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The okeanidanalysis package is a python package to help you plot and analyze data from a long-range AUV.

It has been developed primarily using Python 2.7.3, but should mostly work with other versions.


If you already have the dependencies, you can install directly using setuptools:

foo@bar okeanidanalysis$ sudo python install

Personally, I prefer using pip:

foo@bar ~$ sudo pip install -e ~/repos/okeanidanalysis


foo@bar ~$ sudo pip install git+git://

TODO make sure the one above works on a test machine and the pip requirements file is found & used automatically.


The python package requirements are listed in a pip-compatible requirements file: requirements.txt.

The major requirements can be installed using the standard approach for your OS, or using pip. I personally prefer pip because it gives more flexible control over python packages, and even allows you to install a specific revision directly from a version control system.

You will need:

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • matplotlib

    • libpng

    • libfreetype

    • pyparsing

    • tornado

    • python-dateutil

  • pytz

  • basemap (a matplotlib toolkit for plotting maps and map projections)

  • h5py

  • lxml

    • libxml2-dev

    • libxslt1-dev

  • pykml

  • argparse (for some of the example scripts)

You may also want to consider using pip and virtualenv to install appropriate versions of all the python dependencies locally without touching the system default versions. This approach is particularly useful when you are working on a machine where you don't have administrator privileges, or don't want to exercise those privileges.

Installing dependencies via pip or from source

If you decide to install dependencies like numpy, scipy, and matplotlib from source (e.g., instead of using apt-get or yum), then you will need to have some other non-python packages installed.


I believe this should install just fine without any external dependencies, but it will use things like LAPACK if it finds them. (Come back to check on this.)


  • lapack

  • blas

  • atlas


You may not need these, but you will probably want them.

  • libpng

  • freetype

Newer versions of matplotlib also include some use of six and tornado (follow up on that).

Depending on the backend you plan to use, you may want to install a toolkit and its python bindings with the package manager for your distro. (PyQt4 doesn't install in quite the way pip expects, so pip install PyQt4 won't work.)


I believe the basemap distribution includes a copy of libgeos, just in case, but you probably want to install the one for your system.

  • geos

pykml and lxml

Before installing lxml in ubuntu, you will need to install:

  • libxml2-dev

  • libxslt1-dev

Afterward, you can install lxml and pykml via pip.

Table of non-python dependencies and suggested packages:

TODO make this for Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6, at least.

example shell script for pip install

For Ubuntu 12.04:

sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install scipy
sudo pip install pyparsing tornado python-dateutil pytz
sudo pip install matplotlib
sudo pip install h5py
sudo pip install ipython
sudo pip install pyproj
sudo pip install
sudo pip install lxml pykml

For Arch linux (2014-07-26):

blas libpng freetype12 libxml2 libxslt hdf netcdf geos
sudo pacman -S python2 python2-pip
sudo pip2 install numpy scipy h5py netCDF4 pyparsing tornado six python-dateutil pytz lxml pykml matplotlib basemap ipython