All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v0.3.29 - 2022-05-23
- changed var type to bool, simplified count and added terraform docs pre-commit
- changed managed policy name
- added SSM flag for SSM policy attachment
v0.3.28 - 2022-05-10
- Upgrade AWS provider version constraint (#31)
v0.3.27 - 2021-10-29
- Replace map function which is no longer supported in Terraform v1.x (#30)
v0.3.26 - 2021-10-08
- Create FUNDING.yml
v0.3.25 - 2021-08-25
- Updating terratest expected outputs for testcase num 3
- fixing terratest expected outputs
- updating based in terraform-docs exec
- unifing circleci tests
- upgrading terraform, circleci vm and awscli to python3 compatible version
- updating license
v0.3.24 - 2021-08-13
v0.3.23 - 2020-11-16
- BBL-440 | circleci config slack notif improvement
v0.3.22 - 2020-11-13
- BBL-440 | circleci config slack notif updated
- BBL-440 | updating circleci slack notif
v0.3.21 - 2020-11-13
- BBL-440 | adding circleci slack orb for notifications
- BBL-440 | re-enabling terratest
- BBL-440 | adding terraform binary for pre-commit exec
- BBL-440 | updating mv with sudo + temporally disabling terratest jobs
- BBL-440 | fixing terraform-docs installation
- BBL-440 | adding missing terraform-docs binary dep
- BBL-440 | fixing circleci/config.yml sintaxt
- BBL-440 | makefile lib ver approach added + pre-commit for ci
v0.3.20 - 2020-10-22
- BBL-192 | fixing variable name
v0.3.19 - 2020-10-21
- BBL-192 | updating variable description
v0.3.18 - 2020-10-21
- BBL-192 | adding var to
- BBL-192 | updating AMI tags to follow aws-config expected security workflow
- BBL-192 | make format applied
- BBL-192 | taggin ami to approve and pass aws-config approved-amis-by-tag rule
v0.3.17 - 2020-10-02
- Merge branch 'master' of
- BBL-381 | adding trailing space at makefile
v0.3.16 - 2020-10-02
- BBL-381 | updating makefile include sintaxt + circleci sumologic integration
v0.3.15 - 2020-09-24
- BBL-381 | upgrading circleci machine exec ver
v0.3.14 - 2020-09-18
- BBL-381 | minor figures resizeing update
v0.3.13 - 2020-09-18
- Merge branch 'master' into BBL-381-testing-ci
- BBL-381 | adding makefile must have commented lines
- BBL-381 | mirnor params update
- BBL-381 | updating + + pre-commit md
- BBL-381 | updating Makefile w/ must have comments
- BBL-381 | updating pre-commit repo versions
- BBL-381 | standalone makefile approach implemented + implemented
v0.3.12 - 2020-09-02
- Update Terraform image to use the new slim image and also update test fixtures according to refactors made to Leverage DNS and Security layers (#22)
v0.3.11 - 2020-08-20
- BBL-192 | updating .gitignore + adding .editorconfig + Makefile docker img ver updated
v0.3.10 - 2020-07-21
- BBL-272 updating aws creds to shared acct profile
- BBL-272 aws provider role for tests updated to work with circleci
- BBL-272 module updated to addressed the issue #17
- BBL-272 std repo structure files in place
- BBL-272 - #17
v0.3.9 - 2020-05-08
- Remove associate_public_ip_address from being a factor when creating … (#19)
v0.3.8 - 2020-04-07
v0.3.7 - 2020-04-07
- BBL-226 fixing figures urls in
v0.3.6 - 2020-04-07
- BBL-226 introducing dummy change for CI retry.
- BBL-226 output description corrected
- BBL-226 Makefiles fmt improved
- BBL-226 adding .github dir w/ ISSUES and PRs templates
- BBL-226 release mgmt section updated
- BBL-226 .chglog, .circleci and .gitignore minor improvements
v0.3.5 - 2020-02-03
- BBL-181 reviewing ci release error
- BBL-181 examples updated to cover new module behaviour
- BBL-181 adding pre-commit run command into Makefile
- BBL-181 module update, adding new aws_instance variables support + custom role generation naming enhancement + name var changed to required.
- BBL-181 updating to latest tf-0.12.20 + minor comments and updates
v0.3.4 - 2020-01-09
- BBL-167 clearing not necessary extra // in comment
v0.3.3 - 2020-01-09
- BBL-167 updating role name to be in sync with CircleCI ENV var.
- BBL-167 code updated with tests
- BBL-167 updating .gitigonre to avoid pushing dynamically generated terratests files
- BBL-167 terraform fmt -check validation sintaxt simplfied
- BBL-167 Segregating Makefiles for std release-mgmt tasks
v0.3.2 - 2019-12-20
- BBL-42 fixing image
v0.3.1 - 2019-12-20
- BBL-42 uncommenting terratest e2e tests for final testing round
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep simplifying validation chec
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep condition update
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep condition update
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep with aws cred step
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep with aws cred step
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep with extra debugging validations
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep with temp debugging output
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep with temp debugging output
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep check condition
- BBL-42 explicitly passing /bin/bash shell to jobs
- BBL-42 explicitly passing /bin/bash shell to jobs
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep check step + temporaly disabling e2e tests
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep check step
- BBL-42 updating circleci tflint-deep step with latest version + fixed check
- BBL-42 fixing circleci config with proper AWS account info + examples update
- BBL-42 uncommenting circleci test workflow in config file
- BBL-42 fixing figures link
- BBL-42 fixing figures link
- BBL-42 adding changelog for release-mgmt proc
- BBL-42 updating ec2 name default value
- Set theme jekyll-theme-slate
v0.3.0 - 2019-12-17
- BBL-42 terratests added with 3 test cases from examples
- BBL-42 examples added to be also used as test sources
- BBL-42 module tf instance, security, dns updates with proper var and outupts
- BBL-42 improving markdown line length in READMEs
- BBL-42 updating aux files: Makefile, and circleci/config.yml
- BBL-42 updated with new input params
- BBL-42 dns, instance, network and sec module updates
- BBL-42 Adding terratests covering new module features
- BBL-42 module std structure and file updates
- customizable dns record via var
v0.2.1 - 2019-10-26
- Add EBS Optimized option. (#2)
v0.2.0 - 2019-09-13
- Add support to specify an instance profile. (#1)
- Initial commit
- Initial commit