- fix compilation due to a "bug" in gcc-llvm on 10.7.2
- fix gemspec so ruby 1.8.6 or later is required
- add deprecation notice for Yajl's Bzip2 support
- add deprecation notice for Yajl's Deflate support
- add deprecation notice for Yajl's Gzip support
- add deprecation notice for Yajl's JSON gem compatibility API
- add deprecation notice for Yajl::HttpStream
- change the path the extension is copied into to be 'lib/yajl'
- remove 'ext' from the loadpath
- fix bug where Yajl::HttpStream wouldn't pass through a user-specified socket
- fix incorrect Ruby initialization hook method name
- Bump bundled YAJL version to 1.0.12
- fix to correctly symbolize multibyte characters on 1.9
- add
option to Yajl::HttpStream for user-specified arbitrary headers
- define RSTRING_NOT_MODIFIED for rbx to prevent string caching, making things A LOT faster (100x)
- fixed a retart bug where Yajl::VERSION wasn't defined when explicitly requiring yajl/http_stream
- added a new html_safe option to Yajl::Encoder to escape '/' characters for use in the DOM
- moved away from Jeweler to a Bundler/manual gemfile management setup
- moved to rspec2
- fixed some compilation warnings on 1.9.3
- brought over latest from Yajl upstream
- finally removed the deprecated Yajl::Stream methods
- moved to rake-compiler
- moved to Bundler for development
- fix memory corruption bug when using :pretty => true and a custom indent string
- fixed memory leak when exceptions were being raised during a parse
- fix a bug in chunked http response regex (thanks to http://github.com/kevn for catching this)
- Make sure json compability doesn't break ActiveSupport#to_json
- fix improper usage of rb_define_method
- full string encoding support for 1.9, respecting Encoding.default_internal
- refactor the #to_json function bodies into a C macro
- some misc code cleanup in the benchmark scripts
- use memcmp instead of strcmp for invalid Fixnum check
- add a spec to verify unicode chars can be used as keys
- twitter examples updated
- only use -Wextra if ENV['DEBUG'] is set as gcc 3 doesn't know about it
- fix chunked http encoding parse logic to further comply with the spec (thanks to Sebastian Cohnen sebastian.cohnen@gmx.net)
- removed as_json checks and usage in encoder to prevent infinite loops ** In Rails a lot of objects return self from the as_json method - which is wrong IMO - and needs to be fixed before this feature will work properly
- check for existence of and use as_json method on custom objects
- bugfix with read buffer when parsing from an IO (thanks to Pavel Valodzka pavel@valodzka.name)
- merged in latest yajl
- enable -Wextra during compilation
- brought back ability to pass a buffer to bzip/gzip/deflate #read helper methods
- bugfix for the JSON gem compatibility API's Object#to_json method improperly encoding strings
- remove trap from HttpStream code, it's really not needed
- fixed broken to_json compatibility
- removed strlen in a few places in favor of RSTRING_LEN since ruby already knows the length of the string
- patched Yajl to more efficiently reset it's lexer (no more malloc/free)
- removed dependency on IO#eof? when parsing from an IO for full Rack-spec compatibility
- removed some various cruft code in C
- revert a patch made to bundled Yajl enabling optional quoting of strings that broke binary API compatibility
- ensure utf8 encoding is set on relevant strings during parse/encode in 1.9
- HttpStream patches merged in from Luke Redpath contact@lukeredpath.co.uk
- Changed how Yajl::Parser was calling IO#read to better conform to the Rack spec and thus can be used to directly parse a rack.input stream
- A couple of small performance patches
- Allow passing a string to Yajl::HttpStream methods instead of only a URI
- Bump internal version constant to the proper value (doh!)
- Bring over latest from Yajl upstream
- Brought over some optimizations from Macruby's use of some yajl-ruby codez
- Yajl::HttpStream now supports being killed for long-running requests, thanks to Filipe Giusti filipegiusti@gmail.com
- optimize symbol creation while symbolize_keys is turned on
- fix for 32bit integer conversion into ruby
- All specs pass on Rubinius :)
- Added Yajl.load and Yajl.dump for compatibility with other various data format API's in ruby
- Fixed a bug in Yajl::Encoder which allowed direct, unescaped encoding of NaN, Infinity and -Infinity. It will now properly throw a Yajl::EncodeError exception if either of these values are found unescaped.
- Update bundled Yajl library to 1.0.7
- Conditionally define RSTRING_* and RARRAY_* for older versions of ruby (1.8.5 is still the default on CentOS)
- Bugfix for JSON gem exception classes to more accurately match those of the actual JSON gem
- A few small speed optimizations
- Updated specs to not run bzip2 related examples if unable to load the bzip2 library
- Finally added UTF-8 checking specs
- Removed needless calls to ID2SYM all over the place
- Updated benchmark scripts to bring the GC into the picture a little more
- Fixed a bug in the JSON gem compatibility API where strings weren't being properly escaped
- Fixed a bug surfaced by an existing library providing a to_json method, and Yajl would double-quote the values provided
- Fixed a bug in Yajl::HttpStream where responses contained multiple JSON strings but weren't Transfer-Encoding: chunked (thanks @dacort!)
- Added POST, PUT and DELETE support to Yajl::HttpStream ** POST support initially contributed by jdg (http://github.com/jdg) - Although oortle (http://github.com/oortle) coded it up in a fork with it as well.
- Add another option that can be passed to Yajl::Encoder's constructor (:terminator) to allow the caller some control over when a full JSON string has been generated by the encoder. More information on it's use in the README
- fixing a bug Aman found with to_json on non-primitive Ruby objects and double-quoting in the JSON compat API
- Bugfix for the JSON gem compatibility API's default Object#to_json helper
- Bugfix for Yajl::Encoder where encoding a hash like {:a => :b} would get stuck in an infinite loop
- Bugfix in Yajl::HttpStream for proper handling of the Content-type header (Rob Sharp)
- Yajl::Encoder now has an on_progress callback setter, which can be used to harness the encoder's streaming ability. ** The passed Proc/lambda will be called, and passed every chunk (currently 8kb) of the encoded JSON string as it's being encoded.
- API CHANGE WARNING: Yajl::Encoder.encode's block will now be used as (and work the same as) the on_progress callback ** This means the block will be passed chunks of the JSON string at a time, giving the caller the ability to start processing the encoded data while it's still being encoded.
- fixed grammatical error in README (Neil Berkman)
- Added some encoder examples
- You can now pass parser options (like :symbolize_keys for example) to Yajl::HttpStream.get
- Refactored spec tests a bit, DRYing up the Yajl::HttpStream specs quite a bit.
- Added a spec rake task, and spec.opts file
- Updated and renamed rcov rake task, and added rcov.opts file
- Added JSON.default_options hash to the JSON gem compatibility API
- Split out the JSON gem compatibility API's parsing and encoding methods into individually includable files ** the use case here is if you only want parsing, or only want encoding ** also, if you don't include encoding it won't include the #to_json overrides which tend to cause problems in some environments.
- Removed some large benchmark test files to reduce the size of the packaged gem by 1.5MB!
- Introduction of the JSON gem compatibility API ** NOTE: this isn't a 1:1 compatibility API, the goal was to be compatible with as many of the projects using the JSON gem as possible - not the JSON gem API itself ** the compatibility API must be explicitly enabled by requiring 'yajl/json_gem' in your project ** JSON.parse, JSON.generate, and the #to_json instance method extension to ruby's primitive classes are all included
- Fix Yajl::Encoder to ensure map keys are strings
- Encoding multiple JSON objects to a single stream doesn't separate by a newline character anymore
- Yajl::Encoder now checks for the existence of, and will call #to_json on any non-primitive object
- Yajl::Parser's :symbolize_keys option now defaults to false
- remove use of sprintf for a little speed improvement while parsing
- The IO parameter for Yajl::Encode#encode is now optional, and accepts a block ** it will return the resulting JSON string if no IO is passed to stream to ** if a block is passed, it will call and pass it the resulting JSON string
- Yajl::Parser#parse can now parse from a String as well as an IO
- Added and updated lot of in-code documentation. ** all the C code exposed to Ruby should now have comments
- Added :symbolize_keys option to the Yajl::Parser class, which defaults to true. ** Having this option enabled has shown around an 18% speedup in parsing time according to my benchmarks
- Added class helper methods Yajl::Encoder.encode(obj, io) and Yajl::Parser.parse(io)
- added tests for the above
- Updated Twitter streaming example to have a less verbose output
- Patch Yajl so encoding can continue as a stream
- IE: multiple objects encoded onto the same IO
- added a test for the above
- Set the internal read buffer size back down to 8kb by default
- Added an internal write buffer size (set to 8kb by default) which is used to throttle writes to the output stream
- This is to fix a major performance bug/issue with the IO#write C method in ruby 1.9.x (I've opened a bug with them about it)
- Fixed a typo in a one-off parsing spec test
- Updated benchmarks to work properly in 1.9 (required removal ActiveSupport benchmarking for now)
- Updated spec tests to respect ridiculous differences in hash key ordering between 1.8 and 1.9
- added some more tests for the new API
- inlined a couple of hot functions used in parsing for a little speedup
- updates to readme, reflecting changes in API
- version bump to push another gem build
- Refactored internal API so the caller can specify initialization options for the Parser and Encoder respectively. Two new classes were introduced as a result - Yajl::Parser and Yajl::Encoder. The newly refactored codebase is cleaner, thread-safe and removed all of the hack-code that was trickled around to make things work in the previous implementation. She's much more seaworthy now cap'n!
- Yajl::Parser.new accepts two options, :allow_comments and :check_utf8 which both default to true
- Yajl::Encoder.new accepts two options, :pretty and :indent which default to false and " " respectively
- cleaned up a lot of state code, that to my knowledge prevented yajl-ruby from being used in a thread-safe environment.
- added deprecated messaging to Yajl::Stream.parse and Yajl::Stream.encode - these will likely go away before 0.6.0
- fixed a bug in the chunked http response parser regarding partially received chunks
- added a Twitter Search API example showing off the HttpStream API
- fixed some parser state bugs surfaced by edge cases
- added support for Chunked HTTP response bodies in Yajl::HttpStream
- added support for passing a block to Yajl::HttpStream.get that will be used as a callback whenever a JSON object is parsed off the stream (even if there is more than one!)
- added an examples folder, and put an example using the Twitter Streaming API in there to start
- added some more spec tests, this time around Chunked parsing and continuously parsing multiple JSON strings
- fixed a totally bone-head compilation problem, I created for myself ;)
- Bundling Yajl sources to remove the need to install them (and CMake) separately (Thank you Lloyd!!!) This means you can now simply install the gem and be off and running
- Added some spec tests for Yajl::HttpStream
- Added some spec tests for Yajl::Stream.encode
- added some more thank you's, where credit's due - in the readme
- updated the unicode.json file to reflect a "real-life" JSON response
- reorganized spec tests into their functional areas
- added an rcov rake task to generate code coverage output
- Applied a patch from benburkert (http://github.com/benburkert) to fix HTTP Basic Auth in Yajl::HttpStream.get
- added Yajl::Stream.encode(hash, io)
- generates a JSON string stream, and writes to IO
- compressed StreamWriter helpers added as well
- fixed a pretty lame segfault in (x86_64 only?) ubuntu/linux
- changed the compiled extension to have a more specific name (yajl_ext) for easier loading
- removed forced-load of .bundle file, for the rest of the planet aside from OSX users
- added some more benchmarks to compare to other forms of serialization in Ruby
- various readme updates
- NOTE: Breaking API change:
- renamed Yajl::GzipStreamReader to Yajl::Gzip::StreamReader
- added Yajl::Bzip2::StreamReader
- depends on the bzip2-ruby gem if you want to use it, if not Yajl::Bzip2 won't be loaded
- added Yajl::Deflate::StreamReader
- actually uses Zlib::Inflate for stream decompression
- added parse(io) class methods to Yajl::Gzip::StreamReader and Yajl::Bzip2::StreamReader as a helper for parsing compressed streams.
- updated Yajl::HttpStream to request responses compressed as deflate and bzip2 in addition to gzip
- fixed a bug regarding parsing Integers as Floats (so 123456 would have be parsed and returned as 123456.0)
- fixed a bug which caused a segfault in ruby's GC during string replacement in Yajl::Gzip and Yajl::Bzip2's StreamReader#read methods
- added support for user-specified User-Agent strings in Yajl::HttpStream
- adding text/plain as an allowed mime-type for Yajl::HttpStream for webservers that respond with it instead of application/json (ahem...Yelp...)
- renamed specs folder to spec for no reason at all
- Yajl::HttpStream is now sending "proper" http request headers
- Yajl::HttpStream will request HTTP-Basic auth if credentials are provided in the passed URI
- cleanup requires
- fixed a typo in the stream.rb benchmark file
- fixed a bug in Yajl::Stream.parse that was causing "strange" Ruby malloc errors on large files, with large strings
- added Yajl::GzipStreamReader as a wrapper around Zlib::GzipReader to allow for standard IO#read behavior
- this allows Yajl::Stream to read off of a Gzip stream directly
- NOTE: Breaking API change:
- refactored Stream parsing methods out of Yajl::Native into Yajl::Stream
- removed Yajl::Native namespace/module
- Addition of Yajl::HttpStream module
- This module is for streaming JSON HTTP responses directly into Yajl (as they're being received) for increased awesomeness
- it currently supports basic get requests with Yajl::HttpStream.get(uri)
- it also supports (and prefers) output compressed (gzip) responses
- Addition Yajl::Chunked module
- This module is for feeding Yajl JSON pieces at a time, instead of an entire IO object
- This works very well in environments like an EventMachine app where data is received in chunks by design
- decreased read buffer for Yajl::Stream from 8kb to 4kb
- turned Unicode checks back on in the Yajl parser now that it's fixed (thanks Lloyd!)
- this also bumps the yajl version dependency requirement to 1.0.4
- better guessing of Integer/Float from number found instead of just trying to create a BigNum no matter what
- changed extconf.rb to fail Makefile creation if yajl isn't found
- added a test to check for parsing Infinity due to a Float overflow
- 1.9 compatibility
- version bump: forgot to include yajl.c in the gem
- fixed borked gemspec
- slight refactor of ActiveSupport tests to better reflect how they actually exist in ActiveSupport
- typo correction in the changelog which had the years in 2008
- added some initial spec tests
- ported some from ActiveSupport to ensure proper compatibility
- included 57 JSON fixtures to test against, all of which pass
- changed parser config to not check for invalid unicode characters as Ruby is going to do this anyway (?). This resolves the remaining test failures around unicode.
- changed how the parser was dealing with numbers to prevent overflows
- added an exception class Yajl::ParseError which is now used in place of simply printing to STDERR upon a parsing error
- renamed a couple of JSON test files in the benchmark folder to better represent their contents
- misc README updates
- fixed parsing bug - also fixed failing ActiveSupport test failures (except for the unicode one, which is an issue in Yajl itself)
- updated gemspec and README
- initial release - gemified