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DomainFit example

Goal: Find the identity of the domain beloging to density2.mrc

Step 1: Download the AlphaFold model from AFDB

Fetching AlphaFold PDBs from a list of UniprotID. The list_proteins.csv is a shortened list with 164 proteins. The output will be all the PDB models downloaded from AFDB in the pdb_files directory --ilist list_proteins.csv --odir pdb_files

If there are missing proteins, they will be recorded in missingAF.log file. The missing proteins tend to be big proteins > 100kD. In this case, there are 4 missing proteins. You can predict them using ColabFold or AlphaFold.

Note: For the sake of the example, just ignore it and skip to Step 2. Otherwise, continue to Step 1b to predict all the missing proteins.


Step 1b: Predict the missing proteins using Colabfold

If you predict these proteins using Colabfold notebook, download all the result files and move in Colabfold_output (no subfolders). Otherwise, using localcolabfold [], it is easy to run colabfold in batch

First, download all the fasta files listed in the missingAF.log file and then predict all the fasta files in batch.

mkdir fasta colabfold_pred --ilist missingAF.log --odir fasta
colabfold_batch fasta colabfold_pred

Now, copy and rename all the rank_001 pdb files (top rank out of 5 predictions from ColabFold) to the downloaded AlphaFold folder colabfold_pred pdb_files

Step 2: Automatically divide the PDBs into domains

Note: Phenix must be sourced if it is not in the path This step segments the PDB in pdb_files directory automatically into domains and writes the domain info (.domains) in the domains directory with the DPAM format. pdb_files domains 10 split_model_by_compact_regions=True

In this case, using 10 processors speeds up the calculation a lot. Example of a domain info file:

D1 10-21
D2 32-157
D3 183-223

Step 3: Saving domain-separated PDBs to using domain info files from the previous step.

We will save one PDB for each domain in single_domains directory. In this step, we also filter all domains < 40 amino acids & > 1000 amino acids (the upper range is for the case the domain segmentation fails) using 10 processors. pdb_files domains single_domains 40 1000 10

This process writes out 344 PDB files of single domains in single_domain directory.

Step 4:

Fitting all domains from single_domains folder in the density2.mrc using ChimeraX: Take each domain and fit it into the density automatically using ChimeraX built-in function fitmap in no screen mode. The script writes best fitted position of PDB for each domain in solutions folder. The script also generates a non-sorted csv file and sorted csv file (solutions/fit_logs.csv and solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv) to document all hits and their respective values (number of residues, correlation, overlap, correlation about mean, p-value etc.). You need to determine the map level from ChimeraX (here 0.886) and the resolution of the search (here 4 Å). We use 10 processors here but if your machine has more, use more since ChimeraX will be run in no screen mode and require small memory for the small density. single_domains solutions density2.mrc 0.886 4 200 10

Alternatively, if you want to see how the complete AlphaFold2 models fit into the density, you can run this script for all PDBs in pdb_files directory. You might got lucky if the tertiary structure of the AlphaFold2 model is good. With this, you need to use more initial search placement (400-800) and also use a bigger segmented density. Since here it is only a demonstration, just run the command below to see if you found the protein. pdb_files_ solutions_complete density2.mrc 0.886 4 400 10

Step 5: Analysing results

Visualize the p-value & correlations

You can look at the solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv in Excel for details. For a quick visualization of the overall fitting solutions/fit_logs_revised.csv

A graph of -log10(pvalue) and -log10(BenjaminiHochberg_adjusted_pvalue) vs. Normalized correlation coefficient should show up. The graph is also saved as solutions/summaryplot.eps. In this case, the top 2 hits (right top corner) are clearly distinct from other solutions. So, they are likely paralogs.


Visualize the top hits in ChimeraX

Generate a .cxc file to load the top hits for visualization in ChimeraX. Here, we choose to load only the top 5 hits with the minimum size of 80 amino acids. Size filtering is helpful in filtering small domains fitting wrongly with good correlations. density2.mrc solutions 2 80

ChimeraX is supposed to open from the terminal. If it is not, open the load_tophits.cxc using ChimeraX manually. The domains are sorted by rank in ChimeraX, #2 = rank 1, #3 = rank 2, etc. As you can clearly see, the top 2 hits are paralogs (PACRG paralogs)


Filter the solution list file size

Generate a new .csv file with a minimum size in amino acids filtering. Filter all domains < 100 amino acids. The output .csv will contain NO domain with a size < 100 amino acids. A new solution list file solutions_example/fit_logs_revised_min80.csv is created in this case. solutions/fit_log_revised.csv 80

Step 6: Clean up results

Once you are done analyzing and found your data, you can clean up the data. The script reads fit_log_revised.csv file in the provided directory and only keeps the top X (10 in this case) hits. solutions 10