-*- mode: markdown; mode: visual-line; mode: adaptive-wrap-prefix; -*-
- Dependency version bumps:
- Added an MXJ attribute
to suppress the new thread per call - probably not safe when a thread calls through multiplemxj
- Dependency on Jython bumped to 2.5.3. Version dependencies on other net.loadbang libraries bumped as well.
- Ported VERSION properties, needed for greeting message.
Project converted to Maven and moved to GitHub.
Dependency on Jython bumped to 2.5.2 - now depending on the standalone version, so no Python libraries have to be installed.
- Built against Jython 2.5b3. This required some hacking to the output machinery in order to get messages flushed to the Max window (since 2.5b3 buffers differently to 2.2.1). There's a 250msec sweep on stderr, so error messages may appear to be a little sluggish.
- Update of net.loadbang.lib to v1.4 - not significant for Jython, but needed in recent releases of shado.
- Embarrassing synchronisation bug causing thread deadlock when a Jython interpreter instance threw an uncaught exception: now fixed.
- Fixed thread reentrancy problem.
- Cleaned up Javadocs; implemented thread reentrancy test as a stop-gap.
- Initial beta release.