diff --git a/packages/docs/src/stories/Box.stories.tsx b/packages/docs/src/stories/Box.stories.tsx
index a3ec07d..e5e9405 100644
--- a/packages/docs/src/stories/Box.stories.tsx
+++ b/packages/docs/src/stories/Box.stories.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Box, BoxProps } from '@ignite-ui/react';
+import { Box, BoxProps, Text } from '@ignite-ui/react';
import { StoryObj, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
export default {
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export default {
args: {
children: (
- Box component children
+ Box component children
diff --git a/packages/docs/src/stories/Heading.stories.tsx b/packages/docs/src/stories/Heading.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289a71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/docs/src/stories/Heading.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Heading, HeadingProps } from '@ignite-ui/react';
+import { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+export default {
+ title: 'Typography/Heading',
+ component: Heading,
+ args: {
+ children:
+ 'Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat, nisi suscipit. Placeat sapiente, amet, laborum facere sed at illo explicabo obcaecati necessitatibus cumque similique voluptate fuga quod nemo perspiciatis eveniet?',
+ },
+} as Meta;
+export const Primary: StoryObj = {};
+export const CustomTag: StoryObj = {
+ args: {
+ children: 'H1 Heading',
+ as: 'h1',
+ },
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ description: {
+ story:
+ 'By default, the Heading component is an h2, but it can be used as any other heading tag by passing the desired heading tag to the as props',
+ },
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/packages/docs/src/stories/Text.stories.tsx b/packages/docs/src/stories/Text.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dacd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/docs/src/stories/Text.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Text, TextProps } from '@ignite-ui/react';
+import { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+export default {
+ title: 'Typography/Text',
+ component: Text,
+ args: {
+ children:
+ 'Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat, nisi suscipit. Placeat sapiente, amet, laborum facere sed at illo explicabo obcaecati necessitatibus cumque similique voluptate fuga quod nemo perspiciatis eveniet?',
+ },
+} as Meta;
+export const Primary: StoryObj = {};
+export const CustomTag: StoryObj = {
+ args: {
+ children: 'Strong text',
+ as: 'strong',
+ },
diff --git a/packages/react/dist/index.d.ts b/packages/react/dist/index.d.ts
index f20d927..d8a3b83 100644
--- a/packages/react/dist/index.d.ts
+++ b/packages/react/dist/index.d.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as _stitches_react_types_styled_component from '@stitches/react/types/styled-component';
import * as _stitches_react_types_css_util from '@stitches/react/types/css-util';
-import { ComponentProps } from 'react';
+import { ComponentProps, ElementType } from 'react';
declare const Box: _stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<"div", {}, {}, _stitches_react_types_css_util.CSS<{}, {
colors: {
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ declare const Box: _stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<"div",
bold: string;
fontSizes: {
- xxs: string;
xs: string;
+ xxs: string;
sm: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
@@ -205,6 +205,423 @@ declare const Box: _stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<"div",
zIndex: "zIndices";
}, {}>>;
interface BoxProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
+declare const Text: _stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<"p", {
+ size?: "xs" | "xxs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
+}, {}, _stitches_react_types_css_util.CSS<{}, {
+ colors: {
+ white: string;
+ black: string;
+ gray100: string;
+ gray200: string;
+ gray400: string;
+ gray500: string;
+ gray600: string;
+ gray700: string;
+ gray800: string;
+ gray900: string;
+ ignite300: string;
+ ignite500: string;
+ ignite700: string;
+ ignite900: string;
+ };
+ fonts: {
+ default: string;
+ code: string;
+ };
+ fontWeights: {
+ regular: string;
+ medium: string;
+ bold: string;
+ };
+ fontSizes: {
+ xs: string;
+ xxs: string;
+ sm: string;
+ md: string;
+ lg: string;
+ xl: string;
+ '2xl': string;
+ '4xl': string;
+ '5xl': string;
+ '6xl': string;
+ '7xl': string;
+ '8xl': string;
+ '9xl': string;
+ };
+ lineHeights: {
+ shorter: string;
+ short: string;
+ base: string;
+ tall: string;
+ };
+ radii: {
+ px: string;
+ xs: string;
+ sm: string;
+ md: string;
+ lg: string;
+ full: string;
+ };
+ space: {
+ 1: string;
+ 2: string;
+ 3: string;
+ 4: string;
+ 5: string;
+ 6: string;
+ 7: string;
+ 8: string;
+ 10: string;
+ 12: string;
+ 16: string;
+ 20: string;
+ 40: string;
+ 64: string;
+ 80: string;
+ };
+}, {
+ width: "space";
+ height: "space";
+ gap: "space";
+ gridGap: "space";
+ columnGap: "space";
+ gridColumnGap: "space";
+ rowGap: "space";
+ gridRowGap: "space";
+ inset: "space";
+ insetBlock: "space";
+ insetBlockEnd: "space";
+ insetBlockStart: "space";
+ insetInline: "space";
+ insetInlineEnd: "space";
+ insetInlineStart: "space";
+ margin: "space";
+ marginTop: "space";
+ marginRight: "space";
+ marginBottom: "space";
+ marginLeft: "space";
+ marginBlock: "space";
+ marginBlockEnd: "space";
+ marginBlockStart: "space";
+ marginInline: "space";
+ marginInlineEnd: "space";
+ marginInlineStart: "space";
+ padding: "space";
+ paddingTop: "space";
+ paddingRight: "space";
+ paddingBottom: "space";
+ paddingLeft: "space";
+ paddingBlock: "space";
+ paddingBlockEnd: "space";
+ paddingBlockStart: "space";
+ paddingInline: "space";
+ paddingInlineEnd: "space";
+ paddingInlineStart: "space";
+ scrollMargin: "space";
+ scrollMarginTop: "space";
+ scrollMarginRight: "space";
+ scrollMarginBottom: "space";
+ scrollMarginLeft: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlock: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlockEnd: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlockStart: "space";
+ scrollMarginInline: "space";
+ scrollMarginInlineEnd: "space";
+ scrollMarginInlineStart: "space";
+ scrollPadding: "space";
+ scrollPaddingTop: "space";
+ scrollPaddingRight: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBottom: "space";
+ scrollPaddingLeft: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlock: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlockEnd: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlockStart: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInline: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInlineEnd: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInlineStart: "space";
+ top: "space";
+ right: "space";
+ bottom: "space";
+ left: "space";
+ fontSize: "fontSizes";
+ background: "colors";
+ backgroundColor: "colors";
+ backgroundImage: "colors";
+ borderImage: "colors";
+ border: "colors";
+ borderBlock: "colors";
+ borderBlockEnd: "colors";
+ borderBlockStart: "colors";
+ borderBottom: "colors";
+ borderBottomColor: "colors";
+ borderColor: "colors";
+ borderInline: "colors";
+ borderInlineEnd: "colors";
+ borderInlineStart: "colors";
+ borderLeft: "colors";
+ borderLeftColor: "colors";
+ borderRight: "colors";
+ borderRightColor: "colors";
+ borderTop: "colors";
+ borderTopColor: "colors";
+ caretColor: "colors";
+ color: "colors";
+ columnRuleColor: "colors";
+ outline: "colors";
+ outlineColor: "colors";
+ fill: "colors";
+ stroke: "colors";
+ textDecorationColor: "colors";
+ fontFamily: "fonts";
+ fontWeight: "fontWeights";
+ lineHeight: "lineHeights";
+ letterSpacing: "letterSpacings";
+ blockSize: "sizes";
+ minBlockSize: "sizes";
+ maxBlockSize: "sizes";
+ inlineSize: "sizes";
+ minInlineSize: "sizes";
+ maxInlineSize: "sizes";
+ minWidth: "sizes";
+ maxWidth: "sizes";
+ minHeight: "sizes";
+ maxHeight: "sizes";
+ flexBasis: "sizes";
+ gridTemplateColumns: "sizes";
+ gridTemplateRows: "sizes";
+ borderWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderTopWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderLeftWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderRightWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderBottomWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderTopStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderLeftStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderRightStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderBottomStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderRadius: "radii";
+ borderTopLeftRadius: "radii";
+ borderTopRightRadius: "radii";
+ borderBottomRightRadius: "radii";
+ borderBottomLeftRadius: "radii";
+ boxShadow: "shadows";
+ textShadow: "shadows";
+ transition: "transitions";
+ zIndex: "zIndices";
+}, {}>>;
+interface TextProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
+declare const Heading: _stitches_react_types_styled_component.StyledComponent<"h2", {
+ size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "3xl" | undefined;
+}, {}, _stitches_react_types_css_util.CSS<{}, {
+ colors: {
+ white: string;
+ black: string;
+ gray100: string;
+ gray200: string;
+ gray400: string;
+ gray500: string;
+ gray600: string;
+ gray700: string;
+ gray800: string;
+ gray900: string;
+ ignite300: string;
+ ignite500: string;
+ ignite700: string;
+ ignite900: string;
+ };
+ fonts: {
+ default: string;
+ code: string;
+ };
+ fontWeights: {
+ regular: string;
+ medium: string;
+ bold: string;
+ };
+ fontSizes: {
+ xs: string;
+ xxs: string;
+ sm: string;
+ md: string;
+ lg: string;
+ xl: string;
+ '2xl': string;
+ '4xl': string;
+ '5xl': string;
+ '6xl': string;
+ '7xl': string;
+ '8xl': string;
+ '9xl': string;
+ };
+ lineHeights: {
+ shorter: string;
+ short: string;
+ base: string;
+ tall: string;
+ };
+ radii: {
+ px: string;
+ xs: string;
+ sm: string;
+ md: string;
+ lg: string;
+ full: string;
+ };
+ space: {
+ 1: string;
+ 2: string;
+ 3: string;
+ 4: string;
+ 5: string;
+ 6: string;
+ 7: string;
+ 8: string;
+ 10: string;
+ 12: string;
+ 16: string;
+ 20: string;
+ 40: string;
+ 64: string;
+ 80: string;
+ };
+}, {
+ width: "space";
+ height: "space";
+ gap: "space";
+ gridGap: "space";
+ columnGap: "space";
+ gridColumnGap: "space";
+ rowGap: "space";
+ gridRowGap: "space";
+ inset: "space";
+ insetBlock: "space";
+ insetBlockEnd: "space";
+ insetBlockStart: "space";
+ insetInline: "space";
+ insetInlineEnd: "space";
+ insetInlineStart: "space";
+ margin: "space";
+ marginTop: "space";
+ marginRight: "space";
+ marginBottom: "space";
+ marginLeft: "space";
+ marginBlock: "space";
+ marginBlockEnd: "space";
+ marginBlockStart: "space";
+ marginInline: "space";
+ marginInlineEnd: "space";
+ marginInlineStart: "space";
+ padding: "space";
+ paddingTop: "space";
+ paddingRight: "space";
+ paddingBottom: "space";
+ paddingLeft: "space";
+ paddingBlock: "space";
+ paddingBlockEnd: "space";
+ paddingBlockStart: "space";
+ paddingInline: "space";
+ paddingInlineEnd: "space";
+ paddingInlineStart: "space";
+ scrollMargin: "space";
+ scrollMarginTop: "space";
+ scrollMarginRight: "space";
+ scrollMarginBottom: "space";
+ scrollMarginLeft: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlock: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlockEnd: "space";
+ scrollMarginBlockStart: "space";
+ scrollMarginInline: "space";
+ scrollMarginInlineEnd: "space";
+ scrollMarginInlineStart: "space";
+ scrollPadding: "space";
+ scrollPaddingTop: "space";
+ scrollPaddingRight: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBottom: "space";
+ scrollPaddingLeft: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlock: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlockEnd: "space";
+ scrollPaddingBlockStart: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInline: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInlineEnd: "space";
+ scrollPaddingInlineStart: "space";
+ top: "space";
+ right: "space";
+ bottom: "space";
+ left: "space";
+ fontSize: "fontSizes";
+ background: "colors";
+ backgroundColor: "colors";
+ backgroundImage: "colors";
+ borderImage: "colors";
+ border: "colors";
+ borderBlock: "colors";
+ borderBlockEnd: "colors";
+ borderBlockStart: "colors";
+ borderBottom: "colors";
+ borderBottomColor: "colors";
+ borderColor: "colors";
+ borderInline: "colors";
+ borderInlineEnd: "colors";
+ borderInlineStart: "colors";
+ borderLeft: "colors";
+ borderLeftColor: "colors";
+ borderRight: "colors";
+ borderRightColor: "colors";
+ borderTop: "colors";
+ borderTopColor: "colors";
+ caretColor: "colors";
+ color: "colors";
+ columnRuleColor: "colors";
+ outline: "colors";
+ outlineColor: "colors";
+ fill: "colors";
+ stroke: "colors";
+ textDecorationColor: "colors";
+ fontFamily: "fonts";
+ fontWeight: "fontWeights";
+ lineHeight: "lineHeights";
+ letterSpacing: "letterSpacings";
+ blockSize: "sizes";
+ minBlockSize: "sizes";
+ maxBlockSize: "sizes";
+ inlineSize: "sizes";
+ minInlineSize: "sizes";
+ maxInlineSize: "sizes";
+ minWidth: "sizes";
+ maxWidth: "sizes";
+ minHeight: "sizes";
+ maxHeight: "sizes";
+ flexBasis: "sizes";
+ gridTemplateColumns: "sizes";
+ gridTemplateRows: "sizes";
+ borderWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderTopWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderLeftWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderRightWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderBottomWidth: "borderWidths";
+ borderStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderTopStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderLeftStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderRightStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderBottomStyle: "borderStyles";
+ borderRadius: "radii";
+ borderTopLeftRadius: "radii";
+ borderTopRightRadius: "radii";
+ borderBottomRightRadius: "radii";
+ borderBottomLeftRadius: "radii";
+ boxShadow: "shadows";
+ textShadow: "shadows";
+ transition: "transitions";
+ zIndex: "zIndices";
+}, {}>>;
+interface HeadingProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
-export { Box, BoxProps };
+export { Box, BoxProps, Heading, HeadingProps, Text, TextProps };
diff --git a/packages/react/dist/index.js b/packages/react/dist/index.js
index 58ba471..117d012 100644
--- a/packages/react/dist/index.js
+++ b/packages/react/dist/index.js
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: tru
// src/index.tsx
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
- Box: () => Box
+ Box: () => Box,
+ Heading: () => Heading,
+ Text: () => Text
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
@@ -63,8 +65,8 @@ var fonts = {
code: "monospace"
var fontSizes = {
- xxs: "0.625rem",
xs: "0.75rem",
+ xxs: "0.625rem",
sm: "0.875rem",
md: "1rem",
lg: "1.125rem",
@@ -145,7 +147,61 @@ var Box = styled("div", {
backgroundColor: "$gray800",
border: "1px solid $gray600"
+// src/components/Text.tsx
+var Text = styled("p", {
+ fontFamily: "$default",
+ lineHeight: "$base",
+ margin: 0,
+ color: "$gray100",
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ xxs: { fontSize: "xxs" },
+ xs: { fontSize: "xs" },
+ sm: { fontSize: "sm" },
+ md: { fontSize: "md" },
+ lg: { fontSize: "lg" },
+ xl: { fontSize: "xl" },
+ "2xl": { fontSize: "2xl" },
+ "4xl": { fontSize: "4xl" },
+ "5xl": { fontSize: "5xl" },
+ "6xl": { fontSize: "6xl" },
+ "7xl": { fontSize: "7xl" },
+ "8xl": { fontSize: "8xl" },
+ "9xl": { fontSize: "9xl" }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: "md"
+ }
+// src/components/Heading.tsx
+var Heading = styled("h2", {
+ fontFamily: "$default",
+ lineHeight: "$shorter",
+ margin: 0,
+ color: "$gray100",
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ sm: { fontSize: "sm" },
+ md: { fontSize: "md" },
+ lg: { fontSize: "lg" },
+ xl: { fontSize: "xl" },
+ "2xl": { fontSize: "5xl" },
+ "3xl": { fontSize: "6xl" },
+ "4xl": { fontSize: "7xl" },
+ "5xl": { fontSize: "8xl" },
+ "6xl": { fontSize: "9xl" }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: "md"
+ }
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {
- Box
+ Box,
+ Heading,
+ Text
diff --git a/packages/react/dist/index.mjs b/packages/react/dist/index.mjs
index aedc927..50ff3f2 100644
--- a/packages/react/dist/index.mjs
+++ b/packages/react/dist/index.mjs
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ var fonts = {
code: "monospace"
var fontSizes = {
- xxs: "0.625rem",
xs: "0.75rem",
+ xxs: "0.625rem",
sm: "0.875rem",
md: "1rem",
lg: "1.125rem",
@@ -122,6 +122,60 @@ var Box = styled("div", {
backgroundColor: "$gray800",
border: "1px solid $gray600"
+// src/components/Text.tsx
+var Text = styled("p", {
+ fontFamily: "$default",
+ lineHeight: "$base",
+ margin: 0,
+ color: "$gray100",
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ xxs: { fontSize: "xxs" },
+ xs: { fontSize: "xs" },
+ sm: { fontSize: "sm" },
+ md: { fontSize: "md" },
+ lg: { fontSize: "lg" },
+ xl: { fontSize: "xl" },
+ "2xl": { fontSize: "2xl" },
+ "4xl": { fontSize: "4xl" },
+ "5xl": { fontSize: "5xl" },
+ "6xl": { fontSize: "6xl" },
+ "7xl": { fontSize: "7xl" },
+ "8xl": { fontSize: "8xl" },
+ "9xl": { fontSize: "9xl" }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: "md"
+ }
+// src/components/Heading.tsx
+var Heading = styled("h2", {
+ fontFamily: "$default",
+ lineHeight: "$shorter",
+ margin: 0,
+ color: "$gray100",
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ sm: { fontSize: "sm" },
+ md: { fontSize: "md" },
+ lg: { fontSize: "lg" },
+ xl: { fontSize: "xl" },
+ "2xl": { fontSize: "5xl" },
+ "3xl": { fontSize: "6xl" },
+ "4xl": { fontSize: "7xl" },
+ "5xl": { fontSize: "8xl" },
+ "6xl": { fontSize: "9xl" }
+ }
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: "md"
+ }
export {
- Box
+ Box,
+ Heading,
+ Text
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Box.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Box.tsx
index 967917b..ce6cee2 100644
--- a/packages/react/src/components/Box.tsx
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Box.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { ComponentProps } from 'react';
+import { ComponentProps, ElementType } from 'react';
import { styled } from '../styles';
export const Box = styled('div', {
@@ -8,4 +8,6 @@ export const Box = styled('div', {
border: '1px solid $gray600',
-export interface BoxProps extends ComponentProps {}
+export interface BoxProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Heading.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Heading.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a54dfc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Heading.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { ComponentProps, ElementType } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '../styles';
+export const Heading = styled('h2', {
+ fontFamily: '$default',
+ lineHeight: '$shorter',
+ margin: 0,
+ color: '$gray100',
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ sm: { fontSize: 'sm' },
+ md: { fontSize: 'md' },
+ lg: { fontSize: 'lg' },
+ xl: { fontSize: 'xl' },
+ '2xl': { fontSize: '5xl' },
+ '3xl': { fontSize: '6xl' },
+ '4xl': { fontSize: '7xl' },
+ '5xl': { fontSize: '8xl' },
+ '6xl': { fontSize: '9xl' },
+ },
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: 'md',
+ },
+export interface HeadingProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Text.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Text.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ecde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Text.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { ComponentProps, ElementType } from 'react';
+import { styled } from '../styles';
+export const Text = styled('p', {
+ fontFamily: '$default',
+ lineHeight: '$base',
+ margin: 0,
+ color: '$gray100',
+ variants: {
+ size: {
+ xxs: { fontSize: 'xxs' },
+ xs: { fontSize: 'xs' },
+ sm: { fontSize: 'sm' },
+ md: { fontSize: 'md' },
+ lg: { fontSize: 'lg' },
+ xl: { fontSize: 'xl' },
+ '2xl': { fontSize: '2xl' },
+ '4xl': { fontSize: '4xl' },
+ '5xl': { fontSize: '5xl' },
+ '6xl': { fontSize: '6xl' },
+ '7xl': { fontSize: '7xl' },
+ '8xl': { fontSize: '8xl' },
+ '9xl': { fontSize: '9xl' },
+ },
+ },
+ defaultVariants: {
+ size: 'md',
+ },
+export interface TextProps extends ComponentProps {
+ as?: ElementType;
diff --git a/packages/react/src/index.tsx b/packages/react/src/index.tsx
index e915d38..179fccf 100644
--- a/packages/react/src/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/react/src/index.tsx
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
export * from './components/Box';
+export * from './components/Text';
+export * from './components/Heading';
diff --git a/packages/tokens/dist/index.d.ts b/packages/tokens/dist/index.d.ts
index 262399f..f4ee3d5 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/dist/index.d.ts
+++ b/packages/tokens/dist/index.d.ts
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ declare const fonts: {
declare const fontSizes: {
- xxs: string;
xs: string;
+ xxs: string;
sm: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
diff --git a/packages/tokens/dist/index.js b/packages/tokens/dist/index.js
index 60bc84f..1b876d5 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/dist/index.js
+++ b/packages/tokens/dist/index.js
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ var fonts = {
// src/font-sizes.ts
var fontSizes = {
- xxs: "0.625rem",
xs: "0.75rem",
+ xxs: "0.625rem",
sm: "0.875rem",
md: "1rem",
lg: "1.125rem",
diff --git a/packages/tokens/dist/index.mjs b/packages/tokens/dist/index.mjs
index 981e4db..1a57f05 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/dist/index.mjs
+++ b/packages/tokens/dist/index.mjs
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ var fonts = {
// src/font-sizes.ts
var fontSizes = {
- xxs: "0.625rem",
xs: "0.75rem",
+ xxs: "0.625rem",
sm: "0.875rem",
md: "1rem",
lg: "1.125rem",
diff --git a/packages/tokens/src/font-sizes.ts b/packages/tokens/src/font-sizes.ts
index 4a296d7..4d08965 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/src/font-sizes.ts
+++ b/packages/tokens/src/font-sizes.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export const fontSizes = {
- xxs: '0.625rem',
xs: '0.75rem',
+ xxs: '0.625rem',
sm: '0.875rem',
md: '1rem',
lg: '1.125rem',
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ export const fontSizes = {
'7xl': '4rem',
'8xl': '4.5rem',
'9xl': '6rem',
// 1rem -> 16px