diff --git a/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/detekt-baseline.xml b/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/detekt-baseline.xml
index 1fcda340f9..d18bb02cbd 100644
--- a/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/detekt-baseline.xml
+++ b/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/detekt-baseline.xml
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
MagicNumber:TestHarnessHooks.kt$<no name provided>$500
+ MagicNumber:UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario.kt$UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario$123
+ MagicNumber:UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario.kt$UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario$123456
ThrowingExceptionsWithoutMessageOrCause:AnrHelper.kt$<no name provided>$IllegalStateException()
diff --git a/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/src/main/java/com/bugsnag/android/mazerunner/scenarios/UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario.kt b/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/src/main/java/com/bugsnag/android/mazerunner/scenarios/UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62c880cf63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/fixtures/mazerunner/jvm-scenarios/src/main/java/com/bugsnag/android/mazerunner/scenarios/UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+package com.bugsnag.android.mazerunner.scenarios
+import android.content.Context
+import com.bugsnag.android.BreadcrumbType
+import com.bugsnag.android.Bugsnag
+import com.bugsnag.android.Configuration
+import com.bugsnag.android.OnErrorCallback
+import com.bugsnag.android.Severity
+ * Sends an unhandled exception to Bugsnag where the event details are changed in a callback
+ */
+internal class UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario(
+ config: Configuration,
+ context: Context,
+ eventMetadata: String?
+) : Scenario(config, context, eventMetadata) {
+ init {
+ config.addOnError(
+ OnErrorCallback { event ->
+ event.apiKey = "0000111122223333aaaabbbbcccc9999"
+ event.severity = Severity.ERROR
+ event.groupingHash = "groupingHash1"
+ event.context = "new-context"
+ event.setUser("abc", "joe@test.com", "Joe")
+ event.addMetadata("custom_data", "test_data", "this is test")
+ event.addFeatureFlag("beta", "a")
+ event.isUnhandled = false
+ event.app.binaryArch = "x86"
+ event.app.id = "12345"
+ event.app.releaseStage = "custom"
+ event.app.version = "1.2.3"
+ event.app.buildUuid = "12345678"
+ event.app.type = "android_custom"
+ event.app.versionCode = 123
+ event.app.duration = 123456
+ event.app.durationInForeground = 123456
+ event.app.inForeground = false
+ event.app.isLaunching = false
+ event.device.id = "12345"
+ event.device.jailbroken = true
+ event.device.locale = "en-UK"
+ event.device.totalMemory = 123456
+ event.device.runtimeVersions = mutableMapOf("androidApiLevel" to "30")
+ event.device.freeDisk = 123456
+ event.device.freeMemory = 123456
+ event.device.orientation = "portrait"
+ event.breadcrumbs.removeLast()
+ event.breadcrumbs.first().type = BreadcrumbType.ERROR
+ event.breadcrumbs.first().message = "new breadcrumb message"
+ event.breadcrumbs[1].type = BreadcrumbType.ERROR
+ event.breadcrumbs[1].message = "Second breadcrumb message"
+ val map: Map =
+ java.util.Collections.singletonMap("foo", "data")
+ event.breadcrumbs.first().setMetadata(map)
+ true
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ override fun startScenario() {
+ super.startScenario()
+ Bugsnag.leaveBreadcrumb("Hello1")
+ Bugsnag.leaveBreadcrumb("Hello2")
+ Bugsnag.leaveBreadcrumb("Hello3")
+ Bugsnag.notify(RuntimeException("UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario"))
+ throw NullPointerException("something broke")
+ }
diff --git a/features/full_tests/error_callback_alters_fields.feature b/features/full_tests/error_callback_alters_fields.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3022062947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/full_tests/error_callback_alters_fields.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Feature: When the api key is altered in an Event the JSON payload reflects this
+ Background:
+ Given I clear all persistent data
+ Scenario: Unhandled exception with altered event details
+ When I run "UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario" and relaunch the crashed app
+ And I configure Bugsnag for "UnhandledExceptionApiKeyChangeScenario"
+ And I wait to receive an error
+ And the error payload field "events" is an array with 1 elements
+ And the exception "message" equals "UnhandledExceptionEventDetailChangeScenario"
+ And the error payload field "apiKey" equals "0000111122223333aaaabbbbcccc9999"
+ And the error "Bugsnag-Api-Key" header equals "0000111122223333aaaabbbbcccc9999"
+ And the event "severity" equals "error"
+ And the event "context" equals "new-context"
+ And the event "groupingHash" equals "groupingHash1"
+ And the event "user.id" equals "abc"
+ And the event "user.email" equals "joe@test.com"
+ And the event "user.name" equals "Joe"
+ And the event "metaData.custom_data.test_data" equals "this is test"
+ And event 0 contains the feature flag "beta" with variant "a"
+ # app fields
+ And the event "unhandled" is false
+ And the event "app.binaryArch" equals "x86"
+ And the event "app.id" equals "12345"
+ And the event "app.releaseStage" equals "custom"
+ And the event "app.version" equals "1.2.3"
+ And the event "app.buildUUID" equals "12345678"
+ And the event "app.type" equals "android_custom"
+ And the event "app.versionCode" equals 123
+ And the event "app.duration" equals 123456
+ And the event "app.durationInForeground" equals 123456
+ And the event "app.inForeground" is false
+ And the event "app.isLaunching" is false
+ # device fields
+ And the event "device.id" equals "12345"
+ And the event "device.jailbroken" is true
+ And the event "device.locale" equals "en-UK"
+ And the event "device.totalMemory" equals 123456
+ And the event "device.runtimeVersions.androidApiLevel" equals "30"
+ And the event "device.freeDisk" equals 123456
+ And the event "device.freeMemory" equals 123456
+ And the event "device.orientation" equals "portrait"
+ # breadcrumbs fields
+ And the event has 3 breadcrumbs
+ And the event "breadcrumbs.0.type" equals "error"
+ And the event "breadcrumbs.0.name" equals "new breadcrumb message"
+ And the event "breadcrumbs.1.type" equals "error"
+ And the event "breadcrumbs.1.name" equals "Second breadcrumb message"
+ And the event "breadcrumbs.0.metaData.foo" equals "data"