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parkd126 edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 7 revisions



Name Type Description Request Methods
assignedToId Int The ID of the user the entire test plan is assigned to getPlan, getPlans
blockedCount Int The amount of tests in the test plan marked as blocked getPlan, getPlans
completedOn Timestamp The date/time when the test plan was closed (as UNIX timestamp) getPlan, getPlans
createdBy Int The ID of the user who created the test plan getPlan, getPlans
createdOn Timestamp The date/time when the test plan was created (as UNIX timestamp) getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount1 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount2 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount3 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount4 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount5 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount6 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
customStatusCount7 Int The amount of tests in the test plan with the respective custom status getPlan, getPlans
id Int The unique ID of the test plan getPlan, getPlans, updatePlan, closePlan, deletePlan
failedCount Int The amount of tests in the test plan marked as failed getPlan, getPlans
isCompleted Boolean True if the test plan was closed and false otherwise getPlan, getPlans
passedCount Int The amount of tests in the test plan marked as passed getPlan, getPlans
projectId Int The ID of the project this test plan belongs to getPlan, getPlans, addPlan, updatePlan
retestCount Int The amount of tests in the test plan marked as retest getPlan, getPlans
untestedCount Int The amount of tests in the test plan marked as untested getPlan, getPlans
url String The address/URL of the test plan in the user interface getPlan, getPlans
name String The name of the test plan getPlan, getPlans, addPlan, updatePlan
description String The description of the test plan getPlan, getPlans, addPlan, updatePlan
milestoneId Int The ID of the milestone this test plan belongs to getPlan, getPlans, addPlan, updatePlan
entries List<PlanEntry> An array of 'entries', i.e. group of test runs getPlan, addPlan


GET Requests:

1. getPlan


Returns an existing test plan.

Name Type Description Required
planId Int The ID of the test plan Yes
val somePlan = Plan().getPlan(planId = 1)


2. getPlans


Returns a list of test plans for a project.

Name Type Description Required
projectId Int The ID of the project Yes
createdAfter Timestamp Only return test plans created after this date (as UNIX timestamp). No
createdBefore Timestamp Only return test plans created before this date (as UNIX timestamp). No
createdBy List<Int> A comma-separated list of creators (user IDs) to filter by. No
isCompleted Boolean True to return completed test plans only. False to return active test plans only. No
limit Int Limit the result to :limit test plans. No
offset Int Use :offset to skip records. No
milestoneId List<Int> A comma-separated list of milestone IDs to filter by. No
val somePlansList = Plan().getPlans(projectId = 1)


POST Requests:

1. addPlan


Creates a new test plan.

Required Parameters:
val somePlan = Plan(
    projectId = 1,
    name = "Some Plan Name"


2. updatePlan


Updates an existing test plan (partial updates are supported, i.e. you can submit and update specific fields only).

Required Parameters:
val somePlan = Plan(
    id = 1,
    name = "Some Updated Plan Name"


3. closePlan


Closes an existing test plan and archives its test runs & results.

Required Parameters:
val somePlan = Plan(id = 1)


4. deletePlan


Deletes an existing test plan.

Required Parameters:
val somePlan = Plan(id = 1)


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