Goal: Find the identity of the domain beloging to density2.mrc
Fetching AlphaFold PDBs from a list of UniprotID. The list_proteins.csv
is a shortened list with 164 proteins. The output will be all the PDB models downloaded from AFDB in the pdb_files directory
getAlphaFoldPDBs.py --ilist list_proteins.csv --odir pdb_files
If there are missing proteins, they will be recorded in missingAF.log
file. The missing proteins tend to be big proteins > 100kD. In this case, there are 4 missing proteins. You can predict them using ColabFold or AlphaFold.
Note: For the sake of the example, just ignore it and skip to Step 2. Otherwise, continue to Step 1b to predict all the missing proteins.
If you predict these proteins using Colabfold notebook, download all the result files and move in Colabfold_output (no subfolders). Otherwise, using localcolabfold [https://github.com/YoshitakaMo/localcolabfold], it is easy to run colabfold in batch
First, download all the fasta files listed in the missingAF.log
file and then predict all the fasta files in batch.
mkdir fasta colabfold_pred
retrieve_fasta_from_uniprot.py --ilist missingAF.log --odir fasta
colabfold_batch fasta colabfold_pred
Now, copy and rename all the rank_001 pdb files (top rank out of 5 predictions from ColabFold) to the downloaded AlphaFold folder
copy_colabfold_predictions.py colabfold_pred pdb_files
Note: Phenix must be sourced if it is not in the path
This step segments the PDB in pdb_files
directory automatically into domains and writes the domain info (.domains) in the domains
directory with the DPAM format.
process_predicted_models_adaptive.py pdb_files domains 10 split_model_by_compact_regions=True
In this case, using 10 processors speeds up the calculation a lot.
Example of a domain info file: Q238X3.domains
D1 10-21
D2 32-157
D3 183-223
We will save one PDB for each domain in single_domains
directory. In this step, we also filter all domains < 40 amino acids & > 1000 amino acids (the upper range is for the case the domain segmentation fails) using 10 processors.
save_domains_from_info.py pdb_files domains single_domains 40 1000 10
This process writes out 344 PDB files of single domains in single_domain
Fitting all domains from single_domains
folder in the density2.mrc
using ChimeraX: Take each domain and fit it into the density automatically using ChimeraX built-in function fitmap in no screen mode. The script writes best fitted position of PDB for each domain in solutions
folder. The script also generates a non-sorted csv file and sorted csv file (solutions/fit_logs.csv
and solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv
) to document all hits and their respective values (number of residues, correlation, overlap, correlation about mean, p-value etc.). You need to determine the map level from ChimeraX (here 0.886) and the resolution of the search (here 4 Å). We use 10 processors here but if your machine has more, use more since ChimeraX will be run in no screen mode and require small memory for the small density.
fit_domains_in_chimerax.py single_domains solutions density2.mrc 0.886 4 200 10
Alternatively, if you want to see how the complete AlphaFold2 models fit into the density, you can run this script for all PDBs in pdb_files
directory. You might got lucky if the tertiary structure of the AlphaFold2 model is good. With this, you need to use more initial search placement (400-800) and also use a bigger segmented density. Since here it is only a demonstration, just run the command below to see if you found the protein.
fit_domains_in_chimerax.py pdb_files_ solutions_complete density2.mrc 0.886 4 400 10
You can look at the solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv
in Excel for details. For a quick visualization of the overall fitting
visualize_fit_stats.py solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv
A graph of -log10(pvalue) and -log10(BenjaminiHochberg_adjusted_pvalue) vs. Normalized correlation coefficient should show up. The graph is also saved as solutions/summaryplot.eps
. In this case, the top 2 hits (right top corner) are clearly distinct from other solutions. So, they are likely paralogs.
Generate a .cxc file to load the top hits for visualization in ChimeraX. Here, we choose to load only the top 5 hits with the minimum size of 80 amino acids. Size filtering is helpful in filtering small domains fitting wrongly with good correlations.
load_tophits_in_chimerax.py density2.mrc solutions 2 80
ChimeraX is supposed to open from the terminal. If it is not, open the load_tophits.cxc
using ChimeraX manually. The domains are sorted by rank in ChimeraX, #2 = rank 1, #3 = rank 2, etc. As you can clearly see, the top 2 hits are paralogs (PACRG paralogs)
Generate a new .csv file with a minimum size in amino acids filtering. Filter all domains < 100 amino acids. The output .csv will contain NO domain with a size < 100 amino acids. A new solution list file solutions_example/fit_logs_revised_min80.csv
is created in this case.
filter_solution_list.py solutions/fit_log_revised.csv 80
Once you are done analyzing and found your data, you can clean up the data. The script reads fit_log_revised.csv
file in the provided directory and only keeps the top X (10 in this case) hits.
clean_up_solutions.py solutions 10