Releases: bisq-network/bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
Hotfix release for fixing problems with the application directory on Linux.
Release notes:
- The change of the application name from "bisq" to "Bisq" caused a change of the application directory as well. That caused on Linux that users wallet and data have been in the "bisq" and the app creates a new "Bisq" folder. To fix that we rename the application directory from "bisq" to "Bisq" if "Bisq" did not exist. If both already existed (if user has run 0.5.2.) we rename "Bisq" to "Bisq_backup" and "bisq" to "Bisq" assuming that the app dir with the current wallet and data was"bisq" from version 0.5.1. If case the user used the wallet and data now in "Bisq_backup" he has to move the folders content manually to the "Bisq" folder.
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Full fingerprint: 1DC3 C8C4 316A 698A C494 039C F5B8 4436 F379 A1C6
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release removes the requirement for exchanging the email address and to do an ID check with the trading peer when using payment methods with bank transfer.
See the discussion at that forum post for more background.
Beside that we added an in-app downloader and signature check, so the next release you can download from the application and you can be sure that the signature matches.
Release notes:
- Remove requirement for exchanging the email address and to do an ID check with the trading peer when using payment methods with bank transfer
- Add in-app downloader for installer of a new release with integrated signature check
- Increase trade limits to 2 BTC for OK_PAY and Altcoins
- Add Dash as additional basecurrency to Bitcoin, Litecoin and Doge.
- Fix issue with non-english OS
- Add a reminder to write down the wallet seed and make a backup before setting the wallet password
- Rename ClearXChange to Zelle
- Improve build setup (auto install protoc)
- Fix date format
- Only request restart at base currency selection if it has changed from default.
- Remove popup at startup for selecting base currency
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
EDIT: Removed binaries as there have been issues in the aversion, use v0.5.3!
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release fixes a few minor issues with version 0.5.0.
Release notes:
- Add callback for tradeFee tx once seen in the network to avoid errors at take offer.
- Separate resource files for PersistedEntryMap by base currency (separate trade statistics)
- Move base currency/network selection from network settings to preferences
- Add btc address validator to last trade step for withdrawal.
- Remove dont show again option for tx summary popup at withdrawal.
- Add support for different REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE by base currency
- Fix issue with German as default language if OS is Windows/German
- Add warning for CXC regrading daily or monthly transfer limits
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
How to verify signatures?
$ gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.5.1.dmg)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release comes with tons of changes and improvements.
Most relevant changes are:
- Support for other base currencies (next to Bitcoin we support now Litecoin and Doge. Dash will come soon as well)
- Using a fee estimation service for setting the optimal transaction fees to avoid stuck transactions in times of high blockchain congestion
- Support for custom security deposit
- Multi language support. Currently: English (default), German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese and Serbian
- Dynamic trading fees (depends on trade amount and distance to market price)
- Many technical improvements like more compact trade protocol, usage of Protobuffer, BIP 44 wallet,...
Please see the full release notes below.
As that release has very profound changes it is not backward compatible to the earlier versions.
It uses a new network which is separated from the current trade network. So your offers from the current application will not be visible for users who are using the new version.
If you want to migrate to the new version you need to close your offers and withdraw your funds to the new application. You can run both applications in parallel as they are using a different data directory.
Please double check with cmd+e in the old application if no funds are left over (some bugs might have caused that the balance displayed in the UI is not correct).
Please use small amounts when starting trading in the new application as with so many changes there are some risks for bugs (though it is thoroughly tested).
Release notes:
- Support multiple base currencies. Beside BTC the user can choose to use LTC or DOGE as base market. More will come in future releases.
- Use fee estimation service form to use dynamic mining fees.
- Use dynamic trading fees. Trading fees are based on trade amount and distance to market price.
Min. fee (MF) = 0.0002 BTC, default fee (DF) = 0.002 BTC, amount factor (AF) = 1/BTC, market price factor (MF) = square root of percent value (e.g. 1% -> 1, 9% 0 -> 3, 0.01% -> 0.1).
Tradeing fee = max(MF, DF * amount * AF * MF). E.g. 0.002 BTC for 1 BTC trade at 1% market price distance. - Make security deposit for buyer customizable at offer creation (allowed range: 0.001 BTC - 0.2 BTC)
- Use fixed security deposit for seller (0.01 BTC)
- Simplify trade process by removing locktime support (removed finalize payout step)
- Use protobuffer instead of Java serialization in P2P network and local persistence
- Use BIP 44 wallet for BTC and BSQ
- Update to BitcoinJ 0.14.1 release
- Updated tor binaries from TorBrowser 6.5
- Re-brand to Bisq
- Use new max. trade limits to reduce risks with possible bugs in new version as well as to reflect higher BTC price
Bank transfers: 0.5 BTC
Swish, OKPay, PerfectMoney, AliPay: 1 BTC
Altcoins 1 BTC (exception SiaFund as their price is about 3 BCT and it is not dividable) - Add email field to bank payment methods for enabling traders to verify identity (to protect against charge back risk)
- Change max trade period for SEPA to 6 days. In exceptional situations like at long bank holidays exceeding the period will be tolerated.
- Auto select also non-EURO SEPA countries by default at SEPA account setup
- Added new altcoins: Janus, OctoCoin, PEPECASH
- Use percentage based price as default. Swap input text controls when toggle between fixed price and percentage based price.
Hide percentage based inputs if no market price is available. - Support for translations of all application display strings
- User can select preferred language (of those which are already translated) and default country.
- Supported new languages: German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese and Serbian (still require UI layout adjustments)
- Remove ask and bid market price and use always last price.
- Add button in settings to resync SPV chain (delete SPV chain file)
- Add button for opening log file
- Remove arbitrator as potential receiver at dispute payout
- Improve arbitration payout screen
- Use TTL of 30 min. for market prices on the provider side.
- Check for market price age on client. Allow max. 30 min old market prices
- Show provider node at tooltip over price feed provider icon
- Persist last used payment account for create offer screen
- Use same seed words for both BTC and BSQ wallet
- Added BSQ as coin_type 142 0x8000008E to
- Update Bitcoin checkpoint file
- Fix bug with backup path when path had become inaccessible
- Fixed bug with not displaying correct MultiSig address in LockedFunds view.
- Add checks for locked up funds of failed trades.
- Add shortcut to remove failed trade from pending trades view.
- Use for Windows build no version nr at jar files to avoid collecting multiple jars at updates.
- Prepare the split role of arbitrator in mediator (has no MultiSig key) and arbitrator (3rd key holder of MultiSig).
Not implemented yet in the UI, so mediator is at the moment identical with arbitrator. - Add email and pgp pubkey to data structure (no support yet implemented in UI)
- Add support for passing counter currency tx ID to BTC seller (not impl. in UI yet)
- Change key combination for open dispute from cmd+o to alt+o and for opening emergency wallet from cmd+e to alt+e
- Update TAC
- Don't provide market price for Venezuelan currency (VEF) as official exchange rate is not reflecting reality
- Add -BjvmOptions=-Xss1280k for Linux builds to avoid SegFault problem with latest Ubuntu update
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This is a hotfix release for fixing an issue in the previous release.
Release notes
- Adopt trading fee value to match new tx fee
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
Due to the high blockchain congestion we are forced to push out another release with a tx fee increase.
Release notes
- Increase tx fee for trades to 0.0015 BTC
- Increase default tx fee for non-trade txs to 0.0015 BTC
- Add Janus and OctoCoin
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This is a hot-fix release for fixing a problem with an UnreadableWalletException in combination with Bitcoin Core 14 transactions (See:!topic/bitcoinj/mhV9BvoSYMo for more background).
Please update as soon as possible.
Release notes
- Fix protobuffer serialization issue with transaction version used in transaction hash at Bitcoin Core 14, causing UnreadableWalletException. For more details see:!topic/bitcoinj/mhV9BvoSYMo
- Add info popups for requirements for ClearXchange
- Add scroll pane support to all screens.
- Fix wrong percentage calculation in spreads view for altcoins
- Fix missing tx fee at emergency wallet payout.
- Add address validation for ETH
- Don't use peers from AddressMessage calls if we use a custom Bitcoin node list or localhost.
- Ability to re-open a dispute (e.g. if no answer from arbitrator in case of network problems)
- Update MIN_NONDUST_OUTPUT from 546 to 2730 satoshis
- Fix missing persistence calls when internal wallet structure has changed, possibly causing bugs with internal wallet structure getting inconsistent (reserved funds for an offer might be used for another trade, so causing failed trades,...).
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
With this update we increase the transaction (mining) fee and the security deposit.
This will avoid problems that transactions needs longer to get confirmed in periods when the backlog of unconfirmed transactions on the blockchain is very high.
Offers from this version and offers from older versions are not compatible.
You cannot take an offer which was created with version or earlier, as well a user with an old version cannot take an offer which was created with version
It is highly recommended to remove your offers before you update to that version.
When you update you get forced to remove your old offers (or shut down the app).
You can update even if you have a trade open (if the offer was created with an older version we use the old tx fee and security deposit for that trade).
Beside that important change we improved the Tor handling for BitcoinJ (supports now DNS lookup over Tor and connection to Bitcoin full nodes running as hidden service).
Release notes
- Changed trade transaction fee from 0.0002 BTC to 0.0005 BTC
- Change protocol version for offers to support higher transaction fee
- Change Create-Offer-Fee from 0.0005 BTC to 0.0008 BTC (includes the 0.0005 tx fee, so the net fee to the arbitrator is same as before -> 0.0003 BTC)
- Increase security deposit from 0.01 BTC to 0.03 BTC
- Add LTBcoin, Fermat (IOP), Swarm City Token (SWT), AquariusCoin, Byte, Nevacoin, PIVX, Xaurum, Safe FileSystem Coin (SFSC)
- Support for Bitcoin nodes running as hidden services
- DNS lookup over Tor
- Connect to local Bitcoin Core node if it is running (ignore use Tor flag)
- Add program argument: socks5DiscoverMode
- Export Wallet data (keys) feature
- Show percentage in spreads table
- Add input validation for Norwegian bank account
- Fix bank account from for Chile and Norwegian
- Add Georgia, Botswana
- Add new blockexplores: SoChain, Bitaps
- Added check for ZEC addresses (only t addresses are permitted) and info popup for ZEC and ZXC
- Added input validation for altocin addresses: IOP, PIVX, GBYTE
- Added input validation for IBAN, BIC, email
- Rename Cash/ATM deposit to Cash deposit
- Increase max. allowed deviation from market price to 30%
- Don't show error popup for exception on Linux after screen resolution change or return from monitor standby
- Use more randomized prefix for short offer ID, add version as postfix
- Show arbitrators support tab if arbitrator has revoked but has open disputes
- Increase offer availability and trade timeouts
- Update to JDK 8u121
- Enable again the Apple developer certificate for code signing on OSX
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This update fixes a critical bug in the Bitcoin wallet. It also uses the new BitcoinAverage API as the old API will not be supported anymore soon.
Please update as soon as possible!
Release notes
- Added Crown, Pascal Coin, Smileycoin, RealEst. Coin
- Now all traffic is going over Tor (price requests from Poloniex could not be routed over Tor because they use Cloudflare)
- Added request to CoinMarketCap to get more prices for altcoins not listed at Poloniex
- Use 2 proxy price feed providers as hidden service for requesting accumulated BitcoinAverage (new API), Poloniex and CoinMarketCap price data
- Add program argument to add custom price feed providers
- Add module for running a own proxy price feed provider (requires BitcoinAverage API keys). Supports both clearnet and hidden service
- Display time of latest price update at tooltip over provider icon in market price widget
- Remove http proxy option because it is not needed anymore (Cloudflare issue with Poloniex solved by the proxy)
- Remove tor bridge support (was not solving GFW issues and caused only problems when connections to Tor failed at startup)
- Add option for setting custom bitcoin nodes in network settings (additional possible via program argument)
- Add new block explorers to settings
- Increase max. trade period for US postal money order to 8 days
- Use default btc format (allow more then 4 decimal places)
- Add tool for exporting wallet data
- Fix critical bug with BitcoinJ Bloomfilter handling
- Ignore TTL for persisted data objects (trade statistics) in local data map
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare
A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.
This release adds new payment methods for USD (Chase QuickPay) and CAD (Interac e-Transfer).
Further we added 29 new Altcoins and we updated to the latest Java JDK with important security updates.
Release notes
- Added new payment methods: Chase QuickPay, Interac e-Transfer
- Increase trade limits for Altcoins to 3 BTC, OKPay, Swish and AliPay to 2 BTC, ClearXChange, Cash deposit and US postal money order to 1 BTC
- Added now altcoins: Zcash, Zcoin, Augur, Siafund, Gulden, Stellar Lumens, Emercoin, Plutons, GameCredits, PotCoin, Omni, Stratis, ReddCoin, VeriCoin, Radium
Digital Rupees, Vcash, Waves, HOdlcoin, Burstcoin, Triangles, Argentum, DIBCOIN, Eternity, Battlestars, Nav Coin, DynamicCoin, Anoncoin, DarkNet - Change behavior of currency list to display user defined currencies instead of all currencies for which offers are available (same behavior like it was before v0.4.9.6)
- Add Kazakhstan and Kenya to country list
- Add Nr. of trades to trade statistics tooltip
- Display time span in trade statistics tool tip
- Show tx size in withdraw popup
- Remove 1 min interval in trade statistics, add year interval
- Added support for custom payout at disputes, define who is the publisher and re-opening a closed dispute
- Use single gpg signatures of binaries instead of signature of bundled hashes.
- Improved wording
- Improved layout for small screens
- Fix bug with withdrawal if tx size exceeds 100kb
- Fix and improve build doc and scripts
- Update to latest jdk version with bugfix for SortedList (remove our jdkfix module)
Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare