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tim gives an example way to collect durations and uses eve to estimate the minimum values, but, as mentioned in the tim doc, one is sometimes interested in the whole distribution, perhaps summarized more graphically than analytic-numerically { say via approximate or exact interpolated quantiles used either directly or by re-sampling }. This is a common way of comparing two or more data samples, often but by no means exclusively of run-times, for similarities, differences, and features. This is what edplot is for (short for "Empirical Distribution Plot").

Background (A)

The first question is why to use/show an EDF instead of a histogram or some other density estimate. The answer is simple: no free parameters (beyond "confidence interval size"-like ones).1 Free parameters slow science (construed most broadly), inviting methodological debate. KDEs improve on histograms by averaging over bin alignment2, but data can be many-scale (need variable bin width/bandwidth) leading to the number of parameters also needing estimation. EDFs sidestep all such concerns & are a good estimate of true population distributions with multiple known error bands for finite-samples that are distribution free & non-parametric.

I also prefer density / derivative / PDF "Speak", BUT the disagreement on bandwidth selection techniques is staggering. There are (easily!) ten thousand papers on many dozens to hundreds of proposals in academic statistics on bandwidth selection since the late, great Emanuel Parzen got people interested in KDEs in 1962 (or maybe Rosenblatt in 1956). I even have my own ideas along these lines, but even so, without broad acceptance for multiple-decades, one gets stuck debating methods not analyzing data. So, as a practical/social matter, IF you can answer & inspire your questions with EDFs, you probably should. The most common reason people do not is not having spent time to learn to read/use them; They're popular in social sciences.

Key EDF Properties (B)

Order statistics (the sorted data) form a set of complete, sufficient statistics. The theory of such statistics implies that the EDF is both an UNBIASED and MINIMUM VARIANCE estimator of the true distribution function F(x). This is another reason why using EDFs removes doubt - there is no real competitor. Re-sampling from EDFs is also the basis of various methods going by the informal name of "The bootstrap" which is another way to get results with weaker assumptions (what you want!).

Confidence Bands (C)

The next background point is that an EDF is based upon just one sample of what is usually viewed in statistics as a potentially unbounded sampling process whose traits we seek to understand. As such, it is not usually the end of the story. There is uncertainty about what it implies about the population distribution. There are various ways to analyze and exhibit such uncertainty. One easy one in this context is a non-parametric confidence band. These come in both point-wise (the binomial proportion < x)3 and simultaneous varieties.

As explained in the Wikipedia page, the point-wise band is a lower bound while the simultaneous band is an upper bound of the uncertainty. Other than this, neither rely upon the shape of the distribution nor asymptotic sample sizes. So, together they constitute, for a given CI level, a tube with a thick wall robustly & CI-approximately circumscribing the distribution function of the true population.

Boundaries (D)

One thing ordinarily just "clipped conveniently" in a classical EDF estimate is chances of being below the sample min or above the sample max. For true distributions which are discrete, it may be literally impossible to see such values. So, pinning to the sample min/max or even a plot of "impulses" is best. However, for true distributions of a continuous random variable, no finite sample can ever see a true population minimum. Estimating such is the project of eve, and we simply use those estimates here.4 They are used to decide how "wide" lines along P=0 & P=1 are. Many distributions like time durations are continuous to good approximations.


  edplot [optional-params] input paths or "" for stdin

Generate files & gnuplot script to render CDF as confidence band blur|tube.
If .len < inputs.len the final value of wvls, vals, or alphas is re-used for
subsequent inputs, otherwise they match pair-wise.

  -b=, --band=   ConfBand   pointWise  bands: pointWise simultaneous tube
  -c=, --ci=     float      0.02       band CI level(0.95)|dP spacing(0.02)
  -k=, --k=      int        4          amount of tails to use for EVE; 0 => no
                                       data range estimation
  -t=, --tailA=  float      0.05       tail finiteness alpha (smaller: less
                                       prone to decided +-inf)
  -f=, --fp=     string     "/tmp/ed/" tmp File Path prefix for emitted data
  -g=, --gplot=  string     ""         gnuplot script or "" for stdout
  -x=, --xlabel= string     "Samp Val" x-axis label; y is always probability
  -w=, --wvls=   floats     {}         cligen/colorScl HSV-based wvlens; 0.6
  -v=, --vals=   floats     {}         values (V) of HSV fame; 0.8
  -a=, --alphas= floats     {}         alpha channel transparencies; 0.5
  -o=, --opt=    TubeOpt    both       tube opts: pointWise simultaneous both
  -p=, --propAl= BinomPAlgo Wilson     binomial p CI estimate: Wilson, etc.
  -e=, --early=  string     ""         early text for gen script;Eg 'set term'
  -l=, --late=   string     ""         late text for script;Eg 'pause -1'


To be easy to reproduce & also ease visually plot debugs, a running example here will be two 20 point data sets: triang - a distribution with a roughly triangular PDF from: (seq 1 10;seq 3 7;seq 4 6;seq 5 5;seq 5 5)>triang and perturb - an invented perturbation from triang that can be made from (seq 4 9;seq 5 9;seq 6 8;seq 7 8;seq 7 8;seq 7 7;seq 7 7)>perturb.5 The difference is just big enough to fail a 2-sample KS test for same parent population at the 5% level.6 The perturbation is just a bit narrower and a bit up-shifted. These data are just to have concrete things to plot, not a full course on interpreting distributions and their differences as that seems out of scope.

So, here are 4 basic examples. Something to keep in mind as you read the plots is "which one best communicates 'only marginally different' to me?". "Inspiring next questions" in §A above relates to "Do I need a precise statistical test (e.g. KS-2-sample) to decide a question OR does a picture make it self-evident?"

First, a "smear" plot where many CIs are drawn at fixed steps apart (2% here) from the --ci option from edplot -w.87 -w.13 -bp triang perturb7: blur1. (Simultaneous bands in such a plot are all "spaced the same" vertically and so are less visually engaging.)

Next, edplot -w.87 -w.13 -bt -op triang perturb renders only partly solid shaded regions of the pointwise bands from Wilson scores: pwise.

Third, edplot -w.87 -w.13 -bt -os triang perturb shows a similar visualization with the wider Massart inequality simultaneous bands: simul.

Finally, edplot -w.87 -w.13 -bt -ob triang perturb: tubes shows the lower & upper bounds of each bands as a darker, more solid region with the "definitely at least this uncertain at this CI" bands in the middle.

Personally, I find the 3rd variant best, but I do like how the final variant most boldly emphasizes what one most surely knows about the true distribution functions, and I also have some affection for the first as a more classic shading most darkly closest to the center of an estimate. Hence all remain represented with different CL options.

If you have a series of colors you like, just put wvls=0.87, wvls=0.13, band=tube, etc. in your ~/.config/edplot config file, and similarly for other CLI options to reduce your keystrokes to just edplot a b|gnuplot.

Once you have things set up, you can plot distributions from various sources. For example, an AB-comparison of interpreter startup times using tim might be interesting:

tim -k4 -n20 -m20 -sj "bash<$n" "awk ''<$n"
236 +- 20 μs    (AlreadySubtracted)Overhead
833 +- 28 μs    bash</n
720 +- 25 μs    awk ''</n
edplot <(awk '/h/{print $1*1e6-236}'<j) <(awk '/k/{print $1*1e6-236}'<j)|gnuplot

In my attempt, I got widely separated bulk bodies but some overlap in the upper tails, but these kinds of things are often hard to reproduce.

A Sample From The "Famous" Claw

In the density estimation literature, a distribution often used as a test case is fancifully called "The Claw".8 This is a mixture distribution of 50% a standard unit normal N(0,1) with 50% one of 5 narrower (0.1 standard deviation) modes at -1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, +1. Here is what a sample of size 256 { from simply dists -n256 -dClaw } looks like with the final tube with borders visualization: claw

The interpretability hazard in all work like this is "over-concluding from just one sample" (and often a small one at that). What I like about this visualization is that the fat band guides the eye to not over-conclude while still leaving breadcrumbs of emerging evidence. For example, for the data above, if one tests for "Gaussian or not" via several standard statistical tests, the answer is roughly, "only borderline inconsistent with Gaussian" (for, as usual, inspecific departures):

gof -g,=,k,c,a -a,=,e,f -e,=,s,p -- the data
mD: 13.68
P(mD>val|Gauss): 0.08660
mW^2: 0.1514
P(mW^2>val|Gauss): 0.02160
mA^2: 1.064
P(mA^2>val|Gauss): 0.009200

The first K-S test (related to the outer fat band) alone doesn't even exclude consistency with Gaussian sampling at 8%, though the other 2 slightly more powerful tests suggest it is getting unlikely at 2% and 1% alpha levels. Knowing the answer, it is easy to fool oneself in thinking any visualization says more than it really does. The challenge is: How to present evidence that suggests conclusions of just the right strength to those with minimal training? Also of note, is that in this somewhat larger sample, the Massart Bound is actually fairly tight which is why the 3rd form above should probably be your "graphical go to".

The bottom line is that if this data sample is supposed to say something about other samples from The Same9 process, you should really only look at "large scale shape" and imagine a swarm10 of all possible monotonic curves through such. (You can also widen | narrow targeted CIs from 95%, of course.11)


edplot emits files to plot to try to support principled visual reasoning about data sets based on EDFs and related uncertainties in distribution not density space. Its defaults are set up for a prior assumption of a continuous true distribution. Once you learn to read them, these plots are very "full information" containing ways to answer many questions about data sets.


  1. Technically, the k used to assess the data range, is a non-probability free parameter, but A) this is also needed (though admittedly usually neglected) for density estimation and B) Fraga Alves & Neves 2017 has a story for setting k we might be able to use. So, at the least the current state is one less free parameter - the same improvement a KDE has over a histogram.

  2. Averaging over such nuisance parameters is a standard Bayesian tactic.

  3. Estimating the p in a binomial random variable is itself a large topic only partially covered by the spfun/binom.nim module.

  4. We do so with no visual indication of their uncertainty at the moment. One idea is "(..." on the 0-axis and "......)" on the 1-axis or perhaps an even fainter line extending beyond the data range.

  5. If it's easier to copy-paste number lists than run seq these expand to 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 and 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9.

  6. max |F_a(x)-F_b(x)| is @5,6,7=9/20=0.45; Wiki table gives 1.358 * sqrt(40/400) which is 0.43.

  7. Day-to-day, I just run edplot ...|gnuplot which dumps sixels to my patched st terminal via a $GNUTERM setting. These plots were instead made by un-commenting early = "set term png...; set out" in my ~/.config/edplot. For an interactive X Window, -e 'set term x11' -l 'pause -1' or the similar long-option version in ~/.config/edplot also works.

  8. The claw is so named because its density looks like a 5-fingered animal paw. has an image. There are others with even finer structure like "the comb" and so on. Many test distributions & basic probability theory are implemented in dists.

  9. This means both old & forecast numbers are independent & identically distributed is an essential pre-condition for pooling numbers in the first place. These assumptions ideally should be verified, e.g. distributional similarity across time for identicality & serial autocorrelation of various lags for independence via permutation testing. For timings of computer activity, it should be noted that almost everything modern OSes/CPUs do makes times "dependent by design". Ensuring future samples are from the same process is also hard. If, however, the variable in question is a min time, as in tim, you may have a less hostile problem setting (a big motivation for min times/that loop nesting).

  10. In fact, is one such way to generate such a swarm via interpolated re-sampling.

  11. One can, of course, also put error estimates on top of density estimates, but this is about as rare as error estimates on distributions and comes with the same bandwidth(s) & kernel(s) question previously mentioned.