +14 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.caches.js
  49. +18 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.usercfgs.debugger.js
  50. +15 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.usercfgs.favapps.js
  51. +15 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.usercfgs.httpbackend.js
  52. +12 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.usercfgs.js
  53. +14 −0 box/scripts/boxjs.revert.usercfgs.sessions.js
  54. +55 −15 box/switcher/box.switcher.js
  55. +580 −147
  56. +32 −0 citybox/citybox.cookie.js
  57. +61 −0 citybox/citybox.js
  58. +20 −0 emby/emby.js
  59. +8 −0 emby/emby.sgmodule
  60. +21 −82 feng/
  61. +20 −61 feng/feng.cookie.js
  62. +42 −90 feng/feng.js
  63. +6 −6 flyertea/
  64. +17 −59 flyertea/flyertea.js
  65. +44 −0 follow/follow.js
  66. +5 −5 ithome/ithome.cookie.js
  67. +3 −3 ithome/ithome.js
  68. +2 −1 jddj/jddj.js
  69. +0 −117 midu/
  70. +0 −171 midu/midu.cookie.js
  71. +0 −372 midu/miduRead.js
  72. +0 −174 midu/
  73. +0 −453 midu/miduSign.js
  74. +0 −479 midu/
  75. +817 −0 package-lock.json
  76. +9 −8 package.json
  77. BIN qtt/.DS_Store
  78. +0 −129 qtt/
  79. +0 −93 qtt/qtt.cookie.js
  80. +0 −893 qtt/qtt.js
  81. +4 −417 rrtv/rrtv.js
  82. +21 −82 sfexpress/
  83. +19 −63 sfexpress/sfexpress.cookie.js
  84. +111 −73 sfexpress/sfexpress.js
  85. +39 −74 smzdm/quanx/smzdm.js
  86. +39 −74 smzdm/smzdm.js
  87. +3 −12 surge.cookies.sgmodule
  88. +2 −1 surge.tasks.sgmodule
  89. +29 −0 testflight/
  90. +8 −0 testflight/rewrite/testflight.har.sgmodule
  91. +5 −0 testflight/rewrite/testflight.sgmodule
  92. +13 −0 testflight/testflight.har.js
  93. +132 −0 testflight/testflight.js
  94. +1 −1 tieba/tieba.cookie.js
  95. +17 −8 tieba/tieba.js
  96. +1 −1 v2ex/quanx/v2ex.cookie.js
  97. +1 −1 v2ex/v2ex.cookie.js
  98. +9 −6 videoqq/videoqq.js
  99. +1 −1 wanda/wanda.js
  100. +24 −30 wps/wps.js
  101. +5 −8 ximalaya/
  102. +31 −0 xunlei/xunlei.js
  103. +12 −0 xunlei/xunlei.sgmodule
  104. +259 −130 yarn.lock
  105. +1 −95 zimuzu/zimuzu.js
  106. +39 −74 zsfc/
  107. +958 −128 zsfc/zsfc.js
  108. +531 −0 zsfc/zsfc.treasure.js
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@


6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .prettierrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"quoteProps": "consistent",
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "none"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 10000/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

http-request ^https:\/\/\/api\/home\/homeInfo script-path=, requires-body=true
http-request ^https:\/\/\/jt-sign\/api\/home\/homeInfo script-path=, requires-body=true
cron "10 0 0 * * *" script-path=
