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Local Development Environment

Required software

Install general pre-requisites:

  1. Install basic developer tools:
xcode-select --install
  1. Install homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install CZI homebrew tap:
brew tap chanzuckerberg/tap
  1. Install base software:
brew install chanzuckerberg/tap/happy aws-oidc blessclient@1 fogg pre-commit
brew install awscli@2 python3 jq docker terraform
brew install --cask session-manager-plugin
  1. Install and start docker desktop

  2. Ask a CZGE engineer to add your email to this list of authorized users for access to CZGE AWS accounts.

  3. Request read access to the czgenepi-infra repo

  4. Configure aws access:

aws-oidc configure --issuer-url --client-id aws-config --config-url
blessclient import-config

# accept defaults for region (us-west-2) and AWS default role (poweruser)

Development quickstart

  1. Run pre-commit install to install all the git pre-commit hooks
  2. Clone the CZ Gen Epi repository.
  3. From the root of this repository (cd czgenepi), run make local-init to build and run the dev environment. The first build takes awhile, but subsequent runs will use cached artifacts.
  4. Visit http://backend.genepinet.localdev:3000 to view the backend, and http://frontend.genepinet.localdev:8000 for the frontend.
  5. make local-pgconsole starts a connection with the local postgresql db.
  6. Open the source code and start editing!
    • Modify code in the src/frontend directory, save your changes and the browser will update in real time.
    • Modify code in the src/backend directory, and the backend api will reload automatically.

OAuth creds

Username: User1 / Password: pwd (users are defined here)

Containers managed by the dev environment

The Aspen dev environment is a set of containers defined in docker-compose.yml. The backend docker image and frontend docker image are built locally. Update any of these files as necessary and run make local-sync to sync your dev environment with these configs.

Dev Environment Containers

Updating frontend/backend dependencies

Both the frontend and backend services will automatically reload when their source code is modified, but they won't automatically rebuild when their dependencies (such as npm or pip package lists) change.

To update frontend changes:

  1. add dependency to src/frontend/package.json (or add a new scripts command)
  2. run make local-update-frontend-deps (updates package-lock.json)
  3. run make local-sync

To update backend dependencies:

  1. run 'docker compose exec backend poetry add PACKAGE_NAME_HERE`

Update Dev Data

The dev environment is initialized with AWS Secrets/S3 data in the scripts/, src/backend/scripts/ script, as well as DB migrations from src/backend/database_migrations.

  • To add more data or run migrations, modify these scripts and run make local-init to reload the dev environment's data stores.
  • Some data such as tree jsons may be cached and need make local-clean before make local-init to update.
  • Changes to the postgresql database via make local-pgconsole are live immediately.

Make targets for managing dev:

Command Description Notes
make help Learn more about what make targets are available
make local-init Launch a new local dev env and populate it with test data.
make local-start Start a local dev environment that's been stopped.
make local-stop Stop the local dev environment.
make local-pgconsole Connect to the local database via the psql CLI.
make local-dbconsole Connect to the local database with a python interpreter.
make local-logs Tail the logs of the dev env containers. Run make local-logs CONTAINER=backend to tail the logs of a specific container. Dev containers are: backend, frontend, localstack, database, oidc
make local-shell CONTAINER=frontend Open a command shell in one of the dev containers Dev containers are: backend, frontend, localstack, database, oidc
make local-status Show the status of the containers in the dev environment.
make local-clean Remove everything related to the local dev environment (including db data!)
make local-sync Re-sync the local-environment state after modifying library deps or docker configs
make frontend-tests run npm test in the frontend container (unit tests confined to src/frontend)
make frontend-e2e run npm run e2e in the frontend container (end to end tests confined to src/frontend)
make frontend-lint run npm run lint to lint (eslint & stylelint) and autofix front end code
make frontend-test-build run npm run build in src/frontend
make frontend-check-style run npm run lint-ci in src/frontend to lint (eslint & stylelint) but NOT fix front end code
make backend-alembic-upgrade-head Upgrade local DB with new revisions
make utility-alembic-autogenerate MESSAGE="descriptive message" Autogenerate migration against local DB
make backend-alembic-undo-migration Undo the last applied migration
make backend-test Runs pytest in src/backend
make backend-check-style Runs mypy, flake8, isort, and black style checkers against files in src/backend
make backend-run-style Runs isort and black against files in src/backend
make backend-debugger Attach to the backend service use this to connect to pdb console if setting break points using pdb
make rm-pycache removes all __pycache__ files run this command if encountering issues with pycharm debugger (containers exiting prematurely)

External dependencies

The dev environment has no network dependencies, but it launches some extra containers to mock external dependencies:

TLS Certificate for mock authentication service

Due to browser security considerations, we must run the mock authentication service using a self-signed certificate. The local-init and local-clean make targets handle managing a keypair/certificate for each dev env and installing it in the OSX system keychain.

Details: OIDC requires setting a token, and requires the cookie storing that token to be stored with samesite=None to work properly. Recent versions of browsers such as Chrome intentionally only allow samesite=None if the connection is over a secure network connection i.e. TLS. Thus we need to run even a local development auth service behind a certificate. We bundle a pre-generated self-signed cert in for convenience.

Attaching the backend remote container and entering debug mode in VSCode:

  • Run the Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container command
  • navigate to the Run and Debug panel option (debug icon in left side, see debugging guide link below for help)
  • hit the green play button next to Python: FastAPI
  • wait until terminal is listening on port 3000
  • enter breakpoints
  • navigate to api endpoint url


Drop out of remote container mode:

  • Run the Remote-Containers: Reopen Folder Locally command

Capturing Analytics Events: