From 08b69fffe1a53f98bd0281f62931561922ccf96c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Gibson <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:07:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Ps/avoid state emit until updated (#7124)" (#7187)

This reverts commit 38c335d8fbca60003d189ce8d14e542a9d48e093.
 libs/common/spec/fake-storage.service.ts      |   2 +-
 libs/common/spec/utils.ts                     |   6 +-
 .../default-active-user-state.spec.ts         | 351 ++----------------
 .../default-active-user-state.ts              | 199 ++++------
 .../default-global-state.spec.ts              | 208 +----------
 .../implementations/default-global-state.ts   | 140 +++----
 .../default-single-user-state.spec.ts         | 229 +-----------
 .../default-single-user-state.ts              | 145 +++-----
 .../src/platform/state/key-definition.spec.ts |  31 --
 .../src/platform/state/key-definition.ts      |  22 +-
 10 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 1127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libs/common/spec/fake-storage.service.ts b/libs/common/spec/fake-storage.service.ts
index 7c9e5b32315..ba3e4613466 100644
--- a/libs/common/spec/fake-storage.service.ts
+++ b/libs/common/spec/fake-storage.service.ts
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export class FakeStorageService implements AbstractStorageService {
     return Promise.resolve([key] != null);
   save<T>(key: string, obj: T, options?: StorageOptions): Promise<void> {
-, obj, options);
+, options);[key] = obj;{ key: key, updateType: "save" });
     return Promise.resolve();
diff --git a/libs/common/spec/utils.ts b/libs/common/spec/utils.ts
index ad5907f61d3..5053a71c874 100644
--- a/libs/common/spec/utils.ts
+++ b/libs/common/spec/utils.ts
@@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ export function trackEmissions<T>(observable: Observable<T>): T[] {
       case "boolean":
-      case "symbol":
-        // Cheating types to make symbols work at all
-        emissions.push(value.toString() as T);
-        break;
       default: {
@@ -89,7 +85,7 @@ function clone(value: any): any {
-export async function awaitAsync(ms = 1) {
+export async function awaitAsync(ms = 0) {
   if (ms < 1) {
     await Promise.resolve();
   } else {
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.spec.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.spec.ts
index e4a3f80eecb..065f7a8e959 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.spec.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.spec.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * need to update test environment so trackEmissions works appropriately
  * @jest-environment ../shared/test.environment.ts
-import { any, anySymbol, mock } from "jest-mock-extended";
+import { any, mock } from "jest-mock-extended";
 import { BehaviorSubject, firstValueFrom, of, timeout } from "rxjs";
 import { Jsonify } from "type-fest";
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { FakeStorageService } from "../../../../spec/fake-storage.service";
 import { AccountInfo, AccountService } from "../../../auth/abstractions/account.service";
 import { AuthenticationStatus } from "../../../auth/enums/authentication-status";
 import { UserId } from "../../../types/guid";
-import { KeyDefinition, userKeyBuilder } from "../key-definition";
+import { KeyDefinition } from "../key-definition";
 import { StateDefinition } from "../state-definition";
 import { DefaultActiveUserState } from "./default-active-user-state";
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ class TestState {
 const testStateDefinition = new StateDefinition("fake", "disk");
-const cleanupDelayMs = 10;
 const testKeyDefinition = new KeyDefinition<TestState>(testStateDefinition, "fake", {
   deserializer: TestState.fromJSON,
-  cleanupDelayMs,
 describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
@@ -57,14 +56,10 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
-  const makeUserId = (id: string) => {
-    return id != null ? (`00000000-0000-1000-a000-00000000000${id}` as UserId) : undefined;
-  };
   const changeActiveUser = async (id: string) => {
-    const userId = makeUserId(id);
+    const userId = id != null ? `00000000-0000-1000-a000-00000000000${id}` : undefined;{
-      id: userId,
+      id: userId as UserId,
       email: `test${id}`,
       name: `Test User ${id}`,
       status: AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked,
@@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
     const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
     // User signs in
-    await changeActiveUser("1");
+    changeActiveUser("1");
     await awaitAsync();
     // Service does an update
@@ -116,17 +111,17 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
-      any(), // options
+      any(),
-      any(), // options
+      any(),
-      any(), // options
+      any(),
     // Should only have saved data for the first user
@@ -134,8 +129,7 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
-      updatedState,
-      any(), // options
+      any(),
@@ -189,17 +183,15 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
   it("should not emit a previous users value if that user is no longer active", async () => {
-    const user1Data: Jsonify<TestState> = {
-      date: "2020-09-21T13:14:17.648Z",
-      array: ["value"],
-    };
-    const user2Data: Jsonify<TestState> = {
-      date: "2020-09-21T13:14:17.648Z",
-      array: [],
-    };
-      "user_00000000-0000-1000-a000-000000000001_fake_fake": user1Data,
-      "user_00000000-0000-1000-a000-000000000002_fake_fake": user2Data,
+      "user_00000000-0000-1000-a000-000000000001_fake_fake": {
+        date: "2020-09-21T13:14:17.648Z",
+        array: ["value"],
+      } as Jsonify<TestState>,
+      "user_00000000-0000-1000-a000-000000000002_fake_fake": {
+        date: "2020-09-21T13:14:17.648Z",
+        array: [],
+      } as Jsonify<TestState>,
     // This starts one subscription on the observable for tracking emissions throughout
@@ -211,7 +203,7 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
     // This should always return a value right await
     const value = await firstValueFrom(userState.state$);
-    expect(value).toEqual(user1Data);
+    expect(value).toBeTruthy();
     // Make it such that there is no active user
     await changeActiveUser(undefined);
@@ -230,34 +222,20 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
         rejectedError = err;
-    expect(resolvedValue).toBeUndefined();
-    expect(rejectedError).not.toBeUndefined();
+    expect(resolvedValue).toBeFalsy();
+    expect(rejectedError).toBeTruthy();
     expect(rejectedError.message).toBe("Timeout has occurred");
     // We need to figure out if something should be emitted
     // when there becomes no active user, if we don't want that to emit
     // this value is correct.
-    expect(emissions).toEqual([user1Data]);
-  });
-  it("should not emit twice if there are two listeners", async () => {
-    await changeActiveUser("1");
-    const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-    const emissions2 = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-    await awaitAsync();
-    expect(emissions).toEqual([
-      null, // Initial value
-    ]);
-    expect(emissions2).toEqual([
-      null, // Initial value
-    ]);
+    expect(emissions).toHaveLength(2);
   describe("update", () => {
     const newData = { date: new Date(), array: ["test"] };
     beforeEach(async () => {
-      await changeActiveUser("1");
+      changeActiveUser("1");
     it("should save on update", async () => {
@@ -337,8 +315,6 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
         return initialData;
-      await awaitAsync();
       await userState.update((state, dependencies) => {
         return newData;
@@ -353,285 +329,4 @@ describe("DefaultActiveUserState", () => {
-  describe("update races", () => {
-    const newData = { date: new Date(), array: ["test"] };
-    const userId = makeUserId("1");
-    beforeEach(async () => {
-      await changeActiveUser("1");
-      await awaitAsync();
-    });
-    test("subscriptions during an update should receive the current and latest", async () => {
-      const oldData = { date: new Date(2019, 1, 1), array: ["oldValue1"] };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return oldData;
-      });
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1), array: ["value1", "value2"] };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-        emissions2 = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-        await originalSave(key, obj);
-      });
-      const val = await userState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync(10);
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-    });
-    test("subscription during an aborted update should receive the last value", async () => {
-      // Seed with interesting data
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1), array: ["value1", "value2"] };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const val = await userState.update(
-        (state) => {
-          return newData;
-        },
-        {
-          shouldUpdate: () => {
-            emissions2 = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-            return false;
-          },
-        },
-      );
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(val).toEqual(initialData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData]);
-    });
-    test("updates should wait until previous update is complete", async () => {
-      trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest
-        .fn()
-        .mockImplementationOnce(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-          let resolved = false;
-          await Promise.race([
-            userState.update(() => {
-              // deadlocks
-              resolved = true;
-              return newData;
-            }),
-            awaitAsync(100), // limit test to 100ms
-          ]);
-          expect(resolved).toBe(false);
-        })
-        .mockImplementation((...args) => {
-          return originalSave(...args);
-        });
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-    });
-    test("updates with FAKE_DEFAULT initial value should resolve correctly", async () => {
-      expect(userState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(anySymbol()); // FAKE_DEFAULT
-      const val = await userState.update((state) => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      const call =[0];
-      expect(call[0]).toEqual(`user_${userId}_fake_fake`);
-      expect(call[1]).toEqual(newData);
-    });
-    it("does not await updates if the active user changes", async () => {
-      const initialUserId = (await firstValueFrom(accountService.activeAccount$)).id;
-      expect(initialUserId).toBe(userId);
-      trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest
-        .fn()
-        .mockImplementationOnce(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-          let resolved = false;
-          await changeActiveUser("2");
-          await Promise.race([
-            userState.update(() => {
-              // should not deadlock because we updated the user
-              resolved = true;
-              return newData;
-            }),
-            awaitAsync(100), // limit test to 100ms
-          ]);
-          expect(resolved).toBe(true);
-        })
-        .mockImplementation((...args) => {
-          return originalSave(...args);
-        });
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-    });
-    it("stores updates for users in the correct place when active user changes mid-update", async () => {
-      trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      const user2Data = { date: new Date(), array: ["user 2 data"] };
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest
-        .fn()
-        .mockImplementationOnce(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-          let resolved = false;
-          await changeActiveUser("2");
-          await Promise.race([
-            userState.update(() => {
-              // should not deadlock because we updated the user
-              resolved = true;
-              return user2Data;
-            }),
-            awaitAsync(100), // limit test to 100ms
-          ]);
-          expect(resolved).toBe(true);
-          await originalSave(key, obj);
-        })
-        .mockImplementation((...args) => {
-          return originalSave(...args);
-        });
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(;
-      const innerCall =[0];
-      expect(innerCall[0]).toEqual(`user_${makeUserId("2")}_fake_fake`);
-      expect(innerCall[1]).toEqual(user2Data);
-      const outerCall =[1];
-      expect(outerCall[0]).toEqual(`user_${makeUserId("1")}_fake_fake`);
-      expect(outerCall[1]).toEqual(newData);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("cleanup", () => {
-    const newData = { date: new Date(), array: ["test"] };
-    const userId = makeUserId("1");
-    let userKey: string;
-    beforeEach(async () => {
-      await changeActiveUser("1");
-      userKey = userKeyBuilder(userId, testKeyDefinition);
-    });
-    async function assertClean() {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState["stateSubject"]);
-      const initial = structuredClone(emissions);
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(emissions).toEqual(initial); // no longer listening to storage updates
-    }
-    it("should cleanup after last subscriber", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if there are still subscribers", async () => {
-      const subscription1 = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      const sub2Emissions: TestState[] = [];
-      const subscription2 = userState.state$.subscribe((v) => sub2Emissions.push(v));
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription1.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(1);
-      // Still be listening to storage updates
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(sub2Emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-      subscription2.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("can re-initialize after cleanup", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if a subscriber joins during the cleanup delay", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      await, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Do not wait long enough for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs / 2);
-      expect(userState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(newData); // digging in to check that it hasn't been cleared
-      expect(userState["storageUpdateSubscription"]).not.toBeNull(); // still listening to storage updates
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.ts
index ae5c25dcb40..3d36af1d61c 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-active-user-state.ts
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import {
+  tap,
+  defer,
-  Subscription,
-  tap,
 } from "rxjs";
 import { AccountService } from "../../../auth/abstractions/account.service";
@@ -31,21 +31,13 @@ const FAKE_DEFAULT = Symbol("fakeDefault");
 export class DefaultActiveUserState<T> implements ActiveUserState<T> {
   [activeMarker]: true;
   private formattedKey$: Observable<string>;
-  private updatePromise: Promise<T> | null = null;
-  private storageUpdateSubscription: Subscription;
-  private activeAccountUpdateSubscription: Subscription;
-  private subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-  private stateObservable: Observable<T>;
   protected stateSubject: BehaviorSubject<T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT> = new BehaviorSubject<
     T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT
   private stateSubject$ = this.stateSubject.asObservable();
-  get state$() {
-    this.stateObservable = this.stateObservable ?? this.initializeObservable();
-    return this.stateObservable;
-  }
+  state$: Observable<T>;
     protected keyDefinition: KeyDefinition<T>,
@@ -59,12 +51,62 @@ export class DefaultActiveUserState<T> implements ActiveUserState<T> {
           ? userKeyBuilder(, this.keyDefinition)
           : null,
-      tap(() => {
-        // We have a new key, so we should forget about previous update promises
-        this.updatePromise = null;
-      }),
       shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: false }),
+    const activeAccountData$ = this.formattedKey$.pipe(
+      switchMap(async (key) => {
+        if (key == null) {
+          return FAKE_DEFAULT;
+        }
+        return await getStoredValue(
+          key,
+          this.chosenStorageLocation,
+          this.keyDefinition.deserializer,
+        );
+      }),
+      // Share the execution
+      shareReplay({ refCount: false, bufferSize: 1 }),
+    );
+    const storageUpdates$ = this.chosenStorageLocation.updates$.pipe(
+      combineLatestWith(this.formattedKey$),
+      filter(([update, key]) => key !== null && update.key === key),
+      switchMap(async ([update, key]) => {
+        if (update.updateType === "remove") {
+          return null;
+        }
+        const data = await getStoredValue(
+          key,
+          this.chosenStorageLocation,
+          this.keyDefinition.deserializer,
+        );
+        return data;
+      }),
+    );
+    // Whomever subscribes to this data, should be notified of updated data
+    // if someone calls my update() method, or the active user changes.
+    this.state$ = defer(() => {
+      const accountChangeSubscription = activeAccountData$.subscribe((data) => {
+      });
+      const storageUpdateSubscription = storageUpdates$.subscribe((data) => {
+      });
+      return this.stateSubject$.pipe(
+        tap({
+          complete: () => {
+            accountChangeSubscription.unsubscribe();
+            storageUpdateSubscription.unsubscribe();
+          },
+        }),
+      );
+    })
+      // I fake the generic here because I am filtering out the other union type
+      // and this makes it so that typescript understands the true type
+      .pipe(filter<T>((value) => value != FAKE_DEFAULT));
   async update<TCombine>(
@@ -72,34 +114,8 @@ export class DefaultActiveUserState<T> implements ActiveUserState<T> {
     options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine> = {},
   ): Promise<T> {
     options = populateOptionsWithDefault(options);
-    try {
-      if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-        await this.updatePromise;
-      }
-      this.updatePromise = this.internalUpdate(configureState, options);
-      const newState = await this.updatePromise;
-      return newState;
-    } finally {
-      this.updatePromise = null;
-    }
-  }
-  // TODO: this should be removed
-  async getFromState(): Promise<T> {
-    const key = await this.createKey();
-    return await getStoredValue(key, this.chosenStorageLocation, this.keyDefinition.deserializer);
-  }
-  createDerived<TTo>(converter: Converter<T, TTo>): DerivedUserState<TTo> {
-    return new DefaultDerivedUserState<T, TTo>(converter, this.encryptService, this);
-  }
-  private async internalUpdate<TCombine>(
-    configureState: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => T,
-    options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine>,
-  ) {
     const key = await this.createKey();
-    const currentState = await this.getStateForUpdate(key);
+    const currentState = await this.getGuaranteedState(key);
     const combinedDependencies =
       options.combineLatestWith != null
         ? await firstValueFrom(options.combineLatestWith.pipe(timeout(options.msTimeout)))
@@ -114,53 +130,13 @@ export class DefaultActiveUserState<T> implements ActiveUserState<T> {
     return newState;
-  private initializeObservable() {
-    this.storageUpdateSubscription = this.chosenStorageLocation.updates$
-      .pipe(
-        combineLatestWith(this.formattedKey$),
-        filter(([update, key]) => key !== null && update.key === key),
-        switchMap(async ([update, key]) => {
-          if (update.updateType === "remove") {
-            return null;
-          }
-          return await this.getState(key);
-        }),
-      )
-      .subscribe((v) =>;
-    this.activeAccountUpdateSubscription = this.formattedKey$
-      .pipe(
-        switchMap(async (key) => {
-          if (key == null) {
-            return FAKE_DEFAULT;
-          }
-          return await this.getState(key);
-        }),
-      )
-      .subscribe((v) =>;
-    this.subscriberCount.subscribe((count) => {
-      if (count === 0 && this.stateObservable != null) {
-        this.triggerCleanup();
-      }
-    });
-    return new Observable<T>((subscriber) => {
-      this.incrementSubscribers();
-      const prevUnsubscribe = subscriber.unsubscribe.bind(subscriber);
-      subscriber.unsubscribe = () => {
-        this.decrementSubscribers();
-        prevUnsubscribe();
-      };
-      return this.stateSubject
-        .pipe(
-          // Filter out fake default, which is used to indicate that state is not ready to be emitted yet.
-          filter((i) => i !== FAKE_DEFAULT),
-        )
-        .subscribe(subscriber);
-    });
+  async getFromState(): Promise<T> {
+    const key = await this.createKey();
+    return await getStoredValue(key, this.chosenStorageLocation, this.keyDefinition.deserializer);
+  }
+  createDerived<TTo>(converter: Converter<T, TTo>): DerivedUserState<TTo> {
+    return new DefaultDerivedUserState<T, TTo>(converter, this.encryptService, this);
   protected async createKey(): Promise<string> {
@@ -171,47 +147,22 @@ export class DefaultActiveUserState<T> implements ActiveUserState<T> {
     return formattedKey;
-  /** For use in update methods, does not wait for update to complete before yielding state.
-   * The expectation is that that await is already done
-   */
-  protected async getStateForUpdate(key: string) {
+  protected async getGuaranteedState(key: string) {
     const currentValue = this.stateSubject.getValue();
-    return currentValue === FAKE_DEFAULT
-      ? await getStoredValue(key, this.chosenStorageLocation, this.keyDefinition.deserializer)
-      : currentValue;
+    return currentValue === FAKE_DEFAULT ? await this.seedInitial(key) : currentValue;
-  /** To be used in observables. Awaits updates to ensure they are complete */
-  private async getState(key: string): Promise<T> {
-    if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-      await this.updatePromise;
-    }
-    return await getStoredValue(key, this.chosenStorageLocation, this.keyDefinition.deserializer);
+  private async seedInitial(key: string): Promise<T> {
+    const value = await getStoredValue(
+      key,
+      this.chosenStorageLocation,
+      this.keyDefinition.deserializer,
+    );
+    return value;
   protected saveToStorage(key: string, data: T): Promise<void> {
     return, data);
-  private incrementSubscribers() {
- + 1);
-  }
-  private decrementSubscribers() {
- - 1);
-  }
-  private triggerCleanup() {
-    setTimeout(() => {
-      if (this.subscriberCount.value === 0) {
-        this.updatePromise = null;
-        this.storageUpdateSubscription?.unsubscribe();
-        this.activeAccountUpdateSubscription?.unsubscribe();
-        this.stateObservable = null;
-        this.subscriberCount.complete();
-        this.subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-      }
-    }, this.keyDefinition.cleanupDelayMs);
-  }
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.spec.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.spec.ts
index f9f95c652d8..ae6cd1adbfd 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.spec.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.spec.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
  * @jest-environment ../shared/test.environment.ts
-import { anySymbol } from "jest-mock-extended";
 import { firstValueFrom, of } from "rxjs";
 import { Jsonify } from "type-fest";
@@ -29,10 +28,9 @@ class TestState {
 const testStateDefinition = new StateDefinition("fake", "disk");
-const cleanupDelayMs = 10;
 const testKeyDefinition = new KeyDefinition<TestState>(testStateDefinition, "fake", {
   deserializer: TestState.fromJSON,
-  cleanupDelayMs,
 const globalKey = globalKeyBuilder(testKeyDefinition);
@@ -81,19 +79,6 @@ describe("DefaultGlobalState", () => {
       expect(diskStorageService.mock.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith("global_fake_fake", undefined);
-    it("should not emit twice if there are two listeners", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      const emissions2 = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([
-        null, // Initial value
-      ]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([
-        null, // Initial value
-      ]);
-    });
   describe("update", () => {
@@ -148,7 +133,6 @@ describe("DefaultGlobalState", () => {
     it("should not update if shouldUpdate returns false", async () => {
       const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
       const result = await globalState.update(
         (state) => {
@@ -214,194 +198,4 @@ describe("DefaultGlobalState", () => {
       expect(emissions).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([initialState, newState]));
-  describe("update races", () => {
-    test("subscriptions during an update should receive the current and  latest data", async () => {
-      const oldData = { date: new Date(2019, 1, 1) };
-      await globalState.update(() => {
-        return oldData;
-      });
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1) };
-      await globalState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-        emissions2 = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-        await originalSave(key, obj);
-      });
-      const val = await globalState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync(10);
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-    });
-    test("subscription during an aborted update should receive the last value", async () => {
-      // Seed with interesting data
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1) };
-      await globalState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const val = await globalState.update(
-        () => {
-          return newData;
-        },
-        {
-          shouldUpdate: () => {
-            emissions2 = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-            return false;
-          },
-        },
-      );
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(val).toEqual(initialData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData]);
-    });
-    test("updates should wait until previous update is complete", async () => {
-      trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest
-        .fn()
-        .mockImplementationOnce(async () => {
-          let resolved = false;
-          await Promise.race([
-            globalState.update(() => {
-              // deadlocks
-              resolved = true;
-              return newData;
-            }),
-            awaitAsync(100), // limit test to 100ms
-          ]);
-          expect(resolved).toBe(false);
-        })
-        .mockImplementation(originalSave);
-      await globalState.update((state) => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-    });
-    test("updates with FAKE_DEFAULT initial value should resolve correctly", async () => {
-      expect(globalState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(anySymbol()); // FAKE_DEFAULT
-      const val = await globalState.update((state) => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      const call =[0];
-      expect(call[0]).toEqual("global_fake_fake");
-      expect(call[1]).toEqual(newData);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("cleanup", () => {
-    async function assertClean() {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState["stateSubject"]);
-      const initial = structuredClone(emissions);
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(emissions).toEqual(initial); // no longer listening to storage updates
-    }
-    it("should cleanup after last subscriber", async () => {
-      const subscription = globalState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(globalState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if there are still subscribers", async () => {
-      const subscription1 = globalState.state$.subscribe();
-      const sub2Emissions: TestState[] = [];
-      const subscription2 = globalState.state$.subscribe((v) => sub2Emissions.push(v));
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription1.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      expect(globalState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(1);
-      // Still be listening to storage updates
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(sub2Emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-      subscription2.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("can re-initialize after cleanup", async () => {
-      const subscription = globalState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if a subscriber joins during the cleanup delay", async () => {
-      const subscription = globalState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      await, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(globalState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Do not wait long enough for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs / 2);
-      expect(globalState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(newData); // digging in to check that it hasn't been cleared
-      expect(globalState["storageUpdateSubscription"]).not.toBeNull(); // still listening to storage updates
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.ts
index 39430799a8f..8e08717f721 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-global-state.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 import {
-  Subscription,
+  defer,
+  shareReplay,
+  tap,
 } from "rxjs";
@@ -21,25 +23,54 @@ const FAKE_DEFAULT = Symbol("fakeDefault");
 export class DefaultGlobalState<T> implements GlobalState<T> {
   private storageKey: string;
-  private updatePromise: Promise<T> | null = null;
-  private storageUpdateSubscription: Subscription;
-  private subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-  private stateObservable: Observable<T>;
   protected stateSubject: BehaviorSubject<T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT> = new BehaviorSubject<
     T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT
-  get state$() {
-    this.stateObservable = this.stateObservable ?? this.initializeObservable();
-    return this.stateObservable;
-  }
+  state$: Observable<T>;
     private keyDefinition: KeyDefinition<T>,
     private chosenLocation: AbstractStorageService & ObservableStorageService,
   ) {
     this.storageKey = globalKeyBuilder(this.keyDefinition);
+    const storageUpdates$ = this.chosenLocation.updates$.pipe(
+      filter((update) => update.key === this.storageKey),
+      switchMap(async (update) => {
+        if (update.updateType === "remove") {
+          return null;
+        }
+        return await getStoredValue(
+          this.storageKey,
+          this.chosenLocation,
+          this.keyDefinition.deserializer,
+        );
+      }),
+      shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: false }),
+    );
+    this.state$ = defer(() => {
+      const storageUpdateSubscription = storageUpdates$.subscribe((value) => {
+      });
+      this.getFromState().then((s) => {
+      });
+      return this.stateSubject.pipe(
+        tap({
+          complete: () => {
+            storageUpdateSubscription.unsubscribe();
+          },
+        }),
+      );
+    }).pipe(
+      shareReplay({ refCount: false, bufferSize: 1 }),
+      filter<T>((i) => i != FAKE_DEFAULT),
+    );
   async update<TCombine>(
@@ -47,24 +78,7 @@ export class DefaultGlobalState<T> implements GlobalState<T> {
     options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine> = {},
   ): Promise<T> {
     options = populateOptionsWithDefault(options);
-    if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-      await this.updatePromise;
-    }
-    try {
-      this.updatePromise = this.internalUpdate(configureState, options);
-      const newState = await this.updatePromise;
-      return newState;
-    } finally {
-      this.updatePromise = null;
-    }
-  }
-  private async internalUpdate<TCombine>(
-    configureState: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => T,
-    options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine>,
-  ): Promise<T> {
-    const currentState = await this.getStateForUpdate();
+    const currentState = await this.getGuaranteedState();
     const combinedDependencies =
       options.combineLatestWith != null
         ? await firstValueFrom(options.combineLatestWith.pipe(timeout(options.msTimeout)))
@@ -79,86 +93,16 @@ export class DefaultGlobalState<T> implements GlobalState<T> {
     return newState;
-  private initializeObservable() {
-    this.storageUpdateSubscription = this.chosenLocation.updates$
-      .pipe(
-        filter((update) => update.key === this.storageKey),
-        switchMap(async (update) => {
-          if (update.updateType === "remove") {
-            return null;
-          }
-          return await this.getFromState();
-        }),
-      )
-      .subscribe((v) =>;
-    this.subscriberCount.subscribe((count) => {
-      if (count === 0 && this.stateObservable != null) {
-        this.triggerCleanup();
-      }
-    });
-    // Intentionally un-awaited promise, we don't want to delay return of observable, but we do want to
-    // trigger populating it immediately.
-    this.getFromState().then((s) => {
-    });
-    return new Observable<T>((subscriber) => {
-      this.incrementSubscribers();
-      const prevUnsubscribe = subscriber.unsubscribe.bind(subscriber);
-      subscriber.unsubscribe = () => {
-        this.decrementSubscribers();
-        prevUnsubscribe();
-      };
-      return this.stateSubject
-        .pipe(
-          // Filter out fake default, which is used to indicate that state is not ready to be emitted yet.
-          filter<T>((i) => i != FAKE_DEFAULT),
-        )
-        .subscribe(subscriber);
-    });
-  }
-  /** For use in update methods, does not wait for update to complete before yielding state.
-   * The expectation is that that await is already done
-   */
-  private async getStateForUpdate() {
+  private async getGuaranteedState() {
     const currentValue = this.stateSubject.getValue();
     return currentValue === FAKE_DEFAULT ? await this.getFromState() : currentValue;
   async getFromState(): Promise<T> {
-    if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-      return await this.updatePromise;
-    }
     return await getStoredValue(
-  private incrementSubscribers() {
- + 1);
-  }
-  private decrementSubscribers() {
- - 1);
-  }
-  private triggerCleanup() {
-    setTimeout(() => {
-      if (this.subscriberCount.value === 0) {
-        this.updatePromise = null;
-        this.storageUpdateSubscription.unsubscribe();
-        this.stateObservable = null;
-        this.subscriberCount.complete();
-        this.subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-      }
-    }, this.keyDefinition.cleanupDelayMs);
-  }
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.spec.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.spec.ts
index 1c24c5f48c7..a25ee863e6b 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.spec.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.spec.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
  * @jest-environment ../shared/test.environment.ts
-import { anySymbol } from "jest-mock-extended";
 import { firstValueFrom, of } from "rxjs";
 import { Jsonify } from "type-fest";
@@ -31,22 +30,21 @@ class TestState {
 const testStateDefinition = new StateDefinition("fake", "disk");
-const cleanupDelayMs = 10;
 const testKeyDefinition = new KeyDefinition<TestState>(testStateDefinition, "fake", {
   deserializer: TestState.fromJSON,
-  cleanupDelayMs,
 const userId = Utils.newGuid() as UserId;
 const userKey = userKeyBuilder(userId, testKeyDefinition);
 describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
   let diskStorageService: FakeStorageService;
-  let userState: DefaultSingleUserState<TestState>;
+  let globalState: DefaultSingleUserState<TestState>;
   const newData = { date: new Date() };
   beforeEach(() => {
     diskStorageService = new FakeStorageService();
-    userState = new DefaultSingleUserState(
+    globalState = new DefaultSingleUserState(
       null, // Not testing anything with encrypt service
@@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
   describe("state$", () => {
     it("should emit when storage updates", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await, newData);
       await awaitAsync();
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
     it("should not emit when update key does not match", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await"wrong_key", newData);
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
-      const state = await firstValueFrom(userState.state$);
+      const state = await firstValueFrom(globalState.state$);
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
   describe("update", () => {
     it("should save on update", async () => {
-      const result = await userState.update((state) => {
+      const result = await globalState.update((state) => {
         return newData;
@@ -105,10 +103,10 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
     it("should emit once per update", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      await userState.update((state) => {
+      await globalState.update((state) => {
         return newData;
@@ -121,12 +119,12 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
     it("should provided combined dependencies", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
       const combinedDependencies = { date: new Date() };
-      await userState.update(
+      await globalState.update(
         (state, dependencies) => {
           return newData;
@@ -145,10 +143,9 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
     it("should not update if shouldUpdate returns false", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
-      const result = await userState.update(
+      const result = await globalState.update(
         (state) => {
           return newData;
@@ -163,18 +160,18 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
     it("should provide the update callback with the current State", async () => {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
       // Seed with interesting data
       const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1) };
-      await userState.update((state, dependencies) => {
+      await globalState.update((state, dependencies) => {
         return initialData;
       await awaitAsync();
-      await userState.update((state) => {
+      await globalState.update((state) => {
         return newData;
@@ -196,14 +193,14 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
       initialStorage[userKey] = initialState;
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
+      const emissions = trackEmissions(globalState.state$);
       await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
       const newState = {
         date: new Date(, + 1),
-      const actual = await userState.update((existingState) => newState);
+      const actual = await globalState.update((existingState) => newState);
       await awaitAsync();
@@ -212,194 +209,4 @@ describe("DefaultSingleUserState", () => {
       expect(emissions).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([initialState, newState]));
-  describe("update races", () => {
-    test("subscriptions during an update should receive the current and latest data", async () => {
-      const oldData = { date: new Date(2019, 1, 1) };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return oldData;
-      });
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1) };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async (key: string, obj: any) => {
-        emissions2 = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-        await originalSave(key, obj);
-      });
-      const val = await userState.update(() => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync(10);
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData, newData]);
-    });
-    test("subscription during an aborted update should receive the last value", async () => {
-      // Seed with interesting data
-      const initialData = { date: new Date(2020, 1, 1) };
-      await userState.update(() => {
-        return initialData;
-      });
-      await awaitAsync();
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      let emissions2: TestState[];
-      const val = await userState.update(
-        (state) => {
-          return newData;
-        },
-        {
-          shouldUpdate: () => {
-            emissions2 = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-            return false;
-          },
-        },
-      );
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(val).toEqual(initialData);
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([initialData]);
-      expect(emissions2).toEqual([initialData]);
-    });
-    test("updates should wait until previous update is complete", async () => {
-      trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      const originalSave =;
- = jest
-        .fn()
-        .mockImplementationOnce(async () => {
-          let resolved = false;
-          await Promise.race([
-            userState.update(() => {
-              // deadlocks
-              resolved = true;
-              return newData;
-            }),
-            awaitAsync(100), // limit test to 100ms
-          ]);
-          expect(resolved).toBe(false);
-        })
-        .mockImplementation(originalSave);
-      await userState.update((state) => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-    });
-    test("updates with FAKE_DEFAULT initial value should resolve correctly", async () => {
-      expect(userState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(anySymbol()); // FAKE_DEFAULT
-      const val = await userState.update((state) => {
-        return newData;
-      });
-      expect(val).toEqual(newData);
-      const call =[0];
-      expect(call[0]).toEqual(`user_${userId}_fake_fake`);
-      expect(call[1]).toEqual(newData);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("cleanup", () => {
-    async function assertClean() {
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState["stateSubject"]);
-      const initial = structuredClone(emissions);
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(emissions).toEqual(initial); // no longer listening to storage updates
-    }
-    it("should cleanup after last subscriber", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if there are still subscribers", async () => {
-      const subscription1 = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      const sub2Emissions: TestState[] = [];
-      const subscription2 = userState.state$.subscribe((v) => sub2Emissions.push(v));
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      subscription1.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(1);
-      // Still be listening to storage updates
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync(); // storage updates are behind a promise
-      expect(sub2Emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-      subscription2.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      await assertClean();
-    });
-    it("can re-initialize after cleanup", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      // Wait for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs * 2);
-      const emissions = trackEmissions(userState.state$);
-      await awaitAsync();
-, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      expect(emissions).toEqual([null, newData]);
-    });
-    it("should not cleanup if a subscriber joins during the cleanup delay", async () => {
-      const subscription = userState.state$.subscribe();
-      await awaitAsync();
-      await, newData);
-      await awaitAsync();
-      subscription.unsubscribe();
-      expect(userState["subscriberCount"].getValue()).toBe(0);
-      // Do not wait long enough for cleanup
-      await awaitAsync(cleanupDelayMs / 2);
-      expect(userState["stateSubject"].value).toEqual(newData); // digging in to check that it hasn't been cleared
-      expect(userState["storageUpdateSubscription"]).not.toBeNull(); // still listening to storage updates
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.ts
index 0e9cacae511..46fa00ffb35 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/implementations/default-single-user-state.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 import {
-  Subscription,
+  defer,
+  shareReplay,
+  tap,
 } from "rxjs";
@@ -21,24 +23,16 @@ import { Converter, SingleUserState } from "../user-state";
 import { DefaultDerivedUserState } from "./default-derived-state";
 import { getStoredValue } from "./util";
 const FAKE_DEFAULT = Symbol("fakeDefault");
 export class DefaultSingleUserState<T> implements SingleUserState<T> {
   private storageKey: string;
-  private updatePromise: Promise<T> | null = null;
-  private storageUpdateSubscription: Subscription;
-  private subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-  private stateObservable: Observable<T>;
   protected stateSubject: BehaviorSubject<T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT> = new BehaviorSubject<
     T | typeof FAKE_DEFAULT
-  get state$() {
-    this.stateObservable = this.stateObservable ?? this.initializeObservable();
-    return this.stateObservable;
-  }
+  state$: Observable<T>;
     readonly userId: UserId,
@@ -47,35 +41,50 @@ export class DefaultSingleUserState<T> implements SingleUserState<T> {
     private chosenLocation: AbstractStorageService & ObservableStorageService,
   ) {
     this.storageKey = userKeyBuilder(this.userId, this.keyDefinition);
-  }
-  async update<TCombine>(
-    configureState: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => T,
-    options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine> = {},
-  ): Promise<T> {
-    options = populateOptionsWithDefault(options);
-    if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-      await this.updatePromise;
-    }
+    const storageUpdates$ = this.chosenLocation.updates$.pipe(
+      filter((update) => update.key === this.storageKey),
+      switchMap(async (update) => {
+        if (update.updateType === "remove") {
+          return null;
+        }
+        return await getStoredValue(
+          this.storageKey,
+          this.chosenLocation,
+          this.keyDefinition.deserializer,
+        );
+      }),
+      shareReplay({ bufferSize: 1, refCount: false }),
+    );
-    try {
-      this.updatePromise = this.internalUpdate(configureState, options);
-      const newState = await this.updatePromise;
-      return newState;
-    } finally {
-      this.updatePromise = null;
-    }
-  }
+    this.state$ = defer(() => {
+      const storageUpdateSubscription = storageUpdates$.subscribe((value) => {
+      });
-  createDerived<TTo>(converter: Converter<T, TTo>): DerivedUserState<TTo> {
-    return new DefaultDerivedUserState<T, TTo>(converter, this.encryptService, this);
+      this.getFromState().then((s) => {
+      });
+      return this.stateSubject.pipe(
+        tap({
+          complete: () => {
+            storageUpdateSubscription.unsubscribe();
+          },
+        }),
+      );
+    }).pipe(
+      shareReplay({ refCount: false, bufferSize: 1 }),
+      filter<T>((i) => i != FAKE_DEFAULT),
+    );
-  private async internalUpdate<TCombine>(
+  async update<TCombine>(
     configureState: (state: T, dependency: TCombine) => T,
-    options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine>,
+    options: StateUpdateOptions<T, TCombine> = {},
   ): Promise<T> {
-    const currentState = await this.getStateForUpdate();
+    options = populateOptionsWithDefault(options);
+    const currentState = await this.getGuaranteedState();
     const combinedDependencies =
       options.combineLatestWith != null
         ? await firstValueFrom(options.combineLatestWith.pipe(timeout(options.msTimeout)))
@@ -90,86 +99,20 @@ export class DefaultSingleUserState<T> implements SingleUserState<T> {
     return newState;
-  private initializeObservable() {
-    this.storageUpdateSubscription = this.chosenLocation.updates$
-      .pipe(
-        filter((update) => update.key === this.storageKey),
-        switchMap(async (update) => {
-          if (update.updateType === "remove") {
-            return null;
-          }
-          return await this.getFromState();
-        }),
-      )
-      .subscribe((v) =>;
-    this.subscriberCount.subscribe((count) => {
-      if (count === 0 && this.stateObservable != null) {
-        this.triggerCleanup();
-      }
-    });
-    // Intentionally un-awaited promise, we don't want to delay return of observable, but we do want to
-    // trigger populating it immediately.
-    this.getFromState().then((s) => {
-    });
-    return new Observable<T>((subscriber) => {
-      this.incrementSubscribers();
-      const prevUnsubscribe = subscriber.unsubscribe.bind(subscriber);
-      subscriber.unsubscribe = () => {
-        this.decrementSubscribers();
-        prevUnsubscribe();
-      };
-      return this.stateSubject
-        .pipe(
-          // Filter out fake default, which is used to indicate that state is not ready to be emitted yet.
-          filter<T>((i) => i != FAKE_DEFAULT),
-        )
-        .subscribe(subscriber);
-    });
+  createDerived<TTo>(converter: Converter<T, TTo>): DerivedUserState<TTo> {
+    return new DefaultDerivedUserState<T, TTo>(converter, this.encryptService, this);
-  /** For use in update methods, does not wait for update to complete before yielding state.
-   * The expectation is that that await is already done
-   */
-  private async getStateForUpdate() {
+  private async getGuaranteedState() {
     const currentValue = this.stateSubject.getValue();
     return currentValue === FAKE_DEFAULT ? await this.getFromState() : currentValue;
   async getFromState(): Promise<T> {
-    if (this.updatePromise != null) {
-      return await this.updatePromise;
-    }
     return await getStoredValue(
-  private incrementSubscribers() {
- + 1);
-  }
-  private decrementSubscribers() {
- - 1);
-  }
-  private triggerCleanup() {
-    setTimeout(() => {
-      if (this.subscriberCount.value === 0) {
-        this.updatePromise = null;
-        this.storageUpdateSubscription.unsubscribe();
-        this.stateObservable = null;
-        this.subscriberCount.complete();
-        this.subscriberCount = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
-      }
-    }, this.keyDefinition.cleanupDelayMs);
-  }
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.spec.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.spec.ts
index ee926bccd8e..cbb1e49a9a1 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.spec.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.spec.ts
@@ -18,37 +18,6 @@ describe("KeyDefinition", () => {
-  describe("cleanupDelayMs", () => {
-    it("defaults to 1000ms", () => {
-      const keyDefinition = new KeyDefinition<boolean>(fakeStateDefinition, "fake", {
-        deserializer: (value) => value,
-      });
-      expect(keyDefinition).toBeTruthy();
-      expect(keyDefinition.cleanupDelayMs).toBe(1000);
-    });
-    it("can be overridden", () => {
-      const keyDefinition = new KeyDefinition<boolean>(fakeStateDefinition, "fake", {
-        deserializer: (value) => value,
-        cleanupDelayMs: 500,
-      });
-      expect(keyDefinition).toBeTruthy();
-      expect(keyDefinition.cleanupDelayMs).toBe(500);
-    });
-    it.each([0, -1])("throws on 0 or negative (%s)", (testValue: number) => {
-      expect(
-        () =>
-          new KeyDefinition<boolean>(fakeStateDefinition, "fake", {
-            deserializer: (value) => value,
-            cleanupDelayMs: testValue,
-          }),
-      ).toThrow();
-    });
-  });
   describe("record", () => {
     it("runs custom deserializer for each record value", () => {
       const recordDefinition = KeyDefinition.record<boolean>(fakeStateDefinition, "fake", {
diff --git a/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.ts b/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.ts
index 9989bf37a24..db65740388e 100644
--- a/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.ts
+++ b/libs/common/src/platform/state/key-definition.ts
@@ -19,11 +19,6 @@ type KeyDefinitionOptions<T> = {
    * @returns The fully typed version of your state.
   readonly deserializer: (jsonValue: Jsonify<T>) => T;
-  /**
-   * The number of milliseconds to wait before cleaning up the state after the last subscriber has unsubscribed.
-   * Defaults to 1000ms.
-   */
-  readonly cleanupDelayMs?: number;
@@ -47,12 +42,8 @@ export class KeyDefinition<T> {
     private readonly options: KeyDefinitionOptions<T>,
   ) {
     if (options.deserializer == null) {
-      throw new Error(`'deserializer' is a required property on key ${this.errorKeyName}`);
-    }
-    if (options.cleanupDelayMs <= 0) {
       throw new Error(
-        `'cleanupDelayMs' must be greater than 0. Value of ${options.cleanupDelayMs} passed to key ${this.errorKeyName} `,
+        `'deserializer' is a required property on key ${} > ${key}`,
@@ -64,13 +55,6 @@ export class KeyDefinition<T> {
     return this.options.deserializer;
-  /**
-   * Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before cleaning up the state after the last subscriber has unsubscribed.
-   */
-  get cleanupDelayMs() {
-    return this.options.cleanupDelayMs < 0 ? 0 : this.options.cleanupDelayMs ?? 1000;
-  }
    * Creates a {@link KeyDefinition} for state that is an array.
    * @param stateDefinition The state definition to be added to the KeyDefinition
@@ -153,10 +137,6 @@ export class KeyDefinition<T> {
       ? `${scope}_${userId}_${}_${this.key}`
       : `${scope}_${}_${this.key}`;
-  private get errorKeyName() {
-    return `${} > ${this.key}`;
-  }
 export type StorageKey = Opaque<string, "StorageKey">;