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File metadata and controls

352 lines (294 loc) · 25.6 KB

Terraform Module: Terraform Backend


Terraform module to provision an S3 bucket to store terraform.tfstate file and a DynamoDB table to lock the state file to prevent concurrent modifications and state corruption.


AWS Org implementation example

We have a tfstate S3 Bucket per account




Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.9
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws 5.21.0
aws.primary 5.21.0
aws.secondary 5.21.0
local 2.4.0
time 0.9.1


No modules.


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.dynamodb_capacity resource
aws_dynamodb_table.with_server_side_encryption resource
aws_dynamodb_table.without_server_side_encryption resource
aws_iam_policy.bucket_replication resource
aws_iam_policy_attachment.bucket_replication resource
aws_iam_role.bucket_replication resource
aws_kms_key.primary resource
aws_kms_key_policy.primary resource
aws_kms_key_policy.secondary resource
aws_kms_replica_key.secondary resource
aws_s3_bucket.default resource
aws_s3_bucket.replication_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_acl.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.replication_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_notification.bucket_notification resource
aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.bucket_replication resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.default-ssl-vpc resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.replication_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_replication_configuration.this resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.replication_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.default resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.replication_bucket resource
aws_sns_topic.topic resource
aws_sqs_queue.queue resource
local_file.backend_config resource
time_sleep.wait_30_secs resource
aws_caller_identity.primary data source
aws_caller_identity.secondary data source
aws_iam_policy_document.bucket_replication data source
aws_iam_policy_document.default-ssl data source
aws_iam_policy_document.default-ssl-vpc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.primary data source
aws_iam_policy_document.queue data source
aws_iam_policy_document.secondary data source
aws_iam_policy_document.topic data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
acl The canned ACL to apply to the S3 bucket string "private" no
additional_tag_map Additional tags for appending to each tag map map(string) {} no
attributes Additional attributes (e.g. state) list(string)
backend_config_filename Name of the backend configuration file to generate. string "" no
backend_config_filepath Directory where the backend configuration file should be generated. string "" no
backend_config_profile AWS profile to use when interfacing the backend infrastructure. string "" no
backend_config_role_arn ARN of the AWS role to assume when interfacing the backend infrastructure, if any. string "" no
backend_config_state_file Name of the state file in the S3 bucket to use. string "terraform.tfstate" no
backend_config_template_file Path to the template file to use when generating the backend configuration. string "" no
billing_mode DynamoDB billing mode. Can be PROVISIONED or PAY_PER_REQUEST string "PAY_PER_REQUEST" no
block_public_acls Whether Amazon S3 should block public ACLs for this bucket. bool true no
block_public_policy Whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. bool true no
bucket_lifecycle_enabled Enable/Disable bucket lifecycle bool true no
bucket_lifecycle_expiration Number of days after which to expunge the objects number 90 no
bucket_lifecycle_transition_glacier Number of days after which to move the data to the GLACIER storage class number 60 no
bucket_lifecycle_transition_standard_ia Number of days after which to move the data to the STANDARD_IA storage class number 30 no
bucket_replication_enabled Enable/Disable replica for S3 bucket (for cross region replication purpose) bool true no
bucket_replication_name Set custom name for S3 Bucket Replication string "replica" no
bucket_replication_name_suffix Set custom suffix for S3 Bucket Replication IAM Role/Policy string "bucket-replication" no
context Default context to use for passing state between label invocations map(string) {} no
create_kms_key Whether to create a KMS key bool true no
delimiter Delimiter to be used between namespace, environment, stage, name and attributes string "-" no
dynamodb_monitoring DynamoDB monitoring settings. any {} no
enable_point_in_time_recovery Enable DynamoDB point in time recovery bool true no
enable_server_side_encryption Enable DynamoDB server-side encryption bool true no
enforce_ssl_requests Enable/Disable replica for S3 bucket (for cross region replication purpose) bool false no
enforce_vpc_requests Enable/Disable VPC endpoint for S3 bucket bool false no
environment Environment, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'pre-prod', 'UAT' string "" no
force_destroy A boolean that indicates the S3 bucket can be destroyed even if it contains objects. These objects are not recoverable bool false no
ignore_public_acls Whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket. bool true no
kms_key_deletion_windows The number of days after which the KMS key is deleted after destruction of the resource, must be between 7 and 30 days number 7 no
kms_key_rotation Specifies whether key rotation is enabled bool true no
label_order The naming order of the id output and Name tag list(string) [] no
logging Bucket access logging configuration.
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
null no
mfa_delete A boolean that indicates that versions of S3 objects can only be deleted with MFA. ( Terraform cannot apply changes of this value; hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#629 ) bool false no
mfa_secret The numbers displayed on the MFA device when applying. Necessary when mfa_delete is true. string "" no
mfa_serial The serial number of the MFA device to use. Necessary when mfa_delete is true. string "" no
name Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' string "terraform" no
namespace Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp' string "" no
notifications_events List of events to enable notifications for list(string)
notifications_sns Whether to enable SNS notifications bool true no
notifications_sqs Wether to enable SQS notifications bool false no
read_capacity DynamoDB read capacity units number 5 no
regex_replace_chars Regex to replace chars with empty string in namespace, environment, stage and name. By default only hyphens, letters and digits are allowed, all other chars are removed string "/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/" no
replica_logging Bucket access logging configuration.
bucket_name = string
prefix = string
null no
restrict_public_buckets Whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. bool true no
stage Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', OR 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release' string "" no
tags Additional tags (e.g. map('BusinessUnit','XYZ') map(string) {} no
vpc_ids_list VPC id to access the S3 bucket vía vpc endpoint. The VPCe must be in the same AWS Region as the bucket. list(string) [] no
write_capacity DynamoDB write capacity units number 5 no


Name Description
dynamodb_table_arn DynamoDB table ARN
dynamodb_table_id DynamoDB table ID
dynamodb_table_name DynamoDB table name
s3_bucket_arn S3 bucket ARN
s3_bucket_domain_name S3 bucket domain name
s3_bucket_id S3 bucket ID


# Terraform aws tfstate backend

provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-east-1

provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-west-1"
  alias   = "secondary"

# The following creates a Terraform State Backend with Bucket Replication and all security nd compliance enhacements enabled
module "terraform_state_backend_with_replication" {
  source        = "../../"
  namespace     = "binbash"
  stage         = "test"
  name          = "terraform"
  attributes    = ["state"]

  bucket_replication_enabled = true

  providers = {
    aws.primary   = aws
    aws.secondary = aws.secondary

# The module below creates a Terraform State Backend without bucket replication
module "terraform_state_backend" {
  source        = "../../"
  namespace     = "binbash"
  stage         = "test"
  name          = "terraform-test"
  attributes    = ["state"]

  # By default replication is disabled but it shows below for the sake of the example
  bucket_replication_enabled = false

  # Notice that even though replication is not enabled, we still need to pass a secondary provider
  providers = {
    aws.primary   = aws
    aws.secondary = aws.secondary

  # If you are moving from a previus version and want to avoid all or some of the security and compliance features you can use this example. However, we encourage to use this enhacements.
module "terraform_state_backend_with_replication" {
  source        = "../../"
  namespace     = "binbash"
  stage         = "test"
  name          = "terraform"
  attributes    = ["state"]

  bucket_replication_enabled = true

  ## Avoid changes
  # General
  create_kms_key = false
  # S3
  block_public_acls = false
  ignore_public_acls = false
  block_public_policy = false
  restrict_public_buckets = false
  notifications_sns = false
  notifications_sqs = false
  bucket_lifecycle_enabled = false
  # DynamoDB
  enable_point_in_time_recovery = false
  billing_mode                  = "PROVISIONED"

  providers = {
    aws.primary   = aws
    aws.secondary = aws.secondary


Generating the backend configuration automatically

If you choose to include this module in your own Terraform configuration to provision the backend supporting infrastructure, you can generate the backend configuration file automatically with this module.

To do so, use this module as usual, but provide at least the following input:

  • backend_config_filepath = "."

By default, this will make it so a file with the backend configuration is generated in the current working directory. Once you have provisioned the infrastructure with terraform init && terraform apply, you can copy over Terraform's state file to the backend bucket with the following command:

terraform init -force-copy

Afterwards, your Terraform state will have been copied over to the S3 bucket and Terraform is now ready to use it as a backend.

Refer to the list of backend_config_* inputs for more information on how to tailor this behavior to your use case.

Important consideration

When using the enforce_vpc_requests = true please consider the following AWS VPC gateway endpoint limitations

Name Description Type Default Required
enforce_vpc_requests Enable/Disable VPC endpoint for S3 bucket bool false no
vpc_ids_list VPC id to access the S3 bucket vía vpc endpoint. The VPCe must be in the same AWS Region as the bucket. list(string) [] no

To use gateway endpoints, you need to be aware of the current limitations

  • You cannot use an AWS prefix list ID in an outbound rule in a network ACL to allow or deny outbound traffic to the service specified in an endpoint. If your network ACL rules restrict traffic, you must specify the CIDR block (IP address range) for the service instead. You can, however, use an AWS prefix list ID in an outbound security group rule. For more information, see Security groups.
  • Endpoints are supported within the same Region only. You cannot create an endpoint between a VPC and a service in a different Region.
  • Endpoints support IPv4 traffic only.
  • You cannot transfer an endpoint from one VPC to another, or from one service to another.
  • You have a quota on the number of endpoints you can create per VPC. For more information, see VPC endpoints.
  • Endpoint connections cannot be extended out of a VPC. Resources on the other side of a VPN connection, VPC peering connection, transit gateway, AWS Direct Connect connection, or ClassicLink connection in your VPC cannot use the endpoint to communicate with resources in the endpoint service.
  • You must enable DNS resolution in your VPC, or if you're using your own DNS server, ensure that DNS requests to the required service (such as Amazon S3) are resolved correctly to the IP addresses maintained by AWS.

Binbash Leverage | DevOps Automation Code Library Integration

In order to get the full automated potential of the Binbash Leverage DevOps Automation Code Library
you should initialize all the necessary helper Makefiles.


You must execute the make init-makefiles command at the root context

╭─delivery at delivery-I7567 in ~/terraform/terraform-aws-backup-by-tags on master✔ 20-09-17
╰─⠠⠵ make
Available Commands:
 - init-makefiles     initialize makefiles


You'll get all the necessary commands to automatically operate this module via a dockerized approach, example shown below

╭─delivery at delivery-I7567 in ~/terraform/terraform-aws-backup-by-tags on master✔ 20-09-17
╰─⠠⠵ make
Available Commands:
 - circleci-validate-config  ## Validate A CircleCI Config (https
 - format-check        ## The terraform fmt is used to rewrite tf conf files to a canonical format and style.
 - format              ## The terraform fmt is used to rewrite tf conf files to a canonical format and style.
 - tf-dir-chmod        ## run chown in ./.terraform to gran that the docker mounted dir has the right permissions
 - version             ## Show terraform version
 - init-makefiles      ## initialize makefiles
╭─delivery at delivery-I7567 in ~/terraform/terraform-aws-backup-by-tags on master✔ 20-09-17
╰─⠠⠵ make format-check
docker run --rm -v /home/delivery/Binbash/repos/Leverage/terraform/terraform-aws-backup-by-tags:"/go/src/project/":rw -v :/config -v /common.config:/common-config/common.config -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v ~/.gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig -v ~/.aws/bb:/root/.aws/bb -e AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/root/.aws/bb/credentials -e AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/root/.aws/bb/config --entrypoint=/bin/terraform -w "/go/src/project/" -it binbash/terraform-awscli-slim:0.12.28 fmt -check

Release Management

CircleCi PR auto-release job
