Install dependencies (Linux, MacOS, Windows or raspberry pi)
Create a config file with Freesound api key (or config another database service)
For Freesound: APIv2 APPLY (and use this callback https://www.freesound.org/home/app_permissions/permission_granted/) And we get something like: API_KEY = "asga2823235r48qklasdjl3khfasdflk2"
Then create a file named ".config.json" in the cloud_instrument/ path: { "sound.synth": "supercollider", "api": "freesound", "Freesound.org": [ { "API_KEY": "" } ] }
Run ./CloudInstrument.py
If you are going to use SuperCollider run first. Note: sends broadcast OSC message to the network. $ sclang -D apicultor_synth.scd
Run OpenStageControl with ui/apicultor-ui.json (osc receiving port 7000)
Play with it! Describe sounds with MIR descriptor search them in the Cloud, then use integrated realtime processes with them (granular synth, reverb, delay, LP/HP filters, etc).
Dependencies: INSTALL.md
Free Software shared with GPL v3, see LICENSE.
freeze -> vibrato -> pan-> pithshift -> filters -> delay -> reverb
/usr/local/bin/jackd -P75 -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:S2 -p4096 -n7 -r44100 -s
Open Stage Control User Interface
Yaeltex custom MIDI controllers
With a SuperCollider synthesizer/effects processor running in a Raspberry pi, plus an external sound card for high fidelity.