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@cewald/eslint-config package source

This is a company-wide coding style-guide using eslint, @stylistic/eslint-plugin as formatter and optional linting for TailwindCSS using eslint-plugin-tailwindcss.

It should be applied to all JS/TS projects to unify the company coding-styles.

Install & setup eslint and prettier with this package

  1. Install packages:

    npm i -D eslint @cewald/eslint-config
  2. Add eslint.config.mjs to root directory:

    import config from '@cewald/eslint-config'
    export default [ ...config() ]
  3. For autoformat on save in VSCode, add VSCode settings to workspace settings in .vscode/settings.json:

      "editor.formatOnSave": false,
       "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
         "source.fixAll.eslint": "always"
  4. Add linting commands to package.json:

    "scripts": {
       "lint": "eslint",
       "lint:fix": "eslint --fix",
  5. Remove unnecessary packages

Setup linting and format pre-commit hooks with husky

With this configured changed files will automatically be formatted and linted on commit.

  1. Install deps:

    npm i -D husky lint-staged
  2. Create hook for husky in .husky/pre-commit:

    npx lint-staged
  3. Add lint-staged config to package.json:

    "lint-staged": {
     "*": [
       "npm run lint:fix"


  1. Simply run npm run dev
  2. You can use npm link to use a local version in your local repos

Debug eslint config

In case you have to debug rules or how they are applied, there is a whole guide for it here:

Anyway the config-inspector is the best tool:

Just run npx eslint --inspect-config from the root folder and you can see which rules are applied in a nice and conveniant interface.