diff --git a/Doc/c-api/dict.rst b/Doc/c-api/dict.rst
index 0fedf2c7d9030c..97f83d522af2d4 100644
--- a/Doc/c-api/dict.rst
+++ b/Doc/c-api/dict.rst
@@ -246,6 +246,12 @@ Dictionary Objects
    of error (e.g. no more watcher IDs available), return ``-1`` and set an
+.. c:function:: int PyDict_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id)
+   Clear watcher identified by *watcher_id* previously returned from
+   :c:func:`PyDict_AddWatcher`. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on error (e.g.
+   if the given *watcher_id* was never registered.)
 .. c:function:: int PyDict_Watch(int watcher_id, PyObject *dict)
    Mark dictionary *dict* as watched. The callback granted *watcher_id* by
@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@ Dictionary Objects
    ``PyDict_EVENT_CLEARED``, or ``PyDict_EVENT_DEALLOCED``.
-.. c:type:: void (*PyDict_WatchCallback)(PyDict_WatchEvent event, PyObject *dict, PyObject *key, PyObject *new_value)
+.. c:type:: int (*PyDict_WatchCallback)(PyDict_WatchEvent event, PyObject *dict, PyObject *key, PyObject *new_value)
    Type of a dict watcher callback function.
@@ -279,3 +285,7 @@ Dictionary Objects
    Callbacks occur before the notified modification to *dict* takes place, so
    the prior state of *dict* can be inspected.
+   If an error occurs in the callback, it may return ``-1`` with an exception
+   set; this exception will be printed as an unraisable exception using
+   :c:func:`PyErr_WriteUnraisable`. On success it should return ``0``.
diff --git a/Include/cpython/dictobject.h b/Include/cpython/dictobject.h
index ea9d37f0837a6e..05c751ff4b22c3 100644
--- a/Include/cpython/dictobject.h
+++ b/Include/cpython/dictobject.h
@@ -98,10 +98,11 @@ typedef enum {
 // Callback to be invoked when a watched dict is cleared, dealloced, or modified.
 // In clear/dealloc case, key and new_value will be NULL. Otherwise, new_value will be the
 // new value for key, NULL if key is being deleted.
-typedef void(*PyDict_WatchCallback)(PyDict_WatchEvent event, PyObject* dict, PyObject* key, PyObject* new_value);
+typedef int(*PyDict_WatchCallback)(PyDict_WatchEvent event, PyObject* dict, PyObject* key, PyObject* new_value);
-// Register a dict-watcher callback
+// Register/unregister a dict-watcher callback
 PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_AddWatcher(PyDict_WatchCallback callback);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id);
 // Mark given dictionary as "watched" (callback will be called if it is modified)
 PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Watch(int watcher_id, PyObject* dict);
diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_dict.h b/Include/internal/pycore_dict.h
index fda97dc0faeec3..ae4094a095d879 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_dict.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_dict.h
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ struct _dictvalues {
 extern uint64_t _pydict_global_version;
-#define DICT_VERSION_MASK 255
 #define DICT_NEXT_VERSION() (_pydict_global_version += DICT_VERSION_INCREMENT)
diff --git a/Include/internal/pycore_interp.h b/Include/internal/pycore_interp.h
index d327ead8473378..8cecd5ab3e541e 100644
--- a/Include/internal/pycore_interp.h
+++ b/Include/internal/pycore_interp.h
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ struct _is {
     // Initialized to _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault().
     _PyFrameEvalFunction eval_frame;
-    void *dict_watchers[8];
+    PyDict_WatchCallback dict_watchers[DICT_MAX_WATCHERS];
     Py_ssize_t co_extra_user_count;
     freefunc co_extra_freefuncs[MAX_CO_EXTRA_USERS];
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_capi.py b/Lib/test/test_capi.py
index 2c6fe34d3b788c..cb90d55941cae7 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_capi.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_capi.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # these are all functions _testcapi exports whose name begins with 'test_'.
 from collections import OrderedDict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
 import _thread
 import importlib.machinery
 import importlib.util
@@ -1393,5 +1394,136 @@ def func2(x=None):
+class TestDictWatchers(unittest.TestCase):
+    # types of watchers testcapimodule can add:
+    EVENTS = 0   # appends dict events as strings to global event list
+    ERROR = 1    # unconditionally sets and signals a RuntimeException
+    SECOND = 2   # always appends "second" to global event list
+    def add_watcher(self, kind=EVENTS):
+        return _testcapi.add_dict_watcher(kind)
+    def clear_watcher(self, watcher_id):
+        _testcapi.clear_dict_watcher(watcher_id)
+    @contextmanager
+    def watcher(self, kind=EVENTS):
+        wid = self.add_watcher(kind)
+        try:
+            yield wid
+        finally:
+            self.clear_watcher(wid)
+    def assert_events(self, expected):
+        actual = _testcapi.get_dict_watcher_events()
+        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+    def watch(self, wid, d):
+        _testcapi.watch_dict(wid, d)
+    def test_set_new_item(self):
+        d = {}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            d["foo"] = "bar"
+            self.assert_events(["new:foo:bar"])
+    def test_set_existing_item(self):
+        d = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            d["foo"] = "baz"
+            self.assert_events(["mod:foo:baz"])
+    def test_clone(self):
+        d = {}
+        d2 = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            d.update(d2)
+            self.assert_events(["clone"])
+    def test_no_event_if_not_watched(self):
+        d = {}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            d["foo"] = "bar"
+            self.assert_events([])
+    def test_del(self):
+        d = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            del d["foo"]
+            self.assert_events(["del:foo"])
+    def test_pop(self):
+        d = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            d.pop("foo")
+            self.assert_events(["del:foo"])
+    def test_clear(self):
+        d = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            d.clear()
+            self.assert_events(["clear"])
+    def test_dealloc(self):
+        d = {"foo": "bar"}
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            del d
+            self.assert_events(["dealloc"])
+    def test_error(self):
+        d = {}
+        unraisables = []
+        def unraisable_hook(unraisable):
+            unraisables.append(unraisable)
+        with self.watcher(kind=self.ERROR) as wid:
+            self.watch(wid, d)
+            orig_unraisable_hook = sys.unraisablehook
+            sys.unraisablehook = unraisable_hook
+            try:
+                d["foo"] = "bar"
+            finally:
+                sys.unraisablehook = orig_unraisable_hook
+            self.assert_events([])
+        self.assertEqual(len(unraisables), 1)
+        unraisable = unraisables[0]
+        self.assertIs(unraisable.object, d)
+        self.assertEqual(str(unraisable.exc_value), "boom!")
+    def test_two_watchers(self):
+        d1 = {}
+        d2 = {}
+        with self.watcher() as wid1:
+            with self.watcher(kind=self.SECOND) as wid2:
+                self.watch(wid1, d1)
+                self.watch(wid2, d2)
+                d1["foo"] = "bar"
+                d2["hmm"] = "baz"
+                self.assert_events(["new:foo:bar", "second"])
+    def test_watch_non_dict(self):
+        with self.watcher() as wid:
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"Cannot watch non-dictionary"):
+                self.watch(wid, 1)
+    def test_watch_out_of_range_watcher_id(self):
+        d = {}
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"Invalid dict watcher ID -1"):
+            self.watch(-1, d)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"Invalid dict watcher ID 8"):
+            self.watch(8, d)  # DICT_MAX_WATCHERS = 8
+    def test_unassigned_watcher_id(self):
+        d = {}
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"No dict watcher set for ID 1"):
+            self.watch(1, d)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Modules/_testcapimodule.c b/Modules/_testcapimodule.c
index 10c133c602d60b..624aaed4ba918a 100644
--- a/Modules/_testcapimodule.c
+++ b/Modules/_testcapimodule.c
@@ -5171,8 +5171,9 @@ test_tstate_capi(PyObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args))
 // Test dict watching
 static PyObject *g_dict_watch_events;
+static int g_dict_watchers_installed;
-static void
+static int
 dict_watch_callback(PyDict_WatchEvent event,
                     PyObject *dict,
                     PyObject *key,
@@ -5201,191 +5202,106 @@ dict_watch_callback(PyDict_WatchEvent event,
             msg = PyUnicode_FromString("unknown");
-    assert(PyList_Check(g_dict_watch_events));
-    PyList_Append(g_dict_watch_events, msg);
-static void
-dict_watch_callback_2(PyDict_WatchEvent event,
-                      PyObject *dict,
-                      PyObject *key,
-                      PyObject *new_value)
-    PyObject *msg = PyUnicode_FromString("second");
-    PyList_Append(g_dict_watch_events, msg);
-static int
-dict_watch_assert(Py_ssize_t expected_num_events,
-                  const char *expected_last_msg)
-    char buf[512];
-    Py_ssize_t actual_num_events = PyList_Size(g_dict_watch_events);
-    if (expected_num_events != actual_num_events) {
-        snprintf(buf,
-                 512,
-                 "got %d dict watch events, expected %d",
-                 (int)actual_num_events,
-                 (int)expected_num_events);
-        raiseTestError("test_watch_dict", (const char *)&buf);
+    if (!msg) {
         return -1;
-    PyObject *last_msg = PyList_GetItem(g_dict_watch_events,
-                                        PyList_Size(g_dict_watch_events)-1);
-    if (PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString(last_msg, expected_last_msg)) {
-        snprintf(buf,
-                 512,
-                 "last event is '%s', expected '%s'",
-                 PyUnicode_AsUTF8(last_msg),
-                 expected_last_msg);
-        raiseTestError("test_watch_dict", (const char *)&buf);
+    assert(PyList_Check(g_dict_watch_events));
+    if (PyList_Append(g_dict_watch_events, msg) < 0) {
+        Py_DECREF(msg);
         return -1;
     return 0;
 static int
-try_watch(int watcher_id, PyObject *obj) {
-    if (PyDict_Watch(watcher_id, obj)) {
-        raiseTestError("test_watch_dict", "PyDict_Watch() failed on dict");
+dict_watch_callback_second(PyDict_WatchEvent event,
+                           PyObject *dict,
+                           PyObject *key,
+                           PyObject *new_value)
+    PyObject *msg = PyUnicode_FromString("second");
+    if (!msg) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (PyList_Append(g_dict_watch_events, msg) < 0) {
         return -1;
     return 0;
 static int
-dict_watch_assert_error(int watcher_id, PyObject *obj, const char *fail_msg)
+dict_watch_callback_error(PyDict_WatchEvent event,
+                          PyObject *dict,
+                          PyObject *key,
+                          PyObject *new_value)
-    if (!PyDict_Watch(watcher_id, obj)) {
-        raiseTestError("test_watch_dict", fail_msg);
-        return -1;
-    } else if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
-        raiseTestError("test_watch_dict", "PyDict_Watch() returned error code without exception set");
-        return -1;
-    } else {
-        PyErr_Clear();
-    }
-    return 0;
+    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "boom!");
+    return -1;
 static PyObject *
-test_watch_dict(PyObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args))
+add_dict_watcher(PyObject *self, PyObject *kind)
-    PyObject *watched = PyDict_New();
-    PyObject *unwatched = PyDict_New();
-    PyObject *one = PyLong_FromLong(1);
-    PyObject *two = PyLong_FromLong(2);
-    PyObject *key1 = PyUnicode_FromString("key1");
-    PyObject *key2 = PyUnicode_FromString("key2");
-    g_dict_watch_events = PyList_New(0);
-    int wid = PyDict_AddWatcher(dict_watch_callback);
-    if (try_watch(wid, watched)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_SetItem(unwatched, key1, two);
-    PyDict_Merge(watched, unwatched, 1);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(1, "clone")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_SetItem(watched, key1, one);
-    PyDict_SetItem(unwatched, key1, one);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(2, "mod:key1:1")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_SetItemString(watched, "key1", two);
-    PyDict_SetItemString(unwatched, "key1", two);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(3, "mod:key1:2")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_SetItem(watched, key2, one);
-    PyDict_SetItem(unwatched, key2, one);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(4, "new:key2:1")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    _PyDict_Pop(watched, key2, Py_None);
-    _PyDict_Pop(unwatched, key2, Py_None);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(5, "del:key2")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_DelItemString(watched, "key1");
-    PyDict_DelItemString(unwatched, "key1");
-    if (dict_watch_assert(6, "del:key1")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PyDict_SetDefault(watched, key1, one);
-    PyDict_SetDefault(unwatched, key1, one);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(7, "new:key1:1")) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int wid2 = PyDict_AddWatcher(dict_watch_callback_2);
-    if (try_watch(wid2, unwatched)) {
-        return NULL;
+    int watcher_id;
+    assert(PyLong_Check(kind));
+    long kind_l = PyLong_AsLong(kind);
+    if (kind_l == 2) {
+        watcher_id = PyDict_AddWatcher(dict_watch_callback_second);
+    } else if (kind_l == 1) {
+        watcher_id = PyDict_AddWatcher(dict_watch_callback_error);
+    } else {
+        watcher_id = PyDict_AddWatcher(dict_watch_callback);
-    PyDict_Clear(watched);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(8, "clear")) {
+    if (watcher_id < 0) {
         return NULL;
-    PyDict_Clear(unwatched);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(9, "second")) {
-        return NULL;
+    if (!g_dict_watchers_installed) {
+        assert(!g_dict_watch_events);
+        if (!(g_dict_watch_events = PyList_New(0))) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    g_dict_watchers_installed++;
+    return PyLong_FromLong(watcher_id);
-    PyObject *copy = PyDict_Copy(watched);
-    // copied dict is not watched, so this does not add an event
-    Py_CLEAR(copy);
-    Py_CLEAR(watched);
-    if (dict_watch_assert(10, "dealloc")) {
+static PyObject *
+clear_dict_watcher(PyObject *self, PyObject *watcher_id)
+    if (PyDict_ClearWatcher(PyLong_AsLong(watcher_id))) {
         return NULL;
-    // it is an error to try to watch a non-dict
-    if (dict_watch_assert_error(wid, one, "PyDict_Watch() succeeded on non-dict")) {
-        return NULL;
+    g_dict_watchers_installed--;
+    if (!g_dict_watchers_installed) {
+        assert(g_dict_watch_events);
+        Py_CLEAR(g_dict_watch_events);
-    // It is an error to pass an out-of-range watcher ID
-    if (dict_watch_assert_error(-1, unwatched, "PyDict_Watch() succeeded on negative watcher ID")) { 
+static PyObject *
+watch_dict(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+    PyObject *dict;
+    int watcher_id;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iO", &watcher_id, &dict)) {
         return NULL;
-    if (dict_watch_assert_error(8, unwatched, "PyDict_Watch() succeeded on too-large watcher ID")) {
+    if (PyDict_Watch(watcher_id, dict)) {
         return NULL;
-    // It is an error to pass a never-registered watcher ID
-    if (dict_watch_assert_error(7, unwatched, "PyDict_Watch() succeeded on unused watcher ID")) { 
+static PyObject *
+get_dict_watcher_events(PyObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args))
+    if (!g_dict_watch_events) {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "no watchers active");
         return NULL;
-    Py_CLEAR(unwatched);
-    Py_CLEAR(g_dict_watch_events);
-    Py_DECREF(one);
-    Py_DECREF(two);
-    Py_DECREF(key1);
-    Py_DECREF(key2);
+    Py_INCREF(g_dict_watch_events);
+    return g_dict_watch_events;
@@ -5982,7 +5898,10 @@ static PyMethodDef TestMethods[] = {
     {"settrace_to_record", settrace_to_record, METH_O, NULL},
     {"test_macros", test_macros, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
     {"clear_managed_dict", clear_managed_dict, METH_O, NULL},
-    {"test_watch_dict", test_watch_dict, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
+    {"add_dict_watcher", add_dict_watcher, METH_O, NULL},
+    {"clear_dict_watcher", clear_dict_watcher, METH_O, NULL},
+    {"watch_dict", watch_dict, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
+    {"get_dict_watcher_events", get_dict_watcher_events, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
     {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
diff --git a/Objects/dictobject.c b/Objects/dictobject.c
index 395b8a77c5fafd..f85385017b199d 100644
--- a/Objects/dictobject.c
+++ b/Objects/dictobject.c
@@ -5747,7 +5747,7 @@ PyDict_AddWatcher(PyDict_WatchCallback callback)
     for (int i = 0; i < DICT_MAX_WATCHERS; i++) {
         if (!interp->dict_watchers[i]) {
-            interp->dict_watchers[i] = (void*)callback;
+            interp->dict_watchers[i] = callback;
             return i;
@@ -5756,6 +5756,22 @@ PyDict_AddWatcher(PyDict_WatchCallback callback)
     return -1;
+PyDict_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id)
+    if (watcher_id < 0 || watcher_id >= DICT_MAX_WATCHERS) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid dict watcher ID %d", watcher_id);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET();
+    if (!interp->dict_watchers[watcher_id]) {
+        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No dict watcher set for ID %d", watcher_id);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    interp->dict_watchers[watcher_id] = NULL;
+    return 0;
 _PyDict_SendEvent(int watcher_bits,
                   PyDict_WatchEvent event,
@@ -5766,9 +5782,13 @@ _PyDict_SendEvent(int watcher_bits,
     PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET();
     for (int i = 0; i < DICT_MAX_WATCHERS; i++) {
         if (watcher_bits & 1) {
-            PyDict_WatchCallback cb = (PyDict_WatchCallback)interp->dict_watchers[i];
+            PyDict_WatchCallback cb = interp->dict_watchers[i];
             if (cb) {
-                cb(event, (PyObject*)mp, key, value);
+                if (cb(event, (PyObject*)mp, key, value) < 0) {
+                    // some dict modification paths (e.g. PyDict_Clear) can't raise, so we
+                    // can't propagate exceptions from dict watchers.
+                    PyErr_WriteUnraisable((PyObject *)mp);
+                }
         watcher_bits >>= 1;