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brutal-chaos edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

Multiple Protocol Support

  • Accept all client versions 1.0 - 1.8.1+

  • Default versions from the releases drop down in the launcher

  • If a protocol version is not implemented, kick the client with a version specific message

  • A basic skeleton is needed for each supported protocol version

  • This will consist of a handshake and kick protocol / packet structure

  • Complete test coverage.

  • If it's not as simple as 1+1 - write a test


  • RECOMMENDED: Write tests first, commit them, write code to make tests pass

  • All code must pass pyflakes and pep8

  • Pre-commit hook will run flake8

Bravo Plugin Support

  • If possible, keep as much of the bravo plugin structure as possible and bring over plugins
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