This is a little todo-list of how to update the showcase
create a new entry in the updates/ directory
if you go through all labsincremental-update
for small changes over multiple labs (commit updates)
go through the list of labs and compare it with
- mark retired professors
- add new labs
for every lab, do
- update the information in [data/labs.yaml]: url, description, contacts
- if the contact person left the lab, delete it -> the
entry will point to the professor - search for new projects
- on the lab page
- on github / source management
- update the existing projects and test the links
- update the last commit and the last update entry
- click on all links (or use
- make sure the papers point to, with an additional link to arxiv if the infoscience page doesn't allow downloading the paper as a visitor
create a PR and ask for comments
once all labs are updated, for every lab, do
- write an email to the professor
- remind them the goals of the Factory and the Showcase
- add a link to the projects of their lab
- ask them if it's OK like that or if they want to add/remove/modify any entry
- remind them that we do
- maturity evaluation
- promote projects
- work on specific projects
- CC one or two postdocs
- remind them after a week or so
- write an email to the professor
think about adding some scripts, e.g.,
- updating the github last commit and the
- going through all links and checking there is no 404
- updating the github last commit and the