Hi-C data processing pipeline using HiC-Pro.
In practice, HiC-Pro was successfully applied to many data-sets including dilution Hi-C, in situ Hi-C, DNase Hi-C, Micro-C, capture-C, capture Hi-C or HiChip data.
The HiC-Pro pipeline requires the following dependencies :
- The bowtie2 mapper
- Python (>2.7) with pysam (>=0.8.3), bx-python(>=0.5.0), numpy(>=1.8.2), and scipy(>=0.15.1) libraries. Note that the current version does not support python 3
- R with the RColorBrewer and ggplot2 (>2.2.1) packages
- g++ compiler
- samtools (>1.1)
- homer
$ conda create -n py2 python=2.7
$ source activate py2
$ conda install bowtie2
$ conda install python=2.7
$ conda install pysam
$ conda install bx-python
$ conda install numpy
$ conda install scipy
$ conda install R
$ conda install r-ggplot2
$ conda install r-rcolorbrewer
$ conda install samtools
$ conda install homer
$ wget https://github.com/zhengzhanye/HiC-Pro/archive/master.zip
$ unzip master.zip
$ cd HiC-Pro-master
Edit configure-install.txt (if dependencies install successful,you only need manually defined the path to 'installation folder'; else you need edit the config-install.txt file and manually defined the paths to dependencies.)
$ make configure
$ make install
A table file of chromosomes' size.
$ mkdir 00_hg19 $ cd 00_hg19 $ wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.fa.gz $ gunzip hg19.fa.gz $ http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.chrom.sizes $ head -n 24 hg19.chrom.sizes | sort -V > ./hg19_size.txt
A BED file of the restriction fragments after digestion.This file depends both of the restriction enzyme and the reference genome.
chr1 0 16007 HIC_chr1_1 0 + chr1 16007 24571 HIC_chr1_2 0 + chr1 24571 27981 HIC_chr1_3 0 + chr1 27981 30429 HIC_chr1_4 0 + chr1 30429 32153 HIC_chr1_5 0 + chr1 32153 32774 HIC_chr1_6 0 + chr1 32774 37752 HIC_chr1_7 0 + chr1 37752 38369 HIC_chr1_8 0 + chr1 38369 38791 HIC_chr1_9 0 + chr1 38791 39255 HIC_chr1_10 0 + (...)
NOTE: HindIII_resfrag_hg19.bed and HindIII_resfrag_mm10.bed has been provides in annotation dir.
## For example:生成MboI 限制性内切酶 bed 文件,参考基因组hg19 ## -r 指定酶切位点 () ## -o 指定输出文件名称 $ $PATH_of_hic/HiC-Pro_2.11.1/bin/utils/digest_genome.py -r ^GATC -o hg19_mobi.bed /$path_of_hg19/hg19.fa
The bowtie2 indexes.
$ cd 00_hg19 $ mkdir bowtie2 $ bowtie2-build --threads 30 -f /hg19.fa ./bowtie2/hg19
uniform data formate
$ cd bin $ perl 01.0_pre4hicpro.pl
detail information see 01.0_pre4hicpro.pl.
run hic-pro
$ bash 01.1_hicpro.sh
NOTE: 需要修改 .sh 中的HiC-Pro的路径,以及修改 $fcfg指代的cfg 文件中的路径。
bam to sam
$ bash 02.0_bam2sam.sh
homer call loop
$ bash 03.0_HOME.sh
Deactivate environment
$ source deactivate py2
文件太大时,sort时会产生很多临时文件,系统一直处于写的状态,此时就 会报错(samtools sort: fail to open "tmp/H1-hESC_DpnII_inSitu_1_hg19.1020.bam": Too many open files)
$path/HiC-Pro_2.11.1/scripts/bowtie_combine.sh 文件中sort 命令(## Sort merge file.版块)在sort -@ 中间加-m 10G 变成 sort -m 10G -@