- Each model has a
attribute - When incrementing the version, supply an upgrader function
- Global dict of upgraders: (tablename, fromVersion, toVersion) -> function
- Upgrader makes direct DDL calls to alter its table / data.
- Each model has a
- "migrations" table with table name, version, is_current, schema dump (text)
On webserver startup:
For each model:
- Check
against is_current version in DB migrations table - If different, complain and bail out -- need to run a migration
- If same, generate new schema dump (via DB) and compare that to schema in is_current.
- If different, complain and bail out -- DB was changed without corresponding migration, deployment is considered broken.
- Check
Running a migration:
Clone DB as DB_migration_temp
For each model:
- Get current DB version from migrations table
- Get current code version from
- Attempt to find an upgrader path to get there
- Run each upgrader in turn
- When finished, generate new schema dump and compare to dump in migrations table
- If different, upgrade is broken. Bail out.
When finished:
- Move DB to DB_old_datetime
- Move DB_migration_temp to DB
Creating a migration:
in ORM definition -
Write upgrader
Run migration "create" tool
- Checks current schema against expected, as above
- Runs upgrader on current DB table
- Creates new schema dump and writes migration table entry
Manually verify, manually roll back if broken.
Adding a table:
- As for creating a migration, above
- Upgrader does a "CREATE TABLE"
- Non-existing table is implicitly version 0
How do we handle multiple developers writing version upgrades at once?
- Merge tree, like git? (terrifying)
- Don't Do That
Upgraders need to be run in order
- e.g. adding a foreign key to a table being created in the same migration
- Probably impossible to solve (databases are cyclic graphs, topological sort not enough)
- Should be possible to manually specify an ordering between specific upgraders
- But not required all the time