plot all 1d traces in same axes, each 2d gets its own axes (but x-axis is linked?)
allow scaling/stacking of 1d traces
remove "extras", "graph style" options from graph menu
axes labels? (e.g. R.T. (min), etc)
make all columns display in tables properly
save AIA/CDF, mzML & mzXML
RAW file support - look at linking to unfinnigan? (
Bruker file formats
Waters file formats
Chemstation A fraction collection
Chemstation B+ FIA
MSMS support - Agilent MSMS Peak file format - Bruker MSMS spectra
work on spectral display
compound libraries
inner product/neutral loss chromatograms
Agilent .REG scraping - method parameters
autoalign chromatograms
baseline detection
smarter peak editing? - peak groups - adjustable peaks (little selectors on each end of "baseline") - allow user-selected peaks to be re-interpreted &
coelution spots to be found
spectra from Agilent MS SIM method (e.g. CM1292) have a "0" mz that may be erroneous and should be removed?
fix color scaling as more chromatograms added: hard to keep track
put retention time on extracted spectra
buttons for spectral navigation?
xcms interface
MSMS support - tune MSMS file format performance (rewrites in C?) - spectral range display (as average) for Agilent MSMS - MSMS points on graph / MSMS data display
Method Database - allow calibration curves to be saved for compounds - method editor? - setting to allow run info to be loaded from method DB
remote database support
have multiple plots and allow user to choose which plot each trace goes on? - have datafile return units associated with trace types to allow for multiple y axes
allow fake datafiles to be generated and added to the library for chromatography models
display x axes in seconds (or hours or scans) (
help manual / tutorials
package example data with aston (for tests / quality control)
write unit tests
MWD import: check changes in "peak width", e.g. sampling rate (0x212 or 0x214?)
package size on Macs
setup/disttools? need better versioning
use hashes of data instead of filenames to match data to database entries - but how to handle duplicate files?
refactor code to remove references to "ions"; should be mz or wavelength?
2D display of multiple chromatograms at once (i.e. "color bars" of TICs of multiple files vertically stacked)
make TimeSeries either have a string descriptor for ions or an array of numbers
TraceFiles should be able to match filenames using regex