diff --git a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
index ce6d0f02e..05728570c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
@@ -25,20 +25,18 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
- - {os: macOS-latest, cache: '~/Library/Application Support/renv', r: 'release'}
+ - {os: macOS-latest, cache: '~/Library/Application Support/renv', r: 'release'}
- {os: windows-latest, r: 'release'}
- # Use 3.6 to trigger usage of RTools35
- - {os: windows-latest, cache: '~\AppData\Local\renv', r: '3.6'}
# use 4.1 to check with rtools40's older compiler
- {os: windows-latest, r: '4.1'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'release', cov: 'true'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-1'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-2'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-3'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-4'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'release', cov: 'true'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-1'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-2'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-3'}
+ - {os: ubuntu-latest, cache: '~/.local/share/renv', r: 'oldrel-4'}
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
- if: runner.os != 'Windows'
- name: "Windows: setup TMPDIR"
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
@@ -71,10 +68,6 @@ jobs:
echo "TMPDIR=${{ runner.temp }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- - name: "Setup devel pandoc windows"
- uses: cderv/actions/setup-pandoc-nightly@nightly-pandoc
- if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- name: "Setup R"
uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
@@ -90,7 +83,7 @@ jobs:
- name: "Restore {renv} cache"
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
- uses: actions/cache@v3.0.11
+ uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ env.RENV_PATHS_ROOT }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.OS_VERSION }}-renv-${{ runner.r }}-${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml') }}
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/render_html.md b/tests/testthat/_snaps/2.19.2/render_html.md
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/_snaps/render_html.md
rename to tests/testthat/_snaps/2.19.2/render_html.md
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/3.1.1/render_html.md b/tests/testthat/_snaps/3.1.1/render_html.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c957e0d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/3.1.1/render_html.md
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+# pandoc structure is rendered correctly
+ Code
+ cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n")
+ Output
+ [ RawBlock (Format "text") ""
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "overview" , "card" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html") "
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "row" , "g-0" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "col-md-4" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "card-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "inner" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ "Questions
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "What\8217s"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "point?"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "col-md-8" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "card-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "inner" , "bordered" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ "Objectives
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Bake"
+ , Space
+ , Str "him"
+ , Space
+ , Str "away,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "toys"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "markdown" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Markdown" ]
+ , Div
+ ( "challenge1" , [ "callout" , "challenge" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "callout-square" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ ""
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "callout-inner" ] , [] )
+ [ Header
+ 3 ( "" , [ "callout-title" ] , [] ) [ Str "Challenge" ]
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "callout-content" ] , [] )
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "How"
+ , Space
+ , Str "do"
+ , Space
+ , Str "you"
+ , Space
+ , Str "write"
+ , Space
+ , Str "markdown"
+ , Space
+ , Str "divs?"
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "link"
+ , Space
+ , Str "should"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "transformed"
+ ]
+ ( "Setup.html" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "rmd"
+ , Space
+ , Str "link"
+ , Space
+ , Str "also"
+ ]
+ ( "01-Introduction.html" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [ "newclass" ] , [] )
+ [ Str "rmd"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "safe"
+ ]
+ ( "https://example.com/01-Introduction.Rmd" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "too" ]
+ ( "Setup.html#windows-setup" , "windows setup" )
+ ]
+ , Figure
+ ( "fig-first" , [] , [] )
+ (Caption
+ Nothing
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "link"
+ , Space
+ , Str "should"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "transformed"
+ ]
+ ])
+ [ Plain
+ [ Image
+ ( "" , [ "imgclass" ] , [] )
+ [ Str "alt" , Space , Str "text" ]
+ ( "fig/Setup.png" , "" )
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "accordionSolution1"
+ , [ "accordion"
+ , "challenge-accordion"
+ , "accordion-flush"
+ ]
+ , []
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-item" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ ""
+ , Div
+ ( "collapseSolution1"
+ , [ "accordion-collapse" , "collapse" ]
+ , [ ( "[Solution hidden]" )
+ , ( "[Solution hidden]" )
+ ]
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "just"
+ , Space
+ , Str "write"
+ , Space
+ , Str "it,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "silly."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "accordionInstructor1"
+ , [ "accordion" , "instructor-note" , "accordion-flush" ]
+ , []
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-item" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ ""
+ , Div
+ ( "collapseInstructor1"
+ , [ "accordion-collapse" , "collapse" ]
+ , [ ( "[Instructor hidden]" )
+ , ( "[Instructor hidden]" )
+ ]
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "should"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "aside"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "accordionSpoiler1"
+ , [ "accordion" , "spoiler-accordion" , "accordion-flush" ]
+ , []
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-item" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ ""
+ , Div
+ ( "collapseSpoiler1"
+ , [ "accordion-collapse" , "collapse" ]
+ , [ ( "[Spoiler hidden]" )
+ , ( "[Spoiler hidden]" )
+ ]
+ )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "accordion-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "That"
+ , Space
+ , Str "fin"
+ , Space
+ , Str "on"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "rear"
+ , Space
+ , Str "end"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "car"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "nothing" ] , [] )
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "This" , Space , Str "should" , Space , Str "be" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+# paragraphs after objectives block are parsed correctly
+ Code
+ cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n")
+ Output
+ [ RawBlock (Format "text") ""
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "overview" , "card" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html") ""
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "row" , "g-0" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "col-md-4" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "card-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "inner" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ "Questions
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "What\8217s"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "point?"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Div
+ ( "" , [ "col-md-8" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "card-body" ] , [] )
+ [ Div
+ ( "" , [ "inner" , "bordered" ] , [] )
+ [ RawBlock
+ (Format "html")
+ "Objectives
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Bake"
+ , Space
+ , Str "him"
+ , Space
+ , Str "away,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "toys"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Do"
+ , Space
+ , Str "you"
+ , Space
+ , Str "think"
+ , Space
+ , Str "he"
+ , Space
+ , Str "saurus?"
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "markdown" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Markdown" ]
+ ]
+# render_html applies the internal lua filter
+ Code
+ cat(res)
+ Output
just write it, silly.
That fin on the rear end of a car
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-render_html.R b/tests/testthat/test-render_html.R
index a5878e850..e6507a700 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-render_html.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-render_html.R
@@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ test_that("pandoc structure is rendered correctly", {
args <- construct_pandoc_args(example_markdown, out, to = "native")
callr::r(function(...) rmarkdown::pandoc_convert(...), args = args)
- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && Sys.getenv("CI", unset = '') == "true") {
- # let's see what this looks like
- message(cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"))
- }
- skip_on_os("windows")
formation = function(x) {
rgx <- "(data-bs-parent|aria-labelledby).+?(Instructor|Solution|Spoiler)1"
return(sub(rgx, "[\\2 hidden]", x))
- expect_snapshot(cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"), transform = formation)
+ ver <- as.character(rmarkdown::pandoc_version())
+ expect_snapshot(
+ cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"),
+ transform = formation,
+ variant = ver
+ )
test_that("paragraphs after objectives block are parsed correctly", {
@@ -107,12 +107,8 @@ test_that("paragraphs after objectives block are parsed correctly", {
writeLines(ex2, tmp)
args <- construct_pandoc_args(tmp, out, to = "native")
callr::r(function(...) rmarkdown::pandoc_convert(...), args = args)
- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && Sys.getenv("CI", unset = '') == "true") {
- # let's see what this looks like
- message(cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"))
- }
- skip_on_os("windows")
- expect_snapshot(cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"))
+ ver <- as.character(rmarkdown::pandoc_version())
+ expect_snapshot(cat(readLines(out), sep = "\n"), variant = ver)
@@ -141,11 +137,6 @@ test_that("render_html applies the internal lua filter", {
expect_match(res, "div class=\"nothing\"", fixed = TRUE)
expect_failure(expect_match(res, "Nothing", fixed = TRUE))
- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && Sys.getenv("CI", unset = '') == "true") {
- # let's see what this looks like
- message(res)
- }
- skip_on_os("windows")
formation = function(x) {
open <- "[<]div id[=]\"collapse(Instructor|Solution|Spoiler)\\d\".+"
mid <- "(data-bs-parent|aria-labelledby).+?(Instructor|Solution|Spoiler)\\d[\"]$"
@@ -155,7 +146,8 @@ test_that("render_html applies the internal lua filter", {
x <- sub(close, "...done]>", x)
- expect_snapshot(cat(res), transform = formation)
+ ver <- as.character(rmarkdown::pandoc_version())
+ expect_snapshot(cat(res), transform = formation, variant = ver)