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Setup |
The default Anaconda installation includes all of the packages required for the main part of the session.
The additional components required for the optionsl [Working with Geospatial Data]({{ page.root }}/18-geospatial-data/) section can be added from a terminal / Anaconda prompt window:
conda install -y -c conda-forge iris cartopy
Miniconda is a minimal version of the Anaconda software which includes enough components to create and manage different environments.
It is possible to create a dedicated environment containing all of the required components for the session, and this can be done using either the full version of Anaconda, or using Miniconda.
Miniconda installers can be found here
Notes for installing the full version of Anaconda can be found below.
From a terminal / Anaconda prompt window, an environment containing all of the components which are required for all of the excercises can be created with the command:
conda create -c conda-forge -n python_training jupyterlab numpy matplotlib pandas iris cartopy
Once the environment has been created, it can be activated with:
conda activate python_training
We will be working with various data files throughout the session.
To obtain the data, download and unzip the file python-data.zip. In order to follow the presented material, you should launch the JupyterLab server in the root directory (see [Starting JupyterLab]({{ page.root }}/01-run-quit/#starting-jupyterlab)).
{% include python_install.html %}