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Screen Menus

tneil edited this page Jun 24, 2012 · 8 revisions

bbUI handles loading of screen specific menus on both PlayBook, BlackBerry 10 and Smartphones with the same code. Each screen must have a menu defined if you want it displayed. Clean-up occurs on bb.popScreen and bb.pushScreen.

BlackBerry 10 PlayBook BlackBerry 5/6/7

NOTE: See config.xml requirements for menus

Creating a menu is straight forward. Start by creating a <div> that has the attribute data-bb-type="menu". Each item in the menu is another <div> that has the attribute data-bb-type="menu-item". For a menu item to appear on PlayBook 2.x or BlackBerry 10 it must have both an image (data-bb-img) and a caption (innerHTML of the div) or it will be ignored. The on a Smartphone it must have a caption (data-bb-caption). In both cases the onclick() event is the function that will fire when the menu item is selected. On BlackBerry 5/6/7 smartphones you can add the attribute data-bb-selected="true" which makes that the default item when the menu is displayed.

There is an additional type of item you can use data-bb-type="menu-separator" which creates a menu separator on PlayBook 2.x and BlackBerry 5/6/7 smartphones.

NOTE: BlackBerry 10 will ignore separators and will only allow a maximum of 5 menu items

    <div data-bb-type="screen">
        <div data-bb-type="menu">
            <div data-bb-type="menu-item" data-bb-img="icon1.png" onclick="foo();">Foo</div>
            <div data-bb-type="menu-item" data-bb-img="icon2.png" onclick="bar();" data-bb-selected="true">Bar</div>
            <div data-bb-type="menu-item" data-bb-img="icon3.png" onclick="fooBar();">FooBar</div>
            <div data-bb-type="menu-separator"></div>
            <div data-bb-type="menu-item" onclick="barFoo();">BarFoo</div>

PlayBook and BlackBerry 10 menu image sizes

When styling is applied to menus on BlackBerry 10 the images used for menus will be scaled to the following resolutions and centered on the menu items.

  • BlackBerry PlayBook - 40 x 40 pixels
  • BlackBerry 10 - 80 x 80 pixels

When styling is applied to menus on PlayBook 2.x with BlackBerry 10 styling turned off images will be scaled to the following resolutions and centered on the menu items.

  • BlackBerry PlayBook 2.x - 65 x 65 pixels
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