diff --git a/cromwell.example.backends/cromwell.examples.conf b/cromwell.example.backends/cromwell.examples.conf
index 4ca250d1202..00f99d2ff5a 100644
--- a/cromwell.example.backends/cromwell.examples.conf
+++ b/cromwell.example.backends/cromwell.examples.conf
@@ -498,6 +498,11 @@ services {
     #   # count against this limit.
     #   metadata-read-row-number-safety-threshold = 1000000
+    #   # Remove any UTF-8 mb4 (4 byte) characters from metadata keys in the list.
+    #   # These characters (namely emojis) will cause metadata writing to fail in database collations
+    #   # that do not support 4 byte UTF-8 characters.
+    #   metadata-keys-to-sanitize-utf8mb4 = ["submittedFiles:workflow", "commandLine"]
+    #
     #  metadata-write-statistics {
     #    # Not strictly necessary since the 'metadata-write-statistics' section itself is enough for statistics to be recorded.
     #    # However, this can be set to 'false' to disable statistics collection without deleting the section.
diff --git a/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/MetadataServiceActor.scala b/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/MetadataServiceActor.scala
index 5b45d7bb1e0..bcf6346b601 100644
--- a/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/MetadataServiceActor.scala
+++ b/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/MetadataServiceActor.scala
@@ -110,12 +110,14 @@ case class MetadataServiceActor(serviceConfig: Config, globalConfig: Config, ser
   val metadataWriteStatisticsConfig = MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings(
+  val metadataKeysToClean = serviceConfig.getOrElse[List[String]]("metadata-keys-to-sanitize-utf8mb4", List())
   val writeActor = context.actorOf(
-                             metadataWriteStatisticsConfig
+                             metadataWriteStatisticsConfig,
+                             metadataKeysToClean
diff --git a/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActor.scala b/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActor.scala
index 16bf344ac6f..82d2ee2a12f 100644
--- a/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActor.scala
+++ b/services/src/main/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActor.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ import cromwell.core.Dispatcher.ServiceDispatcher
 import cromwell.core.Mailbox.PriorityMailbox
 import cromwell.core.WorkflowId
 import cromwell.core.instrumentation.InstrumentationPrefixes
-import cromwell.services.metadata.MetadataEvent
+import cromwell.services.metadata.{MetadataEvent, MetadataValue}
 import cromwell.services.metadata.MetadataService._
 import cromwell.services.metadata.impl.MetadataStatisticsRecorder.MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings
 import cromwell.services.{EnhancedBatchActor, MetadataServicesStore}
+import wdl.util.StringUtil
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ class WriteMetadataActor(override val batchSize: Int,
                          override val flushRate: FiniteDuration,
                          override val serviceRegistryActor: ActorRef,
                          override val threshold: Int,
-                         metadataStatisticsRecorderSettings: MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings
+                         metadataStatisticsRecorderSettings: MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings,
+                         metadataKeysToClean: List[String]
 ) extends EnhancedBatchActor[MetadataWriteAction](flushRate, batchSize)
     with ActorLogging
     with MetadataDatabaseAccess
@@ -27,9 +29,10 @@ class WriteMetadataActor(override val batchSize: Int,
   private val statsRecorder = MetadataStatisticsRecorder(metadataStatisticsRecorderSettings)
   override def process(e: NonEmptyVector[MetadataWriteAction]) = instrumentedProcess {
+    val cleanedMetadataWriteActions = if (metadataKeysToClean.isEmpty) e else sanitizeInputs(e)
     val empty = (Vector.empty[MetadataEvent], List.empty[(Iterable[MetadataEvent], ActorRef)])
-    val (putWithoutResponse, putWithResponse) = e.foldLeft(empty) {
+    val (putWithoutResponse, putWithResponse) = cleanedMetadataWriteActions.foldLeft(empty) {
       case ((putEvents, putAndRespondEvents), action: PutMetadataAction) =>
         (putEvents ++ action.events, putAndRespondEvents)
       case ((putEvents, putAndRespondEvents), action: PutMetadataActionAndRespond) =>
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ class WriteMetadataActor(override val batchSize: Int,
       case Success(_) =>
         putWithResponse foreach { case (ev, replyTo) => replyTo ! MetadataWriteSuccess(ev) }
       case Failure(cause) =>
-        val (outOfTries, stillGood) = e.toVector.partition(_.maxAttempts <= 1)
+        val (outOfTries, stillGood) = cleanedMetadataWriteActions.toVector.partition(_.maxAttempts <= 1)
         handleOutOfTries(outOfTries, cause)
@@ -55,6 +58,23 @@ class WriteMetadataActor(override val batchSize: Int,
     dbAction.map(_ => allPutEvents.size)
+  def sanitizeInputs(
+    metadataWriteActions: NonEmptyVector[MetadataWriteAction]
+  ): NonEmptyVector[MetadataWriteAction] =
+    metadataWriteActions.map { metadataWriteAction =>
+      val metadataEvents =
+        metadataWriteAction.events.map { event =>
+          event.value match {
+            case Some(eventVal) => event.copy(value = Option(MetadataValue(StringUtil.cleanUtf8mb4(eventVal.value))))
+            case None => event
+          }
+        }
+      metadataWriteAction match {
+        case action: PutMetadataAction => action.copy(events = metadataEvents)
+        case actionAndResp: PutMetadataActionAndRespond => actionAndResp.copy(events = metadataEvents)
+      }
+    }
   private def countActionsByWorkflow(writeActions: Vector[MetadataWriteAction]): Map[WorkflowId, Int] =
     writeActions.flatMap(_.events).groupBy(_.key.workflowId).map { case (k, v) => k -> v.size }
@@ -106,9 +126,18 @@ object WriteMetadataActor {
             flushRate: FiniteDuration,
             serviceRegistryActor: ActorRef,
             threshold: Int,
-            statisticsRecorderSettings: MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings
+            statisticsRecorderSettings: MetadataStatisticsRecorderSettings,
+            metadataKeysToClean: List[String]
   ): Props =
-    Props(new WriteMetadataActor(dbBatchSize, flushRate, serviceRegistryActor, threshold, statisticsRecorderSettings))
+    Props(
+      new WriteMetadataActor(dbBatchSize,
+                             flushRate,
+                             serviceRegistryActor,
+                             threshold,
+                             statisticsRecorderSettings,
+                             metadataKeysToClean
+      )
+    )
diff --git a/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorBenchmark.scala b/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorBenchmark.scala
index 1a4783dee87..fd2fb5b3d4e 100644
--- a/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorBenchmark.scala
+++ b/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorBenchmark.scala
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class WriteMetadataActorBenchmark extends TestKitSuite with AnyFlatSpecLike with
   it should "provide good throughput" taggedAs IntegrationTest in {
     val writeActor =
-      TestFSMRef(new WriteMetadataActor(1000, 5.seconds, registry, Int.MaxValue, MetadataStatisticsDisabled) {
+      TestFSMRef(new WriteMetadataActor(1000, 5.seconds, registry, Int.MaxValue, MetadataStatisticsDisabled, List()) {
         override val metadataDatabaseInterface: MetadataSlickDatabase = dataAccess
diff --git a/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorSpec.scala b/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorSpec.scala
index 9b9e4f75ccd..f8371928cd0 100644
--- a/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorSpec.scala
+++ b/services/src/test/scala/cromwell/services/metadata/impl/WriteMetadataActorSpec.scala
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class WriteMetadataActorSpec extends TestKitSuite with AnyFlatSpecLike with Matc
   it should "process jobs in the correct batch sizes" in {
     val registry = TestProbe().ref
-    val writeActor = TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue) {
+    val writeActor = TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue, List()) {
       override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(0)
@@ -71,9 +71,10 @@ class WriteMetadataActorSpec extends TestKitSuite with AnyFlatSpecLike with Matc
   failuresBetweenSuccessValues foreach { failureRate =>
     it should s"succeed metadata writes and respond to all senders even with $failureRate failures between each success" in {
       val registry = TestProbe().ref
-      val writeActor = TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue) {
-        override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(failureRate)
-      })
+      val writeActor =
+        TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue, List()) {
+          override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(failureRate)
+        })
       def metadataEvent(index: Int, probe: ActorRef) =
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class WriteMetadataActorSpec extends TestKitSuite with AnyFlatSpecLike with Matc
   it should s"fail metadata writes and respond to all senders with failures" in {
     val registry = TestProbe().ref
-    val writeActor = TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue) {
+    val writeActor = TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue, List()) {
       override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(100)
@@ -146,6 +147,90 @@ class WriteMetadataActorSpec extends TestKitSuite with AnyFlatSpecLike with Matc
+  it should s"test removing emojis from metadata works as expected" in {
+    val registry = TestProbe().ref
+    val writeActor =
+      TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue, List("metadata_key")) {
+        override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(100)
+      })
+    def metadataEvent(index: Int, probe: ActorRef) = PutMetadataActionAndRespond(
+      List(
+        MetadataEvent(MetadataKey(WorkflowId.randomId(), None, "metadata_key"), MetadataValue(s"🎉_$index"))
+      ),
+      probe
+    )
+    val probes = (0 until 43)
+      .map { _ =>
+        val probe = TestProbe()
+        probe
+      }
+      .zipWithIndex
+      .map { case (probe, index) =>
+        probe -> metadataEvent(index, probe.ref)
+      }
+    val metadataWriteActions = probes.map(probe => probe._2).toVector
+    val metadataWriteActionNE = NonEmptyVector(metadataWriteActions.head, metadataWriteActions.tail)
+    val sanitizedWriteActions = writeActor.underlyingActor.sanitizeInputs(metadataWriteActionNE)
+    sanitizedWriteActions.map { writeAction =>
+      writeAction.events.map { event =>
+        if (event.value.getOrElse(fail("Removed value from metadata event")).value.matches("[\\x{10000}-\\x{FFFFF}]")) {
+          fail("Metadata event contains emoji")
+        }
+        if (!event.value.getOrElse(fail("Removed value from metadata event")).value.contains("\uFFFD")) {
+          fail("Incorrect character used to replace emoji")
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  it should s"test removing emojis from metadata which doesn't contain emojis returns the string" in {
+    val registry = TestProbe().ref
+    val writeActor =
+      TestFSMRef(new BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(10, 10.millis, registry, Int.MaxValue, List("metadata_key")) {
+        override val metadataDatabaseInterface = mockDatabaseInterface(100)
+      })
+    def metadataEvent(index: Int, probe: ActorRef) = PutMetadataActionAndRespond(
+      List(
+        MetadataEvent(MetadataKey(WorkflowId.randomId(), None, "metadata_key"), MetadataValue(s"hello_$index"))
+      ),
+      probe
+    )
+    val probes = (0 until 43)
+      .map { _ =>
+        val probe = TestProbe()
+        probe
+      }
+      .zipWithIndex
+      .map { case (probe, index) =>
+        probe -> metadataEvent(index, probe.ref)
+      }
+    val metadataWriteActions = probes.map(probe => probe._2).toVector
+    val metadataWriteActionNE = NonEmptyVector(metadataWriteActions.head, metadataWriteActions.tail)
+    val sanitizedWriteActions = writeActor.underlyingActor.sanitizeInputs(metadataWriteActionNE)
+    sanitizedWriteActions.map { writeAction =>
+      writeAction.events.map { event =>
+        if (event.value.getOrElse(fail("Removed value from metadata event")).value.matches("[\\x{10000}-\\x{FFFFF}]")) {
+          fail("Metadata event contains emoji")
+        }
+        if (event.value.getOrElse(fail("Removed value from metadata event")).value.contains("\uFFFD")) {
+          fail("Incorrectly replaced character in metadata event")
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // Mock database interface.
   // A customizable number of failures occur between each success
   def mockDatabaseInterface(failuresBetweenEachSuccess: Int) = new MetadataSqlDatabase with SqlDatabase {
@@ -382,8 +467,15 @@ object WriteMetadataActorSpec {
   class BatchSizeCountingWriteMetadataActor(override val batchSize: Int,
                                             override val flushRate: FiniteDuration,
                                             override val serviceRegistryActor: ActorRef,
-                                            override val threshold: Int
-  ) extends WriteMetadataActor(batchSize, flushRate, serviceRegistryActor, threshold, MetadataStatisticsDisabled) {
+                                            override val threshold: Int,
+                                            val metadataKeysToClean: List[String]
+  ) extends WriteMetadataActor(batchSize,
+                               flushRate,
+                               serviceRegistryActor,
+                               threshold,
+                               MetadataStatisticsDisabled,
+                               metadataKeysToClean
+      ) {
     var batchSizes: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty
     var failureCount: Int = 0
diff --git a/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversions.scala b/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversions.scala
index a1e08007b05..486a7ad28b1 100644
--- a/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversions.scala
+++ b/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversions.scala
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import cromwell.core.ExecutionEvent
 import cromwell.core.logging.JobLogger
 import mouse.all._
 import PipelinesUtilityConversions._
+import wdl.util.StringUtil
 import scala.language.postfixOps
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ trait PipelinesUtilityConversions {
     // characters (typically emoji). Some databases have trouble storing these; replace them with the standard
     // "unknown character" unicode symbol.
     val name = Option(event.getContainerStopped) match {
-      case Some(_) => cleanUtf8mb4(event.getDescription)
+      case Some(_) => StringUtil.cleanUtf8mb4(event.getDescription)
       case _ => event.getDescription
@@ -101,9 +102,4 @@ object PipelinesUtilityConversions {
-  lazy val utf8mb4Regex = "[\\x{10000}-\\x{FFFFF}]"
-  lazy val utf8mb3Replacement = "\uFFFD" // This is the standard char for replacing invalid/unknown unicode chars
-  def cleanUtf8mb4(in: String): String =
-    in.replaceAll(utf8mb4Regex, utf8mb3Replacement)
diff --git a/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/test/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversionsSpec.scala b/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/test/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversionsSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eeef482a740..00000000000
--- a/supportedBackends/google/pipelines/v2beta/src/test/scala/cromwell/backend/google/pipelines/v2beta/PipelinesUtilityConversionsSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package cromwell.backend.google.pipelines.v2beta
-import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
-import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-class PipelinesUtilityConversionsSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
-  behavior of "PipelinesUtilityConversions"
-  it should "not modify strings that contain only ascii characters" in {
-    val input = "hi there!?"
-    PipelinesUtilityConversions.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe input
-  }
-  it should "not modify strings with 3-byte unicode characters" in {
-    val input = "Here is my non-ascii character: \u1234 Do you like it?"
-    PipelinesUtilityConversions.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe input
-  }
-  it should "replace 4-byte unicode characters" in {
-    val cry = new String(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt("1F62D", 16)))
-    val barf = new String(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt("1F92E", 16)))
-    val input = s"When I try to put an emoji in the database it $barf and then I $cry"
-    val cleaned = "When I try to put an emoji in the database it \uFFFD and then I \uFFFD"
-    PipelinesUtilityConversions.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe cleaned
-  }
diff --git a/wdl/model/draft2/src/test/scala/wdl/util/StringUtilSpec.scala b/wdl/model/draft2/src/test/scala/wdl/util/StringUtilSpec.scala
index 7c466aca30e..b3ccadc9fc6 100644
--- a/wdl/model/draft2/src/test/scala/wdl/util/StringUtilSpec.scala
+++ b/wdl/model/draft2/src/test/scala/wdl/util/StringUtilSpec.scala
@@ -70,4 +70,21 @@ class StringUtilSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with CromwellTimeoutSpec with Matchers
+  it should "not modify strings that contain only ascii characters" in {
+    val input = "hi there!?"
+    StringUtil.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe input
+  }
+  it should "not modify strings with 3-byte unicode characters" in {
+    val input = "Here is my non-ascii character: \u1234 Do you like it?"
+    StringUtil.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe input
+  }
+  it should "replace 4-byte unicode characters" in {
+    val cry = new String(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt("1F62D", 16)))
+    val barf = new String(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt("1F92E", 16)))
+    val input = s"When I try to put an emoji in the database it $barf and then I $cry"
+    val cleaned = "When I try to put an emoji in the database it \uFFFD and then I \uFFFD"
+    StringUtil.cleanUtf8mb4(input) shouldBe cleaned
+  }
diff --git a/wom/src/main/scala/wdl/util/StringUtil.scala b/wom/src/main/scala/wdl/util/StringUtil.scala
index f89c4fd73da..03821457be5 100644
--- a/wom/src/main/scala/wdl/util/StringUtil.scala
+++ b/wom/src/main/scala/wdl/util/StringUtil.scala
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
   * WOMmy TaskDefinition. That should get straightened out. */
 object StringUtil {
   val Ws = Pattern.compile("[\\ \\t]+")
+  val utf8mb4Regex = "[\\x{10000}-\\x{FFFFF}]"
+  val utf8mb3Replacement = "\uFFFD" // This is the standard char for replacing
     * 1) Remove all leading newline chars
@@ -63,4 +65,12 @@ object StringUtil {
+  /**
+   * Remove all utf8mb4 exclusive characters (emoji) from the given string.
+   * @param in String to clean
+   * @return String with all utf8mb4 exclusive characters removed
+   */
+  def cleanUtf8mb4(in: String): String =
+    in.replaceAll(utf8mb4Regex, utf8mb3Replacement)