After applying a Terraform code you should get Cluster URL cluster_url. By default, without* configuring certificate by ACM it will looks like:
Apply complete! Resources: 70 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
cluster_url =
* you can configure and use Vault cluster without a certificate, but this is strongly NOT RECOMMENDED for production usage. How to configure certificate you can read here
Initialization of the cluster created with an enabled autounseal
Open a cluster URL in a browser and choice Create a new Raft cluster and press Next
Enter a number of sets of master keys. You can read about init operator here and concepts here. For more secure provisioning a Keys for separate people you can read here. Just for example, you can enter 1 key shares and 1 key threshold
For the easiest case just download unseal keys and root token and go to authenticate screen
For logging to the Vault enter the root token got on the previous step