The official installation guide for emacs can be found at
Note: windows user may find convenient to first install MSYS2
( to have a linux-like interface, e.g. use
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs
to install emacs.
Linux: normally emacs should take care of installing all
dependencies (otherwise you can do it yourself using
). However you will need to install git
e.g. using:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
as well as latex:
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install latexmk
and a pdf viewer like okular ( or sumatraPDF (
Windows: you will need to install several additional software:
- miktex ( for latex
- latexmk via miktex (to automatically regenerate latex files)
- hunspell ( for spell checking
- perl ( it is used by latexmk as well as some R packages
- git ( it is used by magit.
Download all files and put them in a directory called emacs-config.
Place this directory in the folder containing the .emacs
file (~/.
when doing C-x C-f).
Copy the following code at the begining of the .emacs
;;; load automatic config
(setq user-full-name "my name")
(setq user-mail-adress "")
(setq path-emacs-config "~/emacs-config")
(setq path-emacs-snippet (concat path-emacs-config "/snippets"))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step01-load-packages.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step02-general-settings.el" path-emacs-config))
;;(load-file (expand-file-name "step03-email.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step04a-ess.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step04b-orgmode.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step04c-other-software.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step05-org-class.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step06-org-templates.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step07-header.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step08-folding.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step09-spellChecking.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-dired.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-editing.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-file-management.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-ess.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-tex.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-python.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-org.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-switch-to-OS-explorer.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "FCT-superman.el" path-emacs-config))
(load-file (expand-file-name "step10-shorcuts.el" path-emacs-config))
In the first line, replace "my name"
by your name.
In the second line, replace ""
by your email adress.
In the third line, check that "~/emacs-config"
is where you have put emacs-config.
Set the font size to 120 by adding the following line
;;; Font size
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 120)
Display the file ~/
when starting emacs instead of the
default emacs startup screen:
;;; File at startup
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t) ;; dismiss startup screen
(find-file "~/")
Remove the tool bar:
;;; remove tool bar
(tool-bar-mode -1)
Transfert to the agenda elements in ~/
;;; Agenda
(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/")
Add to the .emacs
file something like:
;;; modification for windows
;;;; shell
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "c:/cygwin64/bin/bash")
(setq TeX-shell "c:/cygwin64/bin/bash")
(setq org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
;; FROM:
(let* ((cygwin-root "c:/cygwin64")
(cygwin-bin (concat cygwin-root "/bin")))
(when (and (eq 'windows-nt system-type)
(file-readable-p cygwin-root))
(setq exec-path (cons cygwin-bin exec-path))
(setenv "PATH" (concat cygwin-bin ";" (getenv "PATH")))
;; By default use the Windows HOME.
;; Otherwise, uncomment below to set a HOME
;; (setenv "HOME" (concat cygwin-root "/home/eric"))
;; NT-emacs assumes a Windows shell. Change to bash.
(setq shell-file-name "bash")
(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name)
(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
;; This removes unsightly ^M characters that would otherwise
;; appear in the output of java applications.
(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-strip-ctrl-m)))
;;;; path to external dependencies
(setq org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("SumatraPDF" "C://Users//hpl802//AppData//Local//SumatraPDF//SumatraPDF.exe %o")))
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "SumatraPDF")
(output-dvi "Yap")))
(put 'overwrite-mode 'disabled nil)
;;;; update path variable
(setenv "PATH"
"C:\\unison" ";"
"C:\\hunspell" ";"
"C:\\strawberry\\perl\\bin" ";"
"C:\\Program Files\\SymatraPDF" ";"
"C:\\Program Files\\PuTTY" ";"
"C:\\Program Files\\MiKTeX 2.9\\miktex\\bin\\x64\\" ";"
(getenv "PATH") ;
;;;; R software
(setq-default inferior-R-program-name "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.1.1\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe")
;;;; spell checker
(setq ispell-program-name "hunspell")
(setq ispell-local-dictionary "en_GB")
;; (ispell-find-hunspell-dictionaries)
WARNING: before trying anything, save all important emails outside the mailbox in case that the synchronisation does not work properly.
;;; send email
Install offlineimap using sudo apt-get install offlineimap
in the
Then create a file ~/.offlineimaprc
to indicate from which adress
email should be imported:
accounts = Gmail
maxsyncaccounts = 3
pythonfile = ~/
[Account Gmail]
localrepository = localGmail
remoterepository = remoteGmail
autorefresh = 10
[Repository localGmail]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Maildir/Gmail
[Repository remoteGmail]
type = Gmail
remoteuser =
remotepasseval = get_password_emacs("", "", "993")
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
auth_mechanisms = PLAIN
folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Starred', '[Gmail]/Important']
realdelete = no
For the password, create a file
import re, os
def get_password_emacs(machine, login, port):
s = "machine %s login %s port %s password ([^ ]*)\n" % (machine, login, port)
p = re.compile(s)
authinfo = os.popen("gpg --quiet --passphrase anotherPassword --decrypt ~/.authinfo.gpg").read()#
# authinfo = os.popen("gpg --quiet --no-tty --decrypt ~/.authinfo.gpg").read()
and a file ~/.authinfo.gpg
machine login port 993 password myGmailPassword
machine login port 587 password myGmailPassword
Then run offlineimap
Then install mu using in the shell:
git clone
sudo apt-get install libtool
cd mu
mu/$ autoreconf -i && ./configure && make
Normally mu index
should run and import emails.
Finally add to the ~/.emacs
;;;; receive email
;; location of the mails
(setq mu4e-maildir (expand-file-name "~/Maildir"))
;; mail box
(setq mu4e-account-alist
;; Under each account, set the account-specific variables you want.
(mu4e-sent-messages-behavior delete)
(mu4e-sent-folder "/Gmail/[Gmail].Sent Mail")
(mu4e-drafts-folder "/Gmail/[Gmail].Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder "/Gmail/[Gmail].Trash")
(user-mail-address "")
(user-full-name "My Name"))
;; setup some handy shortcuts
(setq mu4e-maildir-shortcuts
'(("/Gmail/INBOX" . ?i)
("/Gmail/ProjectA" . ?a))
;; signature
"My Name \n"
Create a file ~/.authinfo.gpg
to indicate from which adress emails
can be sent:
machine login port 993 password myGmailPassword
machine login port 587 password myGmailPassword
and add in the .emacs
;;;; send email
(require 'smtpmail)
(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
starttls-use-gnutls t
'(("" 587 nil nil))
(expand-file-name "~/.authinfo.gpg")
smtpmail-default-smtp-server ""
smtpmail-smtp-server ""
smtpmail-smtp-service 587
smtpmail-debug-info t)
See the file
A major part of configuration comes from emacs-genome (thanks
thomas!!!). In particular all the functions contained in the file
are directly copied from emacs-genome.