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Szymon Witamborski edited this page Oct 7, 2013 · 5 revisions

An example stencil task using the default options

In this example, the default options are used.

  stencil: {
    main: { // task target name
      options: {},
      files: {
        'dist/index.html': ['pages/'],

Input: pages/

  "wrapper_class": "introduction",
  "template": "templates/main"

<div class="title_bar"><span>Our company</span></div>

{{= it.include("partials/company_introduction") }}


## Founding

The company was founded in 1906.


    <div class="{{= it.wrapper_class }}">
      {{= it.document }}

Output: dist/index.html

    <div class="introduction">
      <div class="title_bar"><span>Our company</span></div>
        <p>The company was founded in 1906.</p>

An example stencil task using custom options

In this example, doT's it object is used to specify the location of script files and the main title of all pages; and the location of partials and templates is given. All pages in pages/ will be compiled to .html files in tmp.

  stencil: {
    main: {
      options: {
        env: {
          title: "Stencil"
        partials: 'content',
        templates: 'templates'
      files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'src/pages/',
          src: '**/*.dot.html',
          dest: 'tmp',
          ext: '.html',
          flatten: true

Running grunt stencil with these options will allow

  • all .dot.html files recursively found in src/pages/ to be compiled to files of the same name in the tmp folder, but with an .html extension;
  • partials and templates to be referenced without specifying the full path;
  • {{= it.title }} to be specified in any partial, template or page to get "Stencil".

An example file structure

An example folder structure for the HTML source components might look like the following:

| project root
|- dist
|- src
|-- includes
|--- content
|-- templates
|--- normal_footer.html
|--- sticky_footer.html
|-- pages
|--- services
|--- contact.html
|--- main.html
|- Gruntfile.js

Additionally, consider the following task options:

  stencil: {
    main: {
      options: {
        partials: 'src/includes',
        templates: 'src/templates'
      files: [
          expand: true,
          src: 'src/pages/*',
          dest: 'dist',
          ext: '.html'

Using the above:

  • partials and tempaltes can be called without the full path: {{= it.include("content/about") }} / {"template": "sticky_footer"}
  • all pages will be compiled into dist, preserving the original structure:
|- dist
|-- services
|--- code_review.html
|--- contracting.html
|-- contact.html
|-- main.html
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