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;;;; INFERENCE-RULES FOR THE PROPOSITIONAL;;;; AND PREDICATE CALCULI(in-package "OSCAR")(proclaim '(special simp neg-elim neg-disj neg-condit neg-bicondit-simp DM bicondit-simp modus-ponens1 modus-ponens2 modus-tollens1 modus-tollens2 disj-syl11 disj-syl12 disj-syl21 disj-syl22 exportation E-removal A-removal E2-removal A2-removal adjunction neg-intro i-neg-disj i-neg-condit i-neg-bicondit bicondit-intro disj-cond i-DM conditionalization reductio neg-ug neg-eg i-neg-ug i-neg-eg ui ei ug eg disj-cond-2 disj-antecedent-simp negation-in disj-simp contraposition i-contraposition conditional-modus-tollens undercutter-permutation cond-antecedent-simp cond-simp1 cond-simp2 ));;; Forwards inference rules:(defvar simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(& P Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (conjunct1 p) (list c) simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (conjunct2 p) (list c) simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function simp) #'simp)(defvar neg-elim (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-elim" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (~ P)) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun neg-elim (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (negand (negand p)) (list c) neg-elim (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function neg-elim) #'neg-elim)(defvar neg-disj (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-disj" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (v P Q)) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun neg-disj (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (neg (disjunct1 (negand p))) (list c) neg-disj (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (neg (disjunct2 (negand p))) (list c) neg-disj (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function neg-disj) #'neg-disj)(defvar neg-condit (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-condit" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (-> P Q)) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun neg-condit (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (antecedent (negand p)) (list c) neg-condit (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (neg (consequent (negand p))) (list c) neg-condit (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function neg-condit) #'neg-condit)#| This form must be used to make invert-contradictors work properly by only computing contradictors in cases syntactically appropriate for adopting reductio-interests. |#(defvar neg-bicondit-simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-bicondit-simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (<-> P Q)) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun neg-bicondit-simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) "~(P <-> Q) implies (~P <-> Q)" (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (bicondit (neg (bicond1 (negand p))) (bicond2 (negand p))) (list c) neg-bicondit-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function neg-bicondit-simp) #'neg-bicondit-simp)(defvar DM (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "DM" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (& P Q)) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun DM (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (disj (neg (conjunct1 (negand p))) (neg (conjunct2 (negand p)))) (list c) DM (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function DM) #'DM)(defvar bicondit-simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "bicondit-simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(<-> P Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun bicondit-simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) ; (when (eq c (node 252)) (setf n c d depth i ip) (break)) ;; (step (bicondit-simp n d i)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (condit (bicond1 p) (bicond2 p)) (list c) bicondit-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (condit (bicond2 p) (bicond1 p)) (list c) bicondit-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function bicondit-simp) #'bicondit-simp)(defvar exportation (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "exportation" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (& P Q) R) '(P Q R))) :reason-variables '(P Q R)))(defun exportation (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (condit (conjunct1 (antecedent p)) (condit (conjunct2 (antecedent p)) (consequent p))) (list c) exportation (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function exportation) #'exportation)(defvar disj-antecedent-simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "disj-antecedent-simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (v P Q) R) '(P Q R))) :reason-variables '(P Q R)))(defun disj-antecedent-simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (when (and (conditionalp p) (disjunctionp (antecedent p))) (draw-conclusion (condit (disjunct1 (antecedent p)) (consequent p)) (list c) disj-antecedent-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (condit (disjunct2 (antecedent p)) (consequent p)) (list c) disj-antecedent-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function disj-antecedent-simp) #'disj-antecedent-simp)(defvar cond-antecedent-simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "cond-antecedent-simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (-> P Q) R) '(P Q R))) :reason-variables '(P Q R)))(defun cond-antecedent-simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (when (and (conditionalp p) (conditionalp (antecedent p))) (draw-conclusion (condit (neg (antecedent (antecedent p))) (consequent p)) (list c) cond-antecedent-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil) (draw-conclusion (condit (consequent (antecedent p)) (consequent p)) (list c) cond-antecedent-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function cond-antecedent-simp) #'cond-antecedent-simp)(defvar disj-simp (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "disj-simp" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(v P Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun disj-simp (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (draw-conclusion (condit (neg-in (disjunct1 p)) (disjunct2 p)) (list c) disj-simp (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))(setf (reason-function disj-simp) #'disj-simp)(defvar cond-simp1 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "cond-simp1" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> P (~ P)) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun cond-simp1 (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) ; (when (eq c (node 248)) (setf n c d depth i ip) (break)) ;; (step (cond-simp1 n d i)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (q (consequent p))) (when (negationp q) (let ((match (catch 'unifier (parallelize-match (mgu (antecedent p) (negand q) (node-variables c)) (node-variables c))))) (when match (draw-conclusion (match-sublis match q) (list c) cond-simp1 (list match) 1.0 depth nil nil) ))))))(setf (reason-function cond-simp1) #'cond-simp1)(defvar cond-simp2 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "cond-simp2" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (~ P) P) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun cond-simp2 (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (q (antecedent p))) (let ((match (catch 'unifier (parallelize-match (mgu (negand q) (consequent p) (node-variables c)) (node-variables c))))) (when match (draw-conclusion (match-sublis match (consequent p)) (list c) cond-simp2 (list match) 1.0 depth nil nil) )))))(setf (reason-function cond-simp2) #'cond-simp2)(defvar E-removal (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "E-removal" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (some x P) Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun E-removal (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (let* ((new-var (gensym "z"))) (draw-conclusion (u-gen new-var (condit (subst new-var (q-variable (antecedent p)) (q-matrix (antecedent p))) (consequent p))) (list c) E-removal (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function E-removal) #'E-removal)(defvar A-removal (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "A-removal" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> (all x P) Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun A-removal (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (let* ((new-var (gensym "z"))) (draw-conclusion (e-gen new-var (condit (subst new-var (q-variable (antecedent p)) (q-matrix (antecedent p))) (consequent p))) (list c) A-removal (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function A-removal) #'A-removal)(defvar modus-ponens1 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "modus-ponens1" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> %P %Q) '(%P %Q)) (cfp '%P '(%P))) :reason-conclusions '%Q :reason-variables '(%P %Q)))(defunction modus-ponens1 (c depth ip) ; (when (eq c (node 4)) (setf n c d depth i ip) (break)) ;; (step (modus-ponens1 n d i)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (p-vars (node-variables c))) (multiple-value-bind (profile term-list) (formula-code (antecedent p)) (let* ((binding (list (cons '%p (antecedent p)) (cons '%q (consequent p)))) (dn (ip-d-node (store-instantiated-premise modus-ponens2 c nil binding (list t) ip (cdr (forwards-premises modus-ponens1)) profile)))) (dolist (c-list (d-node-c-lists dn)) (when (c-list-processed-nodes c-list) (let ((unifier (unifier (c-list-term-list c-list) term-list (c-list-variables c-list) p-vars))) (when unifier (let ((formula (match-sublis (mem2 unifier) (consequent p)))) (dolist (c* (c-list-processed-nodes c-list)) (when (is-inference c*) (draw-conclusion formula (list c* c) modus-ponens1 unifier 1.0 depth nil nil)))))))))))))(setf (reason-function modus-ponens1) #'modus-ponens1)(defvar modus-ponens2 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "modus-ponens2" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '%P '(%P))) :reason-variables '(%P)))(defunction modus-ponens2 (c depth ip) ; (when (eq c (node 3)) (setf n c d depth i ip) (break)) ;; (step (modus-ponens2 n d i)) (when (is-inference c) (when (eq (ip-reason ip) modus-ponens2) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (p-vars (node-variables c)) (node (mem1 (ip-basis ip))) (unifier (unifier p (cdr (mem1 (ip-binding ip))) p-vars (node-variables node)))) (when unifier (let ((formula (match-sublis (mem2 unifier) (cdr (mem2 (ip-binding ip)))))) (draw-conclusion formula (list c node) modus-ponens2 unifier 1.0 depth nil nil)))))))(setf (reason-function modus-ponens2) #'modus-ponens2)(defvar modus-tollens1 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "modus-tollens1" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> %P %Q) '(%P %Q)) (cfp '(~ %Q) '(%Q))) :reason-conclusions '(~ %P) :reason-variables '(%P %Q)))(defun modus-tollens1 (c depth ip) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (p-vars (node-variables c))) (multiple-value-bind (profile term-list) (formula-code (neg (consequent p))) (let* ((binding (list (cons '%p (antecedent p)) (cons '%q (consequent p)))) (dn (ip-d-node (store-instantiated-premise modus-tollens2 c nil binding (list t) ip (cdr (forwards-premises modus-tollens1)) profile)))) (dolist (c-list (d-node-c-lists dn)) (when (c-list-processed-nodes c-list) (let ((unifier (unifier (c-list-term-list c-list) term-list (c-list-variables c-list) p-vars))) (when unifier (let ((formula (match-sublis (mem2 unifier) (neg (antecedent p))))) (dolist (c* (c-list-processed-nodes c-list)) (when (is-inference c*) (draw-conclusion formula (list c* c) modus-tollens1 unifier 1.0 depth nil nil)))))))))))))(setf (reason-function modus-tollens1) #'modus-tollens1)(defvar modus-tollens2 (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "modus-tollens2" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ %Q) '(%Q))) :reason-variables '(%Q)))(defunction modus-tollens2 (c depth ip) ; (when (eq c (node 136)) (setf n c d depth i ip) (break)) ;; (step (modus-tollens2 n d i)) (when (is-inference c) (when (eq (ip-reason ip) modus-tollens2) (let* ((p- (neg (node-formula c))) (p-vars (node-variables c)) (node (mem1 (ip-basis ip))) (unifier (unifier p- (cdr (mem2 (ip-binding ip))) p-vars (node-variables node)))) (when unifier (let ((formula (match-sublis (mem2 unifier) (neg (cdr (mem1 (ip-binding ip))))))) (draw-conclusion formula (list c node) modus-tollens2 unifier 1.0 depth nil nil)))))))(setf (reason-function modus-tollens2) #'modus-tollens2)#| From (P -> Q) and (P -> ~Q), infer ~P. |#(defvar conditional-modus-tollens (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "conditional-modus-tollens" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(-> P Q) '(P Q))) :reason-variables '(P Q)))(defun conditional-modus-tollens (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (p-vars (node-variables c))) (let ((p- (condit (antecedent p) (neg (consequent p))))) (multiple-value-bind (profile term-list) (formula-code p-) (let ((dn (pursue-d-node-for profile *top-d-node*))) (when dn (dolist (c-list (d-node-c-lists dn)) (when (c-list-processed-nodes c-list) (let ((unifier (unifier term-list (c-list-term-list c-list) p-vars (c-list-variables c-list)))) (when unifier (let ((formula (match-sublis (mem1 unifier) (neg (antecedent p))))) (dolist (c* (c-list-processed-nodes c-list)) (when (is-inference c*) (draw-conclusion formula (list c c*) conditional-modus-tollens unifier 1.0 depth nil nil)))))))))))))))(setf (reason-function conditional-modus-tollens) #'conditional-modus-tollens)(defvar neg-UG (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-ug" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (all x P)) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun neg-UG (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (let* ((p- (negand p))) (draw-conclusion (e-gen (q-variable p-) (neg (q-matrix p-))) (list c) neg-ug (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function neg-ug) #'neg-ug)(defvar neg-EG (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "neg-eg" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(~ (some x P)) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun neg-EG (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c))) (let* ((p- (negand p))) (draw-conclusion (u-gen (q-variable p-) (neg (q-matrix p-))) (list c) neg-eg (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function neg-eg) #'neg-eg)(defvar UI (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "UI" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(all x P) '(P))) :reason-variables '(P)))(defun UI (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let ((p (node-formula c))) (when (not (eq (mem3 p) :type)) (let* ((p* (q-matrix p)) (var (make-conclusion-variable))) (draw-conclusion (subst var (q-variable p) p*) (list c) UI (list t) 1.0 depth nil nil))))))(setf (reason-function UI) #'UI)(defvar EI (make-forwards-reason :reason-name "EI" :forwards-premises (list (cfp '(some x P) '(P))) :reason-variables '(x P)))(defunction ei-level (var) (get var 'ei-level))(defunction EI (c depth ip) (declare (ignore ip)) (when (is-inference c) (let* ((p (node-formula c)) (q-var (q-variable p)) (u-vars (node-variables c)) (u=vars (subset #'(lambda (v) (occurs-disjunctively-with v q-var (q-matrix p))) u-vars)) (s-funs (skolem-functions (node-formula c))) (fun (if u=vars (make-skolem-e-function) (make-skolem-e-constant))) (substitution (if u=vars (cons fun u=vars) fun)) (level (1+ (maximum0 (mapcar #'ei-level s-funs)))) (discount (expt .4 (- level 1))) (p* (subst substitution q-var (q-matrix p))) (conjuncts (conjuncts p*)) (dn (d-node-for p*))) (when (and (not (some #'(lambda (L) (eq (support-link-rule L) EG)) (support-links c))) (or (null dn) (not (some #'(lambda (q) (some #'(lambda (cl) (let ((m (match q (c-list-formula cl) (list fun)))) (when m (let ((sup (match-sublis m (node-supposition c)))) (and (some #'(lambda (c*) (subsetp= (node-supposition c*) sup)) (c-list-nodes cl)) (every #'(lambda (r) (let ((clr (c-list-for (match-sublis m r)))) (and clr (some #'(lambda (c*) (subsetp= (node-supposition c*) sup)) (c-list-nodes clr))))) (remove-if-equal q conjuncts))))))) (d-node-c-lists dn))) conjuncts)))) (setf (get fun 'ei-level) level) (draw-conclusion p* (list c) EI (list t) discount depth nil nil)))))(setf (reason-function EI) #'EI)(setf *forwards-logical-reasons* (reverse (list neg-ug neg-eg EI UI E-removal A-removal simp neg-elim neg-disj neg-condit neg-bicondit-simp DM bicondit-simp modus-ponens1 ;modus-ponens2 modus-tollens1 ;modus-tollens2 conditional-modus-tollens exportation disj-antecedent-simp cond-antecedent-simp disj-simp cond-simp1 cond-simp2 )))(defunction occurs-disjunctively-with (x y P) (cond ((conditionalp P) (or (occurs-conjunctively-with x y (antecedent P)) (occurs-disjunctively-with x y (consequent P)))) ((disjunctionp P) (or (occurs-disjunctively-with x y (disjunct1 P)) (occurs-disjunctively-with x y (disjunct2 P)))) ((negationp P) (occurs-conjunctively-with x y (negand P))) ((e-genp P) (occurs-disjunctively-with x y (e-matrix P))) (t (and (occur x P) (occur y P)))))(defunction occurs-conjunctively-with (x y P) (cond ((conjunctionp P) (or (occurs-conjunctively-with x y (conjunct1 P)) (occurs-conjunctively-with x y (conjunct2 P)))) ((negationp P) (occurs-disjunctively-with x y (negand P))) ((u-genp P) (occurs-conjunctively-with x y (u-matrix P))) (t (and (occur x P) (occur y P)))))(defunction neg-in (P) (cond ((u-genp P) (list 'some (mem2 P) (neg-in (mem3 P)))) ((e-genp P) (list 'all (mem2 P) (neg-in (mem3 P)))) ((negationp P) (negand P)) ((conjunctionp P) (disj (neg-in (conjunct1 P)) (neg-in (conjunct2 P)))) ((disjunctionp P) (conj (neg-in (disjunct1 P)) (neg-in (disjunct2 P)))) ((conditionalp P) (conj (antecedent P) (neg-in (consequent P)))) ((biconditionalp P) (disj (conj (bicond1 P) (neg-in (bicond2 P))) (conj (neg-in (bicond1 P)) (bicond2 P)))) (t (neg P))))(defunction set-conclusions-function (reason) (setf (conclusions-function reason) (conclusion-instantiator (mem1 (reason-conclusions reason)) (reason-variables reason) (defeasible-rule reason))));;; Flat backwards inference rules:(defvar adjunction (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "adjunction" :reason-conclusions '((& p q)) :backwards-premises (list (cbp 'p nil nil '(p)) (cbp 'q nil nil '(q))) :reason-variables '(p q) :reason-length 2))(defun adjunction (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil adjunction interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function adjunction)(setf (reason-function adjunction) #'adjunction)(defvar neg-intro (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "neg-intro" :reason-conclusions '((~ (~ p))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp 'p nil nil '(p))) :reason-variables '(p)))(defun neg-intro (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil neg-intro interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function neg-intro)(setf (reason-function neg-intro) #'neg-intro)(defvar i-neg-disj (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-neg-disj" :reason-conclusions '((~ (v p q))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(~ p) nil nil '(p)) (cbp '(~ q) nil nil '(q))) :reason-variables '(p q) :reason-length 2))(defun i-neg-disj (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-neg-disj interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-neg-disj)(setf (reason-function i-neg-disj) #'i-neg-disj)(defvar i-neg-condit (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-neg-condit" :reason-conclusions '((~ (-> p q))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(~ q) nil nil '(q)) (cbp 'p nil nil '(p))) :reason-variables '(p q) :reason-length 2))(defun i-neg-condit (interest depth priority) ; (when (eq interest (interest 4)) (break)) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-neg-condit interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-neg-condit)(setf (reason-function i-neg-condit) #'i-neg-condit)(defvar bicondit-intro (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "bicondit-intro" :reason-conclusions '((<-> p q)) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(-> q p) nil nil '(p q)) (cbp '(-> p q) nil nil '(p q))) :reason-variables '(p q) :reason-length 2))(defun bicondit-intro (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil bicondit-intro interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function bicondit-intro)(setf (reason-function bicondit-intro) #'bicondit-intro)(defvar i-neg-bicondit (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-neg-bicondit" :reason-conclusions '((~ (<-> p q))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(<-> p (~ q)) nil nil '(p q))) :reason-variables '(p q)))(defun i-neg-bicondit (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-neg-bicondit interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-neg-bicondit)(setf (reason-function i-neg-bicondit) #'i-neg-bicondit)(defvar disj-cond (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "disj-cond" :reason-conclusions '((v p q)) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(-> (~ p) q) nil nil '(p q))) :reason-variables '(p q)))(defun disj-cond (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil disj-cond interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function disj-cond)(setf (reason-function disj-cond) #'disj-cond)(defvar disj-cond-2 (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "disj-cond-2" :reason-conclusions '((v p q)) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(-> (~ q) p) nil nil '(p q))) :reason-variables '(p q)))(defun disj-cond-2 (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil disj-cond-2 interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function disj-cond-2)(setf (reason-function disj-cond-2) #'disj-cond-2)(defvar i-DM (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-DM" :reason-conclusions '((~ (& p q))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(v (~ p) (~ q)) nil nil '(p q))) :reason-variables '(p q)))(defun i-DM (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-DM interest depth priority (list (cons 'p (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-DM)(setf (reason-function i-DM) #'i-DM)(defvar i-neg-eg (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-neg-eg" :reason-conclusions '((~ (some x q))) :conclusions-function #'(lambda (binding) (let ((x (cdr (assoc 'x binding))) (q (cdr (assoc 'q binding)))) (list '~ (list 'all x q)))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(all x (~ q)) nil nil '(x q))) :reason-variables '(x q) :reason-length 1))(defun i-neg-eg (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-neg-eg interest depth priority (list (cons 'x (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-neg-eg)(setf (reason-function i-neg-eg) #'i-neg-eg)(defvar i-neg-ug (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "i-neg-ug" :reason-conclusions '((~ (all x q))) :backwards-premises (list (cbp '(some x (~ q)) nil nil '(x q))) :reason-variables '(x q) :reason-length 1))(defun i-neg-ug (interest depth priority) (let ((p (interest-formula interest))) (construct-initial-interest-link nil nil i-neg-ug interest depth priority (list (cons 'x (element 1 (element 1 p))) (cons 'q (element 2 (element 1 p)))) (interest-supposition interest))))(set-conclusions-function i-neg-ug)(setf (reason-function i-neg-ug) #'i-neg-ug)(defvar UG (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "UG" :reason-conclusions '((all x q)) :backwards-premises 'q :reason-variables '(x q) :reason-length 1))(defun UG (interest depth priority) (let* ((p (interest-formula interest)) (q-var (q-variable p)) (e-vars (interest-variables interest)) (e=vars (subset #'(lambda (v) (occurs-conjunctively-with v q-var (q-matrix p))) e-vars)) (fun (if e=vars (make-skolem-i-function) (make-skolem-i-constant))) (substitution (if e=vars (cons fun e=vars) fun)) (ug-condition #'(lambda (c unifier binding) (declare (ignore binding)) (and (or (not (listp (mem2 unifier))) (not (some #'(lambda (x) (occur* fun (cdr x))) (mem2 unifier)))) (not (occur fun (match-sublis (mem1 unifier) (node-supposition c))))))) (link (make-interest-link :link-number (incf *link-number*) :resultant-interest interest :link-interest-formula (subst substitution q-var (q-matrix p)) :link-interest-condition ug-condition :link-rule ug :link-supposition (interest-supposition interest) :link-strength (maximum-degree-of-interest interest) :link-binding (list (cons 'x (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) ))) (push link *interest-links*) (push link (left-links interest)) (setf (get fun 'ei-level) 0) (compute-link-interest link #'(lambda (i) (eq (discharge-condition i) ug-condition)) #'(lambda (i) (setf (discharge-condition i) ug-condition)) (degree-of-interest interest) (maximum-degree-of-interest interest) depth priority) (discharge-link link (1+ depth) (degree-of-interest interest) priority nil) ))(set-conclusions-function UG)(setf (reason-function UG) #'UG)(defvar EG (make-backwards-reason :reason-name "EG" :reason-conclusions '((some x q)) :backwards-premises 'q :reason-variables '(x q) :reason-length 1))(defun EG (interest depth priority) (let* ((p (interest-formula interest)) (var (make-interest-variable)) (link (make-interest-link :link-number (incf *link-number*) :resultant-interest interest :link-interest-formula (subst var (q-variable p) (q-matrix p)) :link-rule eg :link-supposition (interest-supposition interest) :link-strength (maximum-degree-of-interest interest) :link-binding (list (cons 'x (element 1 p)) (cons 'q (element 2 p))) ))) (push link *interest-links*) (push link (left-links interest)) (compute-link-interest link nil nil (degree-of-interest interest) (maximum-degree-of-interest interest) depth priority (list var)) (discharge-link link (1+ depth) (degree-of-interest interest) priority nil) ))(set-conclusions-function EG)(setf (reason-function EG) #'EG)(def-backwards-reason VACUOUS-CONDITION :conclusions "(p -> q)" :forwards-premises "(define -p (neg p))" "-p" :variables p q -p);;; Suppositional rules(def-backwards-reason contra-conditionalization :conclusions "(p -> q)" :condition (or (and (not (u-genp p)) (not (conjunctionp (quantifiers-matrix p))) (e-genp q)) (and (literal p) (literal q) (or (negationp p) (negationp q)))) :backwards-premises "~p" :discharge "~q" :variables p q)(def-backwards-reason conditionalization :conclusions "(p -> q)" :condition (or (u-genp p) (and (literal p) (not (e-genp q))) (conjunctionp (quantifiers-matrix p)) (not (e-genp q))) :backwards-premises "q" :discharge "p" :variables p q)(setq *backwards-logical-reasons* (list adjunction neg-intro i-neg-disj i-neg-condit i-neg-bicondit bicondit-intro disj-cond i-DM conditionalization i-neg-ug i-neg-eg EG UG disj-cond-2 contra-conditionalization ;; vacuous-condition ))