We welcome contributions from the community. Please read the following guidelines carefully to
maximize the chances of your PR being merged.

# Communication

* Before starting work on a major feature, please reach out to us via GitHub, Slack,
  email, etc. We will make sure no one else is already working on it and ask you to open a
  GitHub issue.
* A "major feature" is defined as any change that is > 100 LOC altered (not including tests), or
  changes any user-facing behavior. We will use the GitHub issue to discuss the feature and come to
  agreement. This is to prevent your time being wasted, as well as ours. The GitHub review process
  for major features is also important so that [organizations with commit access](OWNERS.md) can
  come to agreement on design. If it is appropriate to write a design document, the document must
  be hosted either in the GitHub tracking issue, or linked to from the issue and hosted in a
  world-readable location.
* Specifically, if the goal is to add a new [extension](REPO_LAYOUT.md#sourceextensions-layout),
  please read the [extension policy](GOVERNANCE.md#extension-addition-policy).
* Small patches and bug fixes don't need prior communication.

# Coding style

* See [STYLE.md](STYLE.md)

# Inclusive language policy

The Envoy community has an explicit goal to be inclusive to all. As such, all PRs must adhere to the
following guidelines for all code, APIs, and documentation:

* The following words and phrases are not allowed:
  * *Whitelist*: use allowlist instead.
  * *Blacklist*: use denylist or blocklist instead.
  * *Master*: use primary or main instead.
  * *Slave*: use secondary or replica instead.
* Documentation should be written in an inclusive style. The [Google developer
  documentation](https://developers.google.com/style/inclusive-documentation) contains an excellent
  reference on this topic.
* The above policy is not considered definitive and may be amended in the future as industry best
  practices evolve. Additional comments on this topic may be provided by maintainers during code

# Breaking change policy

Both API and implementation stability are important to Envoy. Since the API is consumed by clients
beyond Envoy, it has a distinct set of [versioning guidelines](api/API_VERSIONING.md). Below, we
articulate the Envoy implementation stability rules, which operate within the context of the API
versioning guidelines:

* Features may be marked as deprecated in a given versioned API at any point in time, but this may
  only be done when a replacement implementation and configuration path is available in Envoy on
  main. Deprecators must implement a conversion from the deprecated configuration to the latest
  `vNalpha` (with the deprecated field) that Envoy uses internally. A field may be deprecated if
  this tool would be able to perform the conversion. For example, removing a field to describe
  HTTP/2 window settings is valid if a more comprehensive HTTP/2 protocol options field is being
  introduced to replace it. The PR author deprecating the old configuration is responsible for
  updating all tests and canonical configuration, or guarding them with the
  `DEPRECATED_FEATURE_TEST()` macro. This will be validated by the `bazel.compile_time_options`
  target, which will hard-fail when deprecated configuration is used. The majority of tests and
  configuration for a feature should be expressed in terms of the latest Envoy internal
  configuration (i.e. `vNalpha`), only a minimal number of tests necessary to validate configuration
  translation should be guarded via the `DEPRECATED_FEATURE_TEST()` macro.
* We will delete deprecated configuration across major API versions. E.g. a field marked deprecated
  in v2 will be removed in v3.
* Unless the community and Envoy maintainer team agrees on an exception, during the
  first release cycle after a feature has been deprecated, use of that feature
  will cause a logged warning, and incrementing the
  `runtime.deprecated_feature_use` stat.
  During the second release cycle, use of the deprecated configuration will
  cause a configuration load failure, unless the feature in question is
  explicitly overridden in
  config ([example](configs/using_deprecated_config.yaml)), or if
  `envoy.features.enable_all_deprecated_features` is set to true. Finally, following the deprecation
  of the API major version where the field was first marked deprecated, the entire implementation
  code will be removed from the Envoy implementation.
* If the runtime key `envoy.features.fail_on_any_deprecated_feature` is enabled,
  use of deprecated fields will trigger a configuration load failure
  rather than a logged warning.
* This policy means that organizations deploying main should have some time to get ready for
  breaking changes at the next major API version. This is typically a window of at least 12 months
  or until the organization moves to the next major API version.
* The breaking change policy also applies to source level extensions (e.g., filters). Code that
  conforms to the public interface documentation should continue to compile and work within the
  deprecation window. Within this window, a warning of deprecation should be carefully logged (some
  features might need rate limiting for logging this). We make no guarantees about code or deployments
  that rely on undocumented behavior. See [extension removal policy](./EXTENSION_POLICY.md#removing-existing-extensions)
  for more information.
* All deprecations/breaking changes will be clearly listed in the [version history](docs/root/version_history/).
* High risk deprecations/breaking changes may be announced to the
  [envoy-announce](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/envoy-announce) email list but by default
  it is expected the multi-phase warn-by-default/fail-by-default is sufficient to warn users to move
  away from deprecated features.

# Submitting a PR

* Fork the repo.
* In your local repo, install the git hooks that implement various important pre-commit and
  pre-push checks:


  Please see [support/README.md](support/README.md) for more information on these hooks.

* Create your PR. If your PR adds new code, it should include tests [covering](source/docs/coverage.md) the new code. Please note that draft PRs may not be reviewed and will likely not be triaged, so do not create your PR as a draft if you want prompt reviews!
* Tests will automatically run for you.
* We will **not** merge any PR that is not passing tests.
* PRs are expected to have 100% test coverage for added code. This can be verified with a coverage
  build. If your PR cannot have 100% coverage for some reason please clearly explain why when you
  open it.
* Any PR that changes user-facing behavior **must** have associated documentation in [docs](docs) as
  well as [release notes](changelogs/current.yaml). API changes should be documented
  inline with protos as per the [API contribution guidelines](api/CONTRIBUTING.md). If a change applies
  to multiple sections of the release notes, it should be noted in the first (most important) section
  that applies. For instance, a bug fix that introduces incompatible behavior should be noted in
  `Incompatible Behavior Changes` but not in `Bug Fixes`.
* All code comments and documentation are expected to have proper English grammar and punctuation.
  If you are not a fluent English speaker (or a bad writer ;-)) please let us know and we will try
  to find some help but there are no guarantees.
* Your PR title should be descriptive, and generally start with a subsystem name followed by a
  colon. Examples:
  * "docs: fix grammar error"
  * "http conn man: add new feature"
* Your PR commit message will be used as the commit message when your PR is merged. You should
  update this field if your PR diverges during review.
* Your PR description should have details on what the PR does. If it fixes an existing issue it
  should end with "Fixes #XXX".
* If your PR is co-authored or based on an earlier PR from another contributor,
  please attribute them with `Co-authored-by: name <name@example.com>`. See
  GitHub's [multiple author
  for further details.
* When all of the tests are passing and all other conditions described herein are satisfied, a
  maintainer will be assigned to review and merge the PR.
* Once your PR is under review, *please do not rebase it*. If you rebase, you will need to force push to
  github, and github's user interface will force your reviewer to review the PR
  from scratch rather than simply look at your latest changes.  It's much easier to review
  new commits and/or merges. We squash rebase the final merged commit so the number of commits
  you have in the PR don't matter. Again once your PR is assigned a reviewer, unless you need to fix DCO
  *please do not force push*.  If you need to pull recent changes you can run
  branch=$(git status|head -1|cut -f3 -d\ )
  git checkout main
  git pull
  git checkout "$branch"
  git merge main
* We expect that once a PR is opened, it will be actively worked on until it is merged or closed.
  We reserve the right to close PRs that are not making progress. This is generally defined as no
  changes for 7 days. Obviously PRs that are closed due to lack of activity can be reopened later.
  Closing stale PRs helps us to keep on top of all of the work currently in flight.
* If a commit deprecates a feature, the commit message must mention what has been deprecated.
  Additionally, the [version history](changelogs/current.yaml) must be updated with
  relevant RST links for fields and messages as part of the commit.
* Please consider joining the [envoy-dev](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/envoy-dev)
  mailing list.
* If your PR involves any changes to
  [envoy-filter-example](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy-filter-example) (for example making a new
  branch so that CI can pass) it is your responsibility to follow through with merging those
  changes back to main once the CI dance is done.
* If your PR is a high risk change, the reviewer may ask that you runtime guard
  it. See the section on runtime guarding below.

# Runtime guarding

Some changes in Envoy are deemed worthy of runtime guarding. Instead of just replacing
old code with new code, both code paths are supported for between one Envoy release (if it is
guarded due to performance concerns) and a full deprecation cycle (if it is a high risk behavioral
change). Generally as a community we try to guard both high risk changes (major
refactors such as replacing Envoy's buffer implementation) and most user-visible
non-config-guarded changes to protocol processing (for example additions or changes to HTTP headers or
how HTTP is serialized out) for non-alpha features. Feel free to tag @envoyproxy/maintainers
if you aren't sure if a given change merits runtime guarding.

The canonical way to runtime guard a feature is
if (Runtime::runtimeFeatureEnabled("envoy.reloadable_features.my_feature_name")) {
  [new code path]
} else {
Runtime guarded features named with the "envoy.reloadable_features." prefix must be safe to flip
true or false on running Envoy instances. In some situations it may make more sense to
latch the value in a member variable on class creation, for example:

bool use_new_code_path_ =

This should only be done if the lifetime of the object in question is relatively short compared to
the lifetime of most Envoy instances, i.e. latching state on creation of the
Http::ConnectionManagerImpl or all Network::ConnectionImpl classes, to ensure that the new behavior
will be exercised as the runtime value is flipped, and that the old behavior will trail off over

Runtime guarded features may either set true (running the new code by default) in the initial PR,
after a testing interval, or during the next release cycle, at the PR author's and reviewing
maintainer's discretion. Generally all runtime guarded features will be set true when a
release is cut. Old code paths for refactors can be cleaned up after a release and there has been
some production run time. Old code for behavioral changes will be deprecated after six months if no
Envoy operators have raised concerns. If the behavioral change is problematic for any Envoy users,
the maintainers team will work to find a satisfactory resolution, generally in the form of a permanent
configuration knob for the behavioral differences.

Runtime features are set true by default by inclusion in

There are four suggested options for testing new runtime features:

1. Create a per-test Runtime::LoaderSingleton as done in [DeprecatedFieldsTest.IndividualFieldDisallowedWithRuntimeOverride](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/main/test/common/protobuf/utility_test.cc)
2. Create a [parameterized test](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#how-to-write-value-parameterized-tests)
   where the set up of the test sets the new runtime value explicitly to
   GetParam() as outlined in (1).
3. Set up integration tests with custom runtime defaults as documented in the
   [integration test README](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/main/test/integration/README.md)
4. Run a given unit test with the new runtime value explicitly set true or false as done
   for [runtime_flag_override_test](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/main/test/common/runtime/BUILD)

Runtime code is held to the same standard as regular Envoy code, so both the old
path and the new should have 100% coverage both with the feature defaulting true
and false.

Please note that if adding a runtime guarded feature, your [release notes](changelogs/current.yaml) should include both the functional change, and how to revert it, for example

- area: config
  change: |
      type URL is used to lookup extensions regardless of the name field. This may cause problems for empty filter configurations or mis-matched protobuf as the typed configurations. This behavioral change can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime guard ``envoy.reloadable_features.no_extension_lookup_by_name`` to false.

# PR review policy for maintainers

* Typically we try to turn around reviews within one business day.
* See [OWNERS.md](OWNERS.md) for the current list of maintainers.
* It is generally expected that a senior maintainer should review every PR to
  core code. Changes which only touch tests, extensions, tools, docs or comments
  need only be reviewed by a maintainer, or senior extension maintainer.
* It is also generally expected that a "domain expert" for the code the PR touches should review the
  PR. This person does not necessarily need to have commit access.
* For new extensions (contrib or otherwise) and features, at least one of the approvals should be *from an
  organization different from the PR author.* E.g., if Lyft authors a PR, at least one approver
  should be from an organization other than Lyft. This helps us make sure that we aren't putting
  organization specific shortcuts into the code.
  new HTTP/3 features are largely exempt from cross-company approvals as all of the
  area experts work at a single company, but HTTP/3 changes which impact general
  functionality still merit a cross-company check.
* contrib extensions do not need senior maintainer or maintainer review only contrib owner review and
  a maintainer stamp to merge.
* If there is a question on who should review a PR please discuss in Slack.
* Anyone is welcome to review any PR that they want, whether they are a maintainer or not.
* Please make sure that the PR title, commit message, and description are updated if the PR changes
  significantly during review.
* Please **clean up the title and body** before merging. By default, GitHub fills the squash merge
  title with the original title, and the commit body with every individual commit from the PR.
  The maintainer doing the merge should make sure the title follows the guidelines above and should
  overwrite the body with the original commit message from the PR (cleaning it up if necessary)
  while preserving the PR author's final DCO sign-off.
* If a PR includes a deprecation/breaking change, notification should be sent to the
  [envoy-announce](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/envoy-announce) email list.

# API changes

If you change anything in the [api tree](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/tree/main/api),
please read the [API Review
and make sure that your changes have addressed all of the considerations listed there.

# Adding new extensions

For developers adding a new extension, one can take an existing extension as the starting point.

Extension configuration should be located in a directory structure like
`api/envoy/extensions/area/plugin/`, for example `api/envoy/extensions/access_loggers/file/`

The code for the extension should be located under the equivalent
`source/extensions/area/plugin`, and include an *envoy_cc_extension* with the
configuration and tagged with the appropriate security posture, and an
*envoy_cc_library* with the code.

More details on how to add a new extension API can be found [here](api/STYLE.md#adding-an-extension-configuration-to-the-api):

# Adding contrib extensions

See [EXTENSION_POLICY.md](EXTENSION_POLICY.md) for more information on contrib. Adding a contrib
extension mostly mirrors adding a normal extension above. Some differences are noted here:

* API files should be added in `api/contrib/envoy/`, but the protos' namespaces should still be as
  in normal extensions (which will make file movement easier later if the extension gets promoted
  to core).
* Build config and metadata should be included in [contrib/contrib_build_config.bzl](contrib/contrib_build_config.bzl)
  and [contrib/extensions_metadata.yaml](contrib/extensions_metadata.yaml).
* An entrypoint should be added in `docs/root/api-v3/config/contrib/contrib.rst`

# DCO: Sign your work

Envoy ships commit hooks that allow you to auto-generate the DCO signoff line if
it doesn't exist when you run `git commit`. Simply navigate to the Envoy project
root and run:


From here, simply commit as normal, and you will see the signoff at the bottom
of each commit.

The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to
pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you
can certify the below (from

Developer Certificate of Origin
Version 1.1

Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
660 York Street, Suite 102,
San Francisco, CA 94110 USA

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.

Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    have the right to submit it under the open source license
    indicated in the file; or

(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    in the file; or

(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    this project or the open source license(s) involved.

then you just add a line to every git commit message:

    Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <joe@gmail.com>

using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)

You can add the sign off when creating the git commit via `git commit -s`.

If you want this to be automatic you can set up some aliases:

git config --add alias.amend "commit -s --amend"
git config --add alias.c "commit -s"

## Fixing DCO

If your PR fails the DCO check, it's necessary to fix the entire commit history in the PR. Best
practice is to [squash](https://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html)
the commit history to a single commit, append the DCO sign-off as described above, and [force
push](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-push#git-push---force). For example, if you have 2 commits in
your history:

git rebase -i HEAD^^
(interactive squash + DCO append)
git push origin -f

Note, that in general rewriting history in this way is a hindrance to the review process and this
should only be done to correct a DCO mistake.

## Triggering CI re-run without making changes

To rerun failed tasks in Azure pipelines, add a comment with the line


in it. This should rebuild only the failed tasks.

Sometimes tasks will be stuck in CI and won't be marked as failed, which means
the above command won't work. Should this happen, pushing an empty commit should
re-run all the CI tasks. Consider adding an alias into your `.gitconfig` file:

    kick-ci = !"git commit -s --allow-empty -m 'Kick CI' && git push"

Once you add this alias you can issue the command `git kick-ci` and the PR
will be sent back for a retest.

# Repo Etiquette

Contributors with push-access to the Envoy project should prefer pushing changes to a personal fork,
including when creating branches for pull requests.

This helps keep the Envoy repo as lean as possible, which can speed up cloning and synchronizing
operations for both developers and CI.