terrafroming-azure is a set of terraform modules to deploy Dell DPS Products to Azure
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.15.0 |
azurerm | ~> 2.94 |
random | ~> 3.1 |
tls | ~> 3.1 |
Name | Source | Version |
aks | ./modules/aks | n/a |
ave | ./modules/ave | n/a |
crs_s2s_vpn | ./modules/s2s_vpn | n/a |
ddve | ./modules/ddve | n/a |
linux | ./modules/linux | n/a |
networks | ./modules/networks | n/a |
nve | ./modules/nve | n/a |
ppdm | ./modules/ppdm | n/a |
s2s_vpn | ./modules/s2s_vpn | n/a |
No resources.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
LINUX_ADMIN_USERNAME | n/a | string |
"ubuntu" |
no |
LINUX_DATA_DISKS | n/a | list(string) |
[] |
no |
LINUX_HOSTNAME | n/a | string |
"client1" |
no |
LINUX_IMAGE | n/a | map(any) |
{ |
no |
LINUX_PRIVATE_IP | IP for linux instance | string |
"" |
no |
LINUX_VM_SIZE | n/a | string |
"Standard_DS1_v2" |
no |
aks_count | will deploy AKS Clusters when number greater 0. Number indicates number of AKS Clusters | number |
0 |
no |
aks_private_cluster | Determines weather AKS Cluster is Private, currently not supported | bool |
false |
no |
aks_private_dns_zone_id | the Zone ID for AKS, currently not supported | any |
null |
no |
aks_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
ave_count | will deploy AVE when number greater 0. Number indicates number of AVE Instances | number |
0 |
no |
ave_initial_password | n/a | string |
"Change_Me12345_" |
no |
ave_public_ip | n/a | string |
"false" |
no |
ave_resource_group_name | Bring your own resourcegroup. the Code will read the Data from the resourcegroup name specified here | string |
null |
no |
ave_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet | inbound Traffic rule for Security Group from Internet | list(string) |
[ |
no |
ave_type | AVE Type, can be: '0.5 TB AVE', '1 TB AVE', '2 TB AVE', '4 TB AVE','8 TB AVE','16 TB AVE' | string |
"0.5 TB AVE" |
no |
ave_version | AVE Version, can be: '19.8.0', '19.7.0', '19.4.02', '19.3.03', '19.2.04' | string |
"19.8.0" |
no |
azure_bastion_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
azure_environment | The Azure cloud environment to use. Available values at https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/#environment | string |
"public" |
no |
client_id | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
client_secret | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
create_bastion | n/a | bool |
false |
no |
create_crs_s2s_vpn | Do you want to create a Cyber Vault | bool |
false |
no |
create_linux | a demo linux client | bool |
false |
no |
create_networks | if set to true, we will create networks in the environment | bool |
false |
no |
create_s2s_vpn | n/a | bool |
false |
no |
crs_network_rg_name | name of the existing vnet | string |
"" |
no |
crs_tunnel1_preshared_key | the preshared key for teh vpn tunnel when deploying S2S VPN | string |
"" |
no |
crs_vnet_name | name of the existing vnet | string |
"" |
no |
crs_vpn_destination_cidr_blocks | the cidr blocks as string !!! for the destination route in you local network, when s2s_vpn is deployed | list(string) |
[] |
no |
crs_vpn_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
crs_wan_ip | The IP of your VPN Device if S2S VPN | any |
n/a | yes |
ddve_count | will deploy DDVE when number greater 0. Number indicates number of DDVE Instances | number |
0 |
no |
ddve_initial_password | the initial Password for Datadomain. It will be exposed to output as DDVE_PASSWORD for further Configuration. As DD will be confiured with SSH, the Password must be changed from changeme |
string |
"Change_Me12345_" |
no |
ddve_meta_disks | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
ddve_public_ip | Enable Public IP on Datadomain Network Interface | string |
"false" |
no |
ddve_resource_group_name | Bring your own resourcegroup. the Code will read the Data from the resourcegroup name specified here | string |
null |
no |
ddve_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet | inbound Traffic rule for Security Group from Internet | list(string) |
[ |
no |
ddve_type | DDVE Type, can be: '16 TB DDVE', '32 TB DDVE', '96 TB DDVE', '256 TB DDVE','16 TB DDVE PERF', '32 TB DDVE PERF', '96 TB DDVE PERF', '256 TB DDVE PERF' | string |
"16 TB DDVE" |
no |
ddve_version | DDVE Version, can be: '7.7.525', '7.10.115', '7.10.120', '7.13.020', '7.10.1015.MSDN', '7.10.120.MSDN', '7.7.5020.MSDN', '7.13.0020.MSDN' | string |
"7.13.020" |
no |
dns_suffix | the DNS suffig when we create a network with internal dns | any |
n/a | yes |
enable_aks_subnet | If set to true, create subnet for aks | bool |
true |
no |
enable_tkg_controlplane_subnet | If set to true, create subnet for tkg controlplane | bool |
false |
no |
enable_tkg_workload_subnet | If set to true, create subnet for tkg workload | bool |
false |
no |
environment | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
file_uris_cs | File uri for custom script extension with linux | string |
null |
no |
infrastructure_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
location | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
network_rg_name | The RG for Network if different is used | any |
null |
no |
networks_aks_subnet_id | The AKS Subnet ID if not deployed from Module | string |
"" |
no |
networks_dns_zone_name | n/a | any |
null |
no |
networks_infrastructure_subnet_id | n/a | any |
null |
no |
networks_resource_group_name | n/a | any |
null |
no |
nve_count | will deploy NVE when number greater 0. Number indicates number of NVE Instances | number |
0 |
no |
nve_initial_password | The initial Password fot the NVE | string |
"Change_Me12345_" |
no |
nve_public_ip | n/a | string |
"false" |
no |
nve_resource_group_name | Bring your own resourcegroup. the Code will read the Data from the resourcegroup name specified here | string |
null |
no |
nve_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet | inbound Traffic rule for Security Group from Internet | list(string) |
[ |
no |
nve_type | NVE Type, can be: 'SMALL', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH', , see Networker Virtual Edition Deployment Guide for more | string |
no |
nve_version | NVE Version, can be: '19.8.0', '19.9.2', '19.10.0' | string |
"19.10.0" |
no |
ppdm_count | will deploy PPDM when number greater 0. Number indicates number of PPDM Instances | number |
0 |
no |
ppdm_initial_password | for use only if ansible playbooks shall hide password | string |
"Change_Me12345_" |
no |
ppdm_name | Instances wiull be named envname+ppdmname+instanceid, e.g tfdemo-ppdm1 tfdemo-ppdm2 | string |
"ppdm" |
no |
ppdm_public_ip | must we assign a public ip to ppdm | bool |
false |
no |
ppdm_resource_group_name | Bring your own resourcegroup. the Code will read the Data from the resourcegroup name specified here | string |
null |
no |
ppdm_version | PPDM Version, can be: '19.16.0','19.15.0', '19.14.0' | string |
"19.16.0" |
no |
storage_account_cs | Storage account when using custom script extension with linux | string |
null |
no |
storage_account_key_cs | Storage account key when using custom script extension with linux | string |
null |
no |
subscription_id | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
tenant_id | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
tkg_controlplane_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
tkg_workload_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
tunnel1_preshared_key | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
virtual_network_address_space | n/a | list(any) |
[ |
no |
vnet_name | n/a | any |
null |
no |
vpn_destination_cidr_blocks | the cidr blocks as string !!! for the destination route in you local network, when s2s_vpn is deployed | list(string) |
[] |
no |
vpn_subnet | n/a | list(string) |
[ |
no |
wan_ip | n/a | any |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
AKS_KUBE_API | first API Seyrver |
AKS_KUBE_CONFIG | first cluster kubeconfig |
AVE_PRIVATE_FQDN | the private FQDN of the first AVE |
AVE_PRIVATE_IP | The private ip address for the first AVE Instance |
AVE_PUBLIC_FQDN | we will use the Priovate IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
AVE_PUBLIC_IP | we will use the Priovate IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
AVE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | The ssh private key for the AVE Instance |
AVE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY | The ssh public key for the AVE Instance |
DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN | the private FQDN of the DDVEs |
DDVE_PRIVATE_IP | The private ip address for the first DDVE Instance |
DDVE_PUBLIC_FQDN | we will use the Priovate IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
DDVE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | The ssh private key for the DDVE Instance |
DDVE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY | The ssh public key for the DDVE Instance |
K8S_CLUSTER_NAME | The Name of the K8S Cluster |
K8S_FQDN | the FQDN of the AKS Cluster |
NVE_PRIVATE_FQDN | the private FQDN of the first NVE |
NVE_PRIVATE_IP | The private ip address for the first NVE Instance |
NVE_PUBLIC_FQDN | we will use the Private IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
NVE_PUBLIC_IP | we will use the Private IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
NVE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | The ssh private key for the NVE Instance |
NVE_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY | The ssh public key for the NVE Instance |
PPDM_FQDN | we will use the Priovate IP as FQDN if no pubblic is registered, so api calls can work |
PPDM_HOSTNAME | The private ip address for the first ppdm Instance |
PPDM_PRIVATE_IP | The private ip address for the first ppdm Instance |
aks_cluster_name | all Kubernetes Cluster Names |
aks_kube_api | all API Servers |
aks_kube_config | all kubeconfigs |
ave_private_fqdn | the private FQDN of the AVE´s |
ave_private_ip | The private ip addresses for the AVE Instances |
ave_public_fqdn | the private FQDN of the AVE´s |
ave_ssh_private_key | The ssh private key´s for the AVE Instances |
ave_ssh_public_key | The ssh public keys for the AVE Instances |
crs_vpn_public_ip | The IP of the VPN Vnet Gateway |
ddve_atos_container | n/a |
ddve_atos_storageaccount | n/a |
ddve_private_fqdn | the private FQDN of the first DDVE |
ddve_private_ip | The private ip addresses for the DDVE Instances |
ddve_ssh_private_key | The ssh private key´s for the DDVE Instances |
ddve_ssh_public_key | The ssh public keys for the DDVE Instances |
k8s_fqdn | FQDN´s of the All AKS Clusters |
nve_private_fqdn | the private FQDN of the NVE´s |
nve_private_ip | The private ip addresses for the NVE Instances |
nve_public_fqdn | the private FQDN of the NVE´s |
nve_ssh_private_key | The ssh private key´s for the NVE Instances |
nve_ssh_public_key | The ssh public keys for the NVE Instances |
ppdm_fqdn | n/a |
ppdm_hostname | The private ip address for the first ppdm Instance |
ppdm_initial_password | n/a |
ppdm_private_ip | The private ip address for all ppdm Instances |
ppdm_public_ip_address | n/a |
ppdm_ssh_private_key | n/a |
ppdm_ssh_public_key | n/a |
LINUX_HOSTNAME = "client1"
"offer": "UbuntuServer",
"publisher": "Canonical",
"sku": "18.04-LTS",
"version": "latest"
LINUX_VM_SIZE = "Standard_DS1_v2"
aks_count = 0
aks_private_cluster = false
aks_private_dns_zone_id = ""
aks_subnet = [
ave_count = 0
ave_initial_password = "Change_Me12345_"
ave_public_ip = "false"
ave_resource_group_name = ""
ave_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet = [
ave_type = "0.5 TB AVE"
ave_version = "19.8.0"
azure_bastion_subnet = [
azure_environment = "public"
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
create_bastion = false
create_crs_s2s_vpn = false
create_linux = false
create_networks = false
create_s2s_vpn = false
crs_network_rg_name = ""
crs_tunnel1_preshared_key = ""
crs_vnet_name = ""
crs_vpn_destination_cidr_blocks = []
crs_vpn_subnet = [
crs_wan_ip = ""
ddve_count = 0
ddve_initial_password = "Change_Me12345_"
ddve_meta_disks = [
ddve_public_ip = "false"
ddve_resource_group_name = ""
ddve_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet = [
ddve_type = "16 TB DDVE"
ddve_version = "7.13.020"
dns_suffix = ""
enable_aks_subnet = true
enable_tkg_controlplane_subnet = false
enable_tkg_workload_subnet = false
environment = ""
file_uris_cs = ""
infrastructure_subnet = [
location = ""
network_rg_name = ""
networks_aks_subnet_id = ""
networks_dns_zone_name = ""
networks_infrastructure_subnet_id = ""
networks_resource_group_name = ""
nve_count = 0
nve_initial_password = "Change_Me12345_"
nve_public_ip = "false"
nve_resource_group_name = ""
nve_tcp_inbound_rules_Inet = [
nve_type = "SMALL"
nve_version = "19.10.0"
ppdm_count = 0
ppdm_initial_password = "Change_Me12345_"
ppdm_name = "ppdm"
ppdm_public_ip = false
ppdm_resource_group_name = ""
ppdm_version = "19.16.0"
storage_account_cs = ""
storage_account_key_cs = ""
subscription_id = ""
tenant_id = ""
tkg_controlplane_subnet = [
tkg_workload_subnet = [
tunnel1_preshared_key = ""
virtual_network_address_space = [
vnet_name = ""
vpn_destination_cidr_blocks = []
vpn_subnet = [
wan_ip = ""
cd terraforming-dps/terraforming-azure
create a terraform.tfvars file or terraform.tfvars.json file
set ddve_count to desired number in tfvars
review the deployment
terraform plan
when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with
terraform apply --auto-approve
export outputs from terraform into environment variables:
export DDVE_PUBLIC_FQDN=$(terraform output -json DDVE_PRIVATE_IP | jq -r '.[0]')
export DDVE_USERNAME=sysadmin
export DDVE_PASSWORD=Change_Me12345_
export PPDD_PASSPHRASE=Change_Me12345_!
export DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -json DDVE_PRIVATE_IP | jq -r '.[0]')
export PPDD_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
export DDVE_ATOS_STORAGEACCOUNT=$(terraform output -json DDVE_ATOS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT | jq -r '.[0]')
export DDVE_ATOS_CONTAINER=$(terraform output -json DDVE_ATOS_CONTAINER | jq -r '.[0]')
set the Initial DataDomain Password
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/1.0-Playbook-configure-initial-password.yml
If you have a valid dd license, set the variable PPDD_LICENSE, example:
export PPDD_LICENSE=$(cat ~/workspace/internal.lic)
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/3.0-Playbook-set-dd-license.yml
next, we set the passphrase, as export it is required for ATOS then, we will set the Timezone and the NTP to GCP NTP link local Server
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.1-Playbook-configure-ddpassphrase.yml
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.1.1-Playbook-set-dd-timezone-and-ntp-azure.yml
review container name and storageaccount from
Wait for the Filesystem
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.2-Playbook-wait-dd-filesystems.yml
Albeit there is a ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.2-Playbook-configure-dd-atos-aws.yml , we cannot use it, as the RestAPI Call to create Active Tier on Object is not available now for Azure... Therefore us the UI Wizard
Add the Metadata Disks:
once the FIlesystem is enabled, we go ahead and enable the boost Protocol ... ( below runbook will cerate filesystem on atos in future once api is ready, and also enable the boost protocol )
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.2-Playbook-configure-dd-atos-azure.yml
for an ssh connection to the ddve, use:
export DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw ddve_private_ip)
terraform output ddve_ssh_private_key > ~/.ssh/ddve_key
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/ddve_key
ssh -i ~/.ssh/ddve_key sysadmin@${DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN}
set ppdm_count to desired number in tfvars
review the deployment
terraform plan
when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with
terraform apply --auto-approve
Similar to the DDVE Configuration, we will set Environment Variables for Ansible to Automatically Configure PPDM
# Refresh you Environment Variables if Multi Step !
eval "$(terraform output --json | jq -r 'with_entries(select(.key|test("^PP+"))) | keys[] as $key | "export \($key)=\"\(.[$key].value)\""')"
export PPDM_INITIAL_PASSWORD=Change_Me12345_
export PPDM_NTP_SERVERS='["time.windows.com"]'
export PPDM_SETUP_PASSWORD=admin # default password on the Cloud PPDM rest API
export PPDM_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
the playbook will wait for PPDM to be ready for configguration and starts the COnfiguration Process
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/1.0-playbook_configure_ppdm.yml
and will wait for configuration Success:
verify the config:
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/1.1-playbook_get_ppdm_config.yml
we add the DataDomain:
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/2.0-playbook_set_ddve.yml
we can get the sdr config after Data Domain Boost auto-configuration for primary source from PPDM
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/3.0-playbook_get_sdr.yml
and see the Server desaster recovery jobs status
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/31.1-playbook_get_activities.yml --extra-vars "filter='category eq \"DISASTER_RECOVERY\"'"
set ppdm_count to desired number in tfvars
review the deployment
terraform plan
when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with
terraform apply --auto-approve
Similar to the DDVE Configuration, we will set Environment Variables for Ansible to Automatically Configure NVE
# Refresh you Environment Variables if Multi Step !
eval "$(terraform output --json | jq -r 'with_entries(select(.key|test("^NV+"))) | keys[] as $key | "export \($key)=\"\(.[$key].value)\""')"
export NVE_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw NVE_PRIVATE_IP)
export NVE_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
export NVE_PASSPHRASE=ChangeMe12345
the playbook will wait for NVE to be ready for configuration and starts the Configuration Process via the AVI endpoint
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_avi/01-playbook-configure-nve.yaml
set Environment Variables for Ansible to Automatically Configure 2nd NVE
review the deployment
terraform plan
when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with
terraform apply --auto-approve
# Refresh you Environment Variables if Multi Step !
eval "$(terraform output --json | jq -r 'with_entries(select(.key|test("^NV+"))) | keys[] as $key | "export \($key)=\"\(.[$key].value)\""')"
export NVE_FQDN=$(terraform output -json nve_private_ip | jq -r '.[1]')
export NVE_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
export NVE_PASSPHRASE=ChangeMe12345
export NVE_PRIVATE_IP=$(terraform output -json nve_private_ip | jq -r '.[1]' )
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_avi/01-playbook-configure-nve.yaml --extra-vars="nve_as_storage_node=true"
for an ssh connection to the NVE, use:
export NVE_FQDN=$(terraform output -json nve_private_ip | jq -r '.[1]' )
export NVE_PRIVATE_IP=$(terraform output -json nve_private_ip | jq -r '.[1]' )
terraform output -json nve_ssh_private_key | jq -r '.[1]' > ~/.ssh/nve_key
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/nve_key
ssh -i ~/.ssh/nve_key admin@${NVE_PRIVATE_FQDN}
When deploying multiple DD Systems, , the required informations to be bpassed to ansible are serverd from a json array, The blow example shows how to configure the second DD ( [1] represents the second enty in the array:
export outputs from terraform into environment variables:
export DDVE_PUBLIC_FQDN=$(terraform output -json DDVE_PRIVATE_IP | jq -r '.[1]')
export DDVE_USERNAME=sysadmin
export DDVE_PASSWORD=Change_Me12345_
export PPDD_PASSPHRASE=Change_Me12345_!
export DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -json DDVE_PRIVATE_IP | jq -r '.[1]')
export PPDD_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
export DDVE_ATOS_STORAGEACCOUNT=$(terraform output -json DDVE_ATOS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT | jq -r '.[1]')
export DDVE_ATOS_CONTAINER=$(terraform output -json DDVE_ATOS_CONTAINER | jq -r '.[1]')