index 9033a6b5..794e4a04 100644
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ export(create_dummy_plot)
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ export(markers_plots_top)
@@ -152,6 +154,7 @@ export(run_graph_based_clustering)
diff --git a/R/manual_cell_annotation.R b/R/manual_cell_annotation.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b977ef58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/manual_cell_annotation.R
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+## -- Common functions used for manual annotation of spots/cells.
+#' @title Create signature matrix from provided file containing names with markers.
+#' @param markers_file A csv file containing list of annotation names with selected markers.
+#' @export
+#' @concept manual_annotation
+create_signature_matrix_fn <- function(markers_file){
+ markers <- read.csv(markers_file)
+ long_df <- markers %>%
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "types", values_to = "gene") %>%
+ dplyr::filter(gene != "")
+ # Create a binary indicator for the presence of genes
+ signature_matrix <- as.data.frame(long_df %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(Presence = 1) %>%
+ tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = types, values_from = Presence, values_fill = list(Presence = 0)))
+ rownames(signature_matrix) <- signature_matrix$gene
+ signature_matrix <- signature_matrix[,-1]
+ return(signature_matrix)
+#' @title Calculate and run PAGE annotation.
+#' @param sign_matrix precalculated signature matrix
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object
+#' @param values A expresion indicating which values use, logcounts as default
+#' @export
+#' @concept manual_annotation
+run_page_man_annotation <- function(sign_matrix,
+ sce,
+ values="logcounts",
+ #clustering,
+ scale=NULL,
+ overlap=5,
+ reverse_log_scale=FALSE,
+ selected_annotation = NULL,
+ output_enrichment="zscore") {
+ expr_values <- assay(sce,values)
+ rownames(expr_values) <- rowData(sce)$SYMBOL
+ available_ct <- c()
+ for (i in colnames(sign_matrix)){
+ gene_i <- rownames(sign_matrix)[which(sign_matrix[,i]==1)]
+ overlap_i <- intersect(gene_i,rownames(expr_values))
+ if (length(overlap_i)<=overlap){
+ output <- paste0("Warning, ",i," only has ",length(overlap_i)," overlapped genes. Will remove it.")
+ print(output)
+ } else {
+ available_ct <- c(available_ct,i)
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(selected_annotation)>0){
+ available_ct <- intersect(available_ct, selected_annotation)
+ output<-paste0("Warning, continuing only with selected annotation. Available annotation are ",available_ct)
+ print(output)
+ }
+ if (length(available_ct)==1){
+ print(available_ct)
+ stop("Only one cell type available. Program will stop")
+ }
+ if (length(available_ct)<1){
+ stop("No cell type available for this experiment. Program will stop")
+ }
+ interGene <- intersect(rownames(sign_matrix), rownames(expr_values))
+ filterSig <- sign_matrix[interGene, available_ct]
+ signames <- rownames(filterSig)[which(filterSig[,1]==1)]
+ # calculate mean gene expression
+ if(reverse_log_scale == TRUE) {
+ mean_gene_expr <- log(rowMeans(logbase^expr_values-1, dims = 1)+1)
+ } else {
+ mean_gene_expr <- Matrix::rowMeans(expr_values)
+ }
+ geneFold <- expr_values - mean_gene_expr
+ cellColMean <- apply(geneFold,2,mean)
+ cellColSd <- apply(geneFold,2,stats::sd)
+ # get enrichment scores
+ enrichment <- matrix(data=NA,nrow = dim(filterSig)[2],ncol=length(cellColMean))
+ for (i in (1:dim(filterSig)[2])){
+ signames <- rownames(filterSig)[which(filterSig[,i]==1)]
+ sigColMean <- apply(geneFold[signames,],2,mean)
+ m <- length(signames)
+ vectorX <- NULL
+ for (j in(1:length(cellColMean))){
+ Sm <- sigColMean[j]
+ u <- cellColMean[j]
+ sigma <- cellColSd[j]
+ zscore <- (Sm - u)* m^(1/2) / sigma
+ vectorX <- append(vectorX,zscore)
+ }
+ enrichment[i,] <- vectorX
+ }
+ ##
+ rownames(enrichment) <- colnames(filterSig)
+ colnames(enrichment) <- names(cellColMean)
+ enrichment <- t(enrichment)
+ if(output_enrichment == "zscore") {
+ enrichment <- scale(enrichment)
+ }
+ return(enrichment)
+#' @title Calculate metadata for manual cell/spot annotation for heatmap visualisation.
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object
+#' @param enrichment precalculated enrichment score for each cell/spot
+#' @param clustering A vector of selected clustering used for annotation, inheritated from meta_heatmap plotting
+#' @concept manual_annotation
+calculate_metadata <- function(sce, enrichment, clustering) {
+ cell_types <- colnames(enrichment)
+ sce[[glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}")]] <- colnames(enrichment)[apply(enrichment,1,which.max)]
+ cell_metadata <- cbind(enrichment,sce[[clustering]])
+ colnames(cell_metadata)[ncol(cell_metadata)] <- clustering
+ sce <- scdrake::sce_add_metadata(sce = sce, clustering_enrichment = cell_metadata)
+ return(sce)
+#' @title Manual annotation heatmap plotting
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellAnnotation` object
+#' @param clustering Selected clustering
+#' @param spatial Logical vector, if include spot images for each anotation
+#' @param make_cell_plot Logical vector, if include pseudotissue images, for spatial extension
+#' @concept manual_annotation
+#' @export
+meta_heatmap_ploting <- function(sce,clus_cor_method="pearson",clus_cluster_method = "complete",
+ values_cor_method="pearson",values_cluster_method="complete",
+ clustering,
+ show_value="value",
+ #selection(c("value","zscores","zscores_rescaled"))
+ gradient_midpoint = 0,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ x_text_size = 10,
+ x_text_angle = 45,
+ y_text_size = 10,
+ strip_text_size = 8,
+ low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red",
+ spatial=FALSE,
+ make_cell_plot=FALSE,
+ out_dir=NULL) {
+ cell_metadata <- metadata(sce)[["clustering_enrichment"]]
+ cell_types <- colnames(cell_metadata)[!colnames(cell_metadata) %in% clustering]
+ cell_metadata_cols <- colnames(cell_metadata)[-which(colnames(cell_metadata) %in% clustering )]
+ cell_metadata <- tibble::as_tibble(cell_metadata)
+ cell_metadata <- cell_metadata %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_at(clustering, factor)
+ workdt <- cell_metadata %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(!!! rlang::syms(clustering)) %>%
+ dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(all_of(cell_metadata_cols), mean, na.rm = TRUE))
+ page_enrichment <- workdt %>%
+ tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = all_of(cell_metadata_cols), names_to = "variable", values_to = "value")
+ ##plotMetaDataCellsHeatmap
+ metaDT <- page_enrichment
+ # Step 1: Calculate Z-Scores
+ metaDT <- metaDT %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(variable) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(zscores = c(scale(value)))
+ # Step 2: Rescale Z-Scores to Range [-1, 1]
+ metaDT <- metaDT %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(variable) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(zscores_rescaled_per_gene = c(scales::rescale(zscores, to = c(-1, 1))))
+ #print(head(metaDT))
+ #Calculate means
+ # testmain <- metaDT %>%
+ # dplyr::group_by(variable, !!! rlang::syms(main_factor)) %>%
+ # dplyr::summarise(mean_value = mean(value))
+ #
+ # # Step 2: Define the dfunction
+ # dfunction <- function(d, col_name1, col_name2, value.var) {
+ # d %>%
+ # tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = {{ col_name2 }}, values_from = {{ value.var }})
+ # }
+ # Step 3: Apply dfunction to testmain
+ # testmain_matrix <- dfunction(d = testmain, col_name1 = variable, col_name2 = main_factor, value.var = mean_value)
+ #
+ # testmain_mat <- as.matrix(testmain_matrix[,-1]); rownames(testmain_mat) = testmain_matrix$variable
+ # # for clusters
+ # ## this part is ridiculusely redundant...it is just sorting rows and column based on hierarchic clustering!!!!
+ # cormatrix <- stats::cor(x = testmain_mat, method = clus_cor_method)
+ # cordist <- stats::as.dist(1 - cormatrix, diag = T, upper = T)
+ # corclus <- stats::hclust(d = cordist, method = clus_cluster_method)
+ # clus_names <- rownames(cormatrix)
+ # names(clus_names) <- 1:length(clus_names)
+ # clus_sort_names <- clus_names[corclus$order]
+ #
+ #
+ # # for genes
+ #
+ # values_cormatrix <- stats::cor(x = t(testmain_mat), method = values_cor_method)
+ # values_cordist <- stats::as.dist(1 - values_cormatrix, diag = T, upper = T)
+ # values_corclus <- stats::hclust(d = values_cordist, method = values_cluster_method)
+ # values_names <- rownames(values_cormatrix)
+ # names(values_names) <- 1:length(values_names)
+ # values_sort_names <- values_names[values_corclus$order]
+ ## -- should it remain?
+ # data.table variables
+ #factor_column = variable = NULL
+ ##def not necesary part
+ # metaDT[, factor_column := factor(get(clustering), levels = clus_sort_names)]
+ # metaDT[, variable := factor(get('variable'), levels = values_sort_names)]
+ ###new part
+ metaDT <- metaDT %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(factor_column = factor(!!! rlang::syms(clustering))) #, levels = clus_sort_names))
+ # Convert variable column to a factor with specified levels
+ metaDT <- metaDT %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(variable = as.character(variable)) #, levels = values_sort_names))
+ ##
+ #print(head(metaDT))
+ pl <- ggplot2::ggplot()
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = metaDT, ggplot2::aes(x = factor_column, y = variable, fill =.data[[show_value]]), color = "black")
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = low, mid = mid, high = high, midpoint = gradient_midpoint)
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_classic()
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = x_text_size, angle = x_text_angle, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
+ axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = y_text_size),
+ legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::labs(x = clustering, y = "cell types")
+ #return(pl)
+ #output pdf
+ out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}.pdf"))
+ out_png_file <- out_pdf_file
+ fs::path_ext(out_png_file) <- "png"
+ #pl <- list(pl)
+ pl <- tryCatch({
+ scdrake::save_pdf(list(pl), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE)
+ ggplot2::ggsave(
+ filename = out_png_file,
+ plot = pl,
+ device = "png",
+ dpi = 300
+ )
+ pl
+ },
+ error = function(e) {
+ if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "Viewport has zero dimension")) {
+ cli_alert_warning(str_space(
+ "Error catched: 'Viewport has zero dimension(s)'.",
+ "There are probably too many levels and the legend doesn't fit into the plot.",
+ "Removing the legend before saving the plot image."
+ ))
+ pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
+ scdrake::save_pdf(list(pl), out_pdf_file)
+ ggplot2::ggsave(
+ filename = out_png_file,
+ plot = pl,
+ device = "png",
+ dpi = 150
+ )
+ pl
+ } else {
+ cli::cli_abort(e$message)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ par <- tibble::tibble(title = as.character(glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}.pdf")), anot_plot = list(pl), anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,
+ anot_plot_out_png_file = out_png_file)
+ if (spatial) {
+ man_anot_plot <- visualized_spots(sce,
+ cell_color = glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}"),point_size = 5,color_as_factor = T,
+ legend_symbol_size = 3,legend_text = 16)
+ out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, "spatmananotplot.pdf")
+ scdrake::save_pdf(list(man_anot_plot), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE,width = 14,height = 14)
+ annot_par <- tibble::tibble(title = "spatmananotplot.pdf", anot_plot = list(man_anot_plot),
+ anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,anot_plot_out_png_file = NA)
+ par = rbind(par,annot_par)
+ if (make_cell_plot) {
+ cell_annotation_values = cell_types
+ savelist <- list()
+ for(annot in cell_annotation_values) {
+ enrich_plot <- visualized_spots(scdrake::sce_add_colData(sce,cell_metadata),
+ cell_color = annot,point_size = 1.5)
+ savelist[[annot]] <- enrich_plot
+ }
+ combo_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = savelist)
+ out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, "spatcellplot.pdf")
+ scdrake::save_pdf(list(combo_plot), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE,width = 14,height = 14)
+ #print(head(par))
+ cell_par <- tibble::tibble(title = "spatcellplot.pdf", anot_plot = list(combo_plot),
+ anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,anot_plot_out_png_file = NA)
+ #print(head(cell_par))
+ par = rbind(par,cell_par)
+ }
+ }
+ par
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/plans_common_clustering.R b/R/plans_common_clustering.R
index 78d43883..eb554ddb 100644
--- a/R/plans_common_clustering.R
+++ b/R/plans_common_clustering.R
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ get_clustering_sc3_subplan <- function(sce_target_name, cluster_sc3_enabled, clu
#' @param report_dimred_names A character vector: dimreds to use for plotting clustering results.
#' @param dimred_plots_out_dir,other_plots_out_dir A character scalar: path to output directory to save plots.
#' @param is_integration A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, clustering results will be named with `cluster_int_*` prefix.
+#' @param spatial A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, enabling pseudotissue spatial visualization for spatial transcriptomics datasets.
#' @param seed An integer scalar: random seed for SC3.
#' @return A combined [drake::drake_plan()] from:
@@ -310,13 +311,13 @@ get_clustering_subplan <- function(cfg,
+ spatial,
seed = 1) {
any_clustering_enabled <- any(
plan_clustering_graph <- get_clustering_graph_subplan(
sce_target_name = sce_clustering_target_name,
dimred = dimred,
@@ -367,6 +368,7 @@ get_clustering_subplan <- function(cfg,
dimred_names = !!report_dimred_names,
cluster_df = dplyr::select(clusters_all_df, -data),
+ spatial = !!spatial,
out_dir = !!dimred_plots_out_dir
diff --git a/R/plans_single_sample.R b/R/plans_single_sample.R
index d7cf945a..04e8dc20 100644
--- a/R/plans_single_sample.R
+++ b/R/plans_single_sample.R
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ get_input_qc_subplan <- function(cfg, cfg_pipeline, cfg_main) {
config_input_qc = !!cfg,
## -- Read raw Cell Ranger files.
- sce_raw = sce_raw_fn(!!cfg$INPUT_DATA, input_data_subset = !!cfg$INPUT_DATA_SUBSET),
+ sce_orig = sce_raw_fn(!!cfg$INPUT_DATA, input_data_subset = !!cfg$INPUT_DATA_SUBSET),
+ sce_raw = sce_add_spatial_colData(sce_orig,!!cfg$SPATIAL_LOCKS,!!cfg$SPATIAL),
sce_raw_info = save_object_info(sce_raw),
## -- Calculate barcode ranks (for knee plot).
@@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ get_input_qc_subplan <- function(cfg, cfg_pipeline, cfg_main) {
sce_custom_filter_genes_info = save_object_info(sce_custom_filter_genes),
## -- Create a history of cell and gene filtering.
- sce_history = sce_history_fn(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes),
- sce_history_plot = sce_history_plot_fn(sce_history),
+ sce_history = sce_history_fn(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes,!!cfg$SPATIAL),
+ sce_history_plot = sce_history_plot_fn(sce_history,!!cfg$SPATIAL),
## -- Create plots of filters.
sce_qc_filter_genes_plotlist = list(
@@ -230,6 +231,7 @@ get_norm_clustering_subplan <- function(cfg, cfg_pipeline, cfg_main) {
hvg_selection = !!cfg$HVG_SELECTION,
hvg_rm_cc_genes = !!cfg$HVG_RM_CC_GENES,
hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold = !!cfg$HVG_CC_GENES_VAR_EXPL_THRESHOLD,
+ spatial = !!cfg$SPATIAL,
BPPARAM = ignore(BiocParallel::bpparam())
@@ -338,6 +340,7 @@ get_norm_clustering_subplan <- function(cfg, cfg_pipeline, cfg_main) {
dimred_plots_out_dir = cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_DIMRED_PLOTS_OUT_DIR,
other_plots_out_dir = cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_OTHER_PLOTS_OUT_DIR,
is_integration = FALSE,
+ spatial = cfg$SPATIAL,
seed = cfg_pipeline$SEED
@@ -396,6 +399,24 @@ get_norm_clustering_subplan <- function(cfg, cfg_pipeline, cfg_main) {
selected_markers_plots_files = NULL
+ plan_manual_annotation <- drake::drake_plan(
+ signature_matrix = create_signature_matrix_fn(!!cfg$ANNOTATION_MARKERS),
+ sce_annotation_enrichment = run_page_man_annotation(signature_matrix,sce = sce_final_norm_clustering,scale = !!cfg$SCALE_ANNOTATION,
+ overlap = !!cfg$OVERLAP,values="logcounts"),
+ annotation_metadata = calculate_metadata(sce = sce_final_norm_clustering,
+ enrichment = sce_annotation_enrichment,clustering = !!cfg$ANNOTATION_CLUSTERING),
+ plot_annotation = meta_heatmap_ploting(annotation_metadata,clustering = !!cfg$ANNOTATION_CLUSTERING,show_value=!!cfg$SHOW_VALUE,
+ out_dir = !!cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_OTHER_PLOTS_OUT_DIR,spatial=!!cfg$SPATIAL,make_cell_plot = !!cfg$MAKE_CELL_PLOT)
+ )
+ } else {
+ plan_manual_annotation <- drake::drake_plan(
+ signature_matrix = NULL,
+ annotation_enrichment = NULL,
+ annotation_metadata = NULL,
+ plot_annotation = NULL
+ )
+ }
- drake::bind_plans(plan, plan_clustering, plan_cell_annotation, plan_dimred_plots_other_vars, plan_selected_markers)
+ drake::bind_plans(plan, plan_clustering, plan_cell_annotation, plan_dimred_plots_other_vars, plan_selected_markers,plan_manual_annotation)
diff --git a/R/sce.R b/R/sce.R
index f2087791..2489d4a0 100644
--- a/R/sce.R
+++ b/R/sce.R
@@ -53,6 +53,44 @@ sce_add_colData <- function(sce, df, replace = TRUE) {
+#' @title Append new columns with spatial relevance to `colData` of a `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @param spatial_locs A file contating spatial coordiantes
+#' @param spatial Logical vector If true, add spatial coordinates
+sce_add_spatial_colData <- function(sce, spatial_locs, spatial=FALSE) {
+ if(spatial) {
+ if(!file.exists(spatial_locs)) stop("path to spatial locations does not exist")
+ spatial_locs <- readr::read_csv(file = spatial_locs)
+ colnames(spatial_locs) <- c("Barcode","in_tissue","array_row","array_col","pixel_row","pixel_col")
+ spatial_locs <- dplyr::filter(spatial_locs, in_tissue == 1)
+ #rownames(spatial_locs) <- spatial_locs[,1]
+ # assert_that(
+ # nrow(spatial_locs) == ncol(sce),
+ # msg = "Number of rows in {.var spatial_locs} must be same as number of columns in {.var sce}."
+ # )
+ #library(SingleCellExperiment)
+ ###try if in tissue! spatial_locs <- spatial_locs[spatial_locs$in_tissue == '1',]
+ ## [, c(1,3,4)] > 3,4 coordinate of the spot in the array
+ ## [, c(1,5,6)] > 5,6 the PIXEL coordinate of the center, 5 in row, 6 in column
+ spatial_locs <- spatial_locs[, c(1,3,4)]
+ colnames(spatial_locs) <- c("Barcode","Dims_x","Dims_y")
+ colData(sce) <- merge(colData(sce), spatial_locs, by = "Barcode",all.x=TRUE)
+ sce <- sce[, !is.na(sce$Dims_x)]
+ #print(sce)
+ sce <- scdrake::sce_add_metadata(sce,spatial_locs = colData(sce)[,c("Barcode","Dims_x","Dims_y")],
+ replace=FALSE)
+ #sce <- list(spatial_locs = colData(sce)[,c("Dims_x","Dims_y")])
+ #SingleCellExperiment::coldata(sce) <- cbind(SingleCellExperiment::coldata(sce),spatial_locs,)
+ colnames(sce) <- colData(sce)$Barcode
+ return(sce)
+ }
+ else {
+ return(sce)
+ }
#' @title Append data to `metadata()` list of a `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @description [utils::modifyList()] is used internally, so existing named items in `metadata()` can be overwritten.
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
diff --git a/R/single_sample_input_qc.R b/R/single_sample_input_qc.R
index 1940a226..5ba48251 100644
--- a/R/single_sample_input_qc.R
+++ b/R/single_sample_input_qc.R
@@ -190,42 +190,70 @@ get_gene_filter <- function(sce, min_ratio_cells, min_umi) {
#' @param sce_unfiltered (*input target*) A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @param sce_qc_filter_genes (*input target*) A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @param sce_custom_filter_genes (*input target*) A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @param spatial A logical vector: `TRUE` for spatial transcriptomics dataset.
#' @return A tibble. *Output target*: `sce_history`
#' @concept single_sample_input_qc_fn
#' @export
-sce_history_fn <- function(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes) {
- tibble::tribble(
- stats::formula("~filtering_type"), stats::formula("~n_cells"), stats::formula("~n_genes"),
- "no_filtering", ncol(sce_unfiltered), nrow(sce_unfiltered),
- "qc", ncol(sce_qc_filter_genes), nrow(sce_qc_filter_genes),
- "custom", ncol(sce_custom_filter_genes), nrow(sce_custom_filter_genes)
- ) %>%
- dplyr::mutate(
- filtering_type = factor(.data$filtering_type, levels = c("no_filtering", "qc", "custom")),
- n_cells = as.integer(.data$n_cells),
- n_genes = as.integer(.data$n_genes)
- )
+sce_history_fn <- function(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes, spatial=FALSE) {
+ if (!spatial) {
+ tibble::tribble(
+ stats::formula("~filtering_type"), stats::formula("~n_cells"), stats::formula("~n_genes"),
+ "no_filtering", ncol(sce_unfiltered), nrow(sce_unfiltered),
+ "qc", ncol(sce_qc_filter_genes), nrow(sce_qc_filter_genes),
+ "custom", ncol(sce_custom_filter_genes), nrow(sce_custom_filter_genes)
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ filtering_type = factor(.data$filtering_type, levels = c("no_filtering", "qc", "custom")),
+ n_cells = as.integer(.data$n_cells),
+ n_genes = as.integer(.data$n_genes)
+ )}
+ else {
+ tibble::tribble(
+ stats::formula("~filtering_type"), stats::formula("~n_spots"), stats::formula("~n_genes"),
+ "no_filtering", ncol(sce_unfiltered), nrow(sce_unfiltered),
+ "qc", ncol(sce_qc_filter_genes), nrow(sce_qc_filter_genes),
+ "custom", ncol(sce_custom_filter_genes), nrow(sce_custom_filter_genes)
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ filtering_type = factor(.data$filtering_type, levels = c("no_filtering", "qc", "custom")),
+ n_spots = as.integer(.data$n_spots),
+ n_genes = as.integer(.data$n_genes)
+ )}
#' @title Plot history of cell and gene filtering.
#' @param sce_history (*input target*) A tibble.
+#' @param spatial A logical vector: `TRUE` for spatial transcriptomics dataset.
#' @return A `patchwork` object. *Output target*: `sce_history_plot`
#' @concept single_sample_input_qc_fn
#' @export
-sce_history_plot_fn <- function(sce_history) {
- patchwork::wrap_plots(
- ggplot(sce_history) +
- ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_cells, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
- ggplot2::theme_bw() +
- ggtitle("Number of cells"),
- ggplot(sce_history) +
- ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_genes, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
- ggplot2::theme_bw() +
- ggtitle("Number of genes"),
- guides = "collect"
- )
+sce_history_plot_fn <- function(sce_history, spatial=FALSE) {
+ if (!spatial) {
+ patchwork::wrap_plots(
+ ggplot(sce_history) +
+ ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_cells, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
+ ggplot2::theme_bw() +
+ ggtitle("Number of cells"),
+ ggplot(sce_history) +
+ ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_genes, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
+ ggplot2::theme_bw() +
+ ggtitle("Number of genes"),
+ guides = "collect"
+ )}
+ else {
+ patchwork::wrap_plots(
+ ggplot(sce_history) +
+ ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_spots, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
+ ggplot2::theme_bw() +
+ ggtitle("Number of spots"),
+ ggplot(sce_history) +
+ ggplot2::geom_col(aes(x = .data$filtering_type, y = .data$n_genes, fill = .data$filtering_type)) +
+ ggplot2::theme_bw() +
+ ggtitle("Number of genes"),
+ guides = "collect"
+ )}
#' @title Select a `SingleCellExperiment` object which will proceed to the `02_norm_clustering` stage.
diff --git a/R/single_sample_norm_clustering.R b/R/single_sample_norm_clustering.R
index e8d11777..6cfbe5c4 100644
--- a/R/single_sample_norm_clustering.R
+++ b/R/single_sample_norm_clustering.R
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ sctransform_normalization <- function(sce,
#' `hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold` prior to HVG selection.
#' @param hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold A numeric scalar: threshold for variance explained.
#' Genes exceeding this threshold will be marked as CC-related.
+#' @param spatial A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, add spatially variable genes extension
#' @inheritParams bsparam_param
#' @inheritParams bpparam_param
#' @return A modified `sce_norm` object with added HVG data in `metadata()`.
@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ sce_norm_hvg_fn <- function(sce_norm,
hvg_selection = c("top", "significance", "threshold"),
hvg_rm_cc_genes = FALSE,
hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold = 5,
+ spatial = FALSE,
BSPARAM = BiocSingular::IrlbaParam(),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
hvg_metric <- arg_match(hvg_metric)
@@ -309,7 +311,27 @@ sce_norm_hvg_fn <- function(sce_norm,
hvg_metric = hvg_metric,
hvg_selection = hvg_selection
+ if (spatial) {
+ seu_sce_norm <- create_seu_for_heatmaps(sce_norm)
+ coord <- seu_sce_norm@meta.data[,c("Dims_x","Dims_y")]
+ colnames(coord) <- c("imagerow","imagecol")
+ #sfs from cfg file or some dummy ones? dummy could work...
+ sfs <- Seurat::scalefactors(spot = 230.6399514627273, fiducial =372.5722292859441, hires = 0.058580592, lowres = 0.017574178)
+ seu_sce_norm@images$slice1 = new(
+ Class = 'VisiumV1',
+ assay = "RNA",
+ key = "slice1_",
+ coordinates = coord,
+ scale.factors = sfs
+ )
+ seu_sce_norm <- Seurat::FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures(seu_sce_norm, assay = "RNA",
+ selection.method = "moransi",nfeatures=hvg_selection_value)
+ svg_ids <- Seurat::SVFInfo(seu_sce_norm,selection.method = "moransi",)
+ svg_ids <- rownames(result[result$moransi.spatially.variable=="TRUE",])
+ hvg_ids <- unique(c(hvg_ids,svg_ids))
+ }
if (length(hvg_ids) <= 100) {
cli_alert_warning("Found a small number of HVGs ({length(hvg_ids)}). This may cause problems in downstream tasks, e.g. PCA.")
diff --git a/R/spatial_visualization.R b/R/spatial_visualization.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6800d041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spatial_visualization.R
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+## -- Common functions related to visualization in spatial space.
+#' @title A basic function for pseudotissue visualization
+#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @param cell_color,color_as_factor,cell_color_code,... Passed to ggplot2 object in plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot function
+#' @return A `ggplot2` object.
+#' @concept spatial_visualization
+visualized_spots = function(sce,
+ sdimx = "Dims_x",
+ sdimy = "Dims_y",
+ spat_enr_names = NULL,
+ cell_color = NULL,
+ color_as_factor = F,
+ cell_color_code = NULL,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("navy", "lightcyan", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ select_cells = NULL,
+ point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
+ point_size = 3,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "black",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ label_size = 4,
+ label_fontface = "bold",
+ show_other_cells = T,
+ other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
+ other_point_size = 1,
+ other_cells_alpha = 0.1,
+ coord_fix_ratio = NULL,
+ title = NULL,
+ show_legend = T,
+ legend_text = 8,
+ legend_symbol_size = 1,
+ background_color = "white",
+ axis_text = 8,
+ axis_title = 8
+) {
+ ## point shape ##
+ point_shape <- match.arg(point_shape, choices = c("border", "no_border"))
+ ## get spatial cell locations
+ cell_locations <- metadata(sce)$spatial_locs
+ ## get cell metadata
+ cell_metadata <- colData(sce)[,c("Barcode",cell_color,sdimx,sdimy)]
+ cell_metadata <- as.data.frame(cell_metadata)
+ if(nrow(cell_metadata) == 0) {
+ cell_locations_metadata = cell_locations
+ } else {
+ cell_locations_metadata <- cell_metadata
+ }
+ ## create subsets if needed
+ if(!is.null(select_cells)) {
+ cat('You have selected individual cell IDs \n')
+ cell_locations_metadata_other <- cell_locations_metadata[!cell_locations_metadata$Barcode %in% select_cells,]
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected <- cell_locations_metadata[cell_locations_metadata$Barcode %in% select_cells,]
+ else if(is.null(select_cells)) {
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected <- cell_locations_metadata
+ cell_locations_metadata_other <- NULL
+ }
+ # data.table and ggplot variables
+ sdimx_begin = sdimy_begin = sdimx_end = sdimy_end = x_start = x_end = y_start = y_end = NULL
+ ### create 2D plot with ggplot ###
+ #cat('create 2D plot with ggplot \n')
+ pl <- ggplot2::ggplot()
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_bw()
+ ## plot point layer
+ if(point_shape == "border") {
+ pl <- plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot(ggobject = pl,
+ sdimx = sdimx,
+ sdimy = sdimy,
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ cell_locations_metadata_other = cell_locations_metadata_other,
+ cell_color = cell_color,
+ color_as_factor = color_as_factor,
+ cell_color_code = cell_color_code,
+ cell_color_gradient = cell_color_gradient,
+ gradient_midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
+ gradient_limits = gradient_limits,
+ select_cells = select_cells,
+ point_size = point_size,
+ point_alpha = point_alpha,
+ point_border_stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ point_border_col = point_border_col,
+ label_size = label_size,
+ label_fontface = label_fontface,
+ show_other_cells = show_other_cells,
+ other_cell_color = other_cell_color,
+ other_point_size = other_point_size,
+ show_legend = show_legend)
+ } else if(point_shape == "no_border") {
+ pl <- plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot(ggobject = pl,
+ sdimx = sdimx,
+ sdimy = sdimy,
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ cell_locations_metadata_other = cell_locations_metadata_other,
+ cell_color = cell_color,
+ color_as_factor = color_as_factor,
+ cell_color_code = cell_color_code,
+ cell_color_gradient = cell_color_gradient,
+ gradient_midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
+ gradient_limits = gradient_limits,
+ select_cells = select_cells,
+ point_size = point_size,
+ point_alpha = point_alpha,
+ label_size = label_size,
+ label_fontface = label_fontface,
+ show_other_cells = show_other_cells,
+ other_cell_color = other_cell_color,
+ other_point_size = other_point_size,
+ show_legend = show_legend)
+ }
+ ## adjust theme settings
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
+ legend.title = element_blank(),
+ legend.text = element_text(size = legend_text),
+ axis.title = element_text(size = axis_title),
+ axis.text = element_text(size = axis_text),
+ panel.grid = element_blank(),
+ panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = background_color))
+ ## change symbol size of legend
+ if(color_as_factor == TRUE) {
+ if(point_shape == "border") {
+ pl <- pl + guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = legend_symbol_size)))
+ } else if(point_shape == "no_border") {
+ pl <- pl + guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = legend_symbol_size)))
+ }
+ }
+ # fix coord ratio
+ if(!is.null(coord_fix_ratio)) {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = coord_fix_ratio)
+ }
+ # provide x, y and plot titles
+ if(is.null(title)) title = cell_color
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "x coordinates", y = "y coordinates", title = title)
+#' @title A function for pseudotissue visualization
+#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object.
+#' @param ggobject An inheriated object from visualized_spots.
+#' @param cell_locations_metadata_selected,cell_locations_metadata_other,cell_color,... Inheriated, passed to ggplot2 object.
+#' @return A `ggplot2` object.
+#' @concept spatial_visualization
+plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot = function(ggobject,
+ sdimx = NULL,
+ sdimy = NULL,
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ cell_locations_metadata_other,
+ cell_color = NULL,
+ color_as_factor = T,
+ cell_color_code = NULL,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("yellow", "white", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ select_cells = NULL,
+ point_size = 2,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "lightgrey",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ label_size = 4,
+ label_fontface = "bold",
+ show_other_cells = T,
+ other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
+ other_point_size = 1,
+ show_legend = TRUE
+) {
+ ## specify spatial dimensions first
+ if(is.null(sdimx) | is.null(sdimy)) {
+ warning("plot_method = ggplot, but spatial dimensions for sdimx and/or sdimy are not specified. \n
+ It will default to the 'sdimx' and 'sdimy' ")
+ sdimx <- "Dims_x"
+ sdimy <- "Dims_y"
+ }
+ ## ggplot object
+ pl <- ggobject
+ ## first plot other non-selected cells
+ if(!is.null(select_cells) & show_other_cells == TRUE) {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_other, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y=.data[[sdimy]]),
+ color = other_cell_color, show.legend = F, size = other_point_size, alpha = point_alpha)
+ }
+ ## order of color
+ # 1. if NULL then default to lightblue
+ # 2. if character vector
+ # 2.1 if length of cell_color is longer than 1 and has colors
+ # 2.2 if not part of metadata then suppose its color
+ # 2.3 part of metadata
+ # 2.3.1 numerical column
+ # 2.3.2 factor column or character to factor
+ # cell color default
+ if(is.null(cell_color)) {
+ cell_color <- "lightblue"
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21,
+ fill = cell_color, size = point_size,
+ stroke = point_border_stroke, color = point_border_col,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ } else if(length(cell_color) > 1) {
+ if(is.numeric(cell_color) | is.factor(cell_color)) {
+ if(nrow(cell_locations_metadata_selected) != length(cell_color)) stop("\n vector needs to be the same lengths as number of cells \n")
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected[["temp_color"]] = cell_color
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]], fill = "temp_color"),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21,
+ size = point_size,
+ color = point_border_col, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ } else if(is.character(cell_color)) {
+ if(!all(cell_color %in% grDevices::colors())) stop("cell_color is not numeric, a factor or vector of colors \n")
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21, fill = cell_color,
+ size = point_size,
+ color = point_border_col, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ }
+ } else if(is.character(cell_color)) {
+ if(!cell_color %in% colnames(cell_locations_metadata_selected)) {
+ if(!cell_color %in% grDevices::colors()) stop(cell_color," is not a color or a column name \n")
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21, fill = cell_color,
+ size = point_size,
+ color = point_border_col, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ } else {
+ class_cell_color <- class(cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]])
+ if((class_cell_color == "integer" | class_cell_color == "numeric") & color_as_factor == FALSE) {
+ # set upper and lower limits
+ if(!is.null(gradient_limits) & is.vector(gradient_limits) & length(gradient_limits) == 2) {
+ lower_lim <- gradient_limits[[1]]
+ upper_lim <- gradient_limits[[2]]
+ numeric_data <- cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]]
+ limit_numeric_data <- ifelse(numeric_data > upper_lim, upper_lim,
+ ifelse(numeric_data < lower_lim, lower_lim, numeric_data))
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]] <- limit_numeric_data
+ }
+ ######tady je problem aes vs aes_string fill = cell_color> the problem is, that we have "" ...
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]],
+ fill = .data[[cell_color]]),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21,
+ size = point_size,
+ color = point_border_col,
+ stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ } else {
+ # convert character or numeric to factor
+ if(color_as_factor == TRUE) {
+ factor_data = factor(cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]])
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]] <- factor_data
+ }
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]], fill = .data[[cell_color]]),
+ show.legend = show_legend, shape = 21, size = point_size,
+ color = point_border_col, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ alpha = point_alpha)
+ }
+ ## specificy colors to use
+ if(!is.null(cell_color_code)) {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = cell_color_code)
+ } else if(color_as_factor == T) {
+ number_colors <- length(unique(factor_data))
+ cell_color_code <- getDistinctColors(n = number_colors)
+ names(cell_color_code) <- unique(factor_data)
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = cell_color_code)
+ } else if(color_as_factor == F){
+ if(is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
+ gradient_midpoint <- stats::median(cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]])
+ }
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
+ mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
+ high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
+ midpoint = gradient_midpoint)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_reverse()
+ return(pl)
+#' @title A helper function for asigning colors in pseudotissue visualization
+#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
+#' @param n Number of desired colors.
+#' @return A character vector of distinct colors.
+#' @concept spatial_visualization
+getDistinctColors <- function(n) {
+ qual_col_pals <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',]
+ col_vector <- unique(unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals))));
+ if(n > length(col_vector)) {
+ # get all possible colors
+ all_colors <- grDevices::colors()
+ all_colors_no_grey <- grep(x = all_colors, pattern = "grey|gray", value = T, invert = T)
+ grey_colors <- grep(x = all_colors, pattern = "grey", value = T, invert = F)
+ admitted_grey_colors <- grey_colors[seq(1, 110, 10)]
+ broad_colors <- c(all_colors_no_grey, admitted_grey_colors)
+ # if too many colors stop
+ if(n > length(broad_colors)) {
+ warning("\n not enough unique colors in R, maximum = 444 \n")
+ col_vector <- sample(x = broad_colors, size = n, replace = T)
+ } else {
+ col_vector <- sample(x = broad_colors, size = n, replace = F)
+ }
+ } else {
+ xxx <- grDevices::col2rgb(col_vector);
+ dist_mat <- as.matrix(stats::dist(t(xxx)));
+ diag(dist_mat) <- 1e10;
+ while (length(col_vector) > n) {
+ minv <- apply(dist_mat,1,function(x)min(x));
+ idx <- which(minv==min(minv))[1];
+ dist_mat <- dist_mat[-idx, -idx];
+ col_vector <- col_vector[-idx]
+ }
+ }
+ return(col_vector)
+#' @title A function for visualization selected qc matrices in pseudotissue visualization
+#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object. Helper function for users, not in core scdrake package.
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @return A list of plots.
+#' @concept spatial_visualization
+plot_spat_visuals <- function(sce) {
+ to_plot <- c("detected","sum","subsets_mito_percent","subsets_ribo_percent")
+ plist <- list()
+ n <- 1
+ for (j in to_plot) {
+ plist[[n]] <- visualized_spots(sce=sce, sdimx = "Dims_x",sdimy = "Dims_y",
+ cell_color = j, point_size = 2, point_shape = "border",
+ color_as_factor = F, point_alpha = 1, show_legend = T)
+ n <- n+1
+ }
+ return(plist)
+#' @title A function for visualization selected genes in pseudotissue visualization
+#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
+#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
+#' @return A ggplot2 object.
+#' @concept spatial_visualization
+spatGenePlot2Dsce <- function(sce,
+ sdimx = "Dims_x",
+ sdimy = "Dims_y",
+ expression_values = c("counts", "logcounts"),
+ genes,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("blue", "white", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ edge_alpha = NULL,
+ #midpoint = 0,
+ scale_alpha_with_expression = FALSE,
+ point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
+ point_size = 1,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "black",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ show_legend = T,
+ legend_text = 8,
+ background_color = 'white',
+ axis_text = 8,
+ axis_title = 8,
+ cow_n_col = 2,
+ cow_rel_h = 1,
+ cow_rel_w = 1,
+ cow_align = "h"
+ ) {
+ # data.table variables
+ Barcode <- NULL
+ # point shape
+ point_shape <- match.arg(point_shape, choices = c("border", "no_border"))
+ # expression values
+ values <- match.arg(expression_values, c("counts", "logcounts"))
+ expr_values <- as.matrix(assay(sce, values))
+ colnames(expr_values) <- colData(sce)[["Barcode"]]
+ # only keep genes that are in the dataset
+ selected_genes <- genes
+ selected_genes <- selected_genes[selected_genes %in% rownames(expr_values) ]
+ if(length(selected_genes) == 1) {
+ selected_genes <- selected_genes[1]
+ subset_expr_data <- expr_values[rownames(expr_values) %in% selected_genes, ]
+ #t_sub_expr_data_DT = data.table::data.table('selected_gene' = subset_expr_data, 'Barcode' = colnames(expr_values))
+ t_sub_expr_data_DT <- tibble::tibble({{selected_genes}} := unname(subset_expr_data), "Barcode" = names(subset_expr_data))
+ #data.table::setnames(t_sub_expr_data_DT, 'selected_gene', selected_genes)
+ } else {
+ subset_expr_data <- expr_values[rownames(expr_values) %in% selected_genes, ]
+ t_sub_expr_data <- t(subset_expr_data)
+ t_sub_expr_data_DT <- tibble::as.tibble(t_sub_expr_data)
+ #t_sub_expr_data_DT <- data.table::as.data.table(t_sub_expr_data)
+ t_sub_expr_data_DT <- t_sub_expr_data_DT %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(Barcode = rownames(t_sub_expr_data))
+ #t_sub_expr_data_DT[, Barcode := rownames(t_sub_expr_data)]
+ }
+ ## get spatial cell locations
+ cell_locations <- metadata(sce)$spatial_locs
+ ## get cell metadata
+ cell_metadata <- colData(sce)[,c("Barcode",sdimx,sdimy)]
+ cell_metadata <- as.data.frame(cell_metadata)
+ if(nrow(cell_metadata) == 0) {
+ cell_locations_metadata <- cell_locations
+ } else {
+ cell_locations_metadata <- cell_metadata
+ }
+ cell_locations_metadata_genes <- merge(cell_locations_metadata, t_sub_expr_data_DT, by = 'Barcode')
+ ## plotting ##
+ savelist <- list()
+ for(gene in selected_genes) {
+ pl <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::scale_y_reverse()
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_classic()
+ ### plot cells ###
+ ## set gradient limits if needed ##
+ if(!is.null(gradient_limits) & is.vector(gradient_limits) & length(gradient_limits) == 2) {
+ lower_lim <- gradient_limits[[1]]
+ upper_lim <- gradient_limits[[2]]
+ numeric_data <- cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]]
+ limit_numeric_data <- ifelse(numeric_data > upper_lim, upper_lim,
+ ifelse(numeric_data < lower_lim, lower_lim, numeric_data))
+ cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]] <- limit_numeric_data
+ }
+ ## with border ##
+ if(point_shape == "border") {
+ if(scale_alpha_with_expression == TRUE) {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_genes, aes_string(x = sdimx,
+ y = sdimy,
+ fill = gene,
+ alpha = gene),
+ shape = 21,
+ color = point_border_col, size = point_size, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ show.legend = show_legend)
+ } else {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_genes, aes_string(x = sdimx,
+ y = sdimy,
+ fill = gene),
+ shape = 21,
+ color = point_border_col, size = point_size, stroke = point_border_stroke,
+ show.legend = show_legend, alpha = point_alpha)
+ }
+ ## scale and labs ##
+ if(is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
+ gradient_midpoint = stats::median(NA^(cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]]==0)*cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]], na.rm=TRUE)
+ }
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_alpha_continuous(guide = "none")
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
+ mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
+ high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
+ midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
+ guide = guide_colorbar(title = ''))
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "coord x", y = "coord y", title = gene)
+ }
+ ## no border ##
+ if(point_shape == "no_border") {
+ if(scale_alpha_with_expression == TRUE) {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_genes, aes_string(x = sdimx,
+ y = sdimy,
+ color = gene,
+ alpha = gene),
+ shape = 19, size = point_size, show.legend = show_legend)
+ } else {
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cell_locations_metadata_genes, aes_string(x = sdimx,
+ y = sdimy,
+ color = gene),
+ shape = 19, size = point_size, show.legend = show_legend, alpha = point_alpha)
+ }
+ ## scale and labs ##
+ if(is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
+ gradient_midpoint = stats::median(NA^(cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]]==0)*cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]], na.rm=TRUE)
+ }
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_alpha_continuous(guide = "none")
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_color_gradient2(low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
+ mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
+ high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
+ midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
+ guide = guide_colorbar(title = ''))
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "coord x", y = "coord y", title = gene)
+ }
+ ## theme ##
+ pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
+ legend.title = element_blank(),
+ legend.text = element_text(size = legend_text),
+ axis.title = element_text(size = axis_title),
+ axis.text = element_text(size = axis_text),
+ panel.grid = element_blank(),
+ panel.background = element_rect(fill = background_color))
+ savelist[[gene]] <- pl
+ }
+ # combine plots with cowplot
+ combo_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = savelist,
+ ncol = cow_n_col,
+ rel_heights = cow_rel_h, rel_widths = cow_rel_w, align = cow_align)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/visualization.R b/R/visualization.R
index 09b87507..8da917bd 100644
--- a/R/visualization.R
+++ b/R/visualization.R
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ save_selected_markers_plots_files <- function(selected_markers_plots, selected_m
#' @param sce_dimred A `SingleCellExperiment` object with computed dimreds specified in `dimred_names`.
#' @param dimred_names A character vector: dimred names to use for plotting.
#' @param cluster_df A tibble.
+#' @param spatial A logical vector, TRUE for enable pseudotissue visualization for spatial transcriptomics datasets
#' @param out_dir A character scalar: output directory in which PDF and PNG files will be saved.
#' @return A tibble. *Output target*: `dimred_plots_clustering`
@@ -319,15 +320,18 @@ save_selected_markers_plots_files <- function(selected_markers_plots, selected_m
dimred_plots_clustering_fn <- function(sce_dimred,
+ spatial=FALSE,
out_dir = NULL) {
cluster_df <- tidyr::crossing(cluster_df, dimred_name = dimred_names)
res <- lapply_rows(cluster_df, FUN = function(par) {
dimred_name <- par$dimred_name
dimred_name_upper <- str_to_upper(dimred_name)
cell_data <- tibble::tibble(x = par$cell_membership)
+ print(cell_data)
colnames(cell_data) <- par$sce_column
p <- plotReducedDim_mod(
sce_add_colData(sce_dimred, cell_data),
dimred = dimred_name,
@@ -338,7 +342,13 @@ dimred_plots_clustering_fn <- function(sce_dimred,
use_default_ggplot_palette = TRUE,
legend_title = "Cluster"
+ if (spatial==TRUE) {
+ palete <- c(scales::hue_pal()(par$n_clusters))
+ p_spat <- visualized_spots(sce_add_colData(sce_dimred, cell_data),cell_color=par$sce_column,color_as_factor = F,
+ point_shape = "border",cell_color_code = palete,show_legend = F)
+ p <- cowplot::plot_grid(p, p_spat, ncol = 2, nrow = 1,rel_widths = c(1, 1.5))
+ }
if (is_null(out_dir)) {
out_pdf_file <- NA_character_
out_png_file <- NA_character_
@@ -346,9 +356,9 @@ dimred_plots_clustering_fn <- function(sce_dimred,
out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, glue("{par$sce_column}_{dimred_name}.pdf"))
out_png_file <- out_pdf_file
fs::path_ext(out_png_file) <- "png"
p <- tryCatch({
- save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE)
+ save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE,width=10)
filename = out_png_file,
plot = p,
@@ -356,38 +366,38 @@ dimred_plots_clustering_fn <- function(sce_dimred,
dpi = 300
- },
- error = function(e) {
- if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "Viewport has zero dimension")) {
- cli_alert_warning(str_space(
- "Error catched: 'Viewport has zero dimension(s)'.",
- "There are probably too many levels and the legend doesn't fit into the plot.",
- "Removing the legend before saving the plot image."
- ))
- p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
- save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file)
- ggplot2::ggsave(
- filename = out_png_file,
- plot = p,
- device = "png",
- dpi = 150
- )
- p
- } else {
- cli_abort(e$message)
- }
+ },
+ error = function(e) {
+ if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "Viewport has zero dimension")) {
+ cli_alert_warning(str_space(
+ "Error catched: 'Viewport has zero dimension(s)'.",
+ "There are probably too many levels and the legend doesn't fit into the plot.",
+ "Removing the legend before saving the plot image."
+ ))
+ p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
+ save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file)
+ ggplot2::ggsave(
+ filename = out_png_file,
+ plot = p,
+ device = "png",
+ dpi = 150
+ )
+ p
+ } else {
+ cli_abort(e$message)
+ }
par$dimred_plot <- list(p)
par$dimred_plot_out_pdf_file <- out_pdf_file
par$dimred_plot_out_png_file <- out_png_file
diff --git a/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/empty_droplets_spat.Rmd b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/empty_droplets_spat.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6375f456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/empty_droplets_spat.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+## Detecting empty spots
+In droplet-based Single-cell RNA-Seq`DropletUtils::emptyDrops()` computes Monte Carlo p-values based on a Dirichlet-multinomial model of sampling molecules into droplets. Same approach can be used for spots in spot-based spatial transcriptomics data.
+`emptyDrops()` assumes that libraries with total UMI counts below a certain threshold (`r cfg$EMPTY_DROPLETS_LOWER` by default)
+correspond to empty droplets/spots.
+These are used to estimate the ambient expression profile against which the remaining libraries are tested.
+Under this definition, these low-count libraries cannot be tissue containing spots and are excluded from the hypothesis testing.
+**Number of non-empty spots: `r sce_valid_cells_info$dim[2]`**
+Non-empty spots should show up with large negative log-probabilities or very large total UMI counts (based on the knee point).
+is_cell <- empty_droplets$FDR <= cfg$EMPTY_DROPLETS_FDR_THRESHOLD
+plot(empty_droplets$Total, -empty_droplets$LogProb, col = ifelse(is_cell, "red", "black"), xlab = "Total UMI count", ylab = "-Log Probability")
+Spots with empty (spots) FDR > `r cfg$EMPTY_DROPLETS_FDR_THRESHOLD` have been removed. Filtered dataset summary:
+`r scdrake::format_used_functions("DropletUtils::emptyDrops()")`
diff --git a/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_spatial.Rmd b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_spatial.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a64898d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_spatial.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+title: "01 - Data load and QC"
+author: "Made by the [scdrake pipeline](https://bioinfocz.github.io/scdrake) with spatial extension"
+institute: |
+ Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics
+ Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR
+ https://img.cas.cz
+date: "`r glue::glue('Document generated: {format(Sys.time(), \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z\")}')`"
+ html_document:
+ toc: true
+ toc_depth: 4
+ toc_float: true
+ number_sections: false
+ theme: "flatly"
+ self_contained: true
+ code_download: true
+ df_print: "paged"
+ css_file: !expr here::here("Rmd/common/stylesheet.css")
+ drake_cache_dir: !expr here::here(".drake")
+css: "`r params$css_file`"
+```{r, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
+if (rlang::is_true(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))) {
+ params_ <- scdrake::scdrake_list(params)
+drake_cache_dir <- params_$drake_cache_dir
+ config_main, config_input_qc, empty_droplets, sce_valid_cells_info, barcode_ranks,
+ qc_filter, custom_filter, sce_qc_filter_rowSums, sce_custom_filter_rowSums,
+ path = drake_cache_dir
+cfg <- config_input_qc
+empty_droplets_enabled <- cfg$EMPTY_DROPLETS_ENABLED
+cell_filtering_enabled <- cfg$ENABLE_CELL_FILTERING
+gene_filtering_enabled <- cfg$ENABLE_GENE_FILTERING
+input_type <- cfg$INPUT_DATA$type
+filtering_type <- ifelse(cfg$SAVE_DATASET_SENSITIVE_FILTERING, "dataset-sensitive", "custom")
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/common/_header.Rmd")}
+```{r, results = "asis"}
+if (input_type == "cellranger") {
+ scdrake::md_header("Input data: 10x Genomics Space Ranger data", 1)
+ cat(scdrake::str_space(
+ "The feature-barcode matrix was imported from",
+ "[Space Ranger](https://support.10xgenomics.com/spatial-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-space-ranger)",
+ "output (the official quantification tool from 10x Genomics)."
+ ))
+} else if (input_type == "table") {
+ scdrake::md_header("Input data: delimited text (table)", 1)
+ cat("The feature-barcode matrix was imported from a delimited file.")
+} else if (input_type == "sce") {
+ scdrake::md_header("Input data: `SingleCellExperiment` object", 1)
+ cat("The object holding experimental data (feature-barcode matrix, gene annotation etc.) was imported from a Rds file.")
+Each row of feature-barcode matrix corresponds to a gene, while each column corresponds to a spot barcode.
+Summary of imported data:
+cat(drake::readd(sce_raw_info, path = drake_cache_dir)$str)
+`r scdrake::format_used_functions("DropletUtils::read10xCounts()")`
+# Empty droplets
+In droplet-based single cell RNA-seq, empty droplets often contain RNA from the ambient solution, resulting in non-zero counts after debarcoding. In spot-based spatial transcriptomics, a residual tissue can be accidentally placed on the spots, resulting in non-zero counts in such spot.
+It is desired to discard such droplets/spots.
+## Barcode rank plot
+A useful diagnostic for both droplet- and spot- based data is the barcode rank plot, which shows the total UMI (log-)count for each
+barcode on the y-axis and the (log-)rank on the x-axis.
+This is effectively a transposed empirical cumulative density plot with log-transformed axes.
+It is useful as it allows examine the distribution of total UMI counts across barcodes, focusing on those with the largest counts.
+```{r, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, results = "hold"}
+uniq <- !duplicated(barcode_ranks$rank)
+plot(barcode_ranks$rank[uniq], barcode_ranks$total[uniq], log = "xy", xlab = "Rank", ylab = "Total")
+o <- order(barcode_ranks$rank)
+lines(barcode_ranks$rank[o], barcode_ranks$fitted[o], col = "red")
+abline(h = metadata(barcode_ranks)$knee, col = "dodgerblue", lty = 2)
+abline(h = metadata(barcode_ranks)$inflection, col = "forestgreen", lty = 2)
+if (empty_droplets_enabled) {
+ abline(h = cfg$EMPTY_DROPLETS_LOWER, col = "firebrick", lty = 2)
+ legend(
+ "bottomleft",
+ lty = 2,
+ col = c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen", "firebrick"),
+ legend = c("knee", "inflection", "emptyDroplets lower bound")
+ )
+} else {
+ legend(
+ "bottomleft",
+ lty = 2,
+ col = c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen"),
+ legend = c("knee", "inflection")
+ )
+The knee and inflection points on the curve mark the transition between two components of the total UMI count distribution.
+This is assumed to represent the difference between empty droplets with little RNA and spots containing much more RNA.
+```{r, results = "asis"}
+if (empty_droplets_enabled) {
+ cat(
+ "The emptyDroplets lower bound specifies at or below which number of the total UMI count all barcodes",
+ "are assumed to correspond to empty droplets."
+ )
+} else {
+ cat("Removal of empty droplets was disabled. You can enable it by setting `EMPTY_DROPLETS_ENABLED` parameter to `TRUE`.")
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/empty_droplets_spat.Rmd"), eval = tryCatch(empty_droplets_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+# Gene + Spot quality filtering
+## Pre-filtering QC
+Given sets of mitochondrial and ribosomal genes in the data, the `scater` package automatically calculates
+several per-spot QC metrics:
+- Number of UMI.
+- Number of detected genes (non-zero UMI count).
+- Percentage of expressed mitochondrial (ribosomal) genes ($\frac {UMI_{mitochondrial}} {UMI_{sum}} * 100$).
+Then we can use two different methods to filter spots based on the metrics above:
+- **Custom filtering**: a standard approach is to filter spots with low amount of reads as well as genes that are
+ present in at least a certain amount of spots, using fixed thresholds. While simple, using fixed thresholds requires
+ knowledge of the experiment and of the experimental protocol.
+- **Dataset-sensitive filtering**: an alternative approach is to use adaptive, data-driven thresholds to identify
+ outlying spots, based on the set of QC metrics just calculated. We identify spots that are outliers for the various
+ QC metrics, based on the median absolute deviation (MAD) from the median value of each QC metric across all spots.
+ Specifically, a value is considered an outlier if it is more than `r cfg$MAD_THRESHOLD` MADs from the median in
+ the "problematic" direction.
+Doublets detection and/or removal is not recomended for spot-based spatial transcriptomics data.
+Now we can plot some of the QC features. spots are colored by `discard_qc`, meaning if a spot would be discarded by
+MAD thresholding on a QC metric.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = drake::readd(sce_unfiltered_plotlist, path = drake_cache_dir), ncol = 2)
+Visualisation of prefiltering (raw) QC metrics in spatial coordinates.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+pl <- plot_spat_visuals(drake::readd(sce_unfiltered, path = drake_cache_dir))
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = pl,ncol=2)
+`r scdrake::format_used_functions("scuttle::perCellQCMetrics()")`
+## Filtering {.tabset}
+### Dataset-sensitive filters
+#### Spot filtering
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/cell_filtering_qc.Rmd"), eval = tryCatch(cell_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+```{r, results = "asis", eval = tryCatch(!cell_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+cat("Spot filtering was disabled.")
+#### Gene filtering
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/gene_filtering_qc.Rmd"), eval = tryCatch(gene_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+```{r, results = "asis", eval = tryCatch(!gene_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+cat("Gene filtering was disabled.")
+### Custom filters
+#### Spot filtering
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/cell_filtering_custom.Rmd"), eval = tryCatch(cell_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+```{r, results = "asis", eval = tryCatch(!cell_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+cat("Spot filtering was disabled.")
+#### Gene filtering
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc_children/gene_filtering_custom.Rmd"), eval = tryCatch(gene_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+```{r, results = "asis", eval = tryCatch(!gene_filtering_enabled, error = function(e){})}
+cat("Gene filtering was disabled.")
+## Post-filtering QC
+**Final filtering selection: using `r filtering_type` filtering.**
+cat(drake::readd(sce_final_input_qc_info, path = drake_cache_dir)$str)
+### Spot and gene number history
+scdrake::render_bootstrap_table(drake::readd(sce_history, path = drake_cache_dir), full_width = FALSE, position = "left")
+print(drake::readd(sce_history_plot, path = drake_cache_dir))
+### Dataset-sensitive filtering
+Plots of QC metrics after dataset-sensitive filtering.
+`discard_custom` means if given spot was discarded in **custom filtering**.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = drake::readd(sce_qc_filter_genes_plotlist, path = drake_cache_dir), ncol = 2)
+Plots in spatial coordinates of QC metrics after dataset-sensitive filtering.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+ pl <- plot_spat_visuals(drake::readd(sce_qc_filter, path = drake_cache_dir))
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = pl,ncol=2)
+### Filtering based on custom filters
+Plots of QC metrics after custom filtering.
+`discard_qc` means if given spot was discarded in **dataset-sensitive filtering**.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = drake::readd(sce_custom_filter_genes_plotlist, path = drake_cache_dir), ncol = 2)
+Plots in spatial coordinates of QC metrics after custom filtering.
+```{r, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 8}
+ pl <- plot_spat_visuals(drake::readd(sce_custom_filter, path = drake_cache_dir))
+cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = pl,ncol=2)
+# Gene annotation
+- Used annotation package: `r config_main$ANNOTATION_PKG`
+ (v`r sessioninfo::package_info(config_main$ANNOTATION_PKG, dependencies = FALSE)$loadedversion`)
+- If a single ENSEMBL ID has multiple symbols, gene descriptions, or ENTREZ IDs, they are collapsed by comma (`,`).
+- ENSEMBL ID is used as a symbol for ENSEMBL IDs with unknown symbols.
+- ENSEMBL ID is appended to symbols having multiple ENSEMBL IDs (e.g. TBCE has both ENSG00000285053 and ENSG00000284770
+ ENSEMBL IDs assigned -> its symbol is changed to TBCE_ENSG00000285053 and TBCE_ENSG00000284770).
+drake::readd(gene_annotation, path = drake_cache_dir) %>%
+ head() %>%
+ scdrake::render_bootstrap_table()
+ Show input parameters
+ Main config
+ Input QC config
+```{r, child = here::here("Rmd/common/_footer.Rmd")}
diff --git a/inst/Rmd/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.Rmd b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.Rmd
index 2bb080a6..f673d0b6 100644
--- a/inst/Rmd/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.Rmd
+++ b/inst/Rmd/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.Rmd
@@ -361,6 +361,31 @@ if (!is.null(cfg$CELL_ANNOTATION_SOURCES)) {
+```{r, results = "asis"}
+ scdrake::md_header("Manual cell annotation", 1, extra = "{.tabset}")
+ scdrake::catn(
+ glue::glue("**Annotation was done for {cfg$ANNOTATION_CLUSTERING}**"))
+ cat("\n\n")
+ cat("For manual annotation we modified an implemented function from the Giotto package. The enrichment Z score is calculated by using method (PAGE) from Kim SY et al., BMC bioinformatics, 2005 as $$ Z = \frac{((Sm – mu)*m^\frac{1}{2})}{delta} $$. \n
+ For each gene in each spot/cell, mu is the fold change values versus the mean expression
+ and delta is the standard deviation. Sm is the mean fold change value of a specific marker gene set
+ and m is the size of a given marker gene set.")
+ cat("\n\n")
+if (isTRUE(cfg$SPATIAL)) {
+scdrake::create_a_link(href = drake::readd(plot_annotation)$anot_plot_out_pdf_file[2],text = "**Cell annotation plot**", href_rel_start = fs::path_dir(cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_REPORT_HTML_FILE),do_cat = TRUE)
+ cat("\n\n")
+ scdrake::create_a_link(href = drake::readd(plot_annotation)$anot_plot_out_pdf_file[3],text = "**Enrichment cells plot**", href_rel_start = fs::path_dir(cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_REPORT_HTML_FILE),do_cat = TRUE)
+ cat("\n\n")
+scdrake::create_img_link(drake::readd(plot_annotation)$anot_plot_out_pdf_file[1],img_src = drake::readd(plot_annotation)$anot_plot_out_png_file[1],img_width = "500px",href_rel_start = fs::path_dir(cfg$NORM_CLUSTERING_REPORT_HTML_FILE))
Show input parameters
diff --git a/inst/config/single_sample/01_input_qc.default.yaml b/inst/config/single_sample/01_input_qc.default.yaml
index 4cf50b74..351acc7d 100644
--- a/inst/config/single_sample/01_input_qc.default.yaml
+++ b/inst/config/single_sample/01_input_qc.default.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ INPUT_DATA:
target_name: "target_name"
INPUT_QC_REPORT_RMD_FILE: "Rmd/single_sample/01_input_qc.Rmd"
+#INPUT_QC_REPORT_RMD_FILE: "Rmd/single_saple/01_input_qc_spatial.Rmd"
+### Spatial experiment ########################################################
### Subset input data (if SingleCellExperiment object is imported) ############
diff --git a/inst/config/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.default.yaml b/inst/config/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.default.yaml
index 31ccdbd9..b9e0c76f 100644
--- a/inst/config/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.default.yaml
+++ b/inst/config/single_sample/02_norm_clustering.default.yaml
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ SCT_VARS_TO_REGRESS: null
SCT_N_HVG: 3000
+### Spatial extension
### Highly variable genes (HVGs) selection ####################################
HVG_METRIC: "gene_var"
@@ -98,6 +102,16 @@ ADDITIONAL_CELL_DATA_FILE: null
+### Manual cell annotation signatures #########################################
+SHOW_VALUE: "value"
### Dimensionality reduction plots ############################################
diff --git a/man/calculate_metadata.Rd b/man/calculate_metadata.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eae9dabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/calculate_metadata.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/manual_cell_annotation.R
+\title{Calculate metadata for manual cell/spot annotation for heatmap visualisation.}
+calculate_metadata(sce, enrichment, clustering)
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object}
+\item{enrichment}{precalculated enrichment score for each cell/spot}
+\item{clustering}{A vector of selected clustering used for annotation, inheritated from meta_heatmap plotting}
+Calculate metadata for manual cell/spot annotation for heatmap visualisation.
diff --git a/man/create_signature_matrix_fn.Rd b/man/create_signature_matrix_fn.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e9545bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/create_signature_matrix_fn.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/manual_cell_annotation.R
+\title{Create signature matrix from provided file containing names with markers.}
+\item{markers_file}{A csv file containing list of annotation names with selected markers.}
+Create signature matrix from provided file containing names with markers.
diff --git a/man/dimred_plots_clustering_fn.Rd b/man/dimred_plots_clustering_fn.Rd
index ed94f7d8..d2fead24 100644
--- a/man/dimred_plots_clustering_fn.Rd
+++ b/man/dimred_plots_clustering_fn.Rd
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ dimred_plots_clustering_fn(
+ spatial = FALSE,
out_dir = NULL
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ dimred_plots_clustering_fn(
\item{cluster_df}{A tibble.}
+\item{spatial}{A logical vector, TRUE for enable pseudotissue visualization for spatial transcriptomics datasets}
\item{out_dir}{A character scalar: output directory in which PDF and PNG files will be saved.}
diff --git a/man/generate_stage_report.Rd b/man/generate_stage_report.Rd
index cbe54977..200ae4ec 100644
--- a/man/generate_stage_report.Rd
+++ b/man/generate_stage_report.Rd
@@ -80,8 +80,10 @@ This is a list of Rmd files currently bundled with the \code{scdrake} package:
#> | +-- cell_filtering_custom.Rmd
#> | +-- cell_filtering_qc.Rmd
#> | +-- empty_droplets.Rmd
+#> | +-- empty_droplets_spat.Rmd
#> | +-- gene_filtering_custom.Rmd
#> | \\-- gene_filtering_qc.Rmd
+#> +-- 01_input_qc_spatial.Rmd
#> +-- 02_norm_clustering.Rmd
#> \\-- 02_norm_clustering_simple.Rmd
diff --git a/man/getDistinctColors.Rd b/man/getDistinctColors.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8992c2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/getDistinctColors.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spatial_visualization.R
+\title{A helper function for asigning colors in pseudotissue visualization}
+\item{n}{Number of desired colors.}
+A character vector of distinct colors.
+Adapted function from Giotto package \link{Dries et al, 2021}, rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
diff --git a/man/get_clustering_subplan.Rd b/man/get_clustering_subplan.Rd
index 584d0177..65825755 100644
--- a/man/get_clustering_subplan.Rd
+++ b/man/get_clustering_subplan.Rd
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ get_clustering_subplan(
+ spatial,
seed = 1
@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ get_clustering_subplan(
\item{is_integration}{A logical scalar: if \code{TRUE}, clustering results will be named with \verb{cluster_int_*} prefix.}
+\item{spatial}{A logical scalar: if \code{TRUE}, enabling pseudotissue spatial visualization for spatial transcriptomics datasets.}
\item{seed}{An integer scalar: random seed for SC3.}
diff --git a/man/meta_heatmap_ploting.Rd b/man/meta_heatmap_ploting.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f78432ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/meta_heatmap_ploting.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/manual_cell_annotation.R
+\title{Manual annotation heatmap plotting}
+ sce,
+ clus_cor_method = "pearson",
+ clus_cluster_method = "complete",
+ values_cor_method = "pearson",
+ values_cluster_method = "complete",
+ clustering,
+ show_value = "value",
+ gradient_midpoint = 0,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ x_text_size = 10,
+ x_text_angle = 45,
+ y_text_size = 10,
+ strip_text_size = 8,
+ low = "blue",
+ mid = "white",
+ high = "red",
+ spatial = FALSE,
+ make_cell_plot = FALSE,
+ out_dir = NULL
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellAnnotation} object}
+\item{clustering}{Selected clustering}
+\item{spatial}{Logical vector, if include spot images for each anotation}
+\item{make_cell_plot}{Logical vector, if include pseudotissue images, for spatial extension}
+Manual annotation heatmap plotting
diff --git a/man/plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot.Rd b/man/plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca48153d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spatial_visualization.R
+\title{A function for pseudotissue visualization}
+ ggobject,
+ sdimx = NULL,
+ sdimy = NULL,
+ cell_locations_metadata_selected,
+ cell_locations_metadata_other,
+ cell_color = NULL,
+ color_as_factor = T,
+ cell_color_code = NULL,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("yellow", "white", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ select_cells = NULL,
+ point_size = 2,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "lightgrey",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ label_size = 4,
+ label_fontface = "bold",
+ show_other_cells = T,
+ other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
+ other_point_size = 1,
+ show_legend = TRUE
+\item{ggobject}{An inheriated object from visualized_spots.}
+\item{cell_locations_metadata_selected, cell_locations_metadata_other, cell_color, ...}{Inheriated, passed to ggplot2 object.}
+A \code{ggplot2} object.
+Adapted function from Giotto package \link{Dries et al, 2021}, rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object.
diff --git a/man/plot_spat_visuals.Rd b/man/plot_spat_visuals.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee4dd82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/plot_spat_visuals.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spatial_visualization.R
+\title{A function for visualization selected qc matrices in pseudotissue visualization}
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+A list of plots.
+Adapted function from Giotto package \link{Dries et al, 2021}, rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object. Helper function for users, not in core scdrake package.
diff --git a/man/run_page_man_annotation.Rd b/man/run_page_man_annotation.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88971fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/run_page_man_annotation.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/manual_cell_annotation.R
+\title{Calculate and run PAGE annotation.}
+ sign_matrix,
+ sce,
+ values = "logcounts",
+ scale = NULL,
+ overlap = 5,
+ reverse_log_scale = FALSE,
+ selected_annotation = NULL,
+ output_enrichment = "zscore"
+\item{sign_matrix}{precalculated signature matrix}
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object}
+\item{values}{A expresion indicating which values use, logcounts as default}
+Calculate and run PAGE annotation.
diff --git a/man/sce_add_spatial_colData.Rd b/man/sce_add_spatial_colData.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf8a9383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/sce_add_spatial_colData.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/sce.R
+\title{Append new columns with spatial relevance to \code{colData} of a \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+sce_add_spatial_colData(sce, spatial_locs, spatial = FALSE)
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+\item{spatial_locs}{A file contating spatial coordiantes}
+\item{spatial}{Logical vector If true, add spatial coordinates}
+Append new columns with spatial relevance to \code{colData} of a \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
diff --git a/man/sce_history_fn.Rd b/man/sce_history_fn.Rd
index 155c5ead..3ae6b4fa 100644
--- a/man/sce_history_fn.Rd
+++ b/man/sce_history_fn.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
\title{Create a tibble with history of cell and gene filtering.}
-sce_history_fn(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes)
+ sce_unfiltered,
+ sce_qc_filter_genes,
+ sce_custom_filter_genes,
+ spatial = FALSE
\item{sce_unfiltered}{(\emph{input target}) A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
@@ -12,6 +17,8 @@ sce_history_fn(sce_unfiltered, sce_qc_filter_genes, sce_custom_filter_genes)
\item{sce_qc_filter_genes}{(\emph{input target}) A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
\item{sce_custom_filter_genes}{(\emph{input target}) A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+\item{spatial}{A logical vector: \code{TRUE} for spatial transcriptomics dataset.}
A tibble. \emph{Output target}: \code{sce_history}
diff --git a/man/sce_history_plot_fn.Rd b/man/sce_history_plot_fn.Rd
index 5f488458..f9783e20 100644
--- a/man/sce_history_plot_fn.Rd
+++ b/man/sce_history_plot_fn.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
\title{Plot history of cell and gene filtering.}
+sce_history_plot_fn(sce_history, spatial = FALSE)
\item{sce_history}{(\emph{input target}) A tibble.}
+\item{spatial}{A logical vector: \code{TRUE} for spatial transcriptomics dataset.}
A \code{patchwork} object. \emph{Output target}: \code{sce_history_plot}
diff --git a/man/sce_norm_hvg_fn.Rd b/man/sce_norm_hvg_fn.Rd
index 4f102aef..7533bdf8 100644
--- a/man/sce_norm_hvg_fn.Rd
+++ b/man/sce_norm_hvg_fn.Rd
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ sce_norm_hvg_fn(
hvg_selection = c("top", "significance", "threshold"),
hvg_rm_cc_genes = FALSE,
hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold = 5,
+ spatial = FALSE,
BSPARAM = BiocSingular::IrlbaParam(),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ sce_norm_hvg_fn(
\item{hvg_cc_genes_var_expl_threshold}{A numeric scalar: threshold for variance explained.
Genes exceeding this threshold will be marked as CC-related.}
+\item{spatial}{A logical scalar: if \code{TRUE}, add spatially variable genes extension}
\item{BSPARAM}{A \link[BiocSingular:BiocSingularParam]{BiocSingular::BiocSingularParam} object.}
\item{BPPARAM}{A \link[BiocParallel:BiocParallelParam-class]{BiocParallel::BiocParallelParam} object.}
diff --git a/man/spatGenePlot2Dsce.Rd b/man/spatGenePlot2Dsce.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b26c462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/spatGenePlot2Dsce.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spatial_visualization.R
+\title{A function for visualization selected genes in pseudotissue visualization}
+ sce,
+ sdimx = "Dims_x",
+ sdimy = "Dims_y",
+ expression_values = c("counts", "logcounts"),
+ genes,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("blue", "white", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ edge_alpha = NULL,
+ scale_alpha_with_expression = FALSE,
+ point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
+ point_size = 1,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "black",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ show_legend = T,
+ legend_text = 8,
+ background_color = "white",
+ axis_text = 8,
+ axis_title = 8,
+ cow_n_col = 2,
+ cow_rel_h = 1,
+ cow_rel_w = 1,
+ cow_align = "h"
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+A ggplot2 object.
+Adapted function from Giotto package \link{Dries et al, 2021}, rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
diff --git a/man/visualized_spots.Rd b/man/visualized_spots.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8e6f51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/visualized_spots.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spatial_visualization.R
+\title{A basic function for pseudotissue visualization}
+ sce,
+ sdimx = "Dims_x",
+ sdimy = "Dims_y",
+ spat_enr_names = NULL,
+ cell_color = NULL,
+ color_as_factor = F,
+ cell_color_code = NULL,
+ cell_color_gradient = c("navy", "lightcyan", "red"),
+ gradient_midpoint = NULL,
+ gradient_limits = NULL,
+ select_cells = NULL,
+ point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
+ point_size = 3,
+ point_alpha = 1,
+ point_border_col = "black",
+ point_border_stroke = 0.1,
+ label_size = 4,
+ label_fontface = "bold",
+ show_other_cells = T,
+ other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
+ other_point_size = 1,
+ other_cells_alpha = 0.1,
+ coord_fix_ratio = NULL,
+ title = NULL,
+ show_legend = T,
+ legend_text = 8,
+ legend_symbol_size = 1,
+ background_color = "white",
+ axis_text = 8,
+ axis_title = 8
+\item{sce}{A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.}
+\item{cell_color, color_as_factor, cell_color_code, ...}{Passed to ggplot2 object in plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot function}
+A \code{ggplot2} object.
+Adapted function from Giotto package \link{Dries et al, 2021}, rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object
diff --git a/renv.lock b/renv.lock
index bc0c8b99..b8beda02 100644
--- a/renv.lock
+++ b/renv.lock
@@ -2,30 +2,6 @@
"R": {
"Version": "4.2.1",
"Repositories": [
- {
- "Name": "BioCcontainers",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/container-binaries/bioconductor_docker"
- },
- {
- "Name": "BioCsoft",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/bioc"
- },
- {
- "Name": "BioCann",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/data/annotation"
- },
- {
- "Name": "BioCexp",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/data/experiment"
- },
- {
- "Name": "BioCworkflows",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/workflows"
- },
- {
- "Name": "BioCbooks",
- "URL": "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.15/books"
- },
"Name": "CRAN",
"URL": "https://packagemanager.rstudio.com/cran/latest"
@@ -278,7 +254,7 @@
"Package": "DEoptimR",
"Version": "1.0-11",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "b18b34cfbf932e17803c2e3e4b1a2d2a",
"Requirements": []
@@ -664,7 +640,7 @@
"Package": "RColorBrewer",
"Version": "1.1-3",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "45f0398006e83a5b10b72a90663d8d8c",
"Requirements": []
@@ -682,7 +658,7 @@
"Package": "ROCR",
"Version": "1.0-11",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "cc151930e20e16427bc3d0daec62b4a9",
"Requirements": [
@@ -706,10 +682,10 @@
"Rcpp": {
"Package": "Rcpp",
- "Version": "1.0.9",
+ "Version": "1.0.12",
"Source": "Repository",
"Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "e9c08b94391e9f3f97355841229124f2",
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"Requirements": []
"RcppAnnoy": {
@@ -1121,7 +1097,7 @@
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"Version": "0.2.1",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "50c838a310445e954bc13f26f26a6ecf",
"Requirements": []
@@ -1236,7 +1212,7 @@
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"Source": "Repository",
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"Requirements": [
@@ -1254,7 +1230,7 @@
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"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "10d231579bc9c06ab1c320618808d4ff",
"Requirements": [
@@ -1296,14 +1272,6 @@
- "boot": {
- "Package": "boot",
- "Version": "1.3-28",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Hash": "0baa960e3b49c6176a4f42addcbacc59",
- "Requirements": []
- },
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"Package": "brew",
"Version": "1.0-8",
@@ -1340,7 +1308,7 @@
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"Version": "1.18.2",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
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"Requirements": [
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"Requirements": []
@@ -1561,7 +1529,7 @@
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"Hash": "6aa54f69598c32177e920eb3402e8293",
"Requirements": [
@@ -1679,37 +1647,6 @@
"Hash": "bf1cd206a5d170d132ef75c7537b9bdb",
"Requirements": []
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- "Package": "doParallel",
- "Version": "1.0.17",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "451e5edf411987991ab6a5410c45011f",
- "Requirements": [
- "foreach",
- "iterators"
- ]
- },
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- "Version": "1.8.2",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "a32487a942bdf5fd34224ad46f786e67",
- "Requirements": [
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- "rngtools"
- ]
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- "Requirements": []
- },
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@@ -1915,25 +1852,6 @@
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- "Source": "Repository",
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- "Requirements": [
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- "iterators"
- ]
- },
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- "Version": "0.8-82",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Hash": "32b25c97ce306a760c4d9f787991b5d9",
- "Requirements": []
- },
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"Package": "formatR",
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@@ -2245,7 +2163,7 @@
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- "Repository": "RSPM",
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"Hash": "7d7f283939f563670a697165b2cf5560",
"Requirements": [
@@ -2443,14 +2361,6 @@
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- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "8954069286b4b2b0d023d1b288dce978",
- "Requirements": []
- },
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"Version": "2.1.0",
@@ -2530,7 +2440,7 @@
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"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "3d5108641f47470611a32d0bdf357a72",
"Requirements": []
@@ -2567,7 +2477,7 @@
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"Version": "0.2.2",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "d908914ae53b04d4c0c0fd72ecc35370",
"Requirements": []
@@ -2733,7 +2643,7 @@
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"Version": "0.5.0",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "6dfe8bf774944bd5595785e3229d8771",
"Requirements": [
@@ -2743,7 +2653,7 @@
"Package": "mvtnorm",
"Version": "1.1-3",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "7a7541cc284cb2ba3ba7eae645892af5",
"Requirements": []
@@ -2769,14 +2679,6 @@
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- "Package": "nnet",
- "Version": "7.3-17",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Hash": "cb1d8d9f300a7e536b89c8a88c53f610",
- "Requirements": []
- },
"openssl": {
"Package": "openssl",
"Version": "2.0.5",
@@ -3049,7 +2951,7 @@
"Package": "progress",
"Version": "1.2.2",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "14dc9f7a3c91ebb14ec5bb9208a07061",
"Requirements": [
@@ -3216,7 +3118,7 @@
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"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "bb5996d0bd962d214a11140d77589917",
"Requirements": [
@@ -3296,7 +3198,7 @@
"Package": "rjson",
"Version": "0.2.21",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "f9da75e6444e95a1baf8ca24909d63b9",
"Requirements": []
@@ -3327,21 +3229,11 @@
- "rngtools": {
- "Package": "rngtools",
- "Version": "1.5.2",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
- "Hash": "367a915f939520767660671efa0e32bd",
- "Requirements": [
- "digest"
- ]
- },
"robustbase": {
"Package": "robustbase",
"Version": "0.95-0",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "c918476150dd483a23f1d1cab6d17e76",
"Requirements": [
@@ -3371,14 +3263,6 @@
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- "Package": "rpart",
- "Version": "4.1.16",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Hash": "ea3ca1d9473daabb3cd0f1b4f974c1ed",
- "Requirements": []
- },
"rprojroot": {
"Package": "rprojroot",
"Version": "2.0.3",
@@ -3780,14 +3664,6 @@
- "spatial": {
- "Package": "spatial",
- "Version": "7.3-15",
- "Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "CRAN",
- "Hash": "c23666fdb7789c8a45e65340bb334607",
- "Requirements": []
- },
"spatstat.data": {
"Package": "spatstat.data",
"Version": "3.0-0",
@@ -4121,7 +3997,7 @@
"Package": "tzdb",
"Version": "0.3.0",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "b2e1cbce7c903eaf23ec05c58e59fb5e",
"Requirements": [
@@ -4216,7 +4092,7 @@
"Package": "viridis",
"Version": "0.6.2",
"Source": "Repository",
- "Repository": "RSPM",
+ "Repository": "CRAN",
"Hash": "ee96aee95a7a563e5496f8991e9fde4b",
"Requirements": [
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-cli.R b/tests/testthat/test-cli.R
index d374b2df..1c2492c6 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-cli.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-cli.R
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ test_that("run command works", {
test_that("run command returns exit code 1", {
withr::with_dir(project_dir, {
cfg <- load_pipeline_config()
- cfg$DRAKE_TARGETS <- c("sce_raw")
+ #sce_orig insted of sce_raw
+ cfg$DRAKE_TARGETS <- c("sce_orig")
yaml::write_yaml(cfg, "config/pipeline.yaml")
res <- .run_cli(args = c("--pipeline-type", "single_sample", "run"))
expect_equal(res$status, 1)