- BITNESS = 16
- 1 << BITNESS words of RAM
- 8 registers
- register 6 is program counter
- register 7 is stack pointer
- register 8 is instruction register
HLT - 000000 stops the cpu clock
MOV - 000001 moves from src to dst
ADD - 000010 adds values in a and b and stores the result in dst
SUB - 000011 subs b from a and stores the result in dst
MUL - 000100 multiplies a and b and stores the result in dst
DIV - 000101 int divides a and b and stores the result in dst
CALL - 000110 pushes pc to stack and jumps to dst
JE - 000111 jumps to dst if a and b are equal
JNE - 001000 jumps to dst if a and b are not equal
JG - 001001 jumps to dst if a is greater than b
JGE - 001010 jumps to dst if a is greater or equal than b
JL - 001011 jumps to dst if a is less than b
JLE - 001100 jumps to dst if a is less or equal than b
PUSH - 001101 pushes src to the stack
POP - 001110 pops from stack to dst
OUT - 001111 writes an output value, src is port and dst is value
IN - 010000 reads a value from input, src is port dst is value
INT - 010010 trigger a software interrupt with value src
EOI - 010011 pops a return address from the stack and jumps there, enables interrupts
INC - 010100 increment dst by 1
DEC - 010101 decrement dst by 1
LOAD - 010110 load value from address src to dst
STORE - 010111 store value from src to address dst
LDCNST - 011000 load a constant from the executable to dst
o - operation s - source d - destination oooooosssssddddd
REG A - 00000 (left input to alu) REG B - 00001 (right input to alu) REG C - 00010 REG D - 00011 REG E - 00100 REG PC - 00101 REG SP - 00110 REG INST - 00111