- Created a recursive algorithm to automatically replace form fields with values in document instances.
- Added Form Fields Realignment API with field ordering.
- Moved ProseMirror JSON to Markdown conversion to the backend for bulk document generation.
- Approval system.
- Template file upload.
- Various bug fixes.
- Improvements to the approval system.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and organization management.
- User registration flow.
- MinIO integration with Wraft.
- Waiting list flow.
- Improved filtering and sorting.
- Internal user flow.
- Access token and refresh token authorization.
- Multiple theme file uploads.
- Sentry integration for error tracking.
- Updated payment API.
- Theme and layout module.
- Updated seed data.
- Document module.
- User with multiple roles
- Organisation admin panel on kaffy
- Specific role on invitation token
- Send invitation to primary email of organisation with admin role
- Sign up with admin role
- Super admin role
- Organisation can create role
- Control of content type on specific roles
- token signup with specific role
- Resource schema resource type to atom
- Check permission for specific resource
- Authorized plug to verify the user have permission on specific task
- Multiple email acceptance on token signup
- Members index
- Search organisation api
- Vendors
- Credo
- Webpack
- Kaffy admin panel
- Approval system
- Credo modifications
- Warnings resolved
- Payment and Billing
- All first stage feature of pipeline
- Create Gantt Chart from latex code
- E-signature system
- Beta version of pipeline
- Fixed a vulnerability.
- Bulk import for Data template and Block template
- Action logging
- Integrated Approval system with Flow
- Improved test coverage
- Added CI
- Approval system
- Creates default states for every newly created flows
- Improved test coverage
- Generate latex charts
- Blocks
- Field type and content type fields
- Activity stream
- Bulk build
- Keep build hitory
- Versioning of instances
- Commenting on data templates and instances
- Block templates
- Integrated Phoenix live dashboard
- Update state of an instance
- Account management for users
- Invite new members to organisation
- Improved tests
- Added documentation
- Access control system
- Cron job to delete unused assets
- Generate QR code for documents build
- Build documents
- Keep build history
- Added pagination to all index APIs
- Added current users organisation details to current user plug
- List of data templates in current user's organisation
- Added color to content type
- List of all instances in current user's organisation
- Show state of instance in instance index
- Create, index, show, update and delete asset
- Index, show, update and delete instances
- Create, index, show, update and delete theme
- Create, index, show, update and delete data template
- Create, update, list, delete and show flows
- Create, updare, list and delete states
- Create unique ID for instances
- Create theme
- Create instances of a content type
- Updated APIs to accept UUID instead of IDs of associations
- Moved Guardian secret key to env file
- API to get current user details
- List engines
- List, show, update and delete layouts
- List, show, update and delete content types
- Changed registration and login routes
- Documentation
- User registraion
- User login
- Role, admin user, and engine seeds
- Create layout
- Create content type
- Heroku delpoy fix
- Heroku delpoy fix
- Deployed to Heroku
- Set up DB structure