Schnorr signature in Tapyrus is adapted from the proposal by Mark B. Lundeberg from Bitcoin cash ( which is based on the proposal by Pieter Wuille from bitcoin (bip-schnorr:
- The secret key sk: a 32-byte array
- The message m: a 32-byte array
To sign m for public key pubkey(sk):
- Let d' = int(sk).
- Fail if d' = 0 or d' >= n, where n is the order of the elliptic curve
- Let P = d'G.
- Let k = nonce_rfc6979(m, sk).
- Let R = k'G.
- Let k = k' if jacobi(y(R)) = 1, otherwise let k = n - k'.
- Let e = int(sha256(bytes(x(R)) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n.
- The signature is bytes(x(R)) || bytes((k + ed) mod n).
* Given the input message m and private key x
1. Process m through the hash function H, yielding:
h1 = H(m)
2. Let V = 0x01 0x01 0x01 ... 0x01 (length of V is 32 octets).
3. Let K = 0x00 0x00 0x00 ... 0x00 (length of K is 32 octets).
4. Let K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1) || k')
where '||' denotes concatenation.
and k' (additional data) = "SCHNORR + SHA256"
5. Set V = HMAC_K(V)
6. Set K = HMAC_K(V || 0x01 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1))
7. Set V = HMAC_K(V)
8. Apply the following algorithm until a proper value is found for k:
1. Set T to the empty sequence and the length of T, tlen = 0.
2. While tlen < qlen, do the following:
T = T || V
3. Compute k = bits2int(T)
If k is within [1,q-1] return k
Otherwise, compute:
K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00)
and loop (try to generate a new T, and so on).
- The public key P: a 32-byte array
- The message m: a 32-byte array
- A signature (r,s): a 64-byte array
- Fail if point P is not actually on the curve, or if it is the point at infinity.
- Fail if r >= p, where p is the field size used in secp256k1.
- Fail if s >= n, where n is the order of the secp256k1 curve.
- Let BP be the 33-byte encoding of P as a compressed point.
- Let Br be the 32-byte encoding of r as an unsigned big-endian 256-bit integer.
- Let e = H(Br | BP | m) mod n.
- Here | means byte-string concatenation and function H() takes the SHA256 hash of its 97-byte input and returns it decoded as a big-endian unsigned integer.
- Let R' = sG - eP, where G is the secp256k1 generator point.
- Fail if R' is the point at infinity.
- Fail if the X coordinate of R' is not equal to r.
- Fail if the Jacobi symbol of the Y coordinate of R' is not 1.
- Otherwise, the signature is valid.
In Tapyrus, Schnorr signatures are encoded in fixed size as
| r | s | hashbyte |
r - 32 bytes. the unsigned big-endian 256-bit encoding of the Schnorr signature's r integer.
s - 32 bytes. the unsigned big-endian 256-bit encoding of the Schnorr signature's s integer.
hashtype - 1 byte. informs OP_CHECKSIG/VERIFY mechanics.
Signing on Tapyrus can be done using either ECDSA or Schnorr signature schemes. The following RPCs have an additional parameter to choose the signature scheme:
- signrawtransaction
- signrawtransactionwithkey
- signrawtransactionwithwallet
Verification of a script with Schnorr signature is done using the following OP codes:
- Tapyrus assumes that all 65 byte signatures use Schnorr scheme(64 bytes in case of OP_CHECKDATASIG).
- OP_MULTISIG is similar in both ECDSA and Schnorr schemes, we do not use batch verification in schnorr signatures.
- OP_MULTISIG does not allow mixing ECDSA and Schnorr signatures.