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Discord OAuth2 Strategy for Passport.js


This repository contains a custom OAuth2 strategy for authenticating with Discord using Passport.js. It facilitates user authentication via Discord and enables the retrieval of user data, including profile information, guilds, and connections.


To use this strategy, first install Passport.js and then the custom strategy:

npm install passport discord-strategy


Integrate the strategy into your Express application as follows:

Example Setup

const express = require("express");
const passport = require("passport");
const Strategy = require("discord-strategy");

const app = express();

// Define options for the Strategy
const options = {
  clientID: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  clientSecret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
  callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/discord/callback",
  scope: ["identify", "email", "guilds", "connections", ""], // Example scopes

// Create a new instance of the Strategy
passport.use(new Strategy(options, verify));

async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  try {
    // Fetch connections, guilds, guild member concurrently
    await Promise.all([
      console.memeber("613425648685547541"), //
    profile = consume.profile();
    console.log("Authentication successful!");
    done(null, profile);
  } catch (error) {
    done(error?.data || error, null);

// Initialize Passport

// Define routes
app.get("/auth/discord", passport.authenticate("discord"));

  passport.authenticate("discord", { session: false }),
  (req, res) => {
      <h1>Authentication successful!</h1>
      <h2>User Profile:</h2>
      <pre>${JSON.stringify(req.user, null, 2)}</pre>

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Login via http://localhost:3000/auth/discord");

Eample 2, Basic info Only

For scenarios where only basic user information is needed:

function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  console.log("Fetched", profile);
  return done(null, profile);

Strategy Options

  • clientID: Your Discord application's Client ID.
  • clientSecret: Your Discord application's Client Secret.
  • callbackURL: The URL to which Discord will redirect after authorization.
  • scope: An array of scopes specifying the level of access (default: ["identify", "email"]).

Consumable Functions

With the v2.0 patch, all utility functions are now encapsulated in a new consume parameter.

List of Consumable Functions

  • guilds(callback?): Fetches the user's connections. Requires the connections scope.
function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  try {
    await consume.guilds(); //retuns void;
    profile = consume.profile(); //update profile, includes guild in `guilds` property.
    done(null, profile);
  } catch (err) {
    done(err, null);
  • connections(callback?): Fetches the guilds the user is part of. Requires the guilds scope.
await consume.connections(); //retuns void;
profile = consume.profile(); //update profile, includes guild in `connections` property.
  • guildJoiner(botToken: string, serverId: string, nickname: string, roles: string[], callback): join the specified guild.
await consume.guildJoiner(
  (err, result) =>
    !err && !result ? console.log("Joined") : console.log(err, result)
); //retuns void;
  • member(guild_id: string): Returns a guild member object for the current user and creates a member property inside the profile. Within the member property, there is a guild_id. If profile.member.guild_id is null, the user is not in that guild. This requires the OAuth2 scope.
await consume.member("id");
profile = consume.profile();
done(null, profile);
  • resolver(key, api): Fetches data from a specified API endpoint and stores it under the given key in the profile.
await consume.resolver("guilds", "users/@me/guilds");
profile = consume.profile();
done(null, profile);
  • consume.resolverCallbackBased(key, api, callback): Allows customization of data fetching with more complex API interactions. The access token is sent as a query parameter btw.

  • consume.profile(): Returns the updated user profile.

done(null, consume.profile());
  • consume.linkedRole.get(): Returns the application role connection for the user. Requires an role_connections.write scope.

  • consume.linkedRole.set(platform_name?, platform_username?, metadata, done?): Updates and returns the application role connection for the user. Requires an role_connections.write scope.

// Role register Example
// fetch(
//   ``,
//   {
//     method: "PUT",
//     body: JSON.stringify([
//       {
//         key: "cool",
//         name: "Cool ppl",
//         description: "You are cool ppl",
//         type: 7, //type 7: BOOLEAN_EQUAL
//       },
//     ]),
//     headers: {
//       "Content-Type": "application/json",
//       Authorization: `Bot BOT_TOKEN`,
//     },
//   }
// )
//   .then((r) => r.json())
//   .then(console.log);
// After registration do not forget to place url in designated field.
// Bot setting -> General Information -> Linked Roles Verification URL

await consume.set(undefined, undefined, {
  //key: value,
  cool: 1, //for type 7, value 1 represent true
done(null, profile);

Example Usage

Concurrent Data Fetching

async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  try {
    await Promise.all([consume.connections(), consume.guilds()]);
    profile = consume.profile();
    console.log("[Asynchronous] Authentication successful!", profile);
    done(null, profile);
  } catch (err) {
    done(err, null);

Callback based Data Fetching (Not Recommended // extreme-slow)

async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  consume.connections((err) => {
    if (err) return done(err, false);
    consume.guilds((err) => {
      if (err) return done(err, false);
      console.log("[Synchronous] Authentication successful!", profile);
      done(null, profile);

Resolver Functions

Basic Get Resolver

async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done, consume) {
  try {
    await consume.resolver("guilds", "users/@me/guilds");
    profile = consume.profile();
    done(null, profile);
  } catch (err) {
    done(err, null);

Refresh Tokens and Additional Handling

If you need to store the refreshToken, manage sessions, or handle other processes unrelated to Discord OAuth, please refer to the Passport.js documentation for more information on managing these tasks or explore other strategies that might be necessary for additional handling.


v2.2 Patch

v2.1 Patch

v2.0.1 Patch

  • Fixed typo and doc error

v2.0 Patch

  • Switched to an asynchronous approach async/await for non-blocking operations.
  • Significantly improved performance compared to the previous version.
  • Introduced the consume parameter to encapsulate utility functions.
  • Removed the clean function, as the profile object is no longer need to be sanitize, replacement consume.profile() now returns a latest profile object.
  • Added support for both asynchronous and callback-based resolvers.

v1.1 Patch

  • No longer required to pass the access token to the consumable functions.
  • Added two new consumable functions: complexResolver() and guildJoiner().

v1.0.1 Patch

  • Bound the cleaner function to the clean property of the profile (profile.clean()).