From d5aaf1dbc543079eb1955dae46938aadef09d459 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TJ Egan <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 13:27:36 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] docs(readme): remove readmes, old migratiion docs (#5277)

 .../src/components/accordion/        |  32 ---
 .../components/accordion/    |  49 ----
 .../src/components/breadcrumb/       |  40 ---
 .../components/breadcrumb/   |  22 --
 .../src/components/button/           |  57 ----
 .../src/components/button/   |  35 ---
 .../src/components/checkbox/         |  71 -----
 .../src/components/checkbox/ |  26 --
 .../src/components/code-snippet/     |  21 --
 .../components/code-snippet/ |  23 --
 .../components/code-snippet/ |  18 --
 .../src/components/combo-box/        |   9 -
 .../src/components/content-switcher/ | 243 ------------------
 .../content-switcher/        |  42 ---
 .../src/components/data-table/       | 139 ----------
 .../src/components/date-picker/      | 107 --------
 .../src/components/dropdown/         |  92 -------
 .../src/components/dropdown/ |  34 ---
 .../src/components/file-uploader/    | 152 -----------
 .../file-uploader/           |  46 ----
 .../src/components/floating-menu/    |  32 ---
 .../components/src/components/form/  | 146 -----------
 .../src/components/form/     |  47 ----
 .../src/components/inline-loading/   |  56 ----
 .../src/components/link/     |  25 --
 .../src/components/list-box/         |  23 --
 .../components/src/components/list/  |  11 -
 .../src/components/list/     |  21 --
 .../src/components/loading/          |  68 -----
 .../src/components/loading/  |  34 ---
 .../components/src/components/modal/ | 165 ------------
 .../src/components/modal/    |  65 -----
 .../src/components/multi-select/     |  58 -----
 .../src/components/notification/     | 127 ---------
 .../components/notification/ |  65 -----
 .../src/components/number-input/     |  14 -
 .../components/number-input/ |  43 ----
 .../src/components/overflow-menu/    | 122 ---------
 .../overflow-menu/           |  45 ----
 .../src/components/pagination-nav/   |  30 ---
 .../src/components/pagination/       |  31 ---
 .../components/pagination/   |  29 ---
 .../components/progress-indicator/   | 105 --------
 .../progress-indicator/        | 139 ----------
 .../progress-indicator/      |  46 ----
 .../src/components/radio-button/     |   8 -
 .../components/radio-button/ |  19 --
 .../components/src/components/search/   |  24 --
 .../src/components/search/           |  34 ---
 .../src/components/search/   |  39 ---
 .../src/components/select/           |  50 ----
 .../src/components/select/   |  28 --
 .../src/components/slider/           |  36 ---
 .../src/components/structured-list/  |  94 -------
 .../components/src/components/tabs/  |  96 -------
 .../src/components/tabs/     |  27 --
 .../components/src/components/tag/   |   9 -
 .../src/components/tag/      |  34 ---
 .../src/components/text-area/        |   6 -
 .../components/text-area/    |  26 --
 .../src/components/text-input/       |  33 ---
 .../components/text-input/   |  40 ---
 .../components/src/components/tile/  |  63 -----
 .../src/components/time-picker/      |  26 --
 .../src/components/toggle/           |  21 --
 .../src/components/toggle/   |  23 --
 .../src/components/toolbar/          |  33 ---
 .../src/components/tooltip/          | 182 -------------
 .../src/components/tooltip/  |  28 --
 .../src/components/ui-shell/         |  96 -------
 70 files changed, 3880 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/accordion/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/accordion/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/button/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/button/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/combo-box/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/data-table/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/date-picker/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/floating-menu/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/form/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/form/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/inline-loading/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/link/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/list-box/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/list/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/list/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/loading/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/loading/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/modal/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/modal/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/multi-select/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/notification/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/notification/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/number-input/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/number-input/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/pagination-nav/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/pagination/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/pagination/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/search/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/search/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/search/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/select/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/select/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/slider/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/structured-list/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tabs/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tabs/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tag/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tag/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/text-area/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/text-area/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/text-input/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/text-input/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tile/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/time-picker/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/toggle/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/toggle/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/toolbar/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
 delete mode 100644 packages/components/src/components/ui-shell/

diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/accordion/ b/packages/components/src/components/accordion/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c215c12a244..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/accordion/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--accordion` class.
-| Default Selector               | Description                                |
-| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--accordion__item--active` | The className for an active accordion item |
-### JavaScript
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description          |
-| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance |
-#### Options
-| Option                     | Default Selector              | Description                                       |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`             | `[data-accordion]`            | The selector to find the accordion                |
-| `selectorAccordionItem`    | `[data-accordion-item]`       | The selector to find the accordion item component |
-| `selectorAccordionContent` | `.bx--accordion__content`     | The selector for the accordion content element    |
-| `classActive`              | `bx--accordion__item--active` | The className for an active accordion item        |
-#### Classes
-| Name                          | Description                                |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `bx--accordion__item--active` | The className for an active accordion item |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/accordion/ b/packages/components/src/components/accordion/
deleted file mode 100644
index df8e5d4f5ba4..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/accordion/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Updating HTML pertains mainly to SVG icon paths. It's now recommended to use
-inline SVG icons.
-  class="bx--accordion__arrow"
-  width="8"
-  height="12"
-  viewBox="0 0 8 12"
-  fill-rule="evenodd"
-  <path d="M0 10.6L4.7 6 0 1.4 1.4 0l6.1 6-6.1 6z"></path>
-But if you're going to make use of carbon-icons.svg, it's recommended to use the
-sprite svg file locally in your project.
-Update `<use xlink:href>` to a local path of bluemix-icons.svg, which should
-look something like this:
-<svg class="bx--accordion__arrow">
-  <use xlink:href="/carbon-icons/bluemix-icons.svg#chevron--right"></use>
-For more details on installing and using bluemix-icons, see install and usage
-guidelines docs here.
-### SCSS
-The `_accordion.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/accordion/_accordion.scss`. You'll need to update any `@import`
-statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/accordion/accordion';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/accordion/accordion';
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/ b/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c518c5e1b3..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-| Selector                                    | Description                                                                                                        |
-| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `bx--breadcrumb`                            | Used on the containing `<nav>` or equivalent node                                                                  |
-| `bx--breadcrumb-item`                       | Used on each individual breadcrumb item                                                                            |
-| `bx--breadcrumb-item--current`              | Used to specify which breadcrumb item is the current page                                                          |
-| `bx--breadcrumb-item [aria-current='page']` | Alternative to `bx--breadcrumb-item--current`, automatically applied if a descending `<a>` tag uses `aria-current` |
-| `bx--breadcrumb--no-trailing-slash`         | Used to specify that no trailing slash should be added                                                             |
-### FAQ
-#### How to remove a breadcrumb-item slash
-Use CSS to override breadcrumb styles to hide any unwanted slashes. Slashes are
-created using CSS pseudo elements (`::after`). Setting this to `display: none`
-will remove the associated slash.
-/* Removes the slash from the last breadcrumb-item */
-.bx--breadcrumb-item:last-child::after {
-  display: none;
-Or you can add `.bx--breadcrumb--no-trailing-slash` to `.bx--breadcrumb` to
-remove leading slashes.
-/* Removes the slash from the last breadcrumb-item */
-<div class="bx--breadcrumb bx--breadcrumb--no-trailing-slash">
-  <div class="bx--breadcrumb-item">
-    <a href="#" class="bx--link">Breadcrumb 1</a>
-  </div>
-  <div class="bx--breadcrumb-item">
-    <a href="#" class="bx--link">Breadcrumb 2</a>
-  </div>
-  <div class="bx--breadcrumb-item"><span>Breadcrumb 3</span></div>
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/ b/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 21e001b81d44..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/breadcrumb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-The `bx--breadcrumb--lg` modifier class has been removed in `7.x` and is no
-longer in use.
-### SCSS
-The `_breadcrumb.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/breadcrumb/_breadcrumb.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb';
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/button/ b/packages/components/src/components/button/
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ab0aba7e59..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/button/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Mixins
-Mixins specific to button are located in
-| Name           | Params                                                                   | Description                                                                            |
-| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `button-base`  |                                                                          | Base styles used in every button. Used in `@mixin button-theme` by default             |
-| `button-theme` | `bg-color`, `border-color`, `font-color`, `hover-bg-color`, `icon-color` | Used to create variant styles for a button (Variations like, primary, secondary, etc.) |
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--btn` class.
-| Selector              | Description                                   |
-| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--btn--primary`   | Selector for applying primary button styles   |
-| `.bx--btn--secondary` | Selector for applying secondary button styles |
-| `.bx--btn--tertiary`  | Selector for applying tertiary button styles  |
-| `.bx--btn--danger`    | Selector for applying danger button styles    |
-| `.bx--btn--sm`        | Selector for applying small button styles     |
-| `.bx--btn—ghost`      | Selector for applying ghost button styles     |
-| `.bx--btn--icon-only` | Selector for applying icon button styles      |
-### FAQ
-#### Using icons with buttons
-All buttons can use icons. It's recommended to inline SVG icons when possible.
-Simply add the appropriate `<svg>` to the button HTML with the `bx--btn__icon`
-class. You can also include `<title>` for better accessibility to describe what
-the button does.
-<button class="bx--btn bx--btn--secondary" type="button">
-  Secondary
-  <svg
-    class="bx--btn__icon"
-    width="16"
-    height="16"
-    viewBox="0 0 16 16"
-    fill-rule="evenodd"
-  >
-    <title>add a new connection to your instance</title>
-    <path
-      d="M8 0C3.6 0 0 3.6 0 8s3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8-3.6-8-8-8zm4 9H9v3H7V9H4V7h3V4h2v3h3v2z"
-    ></path>
-  </svg>
-### Icon-only buttons
-When using the icon-only button variant, tooltip styles must also be imported
-for the component to display properly.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/button/ b/packages/components/src/components/button/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c66c940aab9..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/button/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-The `_button.scss` file is now located at `src/components/button/_button.scss`.
-You will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/button/button';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/button/button';
-The `.bx--sets-of-buttons` class has been removed and is no longer in use.
-Secondary and Primary buttons are meant to be paired together in that order
-according to UX guidelines. When paired as siblings, Primary buttons will have a
-`margin-left: 1rem` or `16px`.
-The `.bx--btn--right-icon__icon` class has been replaced by `.bx--btn__icon`.
-SCSS Extends for buttons have been removed and are no longer in use. SCSS
-Variables specific to Button have been removed and are no longer in use.
-SCSS Mixins have been reduced. The following mixins have been removed:
-- @mixin btn--browser-fixes (CSS browser fixes applied directly to element and
-  class selectors)
-- @mixin btn--primary (replaced by @mixin button-theme)
-- @mixin btn--secondary (replaced by @mixin button-theme)
-- @mixin btn--danger (replaced by @mixin button-theme)
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/ b/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa69a252d43..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-### Javascript
-#### Public Methods
-| Name          | Params                                       | Description                                                                                       |
-| ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `setState`    | `state`: `String` ['true', 'false', 'mixed'] | Can be used to set the checkbox to `true`(checked), `false`(unchecked) or `mixed` (indeterminate) |
-| `setDisabled` | `state`: `Boolean`                           | Can be used to set the checkbox to disabled, needed for the `label > input`                       |
-#### Options
-| Option                              | Default Selector                     | Description                                                                |
-| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`                      | `.bx--checkbox`                      | The CSS selector to find checkbox                                          |
-| `selectorContainedCheckboxState`    | `[data-contained-checkbox-state]`    | The CSS selector to find a container of checkbox preserving checked state  |
-| `selectorContainedCheckboxDisabled` | `[data-contained-checkbox-disabled]` | The CSS selector to find a container of checkbox preserving disabled state |
-| `classLabel`                        | `.bx--checkbox-label`                | The CSS class for the label                                                |
-| `classLabelFocused`                 | `.bx--checkbox-label__focus`         | The CSS class for the focused label                                        |
-| `attribContainedCheckboxState`      | `data-contained-checkbox-state`      | The attribute name for the checked state of contained checkbox             |
-| `attribContainedCheckboxDisabled`   | `data-contained-checkbox-disabled`   | The attribute name for the disabled state of contained checkbox            |
-### FAQ
-#### Two ways to write checkbox HTML
-Checkbox HTML can be written in two ways:
-With `input` and `label` as siblings
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <input
-    id="bx--checkbox"
-    class="bx--checkbox"
-    type="checkbox"
-    value="green"
-    name="checkbox"
-  />
-  <label for="bx--checkbox" class="bx--checkbox-label">
-    Checkbox (input + label)
-  </label>
-With `label` wrapping `input`
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <label class="bx--checkbox-label">
-    <input
-      class="bx--checkbox"
-      type="checkbox"
-      value="yellow"
-      name="checkbox"
-    />
-    Checkbox (label > input)
-  </label>
-Note: You no longer need to include a SVG for the checkmark to render.
-#### Fieldset and Legend
-As a best practice, groups of checkboxes should make use of `<fieldset>` and
-`<legend>` (see Form for details). This is especially true for forms submitting
-But, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, Data Tables make use of
-checkboxes as a way to select rows of data. Checkboxes in this context would
-represent an entire row of data in its associated table row.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/ b/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
deleted file mode 100644
index a093371554fc..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/checkbox/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Checkbox HTML that does not use SVG is no longer supported and has been removed.
-All checkboxes must use SVG icons to ensure browser compatibility.
-### SCSS
-The `_checkbox.scss` file is now located in
-`src/components/checkbox/_checkbox.scss`. You'll need to update any `@import`
-statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/checkbox/checkbox';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/checkbox/checkbox';
-Almost all checkbox classes have been changed to use less BEM underscore syntax.
-To use the newest checkbox styles, it will be best to copy and paste the latest
-checkbox HTML provided by the design-system.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/ b/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0d1fd119cf..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Mixins
-Mixins specific to Code Snippet are located in
-| Name          | Params | Description               |
-| ------------- | ------ | ------------------------- |
-| `bx--snippet` |        | Common styles for Snippet |
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--snippet` class.
-| Selector               | Description                                                                                                      |
-| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--snippet--single` | Selector for single lines of code                                                                                |
-| `.bx--snippet--multi`  | Selector for multiple lines of code                                                                              |
-| `.bx--snippet--inline` | Selector for inline code inside text                                                                             |
-| `.bx--snippet--light`  | Selector for inline code inside text with a light background. Can only be used with .bx--snippet-inline selector |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/ b/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b17e9c54c39..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_code-snippet.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/code-snippet/_code-snippet.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/code-snippet/code-snippet';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/code-snippet/code-snippet';
-No changes to classes made.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/ b/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9594a88b81..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/code-snippet/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Terminal snippet has been renamed to Single line snippet, Code snippet has been
-renamed to Multi-line snippet. We have also added a new variation, Inline
-### SCSS
-| Old Class               | New Class             | Note    |
-| ----------------------- | --------------------- | ------- |
-| `bx--snippet--terminal` | `bx--snippet--single` | Changed |
-| `bx--snippet--code`     | `bx--snippet--multi`  | Changed |
-|                         | `bx--snippet--inline` | New     |
-### Javascript
-The multi-line code snippet now has javascript. Be sure to add the data
-attribute `[data-code-snippet]` for it to work.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/combo-box/ b/packages/components/src/components/combo-box/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1873a703eb..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/combo-box/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# `combo-box`
-### SCSS
-#### Classes
-| Name             | Description                                          |
-| :--------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--combo-box` | Used on a container node to specify its control type |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/ b/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8add452d8b7c..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-| Name                              | Description                                                  |
-| --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--content-switcher--selected` | Applies the "selected" styles to the content-switcher button |
-### Javascript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { ContentSwitcher } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var ContentSwitcher = CarbonComponents.ContentSwitcher;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-content-switcher` is an element with `[data-content-switcher]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name        | Params                                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| ----------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `setActive` | `item`: `HTMLElement`, `callback`: `Function` | Uses `data-target` attribute to show a content panel using the given CSS selector. Non-active targets will be hidden. You can also pass in an optional callback function, see FAQ for details |
-| `release`   |                                               | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners                                                                                                                                     |
-##### Example - Changing the active item
-// `#my-content-switcher` is an element with `[data-content-switcher]` attribute
-var contentSwitcherInstance = ContentSwitcher.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-content-switcher')
-// `#my-content-switcher-btn-1` is one of the `<button>`s with `bx--content-switcher-btn` class
-  document.getElementById('my-content-switcher-btn-1')
-#### Options
-| Option                | Default Selector                                 | Description                                                        |
-| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`        | `[data-content-switcher]`                        | The CSS selector to find content-switcher                          |
-| `selectorButton`      | `input[type="radio"], .bx--content-switcher-btn` | The CSS selector to find the content-switcher buttons              |
-| `classActive`         | `bx--content-switcher--selected`                 | The className for a selected button                                |
-| `eventBeforeSelected` | `content-switcher-beingselected`                 | Custom event fired before a button is selected in content-switcher |
-| `eventAfterSelected`  | `content-switcher-selected`                      | Custom event fired after a button is selected in content-switcher  |
-#### Events
-| Event Name                       | Description                                                        |
-| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `content-switcher-beingselected` | Custom event fired before a button is selected in content-switcher |
-| `content-switcher-selected`      | Custom event fired after a button is selected in content-switcher  |
-##### Example
-Preventing a content switcher item from being selected in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('content-switcher-beingselected', function(evt) {
-  if (!myApplication.shouldContentSwitcherItemBeSelected( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example
-Notifying events of all content switcher items being selected to an analytics
-document.addEventListener('content-switcher-selected', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Content switcher item selected',
-    id:,
-  });
-#### Classes
-| Name                             | Description                         |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `bx--content-switcher--selected` | The className for a selected button |
-### FAQ
-#### Preset an active button and panel with HTML
-While SCSS and JS are setup, you can configure Content Switcher and its
-associated content through the HTML.
-Each `bx--content-switcher-btn` has a `data-target` value with a selector for a
-panel element. When one of these buttons is clicked, then it will show the panel
-that the `data-target` is pointing to.
-For example,
-The first button has a `data-target` pointing to `.demo-panel--opt-1`. When
-clicking the first button, the JavaScript will find the DOM element using the
-given `data-target` selector and display it while hiding all other panels using
-the `hidden` attribute.
-Below is an HTML setup for Content Switcher that will do the following:
-- Select the first button by default (as indicated by
-  `bx--content-switcher--selected` class)
-- Show the `<div class="demo--panel--opt-1">` element
-- Hide the other elements
-<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
-  <button
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1"
-  >
-    Option 1
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">
-    Option 2
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">
-    Option 3
-  </button>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-1">Show Option 1</div>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-2" hidden>Show Option 2</div>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-3" hidden>Show Option 3</div>
-#### Preset an active button and panel with JavaScript
-Use `setActive` class method to preset the selection on a Content Switcher;
-doing this will avoid manually adding `bx--content-switcher--selected` modifier
-class and `hidden` attributes on HTML.
-  data-content-switcher
-  id="my-content-switcher"
-  class="bx--content-switcher"
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1">
-    Option 1
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">
-    Option 2
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">
-    Option 3
-  </button>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-1">Show Option 1</div>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-2">Show Option 2</div>
-<div class="demo--panel--opt-3">Show Option 3</div>
-// Get HTMLelement for button to preselect it with setActive
-const button = document.querySelector('[data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2"]');
-// Initialize an instance of ContentSwitcher with init(), create(element) or new ContentSwitcher(element)
-// Grab an ContentSwitcher instance
-const instance = ContentSwitcher.components.get(
-  document.getElementById('my-content-switcher')
-// Use setActive
-The `setActive` method also takes an optional `callback` function parameter. The
-most typical example of using this is acting on a newly selected
-content-switcher button.
-contentSwitcher.setActive(button, function(error, item) {
-  if (!error) {
-    // Having no error means that content switching is not canceled, so go on…
-    item.ownerDocument
-      .querySelector(
-      .querySelector('input')
-      .focus(); // `item` is the newly selected button
-  }
-#### Using buttons or anchor elements are both fine
-Content Switcher can be implemented with either `<button>` or `<a>` elements for
-its click targets. Both uses of HTML will render the same visual styles and
-<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
-  <a
-    href="javascript:void(0)"
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1"
-    >Option 1</a
-  >
-  <a
-    href="javascript:void(0)"
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2"
-    >Option 2</a
-  >
-  <a
-    href="javascript:void(0)"
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3"
-    >Option 3</a
-  >
-<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
-  <button
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1"
-  >
-    Option 1
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">
-    Option 2
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">
-    Option 3
-  </button>
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/ b/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2158b557d28..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/content-switcher/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Previously supported HTML for content-switcher that was deprecated in 6.x has
-now been removed in 7.x. Use the smaller, simpler HTML for content-switcher from
-now on:
-<div data-content-switcher class="bx--content-switcher">
-  <button
-    class="bx--content-switcher-btn bx--content-switcher--selected"
-    data-target=".demo--panel--opt-1"
-  >
-    Option 1
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-2">
-    Option 2
-  </button>
-  <button class="bx--content-switcher-btn" data-target=".demo--panel--opt-3">
-    Option 3
-  </button>
-### SCSS
-The `_content-switcher.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/content-switcher/_content-switcher.scss`. You will need to
-update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/content-switcher/content-switcher';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/content-switcher/content-switcher';
-Classes for content-switcher have been renamed to use less BEM underscores.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/data-table/ b/packages/components/src/components/data-table/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0840e676522..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/data-table/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-The update to tables splits out the `scss` files into multiple partial files
-with specific functionality, with a main index file bringing them together.
-#### Files
-| Name                    | Description                              |
-| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `data-table`            | index file, brings in all functionality  |
-| `data-table-core`       | Core styles and base modifiers, required |
-| `data-table-action`     | Action bar styles                        |
-| `data-table-expandable` | Expandable row styles                    |
-| `data-table-sort`       | Sortable header styles                   |
-#### Modifiers
-| Name                                    | Description                                         |
-| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| `bx--data-table--compact`               | Change table row height to 24                       |
-| `bx--data-table--short`                 | Change table row height to 32                       |
-| `bx--data-table--tall`                  | Change table row height to 64                       |
-| `bx--data-table--zebra`                 | Toggle on zebra striping                            |
-| `bx--data-table--static`                | Change default table width from 100% to auto        |
-| `bx--data-table--no-border`             | Remove default border on table cells                |
-| `bx--data-table--visible-overflow-menu` | Show overflow menu icons by default (without hover) |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { DataTable } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var DataTable = CarbonComponents.DataTable;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-data-table` is an element with `[data-data-table]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name          | Params | Descriptions                                                                                                      |
-| ------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `release`     |        | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners                                                         |
-| `refreshRows` |        | When adding in new table rows, reinitialize parent-child relationships. Not required if not using expandable rows |
-##### Example - Keeping data table in sync with dynamic change in rows list (For expantable table)
-// `#my-data-table` is an element with `[data-data-table]` attribute
-var dataTableInstance = DataTable.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-data-table')
-#### Events
-| Key                    | Value                           | Description                         |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `eventBeforeExpand`    | `data-table-beforetoggleexpand` | Row expansion event                 |
-| `eventAfterExpand`     | `data-table-aftertoggleexpand`  | Row expansion event                 |
-| `eventBeforeSort`      | `data-table-beforetogglesort`   | Sort event                          |
-| `eventAfterSort`       | `data-table-aftertogglesort`    | Sort event                          |
-| `eventTrigger`         | `[data-event]`                  | Data attribute for clickable events |
-| `eventParentContainer` | `[data-parent-row]`             | Data attribute for event container  |
-##### Example - Preventing a table expando from being toggled in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('data-table-beforetoggleexpand', function(evt) {
-  if (!myApplication.shouldToggleExpando( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Sorting table content
-document.addEventListener('data-table-aftertogglesort', function(evt) {
-  // `` will be `div.bx--data-table-container`
-  // `evt.detail.element` will be `button.bx--table-sort` whose sorting is changed,
-  // and will have `bx--table-sort--ascending` class or not depending on the sorting state
-    'tbody'
-  ).innerHTML = myApplication.resortTableContent(
-    evt.detail.element
-  );
-#### Options
-| Key                        | Value                        | Description                                |
-| -------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`             | `[data-table]`               | Required css class to target table element |
-| `selectorToolbar`          | `.bx--table--toolbar`        | Toolbar parent selector                    |
-| `selectorActions`          | `.bx--batch-actions`         | Action bar parent selector                 |
-| `selectorCount`            | `[data-items-selected]`      | Selected count span selector               |
-| `selectorActionCancel`     | `.bx--batch-summary__cancel` | Action cancel button selector              |
-| `selectorCheckbox`         | `.bx--checkbox`              | Checkbox class selector                    |
-| `selectorExpandCells`      | `.bx--table-expand`          | Expand td selector                         |
-| `selectorExpandableRows`   | `.bx--expandable-row`        | Expand tr selector                         |
-| `selectorParentRows`       | `.bx--parent-row`            | Parent row selector                        |
-| `selectorChildRow`         | `[data-child-row]`           | Child row selector                         |
-| `selectorTableBody`        | `tbody`                      | Generic tbody selector                     |
-| `classExpandableRow`       | `bx--expandable-row`         | Expandable Row parent class                |
-| `classExpandableRowHidden` | `bx--expandable-row--hidden` | Initial hidden class                       |
-| `classExpandableRowHover`  | `bx--expandable-row--hover`  | Hover styles class                         |
-| `classTableSortAscending`  | `bx--table-sort--ascending`  | Ascending sort icon class                  |
-| `classTableSortActive`     | `bx--table-sort--active`     | Active sort icon class                     |
-### FAQ
-**How do I sort the tables** The table component does not sort the table for
-you, rather it emits an event and toggles the sort UI. It is up to the user to
-re-render the table rows sorted; you can see this in action
-[in the React Storybook](
-**How do I use the expandable rows** If you would like to programmatically
-expand table rows, you can add the `bx--expandable-row` to the
-`selectorParentRows` elements.
-**How do I activate the batch actions pane** If you would like to
-programmatically activate the batch actions pane, you can add
-`bx--batch-actions--active` to the `bx--batch-actions` element.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/date-picker/ b/packages/components/src/components/date-picker/
deleted file mode 100644
index 622259fd2278..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/date-picker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { DatePicker } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var DatePicker = CarbonComponents.DatePicker;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-date-picker` is an element with `[data-date-picker]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description          |
-| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance |
-#### Options
-| Option                        | Default Selector                | Description                                              |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`                | `[data-date-picker]`            | Element for initializing instance                        |
-| `selectorDatePickerInput`     | `[data-date-picker-input]`      | Input element                                            |
-| `selectorDatePickerInputFrom` | `[data-date-picker-input-from]` | For ranged calendars only: The "From date" input element |
-| `selectorDatePickerInputTo`   | `[data-date-picker-input-to]`   | For ranged calendars only: The "To date" input element   |
-| `selectorDatePickerIcon`      | `[data-date-picker-icon]`       | Calendar icon                                            |
-| `classCalendarContainer`      | `.bx--date-picker__calendar`    | Class selector for the calendar container                |
-| `classMonth`                  | `.bx--date-picker__month`       | Class selector for the calendar month                    |
-| `classWeekdays`               | `.bx--date-picker__weekdays`    | Class selector for the calendar weekdays                 |
-| `classDays`                   | `.bx--date-picker__days`        | Class selector for the calendar days                     |
-| `classWeekday`                | `.bx--date-picker__weekday`     | Class selector for a calendar weekday                    |
-| `classDay`                    | `.bx--date-picker__day`         | Class selector for a calendar day                        |
-| `attribType`                  | `data-date-picker-type`         | Specifies the calendar mode (single or range)            |
-| `dateFormat`                  | `'m/d/Y'`                       | The date format given to the calendar instance           |
-The date picker is built on top of
-[Flatpickr](, so many of the
-[events]( and
-[config options]( that come with
-Flatpickr is therefore available to the date picker options. This includes
-methods for setting a min date, max date, disabling date(s), specifiying a range
-of dates, and more.
-##### Example - Getting notified of date picker dropdown being closed
-// `#my-date-picker` is an element with `[data-date-picker]` attribute
-DatePicker.create(document.getElementById('my-date-picker'), {
-  onClose() {
-    console.log('Date picker dropdown closed!');
-  },
-### FAQ
-#### Using and understanding Date Picker
-There are 3 different date picker types:
-| Type                                    | `data-date-picker-type`            |
-| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| A simple date picker without a calendar | No data attributes needed          |
-| A single date picker                    | `[data-date-picker-type="single"]` |
-| A ranged date picker                    | `[data-date-picker-type="range"]`  |
-**The simple date picker** is a text input without a calendar. You can specify
-the pattern for the text input to make sure the user enters the correct date
-format. The default regex pattern that ships with the simple date picker is
-`\d{1,2}/\d{4}` ('dd/yyyy' for short date pickers) and `\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}`
-('dd/mm/yyyy' or mm/dd/yyyy). The simple date picker does not require any
-**The single date picker** is a text input with a calendar instance attached to
-it. It also ships with a calendar icon inside the input field. The calendar will
-open when the input is focused, and the user can both type in a date or select a
-day from the calendar. The single date picker requires JavaScript, so the data
-attributes `data-date-picker` and `data-date-picker-type="single"` are required
-on the parent div, and the data attribute `data-date-picker-input` is required
-on the input field.
-**The ranged date picker** has two text inputs with a ranged calendar instance
-attached to them. The ranged date picker requires JavaScript, so the data
-attributes `data-date-picker` and `data-date-picker-type="range"` are required
-on the parent div, and the data attributes `data-date-picker-input-from` and
-`data-date-picker-input-to` are required on the two input fields.
-#### Localization
-Date Picker supports localization, and you can specify the date format by
-overriding the component option `dateFormat`. Supported date formats are listed
-To localize the date picker globally, please follow
-[these instructions](
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/ b/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca70513ed012..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--dropdown` class.
-| Name                        | Description                                                                                                                      |
-| --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--dropdown--auto-width` | Allows the width of the dropdown to be equal to the width of the content inside it instead of being 100% width of the container. |
-| `.bx--dropdown--selected`   | Applies specific styles for a selected dropdown item.                                                                            |
-| `.bx--dropdown--open`       | Applies specific styles when the dropdown is opened                                                                              |
-| `.bx--dropdown--up`         | Applies style to have the dropdown slide up instead of down                                                                      |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Dropdown } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Dropdown = CarbonComponents.Dropdown;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-dropdown` is an element with `[data-dropdown]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name                   | Params                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                      |
-| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `release`              |                        | Deletes the instance                                                                                                                                                             |
-| `getCurrentNavigation` |                        | Returns the currently highlighted element                                                                                                                                        |
-| `navigate`             | direction: `Number`    | Moves the focus up or down                                                                                                                                                       |
-| `select`               | itemToSelect: `Object` | Handles clicking on the dropdown options, doing the following: Changing text to selected option, removing selected option from options when selected, and emitting custom events |
-| `setCloseOnBlur`       |                        | Sets an event handler to document for "close on blue" behavior                                                                                                                   |
-##### Example - Changing the active item
-// `#my-dropdown` is an element with `[data-dropdown]` attribute
-var dropdownInstance = Dropdown.create(document.getElementById('my-dropdown'));
-// `#my-dropdown-link-1` is one of the `<a>`s with `bx--dropdown-link` class'my-dropdown-link-1'));
-#### Options
-| Option                 | Default Selector                | Description                                                                                      |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`         | `[data-dropdown]`               | The selector to find the dropdown component                                                      |
-| `selectorItem`         | `.bx--dropdown-link`            | The selector to find the clickable area in the selected dropdown item                            |
-| `selectorItemSelected` | `.bx--dropdown--selected`       | The selector to find the clickable area in the selected dropdown item                            |
-| `selectorItemHidden`   | `[hidden],[aria-hidden="true"]` | The selector to find hidden dropdown items. Used to skip dropdown items for keyboard navigation. |
-| `classSelected`        | `bx--dropdown--selected`        | The class for the selected dropdown item.                                                        |
-#### Events
-| Event Name               | Description                                           |
-| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `dropdown-beingselected` | Custom event fired before a dropdown item is selected |
-| `dropdown-selected`      | Custom event fired after a dropdown item is selected  |
-##### Example - Preventing a dropdown item from being selected in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('dropdown-beingselected', function(evt) {
-  if (!myApplication.shouldDropdownItemBeSelected( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all dropdown items being selected to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('dropdown-selected', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Dropdown item selected',
-    id:,
-  });
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/ b/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3333e4d7485..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/dropdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No structural changes. However, class names have been changed.
-### SCSS
-The `_dropdown.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/dropdown/_dropdown.scss`. You will need to update any `@import`
-statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/dropdown/dropdown';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/dropdown/dropdown';
-Quite a few class names have changed. See table below.
-| Old Class                 | New Class         |
-| ------------------------- | ----------------- |
-| bx--dropdown\_\_menu-text | bx--dropdown-text |
-| bx--dropdown\_\_list      | bx--dropdown-list |
-| bx--dropdown\_\_list-item | bx--dropdown-item |
-| bx--dropdown\_\_link      | bx--dropdown-link |
-### JavaScript
-No changes.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/ b/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8439578185e..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { FileUploader } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var FileUploader = CarbonComponents.FileUploader;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-file` is an element with `[data-file]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name       | Params                                     | Description                                                                                                      |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `setState` | `state`: `String`, `selectIndex`: `Number` | After files are added, call this method to change `state` of the filenames (`'upload'`, `'complete'`, `'edit'`). |
-| `release`  |                                            | Deletes the instance                                                                                             |
-##### Example - Changing the uploading state
-// `#my-file` is an element with `[data-file]` attribute
-var fileUploaderInstance = FileUploader.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-file')
-// Makes the 2nd file shown as its uploading complete
-fileUploaderInstance.setState('complete', 1);
-#### Options
-| Option                        | Default Selector                      | Description                                                   |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`                | `[data-file]`                         | Element for initializing instance                             |
-| `selectorInput`               | `[input[type="file"].bx--file-input]` | Input element                                                 |
-| `selectorContainer`           | `[data-file-container]`               | Element for injecting HTML for upload and edit states         |
-| `selectorDropContainer`       | `[data-file-drop-container]`          | Element for drag files onto                                   |
-| `selectorOtherDropContainers` | `[data-drop-containers]`              | Element for applications to handle their own drag/drop effect |
-| `selectorCloseButton`         | `.bx--file-close`                     | Close button for removing filename nodes                      |
-#### Events
-| Event Name                              | Description                                                                                                                                                                       |
-| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `change`                                | When files are added to File Uploader, a change event is fired. This also triggers custom events; see eventBeforeDisplayFilesFileuploader and eventAfterDisplayFilesFileuploader` |
-| `eventBeforeDeleteFilenameFileuploader` | Triggered before clicking on close button(s) inside filename node(s).                                                                                                             |
-| `eventAfterDeleteFilenameFileuploader`  | Triggered after clicking on close button(s) inside filename node(s).                                                                                                              |
-### FAQ
-#### Using and understanding File Uploader
-When files are added to File Uploader, a `change` event or `drop` event is
-fired. The `change`/`drop` events trigger a private method to inject HTML into
-the `selectorContainer` element displaying all added filenames.
-Trigger additional states using `setState()` public method. Additional states
-are **edit**, **complete** and **upload**.
-**Edit** injects close icons into each filename state container. A `click` event
-listener is also added to remove the filename when close button is clicked.
-.bx--file__state-container .bx--file-close {
-  width: 1rem;
-  height: 1rem;
-  fill: $text-01;
-  cursor: pointer;
-**Upload** injects Loading components into each filename state container.
-Developers using File Uploader will be able to use JavaScript to inject a
-Loading component when selected files are _actually_ being uploaded. Users can
-select a **single** file or **multiple** files. By default, any file type is
-accepted. It's up to the developer and their design team to specify and
-implement validations for which file types are acceptable.
-**Complete** injects checkmark icons into each filename state container.
-.bx--loading {
-  width: 2rem;
-  height: 2rem;
-  margin-right: -7px;
-.bx--loading__svg {
-  stroke: $ui-05;
-#### WCAG AA Color Accessibility
-File Uploader color contrast ratios are accessible. Since File Uploader
-(specifically filename elements) low-opacity colors, verifying color ratios with
-IBM a11y tool may not yield passing results.
-However, evaluating resulting background colors as solid colors will pass.
-| Opacity + UI background color | Actual background color | Text color | WCAG AA Color Ratio | Passes 4.5?        |
-| ----------------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------- | ------------------- | ------------------ |
-| `#5a6872` at 10% on `#ffffff` | `#cedbec`               | `#152935`  | 10.70               | :white_check_mark: |
-| `#5a6872` at 10% on `#f5f7fa` | `#c6d5e8`               | `#152935`  | 10.07               | :white_check_mark: |
-#### Truncating long filenames
-By default, filenames are truncated so that any filename that goes beyond
-`300px` will be cutoff.
-Truncating filenames is enabled through the use of
-`@mixin text-overflow($size)`.
-You can override this behavior with SCSS by giving the `@mixin` a new `width` by
-overriding this `@mixin`.
-// Using mixin, override initial styles in _file-uploader.scss
-.bx--file-filename {
-  @include text-overflow(768px);
-You can also use plain CSS by setting a new `width`.
-.bx--file-filename {
-  width: 768px;
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/ b/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc4a9160b84..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/file-uploader/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-HTML for File Uploader has changed a lot, it will be best to simply copy and
-paste the HTML to your project. With that said, here are some of the main
-changes to be aware of.
-HTML for File Uploader (along with all other form elements) now use
-`.bx--form-item` to wrap the HTML and `.bx--label` to use as a label. There's
-also a new `.bx--file-container` element that is used to display filename
-elements. See README for details on how this works.
-### SCSS
-The `_file-uploader.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/file-uploader/_file-uploader.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/file-uploader/file-uploader';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/file-uploader/file-uploader';
-| Old Class         | New Class                   | Note    |
-| ----------------- | --------------------------- | ------- |
-| bx--file\_\_label | bx--label                   | Changed |
-|                   | bx--form-item               | Added   |
-|                   | bx--label-description       | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file                    | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file-btn                | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file-container          | Added   |
-|                   | .bx--file=filename          | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file\_\_state-container | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file--close             | Added   |
-|                   | bx--file--complete          | Added   |
-|                   | bx--loading                 | Added   |
-### JavaScript
-The entire API for `FileUploader` has changed. See README for details.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/floating-menu/ b/packages/components/src/components/floating-menu/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d89ab35d80..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/floating-menu/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#### Public Methods
-| Name                   | Params                                                        | Description                                                            |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `show`/`hide`          | `evt`: `Event` or `Element`, `callback`: `Function`           | Shows/hides the menu.                                                  |
-| `changeState`          | `state`: `string`, `detail`: `Object`, `callback`: `Function` | Changes the shown/hidden state.                                        |
-| `shouldStateBeChanged` | `state`: `string`                                             | Returns `true` if the given state is different from the current state. |
-| `release`              |                                                               | Deletes the instance and removes resize event listeners.               |
-#### Options
-| Option              | Default value                    | Description                                                                                               |
-| ------------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorContainer` | `[data-floating-menu-container]` | The CSS selector to find the element you wish the append the menu contents to.                            |
-| `attribDirection`   | `data-floating-menu-direction`   | The attribute name to specify menu placement direction (top/right/bottom/left).                           |
-| `classShown`        | None                             | The CSS class for shown state, for the menu. Should be provided via component creation options.           |
-| `classRefShown`     | None                             | The CSS class for shown state, for the trigger button. Should be provided via component creation options. |
-| `eventBeforeShown`  | `floating-menu-beingshown`       | The name of the custom event fired before a menu is opened.                                               |
-| `eventAfterShown`   | `floating-menu-shown`            | The name of the custom event fired after a menu is opened.                                                |
-| `eventBeforeHidden` | `floating-menu-beinghidden`      | The name of the custom event fired before a menu is closed.                                               |
-| `eventAfterHidden`  | `floating-menu-hidden`           | The name of the custom event fired after a menu is closed.                                                |
-| `refNode`           | None                             | The trigger button. Should be provided via component creation options.                                    |
-| `offset`            | `{ top: 0, left: 0}`             | An object containing the top and left offset values in px.                                                |
-#### Events
-| Event Name                  | Description                                                                                              |
-| --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `floating-menu-beingshown`  | The name of the custom event fired before a menu is opened. Cancellation of this event stops it opening. |
-| `floating-menu-shown`       | The name of the custom event fired after a menu is opened.                                               |
-| `floating-menu-beinghidden` | The name of the custom event fired before a menu is closed. Cancellation of this event stops it closing. |
-| `floating-menu-hidden`      | The name of the custom event fired after a menu is closed.                                               |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/form/ b/packages/components/src/components/form/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da450fd1510..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/form/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Modifiers are used with various form-related classes.
-| Selector               | Description                         |
-| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--label--disabled` | Applies disabled styles for a label |
-### FAQ
-#### Using Form Requirement
-Carbon Components provide HTML attributes and CSS to enable form validation for
-each input or control.
-For example, here's a **Form Item** with a required text input.
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <label for="text1" class="bx--label">Username</label>
-  <input
-    required
-    id="text1"
-    type="text"
-    class="bx--text__input"
-    placeholder="Enter username here"
-  />
-  <div class="bx--form-requirement">Username is taken.</div>
-The `bx--form-requirement` element will be hidden until `data-invalid` attribute
-gets added to the `input`. Validate the text input on your own and then use
-JavaScript to add the attribute if the input value is invalid.
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <label for="text1" class="bx--label">Username</label>
-  <input
-    data-invalid
-    required
-    id="text1"
-    type="text"
-    class="bx--text__input"
-    placeholder="Enter username here"
-  />
-  <div class="bx--form-requirement">Username is taken.</div>
-Now that `data-invalid` is added to the `input`, the `bx--form-requirement` will
-#### HTML
-Carbon Components provides inputs (checkboxes, text-inputs, etc.) and some
-default styles for forms:
-- `.bx--form-item`
-- `.bx--fieldset`
-- `.bx--label`
-- `.bx--form-requirement`
-Make use of HTML to compose and structure forms appropriate to your project's
-For example, here's a simple form for a login page that uses a mix of HTML and
-Carbon Components.
-  <section>
-    <div class="bx--form-item">
-      <label for="text1" class="bx--label">Username</label>
-      <input
-        data-invalid
-        id="your-username-id"
-        type="text"
-        class="bx--text__input"
-        placeholder="Enter username here"
-      />
-      <div class="bx--form-requirement">Username is taken.</div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="bx--form-item">
-      <label for="text1" class="bx--label">Password</label>
-      <input
-        data-invalid
-        id="your-password-id"
-        type="password"
-        class="bx--text__input"
-        placeholder="Enter username here"
-      />
-      <div class="bx--form-requirement">Password must rhyme with Batman.</div>
-    </div>
-  </section>
-  <fieldset>
-    <legend>Click Register when you're ready!</legend>
-    <button class="bx--btn bx--btn--primary" type="submit">Register</button>
-  </fieldset>
-You can use any appropriate HTML for structuring and grouping your forms. If you
-want, those `<section>` elements could be `<div>` elements. Or you can change
-the `<fieldset>` element to be a `<section>` if that's what you want.
-#### Fieldset and Legend
-It's best practice to wrap any groups of checkboxes or radio inputs with
-`<fieldset>` and use `<legend>` to label the group. This best practice applies
-mainly to composing forms where users are submitting data.
-Here's an example from
-that explains why this is a best practice.
-> The `<legend>` element formally describes the purpose of the `<fieldset>`
-> element. Many assistive technologies will use the `<legend>` element as if it
-> is a part of the label of each widget inside the corresponding `<fieldset>`
-> element.
-> ```html
-> <form>
->   <fieldset>
->     <legend>Fruit juice size</legend>
->     <p>
->       <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_1" value="small" />
->       <label for="size_1">Small</label>
->     </p>
->     <p>
->       <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_2" value="medium" />
->       <label for="size_2">Medium</label>
->     </p>
->     <p>
->       <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_3" value="large" />
->       <label for="size_3">Large</label>
->     </p>
->   </fieldset>
-> </form>
-> ```
-> With this example, a screen reader will pronounce "Fruit juice size small" for
-> the first widget, "Fruit juice size medium" for the second, and "Fruit juice
-> size large" for the third.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/form/ b/packages/components/src/components/form/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9035dbe9ccc1..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/form/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-The `form` component has been simplified. `.bx--form` has been removed since it
-was not providing anything significant. Your forms should still be contained in
-a `<form>` element but the `.bx--form` class is unneeded. The `.bx--form__row`
-and `.bx--form__row--column` classes for form layout have been removed. Form
-styles will no longer dictate default layouts. See HTML docs for more details
-The form component supplies 3 classes.
-- `.bx--form-item`
-- `.bx--label`
-- `.bx--form-requirement`
-Styles for form components such as `text-input` are contained in their own
-component files.
-For full usage guidelines of the new HTML see the component README file.
-### SCSS
-The `_form.scss` file is now located at `src/components/form/_form.scss`. You
-will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/form/form';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/form/form';
-Quite a few class names have changed. See table below.
-| Old Class                | New Class            | Note    |
-| ------------------------ | -------------------- | ------- |
-| bx--form\_\_row-item     | bx--form-item        | Changed |
-| bx--form\_\_label        | bx--label            | Changed |
-| bx--form\_\_requirements | bx--form-requirement | Changed |
-| bx--form\_\_row          | N/A                  | Removed |
-| bx--form\_\_row--column  | N/A                  | Removed |
-|                          | bx--fieldset         | Added   |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/inline-loading/ b/packages/components/src/components/inline-loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d9830a3f43..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/inline-loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { InlineLoading } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var InlineLoading = CarbonComponents.InlineLoading;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-inline-loading` is an element with `[data-inline-loading]` attribute
-#### Static properties
-| Name   | Type   | Description                                                                  |
-| ------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| states | Object | The loading states. Contains `INACTIVE`, `ACTIVE` and `FINISHED` properties. |
-#### Public Methods
-| Name       | Params           | Description                             |
-| ---------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| `release`  |                  | Deletes the instance                    |
-| `setState` | state : `string` | Sets the active/inactive/finished state |
-##### Example - Transitioning the loading spinner to the finished state
-// `#my-inline-loading` is an element with `[data-inline-loading]` attribute
-var inlineLoadingInstance = InlineLoading.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-inline-loading')
-#### Options
-| Option                 | Default Selector                      | Description                                                     |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`         | `[data-inline-loading]`               | The CSS selector to find the inline loading components          |
-| `selectorSpinner`      | `[data-inline-loading-spinner]`       | The CSS selector to find the spinner                            |
-| `selectorFinished`     | `[data-inline-loading-finished]`      | The CSS selector to find the "finished" icon                    |
-| `selectorTextActive`   | `[data-inline-loading-text-active]`   | The CSS selector to find the text describing the active state   |
-| `selectorTextFinished` | `[data-inline-loading-text-finished]` | The CSS selector to find the text describing the finished state |
-| `classLoadingStop`     | `.bx--loading--stop`                  | The CSS class for spinner's stopped state                       |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/link/ b/packages/components/src/components/link/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0063f67ac7ba..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/link/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_link.scss` file is now located at `src/components/link/_link.scss`. You
-will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/link/link';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/link/link';
-### JavaScript
-No changes.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/list-box/ b/packages/components/src/components/list-box/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1847f30e4792..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/list-box/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# `list-box`
-> A generic UI component used to build selection menus like Dropdowns,
-> Comboboxes, and more.
-### SCSS
-#### Classes
-| Name                                    | Description                                                                                                                                                         |
-| :-------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--list-box`                         | The containing element for a `list-box`                                                                                                                             |
-| `.bx--list-box--inline`                 | The `inline` variant of a `list-box`                                                                                                                                |
-| `.bx--list-box--disabled`               | The `disabled` state of a `list-box` control                                                                                                                        |
-| `.bx--list-box__field`                  | A descendant of a `list-box` responsible for showing label information, selections, and current input                                                               |
-| `.bx--list-box__label`                  | A descendant of a `list-box` field responsible for displaying the label of the control                                                                              |
-| `.bx--list-box__menu-icon`              | A descendant of a `list-box` field responsible for displaying the open status of the menu of options for the control                                                |
-| `.bx--list-box__menu-icon--open`        | A modifier of `.bx--list-box__menu-icon` that updates the orientation of the icon for when the menu of options for the control is visible                           |
-| `.bx--list-box__selection`              | A descendant of a `list-box` field responsbile for showing a selection has been made, in addition to providing a way to clear the current selection for the control |
-| `.bx--list-box__selection--multi`       | A modifier of `.bx--list-box__selection` when the control is able to have multiple selections                                                                       |
-| `.bx--list-box__menu`                   | A descendant of a `list-box` that provides a list of options that the user can select for the control                                                               |
-| `.bx--list-box__menu-item`              | A descendant of a `list-box__menu` that is a selectable option                                                                                                      |
-| `.bx--list-box__menu-item--highlighted` | A modifier for `list-box__menu-item` that indicates the item is being interacted with by a user                                                                     |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/list/ b/packages/components/src/components/list/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b6e61680012..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/list/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--list` class.
-| Selector               | Description                                                              |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--list--unordered` | Use to apply styles to an unordered list                                 |
-| `.bx--list--ordered`   | Use to apply styles to an ordered list                                   |
-| `.bx--list--nested`    | Use to apply styles to a nested list inside an ordered or unordered list |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/list/ b/packages/components/src/components/list/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44acdb53c61b..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/list/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_list.scss` file is now located at `src/components/list/_list.scss`. You
-will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/list/list';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/list/list';
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/loading/ b/packages/components/src/components/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac4ebcbc13f..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--loading` class.
-| Selector                     | Description                              |
-| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--loading--small`        | Class for small loading spinner          |
-| `.bx--loading--stop`         | Class for stopping the loading animation |
-| `.bx--loading-overlay--stop` | Class for hiding the overlay             |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Loading } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Loading = CarbonComponents.Loading;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-loading` is an element with `[data-loading]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name       | Params             | Description                                                 |
-| ---------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `release`  |                    | Deletes the instance                                        |
-| `set`      | active : `Boolean` | Sets the active/inactive state                              |
-| `toggle`   |                    | Toggles active/inactive state                               |
-| `isActive` |                    | Returns current state                                       |
-| `end`      |                    | Runs end animation and then delete the element from the DOM |
-##### Example - Activating the loading spinner
-// `#my-loading` is an element with `[data-loading]` attribute
-var loadingInstance = Loading.create(document.getElementById('my-loading'));
-#### Options
-| Option                    | Default Selector            | Description                                                      |
-| ------------------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`            | `[data-loading]`            | The CSS selector to find the loading component                   |
-| `selectorLoadingOverlay`  | `.bx--loading-overlay`      | The selector for the loading overlay.                            |
-| `classLoadingOverlayStop` | `bx--loading-overlay--stop` | The class for the loading overlay's stopped state.               |
-| `active`                  | `true`                      | A boolean value representing the initial state of the component. |
-##### Example - Activating upon instantiating
-// `#my-loading` is an element with `[data-loading]` attribute
-Loading.create(document.getElementById('my-loading'), { active: true });
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/loading/ b/packages/components/src/components/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c93d5e5c5da..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-There are now three variations of this component. Default, with a page overlay,
-and a small version. No class names have changed.
-### SCSS
-The `_loading.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/loading/_loading.scss`. You will need to update any `@import`
-statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/loading/loading';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/loading/loading';
-New class `.bx--loading-overlay` wraps a `.bx--loading` component and provides
-an overlay for a "full screen" loading scenario.
-`bx--loading--small` is a new modifier class to be added with `bx--loading`. It
-provides the small version of the loading component for use inside of another
-component such as a button.
-### JavaScript
-`end()` is a method that plays the loading finished animation and then deletes
-the element from the DOM.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/modal/ b/packages/components/src/components/modal/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2bbb204f331..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/modal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--modal` class.
-| Name                 | Description                               |
-| -------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--modal--danger` | Selector for applying danger modal styles |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Modal } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Modal = CarbonComponents.Modal;
-#### Instantiating
-##### For one with a trigger button (a `<button>` with `data-modal-target` attribute)
-##### For one without a trigger button
-// `#my-modal` is an element with `[data-modal]` attribute
-#### Public methods
-| Name      | Params | Description          |
-| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance |
-| `show`    |        | Show the modal       |
-| `hide`    |        | Hide the modal       |
-##### Example - Showing modal
-// `#my-modal` is an element with `[data-modal]` attribute
-var modalInstance = Modal.create(document.getElementById('my-modal'));;
-#### Options
-| Option                 | Default selector             | Description                                                                                                                          |
-| ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`         | '[data-modal]'               | The css selector for root modal component                                                                                            |
-| `selectorModalClose`   | '[data-modal-close]'         | The selector to find elements that close the modal                                                                                   |
-| `selectorPrimaryFocus` | '[data-modal-primary-focus]' | The CSS selector to determine the element to put focus when modal gets open                                                          |
-| `classVisible`         | 'is-visible'                 | Class to toggle visibility of modal                                                                                                  |
-| `classBody`            | 'bx--body--with-modal-open'  | Class on `<body>` that toggles when a modal opens/closes                                                                             |
-| `attribInitTarget`     | 'data-modal-target'          | The attribute on the launching element to target the modal                                                                           |
-| `initEventNames`       | '['click']'                  | On specified events, if event matches the attribInitTarget, then initialize the component and run createdByLauncher if method exists |
-##### Example - Putting focus on text box when modal gets open
-  data-modal
-  id="my-modal"
-  class="bx--modal "
-  role="dialog"
-  aria-modal="true"
-  aria-labelledby="my-modal-label"
-  aria-describedby="my-modal-heading"
-  tabindex="-1"
-  <div class="bx--modal-container">
-    <div class="bx--modal-header">
-      <p class="bx--modal-header__heading bx--type-beta" id="my-modal-heading">
-        Modal heading
-      </p>
-      <button
-        class="bx--modal-close"
-        type="button"
-        data-modal-close
-        aria-label="close modal"
-      >
-        (The close button image)
-      </button>
-    </div>
-    <div class="bx--modal-content">
-      <label for="my-text-input" class="bx--label">Text Input label</label>
-      <input
-        id="my-text-input"
-        type="text"
-        class="bx--text-input"
-        placeholder="Optional placeholder text"
-        data-modal-primary-focus
-      />
-    </div>
-  </div>
-#### Events
-| Event option        | Event name          |
-| ------------------- | ------------------- |
-| `eventBeforeShown`  | 'modal-beingshown'  |
-| `eventAfterShown`   | 'modal-shown'       |
-| `eventBeforeHidden` | 'modal-beinghidden' |
-| `eventAfterHidden`  | 'modal-hidden'      |
-##### Example - Preventing modals from being closed in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('modal-beinghidden', function(evt) {
-  if (myApplication.shouldModalKeptOpen( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all modals being closed to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('modal-hidden', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Modal hidden',
-    id:,
-  });
-### FAQ
-#### How do I point multiple elements to the same modal?
-To trigger the same modal, you need to add the `data-modal-target` attribute to
-a element, and then point it to the same id. For example
-  class="bx--btn bx-btn--primary"
-  type="button"
-  data-modal-target="#modal"
-  A button
-  class="bx--btn bx-btn--secondary"
-  type="button"
-  data-modal-target="#modal"
-  Another button
-Both these buttons would trigger the modal with the id of `modal.`
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/modal/ b/packages/components/src/components/modal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 679806d5b0c1..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/modal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-HTML for Modals have been given a siginificant overhaul. Previously, there were
-3 distinct types of modals. Now, Modals simply adhere to a simple 3-part HTML
-structure for better composability:
-A Modal can be made of these parts:
-- Modal Header
-- Modal Content
-- Modal Footer
-The Modal Footer will contain actions, usually a set of buttons. The most common
-patterns for Modals will usually be Modals with a footer and Modals without a
-With that said, it will be best to copy and paste the new HTML for Modal to
-capture all of the latest changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_modal.scss` file is now located at `src/components/modal/_modal.scss`. You
-will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/modal/modal';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/modal/modal';
-Some classes have been changed. Some old classes have been repurposed to take on
-different meanings or hook in different kinds of styles. Below is a subset of
-changes that you can expect, but does not cover all changes. It will be best to
-use the newest HTML as a template for new Modals.
-| Old Class                    | New Class               | Note    |
-| ---------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------- |
-| bx--modal-content\_\_label   |                         | Removed |
-| bx--modal-content\_\_heading |                         | Removed |
-| bx--modal-content\_\_text    |                         | Removed |
-|                              | bx--modal-footer        | Added   |
-|                              | bx--modal-header        | Added   |
-| bx--modal-inner              | bx--modal-container     | Changed |
-| bx--modal\_\_close           | bx--modal-close         | Changed |
-| bx--modal\_\_close--icon     | bx--modal-close\_\_icon | Changed |
-### JavaScript
-The `getTransitionDuration` function is no longer used.
-The `hookCloseActions` method is now a private method, so it's been renamed to
-A new private method has been added called `_getLaunchingDetails`, which is used
-inside the `show` public method.
-The `static hook` method has been removed since it was deprecated in the
-previous major version (6.x).
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/multi-select/ b/packages/components/src/components/multi-select/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/packages/components/src/components/multi-select/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# `multi-select`
-### SCSS
-#### Classes
-| Name                | Description                                          |
-| :------------------ | :--------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--multi-select` | Used on a container node to specify its control type |
-#### Using Form Validation
-Carbon Components provides HTML attributes and CSS to enable form validation for
-each input or control.
-For example, here's a **Multiselect** that provides a message if an option is
-not selected.
-  role="listbox"
-  tabindex="0"
-  class="bx--multi-select bx--list-box"
-  data-invalid="true"
-  <div
-    role="button"
-    class="bx--list-box__field"
-    tabindex="0"
-    type="button"
-    aria-label="open menu"
-    aria-expanded="false"
-    aria-haspopup="true"
-    data-toggle="true"
-  >
-    <span class="bx--list-box__label">MultiSelect Label</span>
-    <div class="bx--list-box__menu-icon">
-      <svg
-        fill-rule="evenodd"
-        height="5"
-        role="img"
-        viewBox="0 0 10 5"
-        width="10"
-        alt="Open menu"
-        aria-label="Open menu"
-      >
-        <title>Open menu</title>
-        <path d="M0 0l5 4.998L10 0z"></path>
-      </svg>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<div class="bx--form-requirement">Please select an option.</div>
-The `bx--form-requirement` element will be hidden until `data-invalid` attribute
-gets added to the `bx--multi-select`. Validate the multiselect on your own and
-then use JavaScript to add the attribute if the multiselect value is invalid.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0a99ae882843..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/notification/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Mixins
-| Name                         | Params           | Description                               |
-| ---------------------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-| `inline-notification--color` | `$color`: String | Applies given `$color` to border and icon |
-| `notification--color`        | `$color`: String | Applies given `$color` to left border     |
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--inline-notification` class.
-| Selector                                 | Description                                                    |
-| ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--inline-notification--low-contrast` | Use low contrast variant (The color scheme used until `v10.2`) |
-| `.bx--inline-notification--error`        | Apply error color to border and icon                           |
-| `.bx--inline-notification--success`      | Apply success color to border and icon                         |
-| `.bx--inline-notification--info`         | Apply info color to border and icon                            |
-| `.bx--inline-notification--warning`      | Apply warning color to border and icon                         |
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--toast-notification` class.
-| Selector                                | Description                                                    |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--toast-notification--low-contrast` | Use low contrast variant (The color scheme used until `v10.2`) |
-| `.bx--toast-notification--error`        | Apply error color on left border                               |
-| `.bx--toast-notification--success`      | Apply success color on left border                             |
-| `.bx--toast-notification--info`         | Apply info color on left border                                |
-| `.bx--toast-notification--warning`      | Apply warning color on left border                             |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Notification } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Notification = CarbonComponents.Notification;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-notification` is an element with `[data-notification]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description                                                                       |
-| --------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `remove`  |        | Removes the component, deletes the instance, and removes document event listeners |
-| `release` |        | Delete the instance                                                               |
-##### Example - Removing a notification
-// `#my-notification` is an element with `[data-notification]` attribute
-notificationInstance = Notification.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-notification')
-#### Options
-| Option                          | Default Selector             | Description                                            |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`                  | `[data-notification]`        | The selector to find instances of the component        |
-| `selectorButton`                | `[data-notification-btn]`    | The selector to find the close button in the component |
-| `eventBeforeDeleteNotification` | `notification-before-delete` | Event before deleting the notification                 |
-| `eventAfterDeleteNotification`  | `notification-after-delete`  | Event after deleting the notification                  |
-##### Example - Preventing a notification from being removed in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('notification-before-delete', function(evt) {
-  if (!myApplication.shouldNotificationBeRemoved( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all notifications being removed to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('notification-after-delete', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Notification removed',
-    id:,
-  });
-### FAQ
-#### Using aria live regions and alert roles
-Using `role="alert"` is an aggressive call to action that the prompts a screen
-reader user to take immediate action on something that changed in the UI. This
-is usually reserved for things that are important or time-sensitive like:
-- An invalid value was entered into a form field
-- The user's login session is about to expire
-- The connection to the server was lost, local changes will not be saved
-Use the alert role sparingly and only in situations where the user's immediate
-attention is required. Dynamic changes that are less urgent should use a less
-aggressive method, such as `aria-live="polite"` or other live region roles.
-Don't use an alert role on all notifications.
-By default, we recommend that error and warning notifications use
-`role="alert"`, while success and info notifications use `aria-live="polite"`.
-But as always, this will depend on the urgency of the notification.
-- [Use the alert role - MDN](
-- [ARIA Live Regions - MDN](
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deleted file mode 100644
index bbd91445cb59..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/notification/
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-All notification variations have been condensed into two files
-`inline-notification.html` and `toast-notification.html`.
-There are now two data attributes for `notification.js` to target.
-`[data-notification]` identifies the component and `[data-notification-btn]`
-marks the button to close a notification.
-The majority of the class names have changed along with some structural changes.
-The class name changes are documented below. However, probably the easiest way
-to migrate to the 7.0 component is just by copy/pasting in the new HTML.
-### SCSS
-The `_notification.scss` is now split in to two files. They are located at
-`src/components/notification/_inline-notification.scss` and
-`src/components/notification/_toast-notification.scss`. You will need to update
-any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/notification/_toast-notification.scss';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/notification/_inline-notification.scss';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/notification/notification';
-Quite a few class names have changed. See table below.
-| Old Class                        | New Class: Inline                       | New Class: Toast                       |
-| -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| bx--notification\_\_title        | bx--inline-notification\_\_title        | bx--toast-notification\_\_title        |
-| bx--notification\_\_subtitle     | bx--inline-notification\_\_subtitle     | bx--toast-notification\_\_subtitle     |
-| bx--notification\_\_caption      | N/A                                     | bx--toast-notification\_\_caption      |
-| bx--notification\_\_close-button | bx--inline-notification\_\_close-button | bx--toast-notification\_\_close-button |
-| bx--notification\_\_icon         | bx--inline-notification\_\_icon         | bx--toast-notification\_\_icon         |
-To specify the type of notification you'll add a modifier class.
-`<div class="bx--toast-notification bx--toast-notification--success">`
-Previously this was all handled by one class.
-`<div class="bx--notification-inline--warning">`
-Here are the possible modifiers.
-| bx--inline-notification          | bx--toast-notification          |
-| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
-| bx--inline-notification--error   | bx--toast-notification--error   |
-| bx--inline-notification--success | bx--toast-notification--success |
-| bx--inline-notification--info    | bx--toast-notification--info    |
-| bx--inline-notification--warning | bx--toast-notification--warning |
-### JavaScript
-New in 7.0 we now have JavaScript to handle closing a notification! As long as
-you have the data attributes discussed in the HTML section and the JavaScript is
-initialized it'll just work. For more details see the component README file.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/number-input/ b/packages/components/src/components/number-input/
deleted file mode 100644
index 406c2052d483..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/number-input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript
-#### Options
-| Option         | Default Selector     | Description                                |
-| -------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit` | `[data-numberinput]` | The CSS selector to find number input HTML |
-#### Events
-| Name     | Description                                                       |
-| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `click`  | Increases and decreases value attribute of number-input           |
-| `change` | Emitted when click event inceases or decreases number-input value |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1f224e249e42..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/number-input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Number Input and other form components now use common form HTML and CSS. See
-Form README for details.
-In general, it will be easiest to simply copy and paste the new HTML to replace
-older Number Inputs.
-### SCSS
-The `_number-input.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/number-input/_number-input.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/number-input/number-input';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/number-input/number-input';
-| Old Class                 | New Class  | Note      |
-| ------------------------- | ---------- | --------- |
-| bx--number                | bx--number | Unchanged |
-| bx--number\_\_arrow       |            | Removed   |
-| bx--number\_\_icon        |            | Removed   |
-| bx--number\_\_arrow--up   | up-icon    | Changed   |
-| bx--number\_\_arrow--down | down-icon  | Changed   |
-| bx--number\_\_input       |            | Removed   |
-### JavaScript
-The `handleClick` method is now a private method, so it has been renamed to
-`_handleClick`. The `options` property now only contains a `selectorInit`
-key/value pair. The `ie` property in `options` has been removed. In general, the
-`NumberInput` class does not check for Internet Explorer browsers and relies on
-increasing and decreasing the Number input `value` attribute directly. Changing
-the `value` attribute is compatible with all browsers.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/ b/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2304e875f23c..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with .bx--overflow-menu-options class.
-| Selector                           | Description                                 |
-| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--overflow-menu--flip`         | Reverse the direction of the overflow menu. |
-| `.bx--overflow-menu-options--open` | Displays the overflow menu options.         |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { OverflowMenu } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var OverflowMenu = CarbonComponents.OverflowMenu;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-overflow-menu` is an element with `[data-overflow-menu]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name                   | Params            | Description                                                        |
-| ---------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `shouldStateBeChanged` | `state`: `String` | Return true if the given state is different from the current state |
-| `release`              |                   | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners          |
-#### Options
-| Option                   | Default Selector             | Description                                                                       |
-| ------------------------ | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`           | `[data-overflow-menu]`       | The CSS selector to find menu                                                     |
-| `selectorPlacementScope` | `body`                       | The CSS selector to find the element you wish the append the menu contents to     |
-| `selectorOptionMenu`     | `.bx--overflow-menu-options` | The CSS selector to find the contents of the menu                                 |
-| `objMenuOffset`          | `{ top: 3, left: 61 }`       | An object containing the top and left offset values in px                         |
-| `objMenuOffsetFlip`      | `{ top: 3, left: -61 }`      | An object containing the top and left offset values in px for the "flipped" state |
-##### Example - Changing menu position by 8 pixels vertically
-// `#my-overflow-menu` is an element with `[data-overflow-menu]` attribute
-OverflowMenu.create(document.getElementById('my-overflow-menu'), {
-  objMenuOffset(menuBody, direction) {
-    const { objMenuOffset: offset } = OverflowMenu.options;
-    const { top, left } =
-      typeof offset !== 'function' ? offset : offset(menuBody, direction);
-    return {
-      top: top + 8,
-      left,
-    };
-  },
-#### Events
-| Event Name                  | Description                                         |
-| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| 'floating-menu-beingshown'  | The custom event fired before the menu gets open.   |
-| 'floating-menu-shown'       | The custom event fired after the menu gets open.    |
-| 'floating-menu-beinghidden' | The custom event fired before the menu gets closed. |
-| 'floating-menu-hidden'      | The custom event fired after the menu gets closed.  |
-##### Example - Preventing menu from being closed in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('floating-menu-beinghidden', function(evt) {
-  if (myApplication.shouldMenuKeptOpen( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all overflow menus being closed to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('floating-menu-hidden', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Overflow menu closed',
-    id:,
-  });
-### HTML
-By default, the menu body (`ul.bx--overflow-menu-options`) goes right under
-`<body>`. To ensure the proper accessibility experience, add
-`data-floating-menu-container` to one of the DOM ancestors of the root element
-(`div[data-overflow-menu]`). For example, if you have HTML structure like below,
-the menu body will go under the second `<div>`:
-  <div>
-    <div data-floating-menu-container>
-      <div>
-        <div data-overflow-menu class="bx--overflow-menu" ...>
-          ...
-          <ul class="bx--overflow-menu-options" ...>
-            ...
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/ b/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa5e5d3900c6..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/overflow-menu/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Structure stays the same but some class names have been changed. See below.
-### SCSS
-The `_overflow-menu.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/overflow-menu/_overflow-menu.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/overflow-menu/overflow-menu';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/overflow-menu/overflow-menu';
-`.bx--overflow-menu__options` is now `.bx--overflow-menu-options` Any `<li>`
-inside `.bx--overflow-menu-options` should now have the
-`.bx--overflow-menu-options__option` class. `.bx--overflow-menu__btn` is now
-`.bx--overflow-menu-options__btn` If you would like to display the menu in the
-other direction add `.bx--overflow-menu--flip` to the
-`.bx--overflow-menu-options` element.
-### JavaScript
-Initializing new instances of `OverflowMenu` automatically moves the
-`.bx--overflow-menu-options` HTML so that it is appended to the `<body>`. It is
-then positioned relative to `.bx--overflow-menu`. This will not change the
-visual appearance of the component. However this is extremely useful when an
-`overflow-menu` is inside a component with `overflow: hidden;` set. A good
-example is the `data-table` component.
-If you are targeting `.bx--overflow-menu-options` via it's parent
-`.bx--overflow-menu` you'll need to update your code to target the
-`.bx--overflow-menu-options` element directly.
-This new functionality gives you a new group of options for the `overflow-menu`
-component including scope and offset amount. Full documentation is contained in
-the component README file.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/pagination-nav/ b/packages/components/src/components/pagination-nav/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/packages/components/src/components/pagination-nav/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--pagination-nav` class.
-| Selector                               | Description                                                     |
-| -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--pagination-nav--active`          | Applies active styles to page element                           |
-| `.bx--pagination-nav--disabled`        | Applies disabled styles to page element when using anchor links |
-| `.bx--pagination-nav__page--select`    | Applies select override styles to page element                  |
-| `.bx--pagination-nav__page--direction` | Applies previous/next button styles to page element             |
-### JavaScript
-#### Options
-| Option                 | Default Selector                     | Description                                               |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`         | `[data-pagination-nav]`              | The selector to find the pagination nav.                  |
-| `selectorPageElement`  | `[data-page]`                        | The data attribute to find page elements.                 |
-| `selectorPageButton`   | `[data-page-button]`                 | The data attribute to find page ui elements.              |
-| `selectorPagePrevious` | `[data-page-previous]`               | The selector to find the 'previous' ui element.           |
-| `selectorPageNext`     | `[data-page-next]`                   | The selector to find the 'next' ui element.               |
-| `selectorPageSelect`   | `[data-page-select]`                 | The selector to find the overflow select element.         |
-| `selectorPageActive`   | `[data-page-active="true"]`          | The data attribute to find active page element.           |
-| `attribPage`           | `data-page`                          | The data attribute key for accessing page number.         |
-| `attribActive`         | `data-page-active`                   | The data attribute key for accessing active page element. |
-| `classActive`          | `bx--pagination-nav__page--active`   | The CSS class for pages's selected state.                 |
-| `classDisabled`        | `bx--pagination-nav__page--disabled` | The CSS class for pages's disabled state.                 |
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deleted file mode 100644
index ddc939bb3d85..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/pagination/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--pagination__button` class.
-| Selector                            | Description                        |
-| ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--pagination__button--backward` | Applies styles for backward button |
-| `.bx--pagination__button--forward`  | Applies styles for forward button  |
-| `.bx--pagination__button--no-index` | Applies styles for disabled button |
-### JavaScript
-#### Options
-| Option                      | Default Selector           | Description                                                                  |
-| --------------------------- | -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`              | `[data-pagination]`        | The selector to find the pagination                                          |
-| `selectorItemsPerPageInput` | `[data-items-per-page]`    | The selector to find the input that determines the number of items per page. |
-| `selectorPageNumberInput`   | `[data-page-number-input]` | The selector to find the input that changes the page displayed.              |
-| `selectorPageBackward`      | `[data-page-backward]`     | The selector to find the button that goes back a page.                       |
-| `selectorPageForward`       | `[data-page-forward]`      | The selector to find the button that goes forward a page.                    |
-#### Events
-| Name                | Default Value  | Description                                                                                                                                        |
-| ------------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `eventItemsPerPage` | `itemsPerPage` | Custom event fired when a user changes the number of items per page. event.detail.value contains the number of items a user wishes to see.         |
-| `eventPageNumber`   | `pageNumber`   | The name of the custom event fired when a user inputs a specific page number. event.detail.value contains the value that the user input.           |
-| `eventPageChange`   | `pageChange`   | The name of the custom event fired when a user goes forward or backward a page. event.detail.direction contains the direction a user wishes to go. |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/pagination/ b/packages/components/src/components/pagination/
deleted file mode 100644
index df886db6eb5f..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/pagination/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_pagination.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/pagination/_pagination.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/pagination/pagination';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/pagination/pagination';
-No class changes.
-### JavaScript
-The `emitEvent` is now a private method and has been renamed to `_emitEvent`.
-The `components` and `options` properties are now declared using `static`.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/ b/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
deleted file mode 100644
index e785ddabf31f..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--progress` class.
-| Selector                         | Description                                    |
-| -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--progress-step--current`    | Applies styles for the current progress-step   |
-| `.bx--progress-step--incomplete` | Applies styles for an incomplete progress-step |
-| `.bx--progress-step--complete`   | Applies styles for a complete progress-step    |
-### Javascript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { ProgressIndicator } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var ProgressIndicator = CarbonComponents.ProgressIndicator;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-progress` is an element with `[data-progress]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name         | Params                     | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| ------------ | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `getSteps`   |                            | Returns Array of Objects with `element` and `order` key/value pairs. The `element` key contains a step element. The `order` key is what order the step element is, order starts counting from 1 (the first step element) to whatever the last step element is. |
-| `getCurrent` |                            | Returns an Object with data of the current step (`element` and `order` key/value pairs)                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| `setCurrent` | `newCurrentStep`: `Number` | Changes the current step with the given `index` number. (ex. `setCurrent(0)` sets the first step as the current step)                                                                                                                                          |
-##### Example - Changing the current step
-// `#my-progress` is an element with `[data-progress]` attribute
-var progressIndicatorInstance = ProgressIndicator.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-progress')
-// Sets the 2nd step current
-- All index numbers less than the current index will be complete
-- All index numbers greater than the current index will be incomplete
-#### Options
-| Option                | Default Selector                 | Description                                         |
-| --------------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`        | `[data-progress]`                | The selector to find the ProgressIndicator element. |
-| `selectorStepElement` | `.bx--progress-step`             | The selector to find the step element.              |
-| `selectorCurrent`     | `.bx--progress-step--current`    | The selector to find the step current step element. |
-| `selectorIncomplete`  | `.bx--progress-step--incomplete` | The selector to find incomplete step elements.      |
-| `selectorComplete`    | `.bx--progress-step--complete`   | The selector to find complete step elements.        |
-| `classStep`           | `bx--progress-step`              | ClassName for step element                          |
-| `classCompleteStep`   | `bx--progress-step--complete`    | ClassName for complete step element                 |
-| `classIncompleteStep` | `bx--progress-step--incomplete`  | ClassName for incomplete step element               |
-| `classCurrent`        | `bx--progress-step--current`     | ClassName for current step element                  |
-#### Classes
-| Name                            | Description                              |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `bx--progress-step`             | The class for a step element             |
-| `bx--progress-step--complete`   | The class for a complete step element    |
-| `bx--progress-step--incomplete` | The class for an incomplete step element |
-| `bx--progress-step--current`    | The class for a current step element     |
-### FAQ
-#### Adding or removing Progress steps
-Once `ProgressIndicator` instance is initialized, simply add or remove Progress
-steps in the HTML. The JavaScript will automatically accommodate for any number
-of steps. A Progress step in HTML looks like this:
-<li class="bx--progress-step bx--progress-step--complete">
-  <svg width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
-    <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="12"></circle>
-    <polygon
-      points="10.3 13.6 7.7 11 6.3 12.4 10.3 16.4 17.8 9 16.4 7.6"
-    ></polygon>
-  </svg>
-  <p class="bx--progress-label">Label 1</p>
-  <span class="bx--progress-line"></span>
-Note that each progress step will need a modifier class. In the example above,
-it is `bx--progress-step--complete`, but the JavaScript will set this to the
-appropriate modifier class relative to the current step as indicated by
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3baad90a96b0..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--progress` class.
-| Selector                       | Description                                    |
-| ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| .bx--progress-step--current    | Applies styles for the current progress-step   |
-| .bx--progress-step--incomplete | Applies styles for an incomplete progress-step |
-| .bx--progress-step--complete   | Applies styles for a complete progress-step    |
-### Javascript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { ProgressIndicator } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var ProgressIndicator = CarbonComponents.ProgressIndicator;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-progress` is an element with `[data-progress]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name               | Params                   | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| getSteps           |                          | Returns Array of Objects with `element` and `order` key/value pairs. The `element` key contains a step element. The `order` key is what order the step element is, order starts counting from 1 (the first step element) to whatever the last step element is. |
-| getCurrent         |                          | Returns an Object with data of the current step (`element` and `order` key/value pairs)                                                                                                                                                                        |
-| setCurrent         | newCurrentStep: `Number` | Changes the current step with the given `index` number. (ex. `setCurrent(0)` sets the first step as the current step)                                                                                                                                          |
-| addOverflowTooltip |                          | Adds an overflow class that displays the tooltip if step label is truncated                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-##### Example - Changing the current step
-// `#my-progress` is an element with `[data-progress]` attribute
-var progressIndicatorInstance = ProgressIndicator.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-progress')
-// Sets the 2nd step current
-- All index numbers less than the current index will be complete
-- All index numbers greater than the current index will be incomplete
-#### Options
-| Option                | Default Selector                 | Description                                                 |
-| --------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`        | `[data-progress]`                | The selector to find the ProgressIndicator element          |
-| `selectorStepElement` | `.bx--progress-step`             | The selector to find the step element                       |
-| `selectorCurrent`     | `.bx--progress-step--current`    | The selector to find the step current step element          |
-| `selectorIncomplete`  | `.bx--progress-step--incomplete` | The selector to find incomplete step elements               |
-| `selectorComplete`    | `.bx--progress-step--complete`   | The selector to find complete step elements                 |
-| `selectorLabel`       | `.bx---progress-label`           | The selector to find all label elements                     |
-| `selectorTooltip`     | `.bx----tooltip`                 | The selector to find all tooltip elements                   |
-| `selectorTooltipText` | `.bx--tooltip__text`             | The selector to find the child text of each tooltip         |
-| `classStep`           | `bx--progress-step`              | ClassName for step element                                  |
-| `classCurrent`        | `bx--progress-step--current`     | ClassName for current step element                          |
-| `classComplete`       | `bx--progress-step--complete`    | ClassName for complete step element                         |
-| `classIncomplete`     | `bx--progress-step--incomplete`  | ClassName for incomplete step element                       |
-| `classOverflowLabel`  | `bx--progress-label-overflow`    | ClassName for current step element                          |
-| `classTooltipMulti`   | `bx--tooltip_multi`              | ClassName for multi line tooltip element                    |
-| `maxWidth`            | `81`                             | The max width of a step label before it's truncated         |
-| `tooltipMinHeight`    | `21`                             | The max height before a tooltip is given a multi line class |
-#### Classes
-| Name                            | Description                              |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `bx--progress-step`             | The class for a step element             |
-| `bx--progress-step--complete`   | The class for a complete step element    |
-| `bx--progress-step--incomplete` | The class for an incomplete step element |
-| `bx--progress-step--current`    | The class for a current step element     |
-### FAQ
-#### Adding or removing Progress steps
-Once `ProgressIndicator` instance is initialized, simply add or remove Progress
-steps in the HTML. The JavaScript will automatically accommodate for any number
-of steps. A Progress step with an overflow tooltip and optional helper text in
-HTML looks like this:
-<li class="bx--progress-step bx--progress-step--complete">
-  <svg
-    focusable="false"
-    preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
-    xmlns=""
-    width="16"
-    height="16"
-    viewBox="0 0 16 16"
-    aria-hidden="true"
-  >
-    <path
-      d="M8 1C4.1 1 1 4.1 1 8s3.1 7 7 7 7-3.1 7-7-3.1-7-7-7zm0 13c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6s2.7-6 6-6 6 2.7 6 6-2.7 6-6 6z"
-    ></path>
-    <path d="M7 10.8L4.5 8.3l.8-.8L7 9.2l3.7-"></path>
-  </svg>
-  <p
-    tabindex="0"
-    class="bx--progress-label bx--progress-label-overflow"
-    aria-describedby="label-tooltip"
-  >
-    Overflow Example First step
-  </p>
-  <div
-    id="label-tooltip"
-    role="tooltip"
-    data-floating-menu-direction="bottom"
-    class="bx--tooltip bx--tooltip_multi"
-    data-avoid-focus-on-open
-  >
-    <span class="bx--tooltip__caret"></span>
-    <p class="bx--tooltip__text">Overflow Example First Step</p>
-  </div>
-  <p class="bx--progress-optional">Optional Helper Text</p>
-  <span class="bx--progress-line"></span>
-Note that each progress step will need a modifier class. In the example above,
-it is `bx--progress-step--complete`, but the JavaScript will set this to the
-appropriate modifier class relative to the current step as indicated by
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/ b/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
deleted file mode 100644
index e66efb2e69eb..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/progress-indicator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Most of the changes to HTML pertain mainly to class changes. See SCSS for
-SVGs representing incomplete, complete and current steps now rely on inline SVGs
-and not bluemix-icons. The JavaScript for ProgressIndicator needs to remove and
-inject SVG data into HTML to represent visual state of the component. Relying on
-`xlink:href` is not consistent enough to be sustainable for how
-`ProgressIndicator` is used.
-### SCSS
-The `_progress-indicator.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/progress-indicator/_progress-indicator.scss`. You will need to
-update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/progress-indicator/progress-indicator';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/progress-indicator/progress-indicator';
-| Old Class                                | New Class                     | Note      |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | --------- |
-| bx--progress-indicator                   | bx--progress                  | Changed   |
-| bx--progress-indicator\_\_step           |                               | Unchanged |
-| bx--progress-indicator\_\_step--complete | bx--progress-step--complete   | Changed   |
-|                                          | bx--progress-step--incomplete | Added     |
-| bx--progress-indicator\_\_step--active   | bx--progress-step--current    | Changed   |
-| bx--progress-indicator\_\_icon           |                               | Removed   |
-| bx--progress-indicator\_\_label          | bx--progress-label            | Changed   |
-### JavaScript
-The `ProgressIndicator` class should be used to initialize the component
-instance. Previously, this component was not needed but it was decided that
-having automatic state changes would make the experience of implementing this
-component easier for the developer. State specifically means pertains to the
-automatic setting of CSS modifier classes to represent visual state.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/ b/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1772e4017947..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-### FAQ
-#### Using fieldset and legend
-It's a best practice to use fieldset and legend when composing HTML for radio
-buttons. Unlike checkboxes, radio buttons should always be grouped.
-See Form for more details.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/ b/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
deleted file mode 100644
index d23ae1935aad..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/radio-button/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-### SCSS
-The `_radio-button.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/radio-button/_radio-button.scss`. You'll need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/radio-button/radio-button';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/radio-button/radio-button';
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/packages/components/src/components/search/
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# FAQ
-## Table of Contents
-<!-- To run doctoc, just do `npx doctoc` in this directory! -->
-<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
-- [Why is the clear icon a button?](#why-is-the-clear-icon-a-button)
-- [The close icon isn't tab-able in Safari](#the-close-icon-isnt-tab-able-in-safari)
-<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
-## Why is the clear icon a button?
-The clear icon has been updated to use a `button` in order to be tab-able by
-various browsers. If the icon is just an SVG target, than unfortunately some
-screen readers may not be able to access it during the normal control flow.
-## The close icon isn't tab-able in Safari
-In order to tab to the close icon in an input in Safar, you'll have to use
-`<Option><Tab>` instead of the standard `<Tab>` keystroke.
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index 234f461dc969..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/search/
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--search` class.
-| Name                 | Description                                  |
-| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--search--sm`    | Selector for applying small search styles    |
-| `.bx--search--lg`    | Selector for applying medium search styles   |
-| `.bx--search--xl`    | Selector for applying standard search styles |
-| `.bx--search--light` | Selector for applying light search styles    |
-### JavaScript
-#### Public Methods
-| Name           | Params                              | Description                              |
-| -------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `toggleLayout` | `element`: `Object`                 | Toggles between the grid and list layout |
-| `showClear`    | `value`: `String`, `icon`: `Object` | Toggles the clear icon visibility        |
-| `release`      |                                     | Deletes the instance                     |
-#### Options
-| Option                  | Default Selector                         | Description                                                 |
-| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`          | `[data-search]`                          | The selector to find the Search element.                    |
-| `selectorSearchView`    | `[data-search-view]`                     | The selector to find the search view icon containers.       |
-| `selectorSearchInput`   | `.bx--search-input`                      | The selector to find the search input.                      |
-| `selectorClearIcon`     | `.bx--search-close`                      | The selector for the clear icon that clears the search box. |
-| `selectorIconContainer` | `.bx--search-button[data-search-toggle]` | The data attribute selector for the icon layout container.  |
-| `classClearHidden`      | `bx--search-close--hidden`               | The class used to hide the clear icon.                      |
-| `classLayoutHidden`     | `bx--search-view--hidden`                | The class used to hide the non-selected layout view.        |
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index f6032d112423..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/search/
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-The new HTML is structurally the same. However, we've now added the
-`[data-search]` attribute. This allows the component's JavaScript to function.
-In addition a few class names have been changed slightly. See below.
-### SCSS
-The `_search.scss` file is now located at `src/components/search/_search.scss`.
-You'll need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/search/search';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/search/search';
-| Old Class                     | New Class                 | Note    |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------- |
-| bx--search\_\_icon--magnifier | bx--search--magnifier     | Changed |
-| bx--search\_\_label           | bx--label                 | Changed |
-| bx--search\_\_input           | bx--search-input          | Changed |
-|                               | bx--search--lg            | Added   |
-|                               | bx--search--close         | Added   |
-|                               | bx--search--close--hidden | Added   |
-|                               | bx--search-button         | Added   |
-|                               | bx--search-view--hidden   | Added   |
-### JavaScript
-The search component now has JavaScript! Make sure you've added the
-`[data-search]` attribute for it to work.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/select/ b/packages/components/src/components/select/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c51a4a798e..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/select/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--select` class.
-| Name                  | Description                                |
-| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--select--inline` | Selector for applying inline select styles |
-| `.bx--select--light`  | Selector for applying light select styles  |
-#### Inline Select width
-The width of the inline select box should be the width of the default
-placeholder text + 16px/1rem of padding. There should be 10px of padding between
-the placeholder text and the caret.
-#### Using Form Validation
-Carbon Components provides HTML attributes and CSS to enable form validation for
-each input or control.
-For example, here's a **Select** that provides a message if an option is not
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <div class="bx--select">
-    <select data-invalid id="select-id" class="bx--select-input"
-      >...</select
-    >
-    ...
-  </div>
-  <svg
-    class="bx--select__arrow"
-    width="10"
-    height="5"
-    viewBox="0 0 10 5"
-    fill-rule="evenodd"
-  >
-    <path d="M10 0L5 5 0 0z"></path>
-  </svg>
-  <label for="select-id" class="bx--label">Select</label>
-  <div class="bx--form-requirement">Please select an option.</div>
-The `bx--form-requirement` element will be hidden until `data-invalid` attribute
-gets added to the `select` child of `bx--select`. Validate the select on your
-own and then use JavaScript to add the attribute if the select value is invalid.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/select/ b/packages/components/src/components/select/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a24d98011f..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/select/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_select.scss` file is now located at `src/components/select/_select.scss`.
-You will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/select/select';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/select/select';
-Quite a few class names have changed. See table below.
-| Old Class              | New Class           | Note    |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------- | ------- |
-| bx--select\_\_optgroup | bx--select-optgroup | Changed |
-| bx--select\_\_option   | bx--select-option   | Changed |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0d0fd80fe2..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/slider/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--slider` class.
-| Selector              | Description                                                         |
-| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| .bx--slider--disabled | Applies disabled styling and prevents JS from running on user input |
-### Javascript
-#### Options
-| Option                         | Default Selector             | Description                                                               |
-| ------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`                 | `[data-slider]`              | The selector to find the Slider element.                                  |
-| `selectorTrack`                | `.bx--slider__track`         | The selector to find the Slider track element.                            |
-| `selectorFilledTrack`          | `.bx--slider__filled-track`  | The selector to find the Slider filled track element.                     |
-| `selectorThumb`                | `.bx--slider__thumb`         | The selector to find the Slider thumb element.                            |
-| `selectorInput`                | `.bx--slider__input`         | The selector to find the Slider input element.                            |
-| `eventBeforeSliderValueChange` | `slider-before-value-change` | The event emitted before the Slider value changes.                        |
-| `eventAfterSliderValueChange`  | `slider-after-value-change`  | The event emitted when the Slider value changes.                          |
-| `stepMultiplier`               | `4`                          | The multiplier applied to arrow key inputs when the shift key is pressed. |
-### FAQ
-#### Keydown event
-Once `Slider` instance is initialized a user can use the following keys to
-control the slider.
-- `up` and `right` arrow keys increase the slider value by one step
-- `down` and `left` arrow keys decrease the slider value by one step
-- Pressing `shift` while changing the value of the slider will multiple the
-  change by `Slider.options.stepMultiplier` (the default is 4)
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/structured-list/ b/packages/components/src/components/structured-list/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/packages/components/src/components/structured-list/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Variables
-All configurable variables are located in
-| name                       | description                                                                               |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `$structured-list-padding` | Set padding value for structured-list. This will change gutter sizes between table cells. |
-#### Mixins
-Mixins specific to structured-list are located in
-All mixins listed below take an optional `$padding` parameter. Default value for
-`$padding` is equal to `$structured-list-padding: 2rem !default;`, which can be
-| name                            | params     | description                                                                                                                                            |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `padding-td--condensed`         | `$padding` | Customizes padding when `.bx--structured-list--condensed` modifier class is used. Default padding is the value of `$structured-list-padding` (`2rem`). |
-| `padding--data-structured-list` | `$padding` | Customizes padding. Only used when `[data-structured-list]` attribute is on HTML indicating that this component uses `<input type="radio">` controls.  |
-| `padding-td`                    | `$padding` | Customizes padding for `.bx--structured-list-td`                                                                                                       |
-| `padding-th`                    | `$padding` | Customizes padding for `.bx--structured-list-th`                                                                                                       |
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--structured-list` class.
-| Selector                               | Description                                                                                                  |
-| -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--structured-list--border`         | Applies border around structured-list and white background-color                                             |
-| `.bx--structured-list--condensed`      | Applies condensed styles for all body rows                                                                   |
-| `.bx--structured-list-content--nowrap` | Applies `white-space: nowrap;` on content. Prevents titles from wrapping in small viewports.                 |
-| `.bx--structured-list--selection`      | Applies styles used for selection variant of structured-list.                                                |
-| `.bx--structured-list-row--selected`   | Applies modifier class to label row. This changes the background color to indicate that the row is selected. |
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--structured-list-td` class.
-| Selector                               | Description                               |
-| -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--structured-list-content--nowrap` | Applies `white-space: nowrap;` on content |
-### Javascript
-#### Options
-| Option                | Default Selector                                      | Description                                      |
-| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`        | `[data-structured-list]`                              | The selector to find the StructuredList element. |
-| `selectorStepElement` | `.bx--structured-list-tbody .bx--structured-list-row` | The selector to find the step element.           |
-| `classActive`         | `'bx--structured-list-row--selected'`                 | The class to indicate a selected row             |
-### FAQ
-#### Keydown event
-Once `StructuredList` instance is initialized, use
-and users will be able to make row selections with keyboard similar to radio
-- `up` and `down` arrow keys for navigation (focus and select)
-- `tab` and `shift + tab` for navigation (focus only)
-- `enter` and `space` for selecting
-**Chrome**: `up` and `down` arrow keys will set `focus` on `<label>` elements
-and associated `<input type="radio">` will recieve `checked` attribute via
-`StructuredList` JavaScript.
-**Firefox**: `up` and `down` arrows keys will set focus on
-`<input type="radio">` through the associated `<label>` and will only set the
-`checked` attribute on the input. Arrow keys will not set focus on the
-#### Add visual styles to text
-You can add text to each cell in a structured-list. Use CSS to add visual styles
-to text.
-<div class="bx--structured-list-td bold">Apache Spark</div>
-.bold {
-  font-weight: 700;
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/tabs/ b/packages/components/src/components/tabs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a70c743583a..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tabs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Modifiers are used with various classes for Tabs.
-| Name                            | Description                                                              |
-| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--tabs__nav--hidden`        | Applies specific styles to hide the narrow tab menu options              |
-| `.bx--tabs__nav-item--selected` | Applies specific styles to the currently selected tab item               |
-| `.bx--tabs--light`              | Selector for applying light dropdown styles when tabs are in mobile view |
-### JavaScript
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Tab } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Tab = CarbonComponents.Tab;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-tabs` is an element with `[data-tabs]` attribute
-#### Public Methods
-| Name        | Params                                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
-| ----------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `setActive` | `item`: `HTMLElement`, `callback`: `Function` | Uses `data-target` attribute to show a content panel using the given CSS selector. Non-active targets will be hidden. You can also pass in an optional callback function, see FAQ in Content Switcher for details |
-| `release`   |                                               | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners                                                                                                                                                         |
-##### Example - Changing the active item
-// `#my-tabs` is an element with `[data-tabs]` attribute
-var tabsInstance = Tabs.create(document.getElementById('my-tabs'));
-// `#my-tab-item-1` is one of the `<li>`s with `bx--tabs__nav-item` class
-#### Options
-| Option                   | Default Selector                                         | Description                                                                            |
-| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`           | `[data-tabs]`                                            | The CSS selector to find tab containers                                                |
-| `selectorMenu`           | `.bx--tabs__nav`                                         | The CSS selector to find the drop down menu used in narrow mode                        |
-| `selectorTrigger`        | `.bx--tabs-trigger`                                      | The CSS selector to find the button to open the drop down menu used in narrow mode     |
-| `selectorTriggerText`    | `.bx--tabs-trigger-text`                                 | The CSS selector to find the element used in narrow mode showing the selected tab item |
-| `selectorButton`         | `.bx--tabs__nav-item`                                    | The CSS selector to find tab containers                                                |
-| `selectorButtonEnabled`  | `.bx--tabs__nav-item:not(.bx--tabs__nav-item--disabled)` | The CSS selector to find tab containers that are not disabled                          |
-| `selectorButtonSelected` | `.bx--tabs__nav-item--selected`                          | The CSS selector to find the selected tab                                              |
-| `selectorLink`           | `.bx--tabs__nav-link`                                    | The CSS selector to find the links in tabs                                             |
-| `classActive`            | `bx--tabs__nav-item--selected`                           | The CSS class for tab's selected state                                                 |
-| `classHidden`            | `bx--tabs__nav--hidden`                                  | The CSS class for the drop down menu's hidden state used in narrow mode                |
-| `classOpen`              | `bx--tabs-trigger--open`                                 | The CSS class for the drop down menu motion on open and close                          |
-| `eventBeforeSelected`    | `tab-beingselected`                                      | The name of the custom event fired before a tab is selected                            |
-| `eventAfterSelected`     | `tab-selected`                                           | The name of the custom event fired after a tab is selected                             |
-#### Events
-| Event Name          | Description                                                                                                     |
-| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `tab-beingselected` | The name of the custom event fired before a tab is selected. Cancellation of this event stops selection of tab. |
-| `tab-selected`      | The name of the custom event fired after a tab is selected                                                      |
-##### Example - Preventing a tab from being selected in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('tab-beingselected', function(evt) {
-  if (!myApplication.shouldTabItemBeSelected( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all tab items being selected to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('tab-selected', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Tab selected',
-    id:,
-  });
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/tabs/ b/packages/components/src/components/tabs/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb72f9b30806..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tabs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-No changes.
-### SCSS
-The `_tabs.scss` file is now located at `src/components/tabs/_tabs.scss`. You
-will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/tabs/tabs';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/tabs/tabs';
-No class changes.
-### JavaScript
-All methods for Tab class have been changed to private methods.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/tag/ b/packages/components/src/components/tag/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e415fbe0f4..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tag/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Mixins
-Mixins specific to tag are located in [src/components/tag/\_mixins.scss]().
-| Name        | Params                     | Description                                |
-| ----------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| `tag-theme` | `$bg-color`, `$text-color` | Adds given background-color and text color |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2f419e4bcc55..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tag/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-HTML has not changed except for class attributes. See SCSS for more details.
-### SCSS
-The `_tag.scss` file is now located at `src/components/tag/_tag.scss`. You will
-need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/tag/tag';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/tag/tag';
-| Old Class         | New Class             | Note    |
-| ----------------- | --------------------- | ------- |
-|                   | bx--tag               | Added   |
-| tag--ibm          | bx--tag--ibm          | Changed |
-| tag--beta         | bx--tag--beta         | Changed |
-| tag--third-party  | bx--tag--third-party  | Changed |
-| tag--local        | bx--tag--local        | Changed |
-| tag--dedicated    | bx--tag--dedicated    | Changed |
-| tag--custom       | bx--tag--custom       | Changed |
-| tag--experimental | bx--tag--experimental | Changed |
-| tag--community    | bx--tag--community    | Changed |
-| tag--private      | bx--tag--private      | Changed |
-| tag--deprecated   |                       | Removed |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3fb2144ccb5f..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/text-area/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-### FAQ
-#### Using Form Requirement with Text Area
-All form elements use the same HTML and CSS for enabling form requirements and
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/text-area/ b/packages/components/src/components/text-area/
deleted file mode 100644
index ece3a63a2698..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/text-area/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Text Area and other form components now make use of common form HTML and CSS.
-See form README for details.
-### SCSS
-The `_text-area.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/text-area/_text-area.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/text-area/text-area';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/text-area/text-area';
-| Old Class             | New Class     | Note    |
-| --------------------- | ------------- | ------- |
-| bx--textarea\_\_input | bx--text-area | Changed |
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/text-input/ b/packages/components/src/components/text-input/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea060d70f933..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/text-input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--form-item[data-text-input]` class.
-| Default Selector                   | Description                                               |
-| ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--text-input-password-visible` | The className for a password field that is revealing text |
-### JavaScript
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description          |
-| --------- | ------ | -------------------- |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance |
-#### Options
-| Option                              | Default Selector                                                      | Description                                                 |
-| ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`                      | `[data-text-input]`                                                   | The selector to find the text input form groups             |
-| `selectorPasswordField`             | `.bx--text-input[data-toggle-password-visibility]`                    | The selector to find the input field                        |
-| `selectorPasswordVisibilityButton`  | `.bx--text-input--password__visibility__toggle`                       | The selector to find the password visibility toggle         |
-| `selectorPasswordVisibilityTooltip` | `.bx--text-input--password__visibility__toggle > .bx--assistive-text` | The selector to find the password visibility toggle tooltip |
-| `passwordIsVisible`                 | `.bx--text-input--password-visible`                                   | The className for a field with visible passwords            |
-#### Classes
-| Default Selector                   | Description                                               |
-| ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--text-input-password-visible` | The className for a password field that is revealing text |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2b8cd9142c..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/text-input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Text Input and all other form components now require the use of labels and form
-validations that come from the Form component.
-<div class="bx--form-item">
-  <label for="text-input-1" class="bx--label">Text field label</label>
-  <input
-    id="text-input-1"
-    type="text"
-    class="bx--text-input"
-    placeholder="Hint text here"
-  />
-See Forms for more details on using labels and form validation.
-### SCSS
-The `_text-input.scss` file is now located at
-`src/components/text-input/_text-input.scss`. You will need to update any
-`@import` statements for this file to reflect this change.
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/text-input/text-input';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/text-input/text-input';
-| Old Class         | New Class      | Note    |
-| ----------------- | -------------- | ------- |
-| bx--text\_\_input | bx--text-input | Changed |
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4adbc6878061..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--tile` class.
-| Selector                | Description                                                              |
-| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `.bx--tile--clickable`  | Adds specific styles and custom focus/hover states for a clickable tile  |
-| `.bx--tile--expandable` | Adds specific styles and custom focus/hover states for a expandable tile |
-| `.bx--tile--selectable` | Adds specific styles and custom focus/hover states for a selectable tile |
-### Javascript
-#### Options
-| Option                 | Default Selector         | Description                                                                    |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `selectorInit`         | `[data-tile]`            | The selector to find the Tile element.                                         |
-| `selectorAboveTheFold` | `[data-tile-atf]`        | The selector to find the above the fold content for a expandable Tile element. |
-| `selectorTileInput`    | `[data-tile-input]`      | The selector to find the input field in a selectable Tile element.             |
-| `classExpandedTile`    | `.bx--tile--is-expanded` | The CSS modifier class triggered when a tile is expanded                       |
-| `classClickableTile`   | `.bx--tile--is-clicked`  | The CSS modifier class triggered when a tile is clicked                        |
-| `classSelectableTile`  | `.bx--tile--is-selected` | The CSS modifier class triggered when a tile is selected                       |
-### Tile types
-#### Expandable Tiles
-The expandable tile consists of two content container, one for the above the
-fold content and one for the below the fold content. Place the content you want
-to be displayed in the tile before it is expanded in the above the fold
-container, and the content that is to be revealed when a tile is expnaded in the
-below the fold container. The JavaScript attached to the expandable tile will
-automatically calculate the height needed to display both containers.
-<div data-tile="expandable" class="bx--tile bx--tile--expandable" tabindex="0">
-  <button class="bx--tile__chevron">
-    <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill-rule="evenodd">
-      <path d="M10.6 0L6 4.7 1.4 0 0 1.4l6 6.1 6-6.1z"></path>
-    </svg>
-  </button>
-  <div class="bx--tile-content">
-    <span data-tile-atf class="bx--tile-content__above-the-fold">
-      <!-- Above the fold content here -->
-    </span>
-    <span class="bx--tile-content__below-the-fold">
-      <!-- Rest of the content here -->
-    </span>
-  </div>
-#### Selectable Tiles
-The selectable tile includes a hidden checkbox input element, and the value of
-the selected tile can be obtained using the same method as with any other
-checkbox element.
-#### Clickable Tiles
-The clickable tile is an anchor tag.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/time-picker/ b/packages/components/src/components/time-picker/
deleted file mode 100644
index 761a5e6147e4..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/time-picker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-### FAQ
-The Time Picker consists of a mandatory input field and two optional
-[Inline Select](
-components. The Inline Select components are only used when the user is required
-to select either a time zone and/or when specifying AM/PM is required.
-The Time Picker uses form validation, and the valid pattern should be specified
-in the pattern attribute of the input field. You can read more about patterns
-Here are some examples:
-#### 24-hour military time
-`<input type="text" class="bx--time-picker__input-field" pattern="[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]" placeholder="hh:mm" maxlength="5" />`
-#### 12-hour am-pm clock
-`<input type="text" class="bx--time-picker__input-field" pattern="(1[012]|[1-9]):[0-5][0-9](\\s)?" placeholder="hh:mm" maxlength="5" />`
-#### Localization
-In order for the component to be localized, please make sure you update the
-validation pattern, the AM/PM select component (if it is needed), and the time
-zone select component (if it is needed).
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/toggle/ b/packages/components/src/components/toggle/
deleted file mode 100644
index c67ed1927d08..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/toggle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-### SCSS
-#### Modifiers
-Use these modifiers with `.bx--toggle` class.
-| Selector                   | Description                               |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--toggle-input--small` | Selector for applying small toggle styles |
-### FAQ
-#### Best practice
-`.bx--toggle-input__label` must always have a value for the `aria-label`
-attribute. This makes it visible to screen readers.
-The `.bx--toggle__text--off` and `.bx--toggle__text--on` elements are completely
-optional. If they are present, they can be hidden from screen readers with
-`aria-hidden="true"` since the `checked` state of the checkbox will indicate
-this information already.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 11e0c57c4851..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/toggle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-Toggle and other form components are wrapped with the `.bx--form-item` element.
-### SCSS
-The `_toggle.scss` file is now located at `src/components/toggle/_toggle.scss`.
-You will need to update any `@import` statements for this file to reflect this
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/carbon-components/src/components/toggle/toggle';
-@import 'path_to_node_modules/@console/bluemix-components/src/components/toggle/toggle';
-All classes are the same.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/toolbar/ b/packages/components/src/components/toolbar/
deleted file mode 100644
index faa2a41f0fd6..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/toolbar/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description                                               |
-| --------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners |
-#### Options
-| Option              | Default Selector             | Description                                                             |
-| ------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`      | `[data-toolbar]`             | The selector to find instances of the component                         |
-| `selectorSearch`    | `[data-toolbar-search]`      | The selector to find the search field in the toolbar                    |
-| `selectorRowHeight` | `[data-row-height]`          | The selector to find the buttons to change the row height of table rows |
-| `classTallRows`     | `bx--responsive-table--tall` | The modifier class for tall table rows                                  |
-| `classSearchActive` | `bx--toolbar-search--active` | The class for the active state of the toolbar search input              |
-### FAQ
-#### Bind a Toolbar to a Table
-To bind a toolbar to a specific table add the table component's unique id to the
-`data-table-target` attribute of the toolbar.
-<div class="bx--toolbar" data-table-target="unique-id"></div>
-<div class="bx--responsive-table-container" data-responsive-table>
-  <table class="bx--responsive-table" data-table id="unique-id">
-    ...
-  </table>
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/ b/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
deleted file mode 100644
index b144321293e9..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-### JavaScript (Applied _only_ to click-to-open tooltip)
-#### Getting component class reference
-##### ES2015
-import { Tooltip } from 'carbon-components';
-##### With pre-build bundle (`carbon-components.min.js`)
-var Tooltip = CarbonComponents.Tooltip;
-#### Instantiating
-// `#my-tooltip-trigger` is an element with `[data-tooltip-trigger]` attribute
-#### Attributes
-| Name                     | Param                               | Description                                                                          |
-| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `data-tooltip-target`    | Any unique CSS selector             | The selector, typically an id, to find the tooltip corresponding to the trigger.     |
-| `data-tooltip-direction` | `left`, `top`, `right`, or `bottom` | Setting this attribute overrides the directions set by this.options.tooltipDirection |
-#### Public Methods
-| Name      | Params | Description                                                |
-| --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `show`    |        | Shows the tooltip.                                         |
-| `hide`    |        | Hides the tooltip.                                         |
-| `release` |        | Deletes the instance and removes document event listeners. |
-##### Example - Showing tooltip
-// `#my-tooltip-trigger` is an element with `[data-tooltip-trigger]` attribute
-var tooltipInstance = Tooltip.create(
-  document.getElementById('my-tooltip-trigger')
-#### Options
-| Option          | Default Selector         | Description                                               |
-| --------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `selectorInit`  | `[data-tooltip-trigger]` | The CSS selector to find the tooltip.                     |
-| `objMenuOffset` | `{ top: 10, left: 0 }`   | An object containing the top and left offset values in px |
-##### Example - Changing menu position by 8 pixels vertically
-// `#my-tooltip-trigger` is an element with `[data-tooltip-trigger]` attribute
-Tooltip.create(document.getElementById('my-tooltip-trigger'), {
-  objMenuOffset(menuBody, direction) {
-    const { objMenuOffset: offset } = Tooltip.options;
-    const { top, left } =
-      typeof offset !== 'function' ? offset : offset(menuBody, direction);
-    return {
-      top: top + 8,
-      left,
-    };
-  },
-#### Events
-| Event Name                  | Description                                         |
-| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| 'floating-menu-beingshown'  | The custom event fired before the menu gets open.   |
-| 'floating-menu-shown'       | The custom event fired after the menu gets open.    |
-| 'floating-menu-beinghidden' | The custom event fired before the menu gets closed. |
-| 'floating-menu-hidden'      | The custom event fired after the menu gets closed.  |
-##### Example - Preventing click-to-open tooltip from being closed in a certain condition
-document.addEventListener('floating-menu-beinghidden', function(evt) {
-  if (myApplication.shouldTooltipKeptOpen( {
-    evt.preventDefault();
-  }
-##### Example - Notifying events of all click-to-open tooltips being hidden to an analytics library
-document.addEventListener('floating-menu-hidden', function(evt) {
-  myAnalyticsLibrary.send({
-    action: 'Tooltip hidden',
-    id:,
-  });
-### Interactive tooltip
-Interactive tooltip should be used if there are actions a user can take in the
-tooltip (e.g. a link or a button). For more regular use case, e.g. giving the
-user more text information about something, use definition tooltip or icon
-| Selector                      | Description                        |
-| ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--tooltip__trigger--bold` | Modifier class to make label bold. |
-#### HTML
-By default, the tooltip (`.bx--tooltip`) goes right under `<body>`. You can
-change the behavior by adding `data-floating-menu-container` to one of the DOM
-ancestors of the tooltip's original location. For example, if you have HTML
-structure like below, the menu body will go under the second `<div>`:
-  <div>
-    <div data-floating-menu-container>
-      <div>
-        <div class="bx--tooltip__label" ...>
-          Tooltip label
-          <div
-            tabindex="0"
-            data-tooltip-trigger
-            data-tooltip-target="#unique-tooltip"
-            class="bx--tooltip__trigger"
-            ...
-          >
-            ...
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div
-          id="unique-tooltip"
-          data-floating-menu-direction="bottom"
-          class="bx--tooltip"
-          ...
-        >
-          <span class="bx--tooltip__caret"></span> ...
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-### Definition tooltip
-Definition tooltip is for regular use case of tooltip, e.g. giving the user more
-text information about something, like defining a word. This works better than
-the interactive tooltip in regular use cases because the info icon used in
-interactive tooltip can be repetitive when it’s shown several times on a page.
-Definition tooltip does not use any JavaScript. If there are actions a user can
-take in the tooltip (e.g. a link or a button), use interactive tooltip.
-| Selector               | Description                                           |
-| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--tooltip--top`    | A simple tooltip that is displayed above the trigger. |
-| `.bx--tooltip--bottom` | A simple tooltip that is displayed below the trigger. |
-### Icon tooltip
-Icon tooltip is for short single line of text describing an icon. Icon tooltip
-does not use any JavaScript. No label should be added to this variation. If
-there are actions a user can take in the tooltip (e.g. a link or a button), use
-interactive tooltip.
-| Selector               | Description                                                     |
-| ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.bx--tooltip--top`    | A simple tooltip that is displayed above the trigger.           |
-| `.bx--tooltip--right`  | A simple tooltip that is displayed to the right of the trigger. |
-| `.bx--tooltip--bottom` | A simple tooltip that is displayed below the trigger.           |
-| `.bx--tooltip--left`   | A simple tooltip that is displayed to the left of the trigger.  |
-### Links & Resources
-- [Tooltips & Toggletips](
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/ b/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf83fc8ab8df..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/tooltip/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-### HTML
-There are now three major variations of this component. Default tooltip is now
-interactive tooltip and is an on click icon instead of the prior on hover.
-`.bx--tooltip--definition` does not contain an icon and should only be used to
-define the underlined word. `.bx--tooltip--icon` replaces
-`.bx--tooltip--simple`. You should only use this variation for an icon and
-limited to a single line describing the icon. Multi-line is not supported.
-### SCSS
-The tooltips are now by default normal font weight and can be made semi-bold by
-adding the modifier class `.bx--tooltip__trigger--bold`.
-**New**: `.bx--tooltip__trigger--bold`
-### JavaScript
-The old tooltip variation of the default tooltip was on hover. This variation
-however now has on click functionality.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/ui-shell/ b/packages/components/src/components/ui-shell/
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index fa8a17e780c8..000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/components/ui-shell/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# UI Shell
-## Accessibility
-#### Header
-> A menu that is visually persistent is a menubar. A menubar is typically
-> horizontal and is often used to create a menu bar similar to those found near
-> the top of the window in many desktop applications, offering the user quick
-> access to a consistent set of commands.
-- `nav` should have an `aria-label` that matches the label on the menubar since
-  it is a site navigation system
-- Verify that the icons are compatible in high contrast mode
-- [Keyboard Support](
-- When a menu opens, or when a menubar receives focus, keyboard focus is placed
-  on the first item. All items are focusable as described in 5.6 Keyboard
-  Navigation Inside Components.
-## Side navigation
-Our Side Navigation has approximately the following structure:
-<!-- Top level container -->
-<aside class="bx--side-nav">
-  <!-- Navigation wrapper for accessibility -->
-  <nav
-    class="bx--side-nav__navigation"
-    role="navigation"
-    aria-label="Navigation"
-  >
-    <!-- Has the title and an optionaly select menu rendered at the top of the side nav -->
-    <header class="bx--side-nav__header"></header>
-    <!-- Renders all of our navigation items -->
-    <ul class="bx--side-nav__items"></ul>
-    <!-- Renders the button to collapse or expand the side nav -->
-    <footer class="bx--side-nav__footer"></footer>
-  </nav>
-### Header
-The header is mostly just an icon and a title for the local context of a page.
-For example, in IBM Cloud we would have IBM Cloud in the header and a product in
-the side navigation, like Containers.
-The header also can optionally have a select that acts as a sub-menu that adds
-another navigation pattern to the page.
-### Items
-A side nav item is a `<li>` with the `bx--side-nav__item` class. Inside, we will
-have a link or a category. Categories themselves have links inside of a menu.
-Links can either be active, or in-active, and this status is reflected by using
-an aria attribute `aria-current="page"` or by a class name.
-Categories have a `<button>` as their target so that we can easily open/close
-them using screen readers.
-### Footer
-The footer itself is primary just a `<button>` that should handle expanding and
-closing the side nav.
-## Tokens
-## Header & header-panel
-| `#` | Variable/token            | Role                                        | Theme value |
-| --- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| 1   | `$shell-header-bg-01`     | Header bar background                       | `$gray-100` |
-| 2   | `$shell-header-bg-02`     | Header menu trigger hover                   | `#2c2c2c`   |
-| 3   | `$shell-header-bg-03`     | Header action active background             | `$gray-80`  |
-| 4   | `$shell-header-bg-04`     | Header nav link hover                       | `#353535`   |
-| 5   | `$shell-header-bg-05`     | Header nav link focus and active background | `$gray-70`  |
-| 6   | `$shell-header-bg-06`     | Header nav link submenu                     | `$gray-90`  |
-| 7   | `$shell-header-border-01` | Header bar border bottom                    | `$gray-80`  |
-| 8   | `$shell-header-focus`     | Header focus border                         | `$white-0`  |
-| 9   | `$shell-header-text-01`   | Primary text in header <br> Title text      | `$gray-10`  |
-| 8   | `$shell-header-text-02`   | Secondary text in header <br> Menu items    | `$gray-30`  |
-| 10  | `$shell-header-icon-01`   | Header menu trigger                         | `$gray-10`  |
-| 11  | `$shell-header-icon-02`   | Header bar action icons                     | `$white-0`  |
-| 12  | `$shell-header-link`      | Header menu item link                       | `$blue-60`  |