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132 lines (94 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (94 loc) · 4.94 KB


The task is to build a Calculator Manager service. The service should have three endpoints as described in the openapi spec in this project.

The service allows a client to execute calculations. Your service will not need to implement the calculation itself, for this a calculator service is provided via a docker image. Your service will use the calculator and will aggregate results per day.

Please host your completed example at a publically available git URL -- you can use a public GitHub repository for this.

Calculator Service

This service is provided to you via a docker image. It has only one endpoint which is described here.

The docker image is pubically available on Docker Hub as gillius/buildit-calculator-service. The service runs on port 8080 internally, but it should be exposed on the host as port 8888 to be consistent with the graded environment (-p 8888:8080). If you are running the service correctly, the following links should work:

the calculate endpoint

This calculate endpoint receives as input for the calculation an object with two properties:

  • category which indicates how the calculator needs to process
  • value the start value for the calculation

The services then calculates an index for the given input which is the value we are interested in.

Here a sample request:

    "category" : "cat-77",
    "value" : 40478

And a sample response:

  "category": "cat-77",
  "duration": 1065,
  "index": 860214

The index is the calculated result we are interested in.


  • An individual calculation can take just few milli-seconds or up to several seconds
  • the service can process multiple concurrent requests
  • the calculation is not necessarily deterministic, the same input can lead to different results at different times
  • it is not important for this assignment to understand the internal logic of the calculator, it just returns values
  • for this assignment you can for now assume that the service is reliable and does not throw any exceptions

Daily Calculator Service

This service needs to be implemented by you. It will use the above Calculator Service but adds the concept of a daily context to it: Calculation requests are always executed against a given date. At end of day a close request can be invoked which returns the aggregated totals for the given day. A closed context should not accept further calculation requests.

The process is as follows:

1) context is implicitly created

A context is created implicitly by calling the endpoint calculate with a date and a calculation input.

2) calculations are executed

Then the clients can trigger many calculations concurrently against this context (again via the same endpoint `calculate``). Each of the calculation requests will need to be forwarded to the Calculation Service but without blocking the calling client.

3) context is closed

Finally the context will be closed by a client. This endpoint should return:

  • the number of calculations executed against this context
  • the sum of all calculations against this context

The returned values here needs to take all calculations into account which where triggered before the close endpoint was called: any still running calculations must complete before the close result can be delivered.

the endpoints

All date formats are yyyy-MM-dd

calculate endpoint

Sample input for a POST:

    "category" : "cat-77",
    "value" : 105

There is no response body as the service should return right away.

close endpoint

The close endpoint returns the daily totals for the given context:

    "sum": 101313,
    "count": 417


  • sum the sum of all calculations of the given context
  • count the number of calls against the given context

delete endpoint

A context can be deleted and even recreated if needed. On recreation, it should start from scratch i.e., any previous values should be discarded.

Further service requirements

  • A closed context cannot be closed again
  • A closed context should not accept further calculations
  • once a context was deleted it can be recreated

See also the spec for the expected http status codes, payloads and other requirements.

Assignment requirements

You should provide a readme including your design decisions and instructions how to start the service. For Java-based projects, you can assume the evaluator has JDK installed. JDK 11 is preferred but latest JDK is allowed. Maven wrapper (mvnw) or Gradle wrapper (gradlew) are the allowed build systems for Java-based projects. The implementation should follow good practices.

Files summary

  • calculator-service.yml openapi spec of the Calculator Service implemented already, accessible via a docker image
  • spec.yml openapi spec of the service to be built by you