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; SYNTAX.lisp#| This is the syntax of a first-order language with functionsymbols. It uses '@ for undercutting defeaters. |#(in-package "OSCAR")(proclaim '(special *logical-constants* *pretty-list* *string-symbols* *constant-transformation* *bracket-transformation* *reform-list*))(defvar *string-symbols* nil)(defvar *operators* nil)(defvar *reform-list* nil); ********************** FORMULAS ************************(setq *logical-constants* (list '~ '& 'v '-> '<-> '@ 'all 'some '=))(defunction negationp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '~)))(defmacro negand (p) "When p is a negation, this returns the negated body" `(mem2 ,p))(defunction conjunctionp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '&)))(defmacro conjunct1 (p) "The first conjunct" `(mem2 ,p))(defmacro conjunct2 (p) `(mem3 ,p))(defunction disjunctionp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) 'v)))(defmacro disjunct1 (p) "The first disjunct" `(mem2 ,p))(defmacro disjunct2 (p) `(mem3 ,p))(defunction conditionalp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '->)))(defmacro antecedent (p) `(mem2 ,p))(defmacro consequent (p) `(mem3 ,p))(defunction biconditionalp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '<->)))(defmacro bicond1 (p) `(mem2 ,p))(defmacro bicond2 (p) `(mem3 ,p))(defunction undercutterp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '@)))(defmacro undercut1 (p) `(mem2 ,p))(defmacro undercut2 (p) `(mem3 ,p))(defunction identityp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (car p) '=)))(defunction iden1 (p) (mem2 p))(defunction iden2 (p) (mem3 p))(defunction subformula1 (p) (mem2 p))(defunction subformula2 (p) (mem3 p))(defunction predicationp (p) (and (listp p) (not (null (cdr p))) (symbolp (car p)) (not (member (mem1 p) *logical-constants*))))(defunction arg-list (p) (cdr p))(defunction atomic-formula (p) (or (not (listp p)) (not (member (mem1 p) (list '~ '& 'v '-> '<-> '@ 'all 'some)))))(defunction literal (p) (or (atomic-formula p) (and (negationp p) (atomic-formula (negand p)))))(defunction tilde (p) (list '~ p))(defunction neg (p) (cond ((negationp p) (mem2 p)) (t (tilde p))))(defunction disj (p q) (list 'v p q))(defunction condit (p q) (list '-> p q))(defunction bicondit (p q) (list '<-> p q))(defunction conj (p q) (list '& p q))(defunction make-@ (p q) (list '@ p q))(defunction u-genp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) 'all)))(defunction e-genp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) 'some)))(defunction q-matrix (p) (mem3 p))(defunction quantifiers-matrix (p) (cond ((or (e-genp p) (u-genp p)) (quantifiers-matrix (mem3 p))) (t p)))(defunction q-variable (p) (mem2 p))(defunction u-gen (x p) (list 'all x p))(defunction e-gen (x p) (list 'some x p))(defunction iden (x y) (list '= x y))(defunction ?-genp (p) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '?) (cddr p)))(defunction whether-formula (P) (and (listp p) (eq (mem1 p) '?) (null (cddr p))));;***************** SEQUENTS *****************(defunction sequent-supposition (sequent) (mem1 sequent))(defunction sequent-formula (sequent) (mem2 sequent));;***************** PRETTY FORMULAS *****************#|(let ((P (gensym)) (Q (gensym)) (x (gensym)) (y (gensym)) (A (gensym)) (z (gensym))) (setf *reform-list* (list `((,P now) (at ,P now) (,P)) `((,P at ,x) (at ,P ,x) (,P ,x)) `((The probability of ,P given ,Q) (the-probability-of ,P ,Q) (,P ,Q)) `((I have a percept with content ,Q) (I-have-a-percept-with-content ,Q) (,Q)) `((It appears to me that ,Q at ,x) (it-appears-to-me-that ,Q ,x) (,Q ,x)) `((,x < ,y) (< ,x ,y) (,x ,y)) `((,x <= ,y) (<= ,x ,y) (,x ,y)) `((,x = ,y) (= ,x ,y) (,x ,y)) `((,x is a reliable informant) (reliable-informant ,x) (,x)) `((,x reports that ,P) (reports-that ,x ,P) (,x ,P)) `((the color of ,x is ,y) (color-of ,x ,y) (,x ,y)) `((,P when ,A is causally sufficient for ,Q after an interval ,x) (causally-sufficient ,P ,A ,Q ,x) (,P ,A ,Q ,x)) `((,x and ,y collide) (collide ,x ,y) (,x ,y)) `((the position of ,x is (,y ,z)) (position-of ,x ,y ,z) (,x ,y ,z)) `((the velocity of ,x is (,y ,z)) (velocity-of ,x ,y ,z) (,x ,y ,z)) `((,x is dead) (dead ,x) (,x)) `((,x is alive) (alive ,x) (,x)))))|#(defunction pretty-cons (x) (when x (cond ((listp x) (cond ((cdr x) (cons (pretty (car x)) (cons " " (pretty-cons (cdr x))))) (t (list (pretty (car x)))))) (t (list ". " (pretty x))))))#| I want to use structures and conses as singular terms. |#(defunction pretty (p) (let ((p* nil)) (cond ((stringp p) p) ((symbolp p) (convert-to-string p)) ; ((identityp p) (imp (list "(" (pretty (iden1 p)) " = " (pretty (iden2 p)) ")"))) ((negationp p) (imp (list "~" (pretty (negand p))))) ((u-genp p) (implode (list "(all" " " (convert-to-string (mem2 p)) ")" (pretty (mem3 p))))) ((e-genp p) (implode (list "(some" " " (convert-to-string (mem2 p)) ")" (pretty (mem3 p))))) ((?-genp p) (implode (list "(?" " " (convert-to-string (mem2 p)) ")" (pretty (mem3 p))))) ; ((and (listp p) (not (listp (cadr p)))) (write-to-string p)) ((listp p) (let ((mem1 (mem1 p))) (cond ((eq mem1 'v) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " "v" " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 '&) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " "&" " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 '->) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " "->" " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 '<->) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " "<->" " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 '@) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " "@" " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 '?) (imp (list "(? " (pretty (mem2 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 'open) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " (pretty (mem3 P)) ")"))) ((eq mem1 'closed) (imp (list "[" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " (pretty (mem3 P)) "]"))) ((eq mem1 'clopen) (imp (list "(" (pretty (mem2 P)) " " (pretty (mem3 P)) "]"))) ;;======================================================== ((some #'(lambda (rf) (let ((m (match (mem2 rf) P (mem3 rf)))) (when m (when (listp m) (setf m (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (cons (car x) (pretty (cdr x))) (cdr x))) m))) (setf P* (match-sublis m (mem1 rf)))))) *reform-list*) (remove-if-equal #\" (pretty P*))) ;;======================================================== (t (imp (cons "(" (append (pretty-cons p) (list ")")))))))) (t (write-to-string p)) )))(defunction convert-to-string (s) (let ((string (get s 'pretty-form))) (or string (princ-to-string s))))#| find-match, when applied to a list with "(" and ")", should returna list of the initial segment up to the first unmatched ")" and theremainder following the matching ")". |#(defunction find-match (s) (let ((number 1) (match nil) (rest s)) (loop (cond ((null rest) (return nil)) ((equal (car rest) "(") (incf number)) ((equal (car rest) ")") (decf number) (cond ((equal number 0) (return (list (reverse match) (cdr rest))))))) (setq match (cons (car rest) match)) (setq rest (cdr rest)))))#| This should convert a string of characters with " ", "(", and ")" in itinto a tree of words: |#(defunction parse (s variables) (let ((parse-list nil) (word-list nil) (rest s)) (loop (cond ((or (equal (car rest) " ") (equal (car rest) "") (equal (car rest) " ")) (if word-list (setq parse-list (cons (convert-to-symbol (implode (reverse word-list)) variables) parse-list))) (setq rest (cdr rest)) (setq word-list nil)) ((equal (car rest) "(") (let ((match (find-match (cdr rest)))) (setq parse-list (cons (parse (car match) variables) parse-list)) (setq rest (cadr match)))) ((equal (car rest) "~") (setq parse-list (cons (car rest) parse-list)) (setq rest (cdr rest))) (t (setq word-list (cons (car rest) word-list)) (setq rest (cdr rest)))) (cond ((null rest) (if (null word-list) (return (reverse parse-list)) (return (reverse (cons (convert-to-symbol (implode (reverse word-list)) variables) parse-list)))))))))#| Uncommenting the following yields case-sensitivity. However, that does not work withdef-backwards-reason and def-forwards-reason, because they read the premises and variablesas S-expressions rather than strings. The members of variables are not gensymed. |#(defunction convert-to-symbol (form variables) (cond ((mem form '("v" "&" "~" "->" "<->" "@" "all" "some" "?")) form) ((equal form "nil") nil) (t (let ((symbol* (read-from-string form))) (cond ((or (member symbol* variables) (not (symbolp symbol*))) symbol*) (t (let ((symbol (e-assoc form *string-symbols*))) (when (null symbol) (setf symbol symbol*) (when (rassoc symbol *string-symbols*) (setf symbol (gensym form))) (when (symbolp symbol) (setf (get symbol 'pretty-form) form)) (push (cons form symbol) *string-symbols*)) symbol)))))));This fixes the nesting of tildes and quantifiers (they are listed by rs):(defunction fix-nest (s) (cond ((or (symbolp s) (stringp s) (numberp s)) s) ((equal (length s) 1) (list (fix-nest (car s)))) ((or (equal (car s) "~") (and (listp (car s)) (or (equal (caar s) "all") (equal (caar s) "some") (equal (caar s) "?")))) (cons (list (car s) (car (fix-nest (cdr s)))) (cdr (fix-nest (cdr s))))) (t (cons (fix-nest (car s)) (fix-nest (cdr s))))))(defunction resolve-variable-conflicts (p &optional variables (reset-counter? t)) (when reset-counter? (setf *gensym-counter* 1)) (cond ((or (u-genp p) (e-genp p)) (let ((var (q-variable p))) (cond ((mem var variables) (let ((var* (gensym (string var)))) (list (mem1 p) var* (=subst var* var (resolve-variable-conflicts (mem3 p) variables nil))))) (t (list (mem1 p) var (resolve-variable-conflicts (mem3 p) (cons var variables) nil)))))) ((negationp p) (tilde (resolve-variable-conflicts (negand p) variables nil))) ((conjunctionp p) (conj (resolve-variable-conflicts (conjunct1 p) variables nil) (resolve-variable-conflicts (conjunct2 p) variables nil))) ((disjunctionp p) (disj (resolve-variable-conflicts (disjunct1 p) variables nil) (resolve-variable-conflicts (disjunct2 p) variables nil))) ((conditionalp p) (condit (resolve-variable-conflicts (antecedent p) variables nil) (resolve-variable-conflicts (consequent p) variables nil))) ((biconditionalp p) (bicondit (resolve-variable-conflicts (bicond1 p) variables nil) (resolve-variable-conflicts (bicond2 p) variables nil))) (t p)))(setf *constant-transformation* '( ("all" . 'all) ("some" . 'some) ("&" . '&) ("v" . 'v) ("->" . '->) ("<->" . '<->) ("@" . '@)))(setf *bracket-transformation* '( ("[" . "(") ("]" . ")") ))(defunction reform- (s variables) (let ((form (fix-nest (parse (sublis= *bracket-transformation* (explode s)) variables)))) (cond ((stringp form) form) ((equal (length form) 1) (car form)) (t form))))(defunction reform (s &optional variables) (let ((s* (read-from-string s))) (cond ((and (listp s*) (equal (car s*) 'define)) s*) (t (resolve-variable-conflicts (convert-to-prefix-form (reform- s variables)))))))(defunction convert-to-prefix-form (P) (let ((P* nil)) (cond ((listp P) (cond ((equal (mem1 P) "~") (list '~ (convert-to-prefix-form (mem2 P)))) ((equal (mem1 P) "?") (list '? (convert-to-prefix-form (mem2 P)))) ((equal (mem1 P) "&") (gen-conjunction (mapcar #'convert-to-prefix-form (cdr P)))) ((equal (mem1 P) "v") (gen-disjunction (mapcar #'convert-to-prefix-form (cdr P)))) (t (let ((mem2 (mem2 p))) (cond ((equal mem2 "v") (list 'v (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ((equal mem2 "&") (list '& (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ((equal mem2 "->") (list '-> (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ((equal mem2 "<->") (list '<-> (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ((equal mem2 "@") (list '@ (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ((equal mem2 '=) (list '= (convert-to-prefix-form (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem3 P)))) ;;======================================================== ((some #'(lambda (rf) (let ((m (match (mem1 rf) P (mem3 rf)))) (when m (when (listp m) (setf m (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (cons (car x) (convert-to-prefix-form (cdr x))) (cdr x))) m))) (setf P* (match-sublis m (mem2 rf)))))) *reform-list*) P*) ;;======================================================== ((listp (mem1 P)) (cond ((equal (mem1 (mem1 P)) "all") (list 'all (mem2 (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem2 P)))) ((equal (mem1 (mem1 P)) "some") (list 'some (mem2 (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem2 P)))) ((equal (mem1 (mem1 P)) "?") (list '? (mem2 (mem1 P)) (convert-to-prefix-form (mem2 P)))) (t (mapcar #'convert-to-prefix-form P)))) (t (mapcar #'convert-to-prefix-form P))))))) (t P))))(defunction reform-if-string (p &optional variables) (if (stringp p) (reform p variables) p));; ****************** TERMS ********************#| the list of terms having unbound occurrences |#(defunction terms-of (p) (cond ((stringp p) nil) ((identityp p) (union= (constituent-terms-of (iden1 p)) (constituent-terms-of (iden2 p)))) ((predicationp p) (remove-duplicates= (mapcan #'constituent-terms-of (arg-list p)))) ((negationp p) (terms-of (negand p))) ((or (u-genp p) (e-genp p)) (let ((x (q-variable p))) (subset #'(lambda (c) (and (not (occur x c)) (not (equal x c)))) (terms-of (q-matrix p))))) (t (union= (terms-of (subformula1 p)) (terms-of (subformula2 p)))))) #| the list of all terms occurring in p, bound or free. |#(defunction all-terms-of (p) (cond ((stringp p) nil) ((identityp p) (union= (constituent-terms-of (iden1 p)) (constituent-terms-of (iden2 p)))) ((predicationp p) (remove-duplicates= (mapcan #'constituent-terms-of (arg-list p)))) ((negationp p) (all-terms-of (negand p))) ((or (u-genp p) (e-genp p)) (all-terms-of (q-matrix p))) (t (union= (all-terms-of (subformula1 p)) (all-terms-of (subformula2 p))))))#| this returns only terms serving as arguments of predications and identities(not their subterms) |#(defunction arg-terms-of (p) (cond ((stringp p) nil) ((identityp p) (if (equal (iden1 p) (iden2 p)) (list (iden1 p)) (list (iden1 p) (iden2 p)))) ((predicationp p) (remove-duplicates= (arg-list p))) ((negationp p) (arg-terms-of (negand p))) ((or (u-genp p) (e-genp p)) (let ((x (q-variable p))) (subset #'(lambda (c) (and (not (occur x c)) (not (equal x c)))) (arg-terms-of (q-matrix p))))) (t (union= (arg-terms-of (subformula1 p)) (arg-terms-of (subformula2 p))))))#| This is like arg-terms-of but does not delete repeated arguments |#(defunction arg-list-of (p) (cond ((stringp p) nil) ((identityp p) (if (equal (iden1 p) (iden2 p)) (list (iden1 p)) (list (iden1 p) (iden2 p)))) ((predicationp p) (arg-list p)) ((negationp p) (arg-list-of (negand p))) ((or (u-genp p) (e-genp p)) (let ((x (q-variable p))) (subset #'(lambda (c) (and (not (occur x c)) (not (equal x c)))) (arg-list-of (q-matrix p))))) (t (append (arg-list-of (subformula1 p)) (arg-list-of (subformula2 p))))))#| The constituent terms of a (possibly complex) term. |#(defunction constituent-terms-of (c) (cond ((stringp c) (list c)) ((symbolp c) (list c)) (t (cons c (remove-duplicates= (unionmapcar #'constituent-terms-of (arg-list c)))))))(defunction NON-ATOMIC-SUBTERMS (x) (subset #'(lambda (y) (not (stringp y))) (constituent-terms-of x)))(defunction PROPER-SUBTERMS (x) (remove-if-equal x (constituent-terms-of x)));; ****************** VARIABLES ********************#| the variables in the initial universal quantifiers of p |#(defunction u-vars (p) (cond ((not (u-genp p)) nil) (t (cons (q-variable p) (u-vars (q-matrix p))))))#| If p begins with a string of universal quantifiers, this returns the matrix |#(defunction u-matrix (p) (cond ((not (u-genp p)) p) (t (u-matrix (q-matrix p)))))#| The universal closure of p with respect to the variables in X. |#(defunction u-closure (p X) (cond ((null X) p) (t (u-gen (mem1 X) (u-closure p (cdr X))))))#| the variables in the initial existential quantifiers of p. |#(defunction e-vars (p) (cond ((not (e-genp p)) nil) (t (cons (q-variable p) (e-vars (q-matrix p))))))#| If p begins with a string of existential quantifiers, this returns thematrix. |#(defunction e-matrix (p) (cond ((not (e-genp p)) p) (t (e-matrix (q-matrix p)))));; *************** DISJUNCTIONS AND CONJUNCTIONS ********************;This returns the list of disjuncts of a long disjunction, or '(p) if p is;not a disjunction:(defunction disjuncts (p) (cond ((disjunctionp p) (union= (disjuncts (mem2 p)) (disjuncts (mem3 p)))) (t (list p))));This returns the list of conjuncts of a long conjunction, or '(p) if p is;not a conjunction:(defunction conjuncts (p) (cond ((conjunctionp p) (union= (conjuncts (mem2 p)) (conjuncts (mem3 p)))) (t (list p))));This conjoins a finite list of formulas, in order:(defunction gen-conjunction (X) (cond ((null X) nil) ((eq (length X) 1) (car X)) (t (conj (car X) (gen-conjunction (cdr X))))));This disjoins a finite list of formulas, in order:(defunction gen-disjunction (X) (cond ((null X) nil) ((eq (length X) 1) (car X)) (t (disj (car X) (gen-disjunction (cdr X))))));This differs from (disjuncts p) in that it lists redundant disjuncts:(defunction disjunct-list (p) (cond ((disjunctionp p) (append (disjunct-list (car p)) (disjunct-list (mem3 p)))) (t (list p))))(defunction generalized-e-gen (variables P) (cond ((null variables) P) (t (e-gen (car variables) (generalized-e-gen (cdr variables) P)))))#| x and y occur in the same atomic part of P. |#(defunction occurs-with (x y P) (cond ((conditionalp P) (or (occurs-with x y (antecedent P)) (occurs-with x y (consequent P)))) ((biconditionalp P) (or (occurs-with x y (bicond1 P)) (occurs-with x y (bicond2 P)))) ((disjunctionp P) (or (occurs-with x y (disjunct1 P)) (occurs-with x y (disjunct2 P)))) ((conjunctionp P) (or (occurs-with x y (conjunct1 P)) (occurs-with x y (conjunct2 P)))) ((negationp P) (occurs-with x y (negand P))) ((u-genp P) (occurs-with x y (u-matrix P))) ((e-genp P) (occurs-with x y (e-matrix P))) (t (and (occur x P) (occur y P)))))(setq *syntax-loaded* t)