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2051 lines (1595 loc) · 98.6 KB

File metadata and controls

2051 lines (1595 loc) · 98.6 KB



  • Updated auth screen messaging to comply with OWASP guidelines.


  • Updated JS dependencies
  • Added CLI commands to the README
  • Update plugin readme tested up version


  • Fix wc_get_page_id return type


  • Sync all categories for MSF stores via API


  • Update plugin readme tested up version


  • Fix CVE-2023-49162


  • Update plugin readme tested up version


  • Update plugin readme tested up version


  • Fix import stuck problem on step 6 - Updating Brands


  • Resolved issue with categories and brands import, preventing infinite loop import on such steps


  • Add ability to use original image proportion on product single page. Go to Appearance → Bigcommerce → Product Single and change image size to original.


  • Show variant SKU if product SKU is not added or missing


  • Prevent import fail on Analytics Settings retrieval due to outdated API use
  • Fix search issue with product widget block while using fast(headless) import. Allow searching by SKU, name


  • Fixed situation when product options, price, reviews are hidden because global settings for channel are used. Product display settings can be changed in Bigcommerce Channel Manager under Store Settings -> Product Display.


  • Added support for Multi Storefront(MSF) functionality:
    • Pull products, product categories and brands that belongs to specified channel
    • Retrieve and save currencies during the import. They can be used in Currency Switch widget. You can add widget in Appearance -> Widgets. Just drop widget to registered widget area. After that each user can switch to required currency on the frontend
    • Apply channel settings(hide prices, hide reviews etc.) set in Bigcommerce Channel Manager to WordPress e-commerce pages.
    • Retrieve customer groups existed in Bigcommerce. If it is possible set default customer group for all new customer


  • Creation of new channel for MSF stores won't create active channel in Bigcommerce anymore. Instead of that channel with pre-launch status will be created. Usual WordPres pages will be still accessible by regular users. However, any e-commerce pages(checkout, product single page and etc) won't be visible for anyone, except site administrator, and return 404 error. To make it visible please enable webhooks and go to Bigcommerce Channel Manager. Change channel status to active. After that e-commerce pages will become visible for everyone.


  • Add ability to abort import in any status. This will allow aborting stuck import process on any step and start the new one. To abort import go to Bigcommerce -> Settings -> Diagnostics and click on the Abort button


  • Fixed headless image import. Prevent situation when categories images were skipped during import.


  • Added ability to choose default product image size while ‘Fast Headless’ import is on. You can choose between 2 sizes: standard and thumbnail. Since Bigcommerce API provides standard images without compressing page load speed may reduce. To avoid the such problem you can choose thumbnail size to load in Wordpress customizer: Appearance → Customize → Bigcommerce → Product Single → Image Size(headless)


  • Fixed 'Image Zoom'(Appearance → Customizer → Bigcommerce → Product Single → Image Zoom) option. Allow using image zoom when ‘Fast Headless’ import is on
  • Fixed compatibility with the Elementor plugin. Do not duplicate shortcodes on required pages, if shortcode is added already on the page
  • Prevent situation when cart shows negative taxes values
  • Fixed AMP cart template issue when you can't delete last item from cart


  • Added subtotal and taxes display on AMP cart template
  • Added ability to change quantity on AMP cart template
  • Display product options(if applicable) on AMP cart template


  • Changed customer cache flush logic. Prevent situations when customer group rules don't apply after they have been changed in Bigcommerce Control Panel. To flush customers data go to plugin settings: Bigcommerce → Settings → Diagnostics → Flush users cache


  • Added a new option Pricing nonce field to Appearance → Customizer → Bigcommerce → Single → Product. The option allows nonce disabling in pricing requests on a single product page. If you use strong cache options that don't provide the ability to refresh page nonce, the disabling nonce option allows performing correct pricing requests.
  • Added new filter bigcommerce/product/variant_price. Hook returns the calculated price for the variant and allows price changing per variant. The example usage is adding taxes or some custom calculations to variant price


  • Improved graphql token validation while using 'Fast - Headless' import. The update should handle GraphQL credentials were missing. No token was sent issue during import


  • Improved products processing by adding pre-caching logic on the product catalog after each "Fast-Headless-Import and store minimal product data option" import. This should reduce the number of queries and the risk of the "too many requests" issue occurring
  • Allow import abort if it is stuck in the 'Completed' status


  • Fixed issue with product duplication during "Fast-Headless-Import and store minimal product data option" import.
  • Fixed "Respect General Inventory Settings" (Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Catalog) toggle behavior: radio button switch allows disabling or enabling support for the general Bigcommerce out of stock inventory settings
  • Allow renaming channel from Bigcommerce -> Settings -> Channel without errors


  • Added real-time shipping calculation with USPS. In order to enable it please go to Bigcommerce admin -> Settings -> Shipping and connect USPS service. Then on WordPress store make a full sync. The real-time shipping calculation will be added as a new option to 'Shipping Calculator' on the Cart page
  • Added ability to hide meta description set in Bigcommerce Admin. By default that option is on. In case you want to change it please go to WordPress Admin -> Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Single and switch behavior in Meta Description section
  • Added a warning notice to Customizer -> Bigcommerce -> Product Catalog. It will be displayed on the 'Grid Columns' and 'Products per page' options when Divi theme is enabled.


  • Allow writing reviews for non-customer users. In order to do that go to Wordpress Admin -> Settings -> Discussion and uncheck 'Users must be registered and logged in to comment' checkbox. If checkbox is checked only logged-in users(customers) can leave a review


  • Fixed issue when cart items change did not update cart totals/subtotals/taxes
  • Customers creation on Bigcommerce Admin with empty details issue resolved.


  • Allow creating customers from WordPress admin. To add new customer go to wp-admin panel Users -> Add New and create new user with Customer role


  • Allow using embedded checkout when cart page is disabled. If embedded checkout is enabled customers will proceed to embedded checkout page
  • Show inventory level according to selected variant instead of show inventory for whole product. Inventory show option can be enabled via Customizer -> Single product -> Inventory Level setting


  • Create customer account on Bigcommerce side during registration process and store customer address


  • Webhook listeners for adding/removing products to the channel. Webhooks can be enabled via Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync > Enable products webhooks. Webhook is firing when a product is assigned to a channel or unassigned from it
  • Add the ability to change product variant's out-of-stock behavior. Go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Single > Product variants out of stock behavior. If the option is enabled then out-of-stock variants will be disabled. If it is disabled out-of-stock items can be added to the cart
  • 'Fast' import type(beta) is added. When it is selected during the import will get only products titles, ids, categories, and brands. Other information like prices, images, descriptions and etc, won't be retrieved on import. Instead, the information will be taken directly from Bigcommerce API and will show relevant product data on the fly. Import type can be set from WordPress admin panel > Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync > Import Type.


  • Categories is_visible behavior can be controlled from Customizer. Go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Category > Categories 'is_visible' option. If the option is on the plugin will respect categories visibility set in Bigcommerce admin and will remove hidden categories from the menu and redirect categories pages to the 404 page


  • Support for WPGraphql plugin queries was added:
    • bCProducts - retrieves a list of Bigcommerce products
    • bCProduct - retrieves single product data by product ID
    • bCCategories - get the Bigcommerce categories list and their data
    • bCCategory - get Bigcommerce category data by category ID
    • bCBrands - get Bigcommerce brands data list and their data
    • bCBrand - get Bigcommerce brand data by brand ID
  • Support for Bigcommerce out of stock inventory settings(Advanced Settings > Inventory > General Settings). To enable that feature in the plugin go to Customizer > Bigcommerce > Product Catalog > Respect General Inventory Settings. If the option is enabled next actions will be applied to the products:
    • Do nothing - product will be shown without changes
    • Redirect to the category page - user will be redirected from product page to product category page if a product is out of stock
    • Hide product on category page - product can be accessed directly via link but will be hidden from the category page
    • Hide the product completely - the product will be hidden from the category page and can't be accessible via direct link.


  • Successful customer registration will not perform auto-login to the WordPress store. Customers should sign in to the store via login page
  • Password reset form after submission will redirect customers to the same site in WordPress network. For example: if customer submits the reset password form on after submission customer still stays on the
  • Pass product SKU in analytics events alongside product ID
  • Synchronize Password option is enabled by default for customers created via webhooks


  • Fixed the scopes issue during on-boarding process that prevented store connection and setup
  • Fixed total and subtotal calculation on the cart when using discounts like "Buy one, get one free"
  • Correct alignments for second address row in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct Wishlist size in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct coupon code field size on the cart page in Twenty Twenty-Two theme
  • Correct mini-cart "View cart" button size in Twenty Twenty-Two theme


  • Fixed the issue with products data fetch that prevented the correct import and allows import of only the first 10 products


  • Added detailed description to the Import Task Processing option in Settings -> Product Sync
  • Respect product variants availability settings: if variant is disabled or not available it will be unselectable and visually marked
  • Add support for category is_visible flag:
    • Hide disabled category from menu
    • Redirect from category page to 404 page
    • Exclude category from search index
    • Product under category can still be accessed, directly via URL


  • Increased the Custom Fields values limit and add correct processing for the special characters. If the error occurs on that step import will continue working with the next batch of the products


  • Added automatic API scope check during plugin installation. If provided API credentials do not meet the required criteria, the plugin installation will be aborted and an error message will be shown
  • Added ability to control customer's group's cache expiration time as well as ability to purge customer and products cache. In order to control or purge the cache go to Bigcommerce -> Settings -> Diagnostics.
    • Use the 'Flush Users Cache' button will purge customers' group cache and retrieve fresh data from Bigcommerce API.
    • Use the 'User Cache Expiration' option field to set the time for how long the group cache should be stored.
    • Use the 'Flush Products Cache' button in order to invalidate products cache
    • Please note: if webhooks are enabled the cache will be invalidated automatically


  • Update plugin readme 'Tested up to' version
  • Update styles for 'Choose Options' on Twenty Twenty-Two theme


  • Correct label spelling from 'Production Condition Color' to 'Product Condition Color' in Customizer Colors section.
  • Fix image zoom styling on product page for Twenty Twenty-One theme


  • Added ability to control images import. It adds the ability to choose between serving images from external CDN, skip import completely, or serving images as usual. In order to do that you should go to Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync > Images Import. You are able to choose between 3 options:
    • Full images import - the default behavior. During the sync with Bigcommerce, each image will be downloaded and stored in WordPress locally. All images will be served from the WordPress environment
    • Import only images URL - a new option that allows to retrieve only images URIs from Bigcommerce and serve images with that URIs. Images won't be stored in WordPress locally and will be loaded from an external source(Bigcommerce CDN)
    • Disable images import - completely disable images import. No images won't be added to the WordPress environment during the sync process. Images from Bigcommerce CDN won't be loaded as well. Despite that, you are still able to set a featured image on the product and it will be displayed on the frontend


  • Added separate logging section for webhooks. The section can be found under Settings -> Diagnostics -> Get Diagnostics. It shows entries from webhooks incoming requests(validation issues, endpoints triggering, webhooks errors)


  • Fixed the customer's cache purging during the import final cleanup. Cache cleanup was moved to a background cron job in order to prevent the import process freeze due to the high amount of customers in the store


  • In order to speed up the import process running import tasks in parallel was added. The option can be enabled in Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync. Enabling it will add an additional background task runs on listings, channels initialization, and product data fetching.
  • Added support for customer webhooks, which will enable real-time data syncing between BigCommerce and BC4WP for customer related data, such as new customers being created and updated login settings. The options can be enabled during onboarding process or in Bigcommerce > Settings > Product Sync


  • Improve import process performance, optimize cleanup queries in order to reduce server resource consumption. Perform an additional cleanup before import starts.


  • Added ability to enable or disable sub-categories in navigation menu. The option can be changed in Customizer > BigCommerce > Product Category > Menus. Sub categories are hidden from menu by default
  • Added ability to abort import process. In order to do that go to Bigcommerce > Settings > Diagnostics and click on the "Abort Product Import" button


  • Fixed 500 issue on the REST API endpoint for the product review
  • Fixed PHP notice appearance when get_terms return boolean result during category fetching
  • Added an error handling for situation when import task is missing


  • Set “New/Updated Since last Sync” as the default selection in the manual product sync on both the Settings page and the Product Archive in the admin.


  • Reflects change of the customer's group after full re-sync process: customer should see product prices according to group settings


  • Handle legacy PHP filter_input bug which may cause situation with empty auth headers and webhook validation fail
  • Update existing webhooks with new passwords when enabling webhooks in settings. The update prevents webhook validation issues with old passwords


  • Update the cart total when QTY is updated
  • 'Update total' button click, while shipping calculation, will update the total price


  • Fixed issue when webhooks option is enabled during onboarding process. Check if webhook already exists and return its id instead of trying to recreate it
  • Fixed error occurring while plugin activation. Problem was caused by handling the property on an empty object
  • Fixed bccustomervisibleterms value issue. Previously WP_Error could be set as transient value and cause issues on the storefront. Currently when error is occurred empty value will be saved to transient
  • Fixed the inventory updates via webhook. The inventory level should be updated when it is changed on the BC side whether a product or variant tracking is enabled.
  • Fixed product images switch when the user selects the variant. The corresponding image of the variant will be displayed


  • Added ability to set the max file size for the import log. Before each import starts the log size is measured and if the size exceeds the limit it will be truncated. The default log size is 25MB. In order to change defaults go to Setting > Diagnostics. Find and update the 'Log file max size' field


  • Fixed the 'New/Updated since last sync' import. The import will pull new products as well as update existing ones. Previously the 'New/Updated since last sync' updated existing products only
  • Added ability to see product sync log errors description on the 'Diagnostic' tab
  • Settings > Diagnostics > Product Sync Log sync statistics are displayed in the table separately for multiple channels
  • Fixed 'Auto' sync behavior with enabled multichannel support. Added a filter bigcommerce/channels/map-products-to-all-channels filter defaulted to false
    • When multi-channel is enabled and the filter is false, if the Auto sync is enabled, sync imports products that are connected to each channel only.
    • When that multi-channel is enabled and that filter is true, if the Auto sync is enabled, newly added products to the catalog will be synced to all connected channels.


  • Added support for BC product create/update/delete webhooks. Turning on the "Enable Webhooks" creates a subscription to product create, update, and delete events, enabling products to be updated in real time rather than only via sync


  • In order to add more transparency in plugin code and updating the 'Plugin Code Reference' site PHPDoc blocks were updated. Added missing descriptions for classes/methods and explanation comments in methods body. Please check the list of affected items below
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Channel_Settings.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Countries.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Customer_Group.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Login.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Nav_Menu.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Password_Reset.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Sub_Nav.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/User_Profile_Settings.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Actions/Add_Item.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Actions/Create_Wishlist.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Actions/Delete_Wishlist.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Actions/Edit_Wishlist.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Actions/Remove_Item.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Accounts/Wishlists/Missing_Wishlist.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Api/Shipping_Api.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Api/Store_Api.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Api/Tax_Class_Api.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Assets/Admin/JS_Config.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Assets/Admin/JS_Localization.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Assets/Theme/JS_Config.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Assets/Theme/Styles.php
    • src/BigCommerce/CLI/Documentation/Build_Docs.php
    • src/BigCommerce/CLI/Documentation/Import_Docs.php
    • src/BigCommerce/CLI/Import_Products.php
    • src/BigCommerce/CLI/Resources/Build_Resources.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Add_To_Cart.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Cart.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Cart_Mapper.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Cart_Menu_Item.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Cart_Recovery.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Cart/Checkout.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Checkout/Customer_Login.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Accounts.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Analytics.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Api.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Merchant.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Rest.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Container/Settings.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Customizer/Styles.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Delete_Address_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Product_Review_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Purchase_Gift_Certificate_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Registration_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Update_Address_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Forms/Update_Profile_Handler.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Import/Importers/Products/Product_Builder.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Import/Importers/Products/Product_Saver.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Import/Processors/Listing_Fetcher.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Merchant/Account_Status.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Merchant/Connect_Account.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Merchant/Onboarding_Api.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Pages/Checkout_Complete_Page.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Pages/Required_Page.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Pages/Shipping_Returns_Page.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Plugin.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Post_Types/Product/Product.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Post_Types/Product/Query.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Post_Types/Product/Query_Mapper.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Proxy/Proxy_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Rest/Coupon_Code_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Rest/Pricing_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Rest/Products_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Rest/Shortcode_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Import_Status.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Screens/Api_Credentials_Screen.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Screens/Onboarding_Complete_Screen.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Screens/Welcome_Screen.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Sections/Cart.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Sections/New_Account_Section.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Settings/Sections/Troubleshooting_Diagnostics.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Shortcodes/Product_Reviews.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Address_Form.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Amp_Cart_Summary.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Amp_Cart_items.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Form_Controller.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Gift_Certificate_Balance_Response.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Gift_Certificate_Form.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Order_Summary.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Product_Options.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Product_Specs.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Registration_Form.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Review_Form.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Templates/Wishlist_Product.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Util/Kses.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Checkout_Complete_Webhook.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Product_Inventory_Update_Webhook.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Product_Update_Webhook.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Product_Updater.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Status.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Webhook.php
    • src/BigCommerce/Webhooks/Webhook_Versioning.php


  • Added support for BC product sub categories in the WP Menu feature for adding the Product Categories.
  • Updated version requirements and compatibility for PHP, MySQL, and WordPress. PHP 7.4+, MySQL 5.6+, WordPress 5.8.1 (tested up to).


  • Fixed an issue with WordPress menus where the option to add Brands or Product Categories would not add to the menu list at all.
  • Fixed issue with cart on the main menu on different themes. Now the menu item cart opens the mini cart.


  • Fixes an issue with product imports/syncing where the process would fail (504) due to a timeout with upstream_response_time. The timeout value was increased to allow more time to complete the process.


  • PHPDoc for cart-footer.php template updated


  • Fixed Product Import logic so script and style tag contents are not displayed in product description.
  • Fixed Uncaught ReferenceError: ga is not defined console error
  • Fixed Wishlist product image thumbnail size
  • Fixed reset password error
  • Fixed low stock notification


  • Fixed styling of hidden product variant radio elements in Twenty Twenty One theme
  • Fixed sub total to exclude tax in cart details
  • Fixed sub total to exclude tax in order history details
  • Fixed CLI importer warnings


  • Fixed a fatal error on plugin activation for new installs


  • Added support for partial product import. A dropdown is added next to the Sync Products button with an option to sync only products that have changed since the last sync.
  • Added support for channel status. The plugin will not load on the front-end if the channel status is anything other than active. Admin area will load but the product import will be allowed only for active and inactive status.


  • Updated "Add to Cart" JavaScript functions to use [data-js="bc-cart-item-count"] selector instead of .bigcommerce-cart__item-count.



  • Fixed the product template include logic for WordPress 5.8
  • Fixed bug introduced in WordPress 5.8 that prevents WordPress Customizer from reacting when changes were made to the Product Catalog "Sort By" options.
  • Updates add to cart functionality to wait for creation of cart, so multiple add to carts function properly. Fix for: #230


  • Fixed Product Form > Option Description escaping logic so <strong> tags render properly.
  • Fixed login redirect_to query argument not being respected. This happened for admin users in the case when confirm admin email action was in progress. Other user roles were not affected.
  • Fixed Admin/Users reset password link
  • Fixed cart footer template description and bumped the template version (related github issue: #275)
  • Fixed javascript error should the pricing API error out (related github issues: #226 #231)


  • Added support for password reset for users that exist only on BC (not yet synced with WP)

  • Delete all channels from the WP database on plugin uninstall so a fresh channel list is pulled when reinstalling and connecting to a new store

  • Added support for changing the SKU element when selecting variants. This adds a wrapper around the SKU value where JS targets the wrapper and updates the text.

    NOTE: Update your templates accordingly. product-sku.php


  • Within Embedded Checkout, logging out using the EC sign out buttonnow triggers a callback to log the user out of wordpress as well via wp_logout()

  • The SKU text now updates after changing options on a product.

    NOTE: product-sku.php template updated to v.1.1.0


  • Fixed background colors in 2021 theme
  • Fixed banner overlaps the mobile menu icon on 2021 theme
  • Fixed top/bottom banners set for WordPress Twenty-Seventeen theme not showing up on home page.


  • Support for fetching products by SKU via query and shortcode.

  • Added "Product Sync Log" section to the Settings > Diagnostics panel in the WP Admin. This shows the last 10 sync attempts and their result.

  • Added support for Banners via the Banners API to import and use custom banners from the BC store within your WordPress site.


  • Updated gallery thumbnail active slide functionality when triggering SKU specific images.

  • Updated "Checkout Complete" page assignment in Settings. Allows for any page to be used, as the checkout complete page.



  • Added support for a generic Segment tracking event on order completion via Embedded Checkout.
  • Added Customizer option and cart functionality to process coupon/promo codes.


  • Optimized Brand and Category import. (Less time to import by skipping terms that did not change)


  • Addressed issues with the Shipping Calculator not properly accommodating Free and Ship by Weight/Total options.
  • Fixed CLI importer warnings


  • Added styles for Twenty Twenty One theme. Expanding the default content area width. Added button styles, link styles, colors and updating CSS variables.
  • Added support for global customer login, with a default of on for all new installs and channels, and the ability to turn on for existing channels
  • Added template and route for Checkout Completion to better support checkout processes utilizing a hosted payment processor with redirection


  • Fixed Onboarding Settings not showing the correct list of channels
  • Fixed Shipping Calculator enable/disable toggle in the Customizer (Github issues:#243, #244)


  • Added support for Product Category images
  • Added additional error message when attempting to create a channel with an existing name


  • Addresses an issue with the Choices JS library breaking the term selection in the WP admin Product Selector UI.
  • Fixed greyed out Embedded Checkout option in the settings even if site is ssl configured


  • Added a proxy server endpoint to add multiple products to the cart in a single request
  • Added support for Gift Certificate themes drop-down


  • Fixed an error when printing a failed import time message in the Settings panel


  • Added time zone for import times in Settings > Product Sync


  • Addressed an issue where missing template markup on custom template overrides caused a JS error on the page rendering the rest of the page unusable.

    Note: Where possible, please use all require markup outlined in the templates.


  • Fixed product category slug changes when re-importing a term that overlaps with a term with a different parent.


  • Added shipping estimation calculator to the cart page as well as option to enable/disable this feature in the WordPress Customizer.


  • Changed how Quick View triggers detect their corresponding modal container. This change allows more flexibility in terms of where a Quick View button can be placed in a product card.


  • Added a new customizer option to hide search bar from product archive
  • Added ability to embed iframe in Product description
  • Added option to never sync products
  • Added new sort options on Product Archive: by SKU and by Inventory Count


  • Fixed product duplication on import and single product front-end visibility when default customer group is not set in BC settings
  • Fixed an issue with Quick View buttons/modals not triggering their respective Quick View dialog when multiple product grids are on the same page.


  • Added required additional onboarding step for setting a Checkout URL
  • Allow img tag in product custom fields


  • Fixed add new product component block error
  • Fixed HTML in Settings helptext
  • Visible on storefront BC setting not reflected in WP
  • Fixed front-end exception if channel is not set


  • Added Checkout URL documentation link in Settings


  • Updated product quick view modal to work after ajax refresh


  • Added in support for variant inventories
  • Added version check to the plugin loader so that the plugin is running only if the minimum version is met
  • Integrated support for Akismet spam gateway for account sign ups


  • Updated list styles in catalog pages
  • Changed share wishlist functionality to copy wishlist link
  • Updated tax label
  • Added validation for presence of Shortcode for registered BC pages


  • Category description is now properly rendering images uploaded in the BC admin


  • Added support for Matomo analytics plugin utilizing the events for: setCustomVariable, addEcommerceItem, and setEcommerceView events.


  • Minimum supported WordPress version increased to 5.2
  • Minimum supported PHP version increased to 7.2
  • Reviews will no longer be imported as part of the primary import process. A separate cron job will cache a single page of reviews in post meta for each product. Subsequent pages will be queried directly from the BigCommerce API when visitors request to view them.
  • \BigCommerce\Post_Types\Product\Product::get_reviews() will only return the cached collection of reviews (usually 12 or fewer). Options to sort reviews are no longer recognized.
  • \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Reviews\Review_Builder has moved to \BigCommerce\Reviews\Review_Builder.
  • \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Reviews\Review_Fetcher has moved to \BigCommerce\Review\Review_Fetcher. The $product_id parameter has moved from the constructor to the fetch() method.
  • Updated templates to handle ajax loading of the initial page of reviews. Affected templates are review-list.php and review-list-pagination.php.


  • Removed the bc_reviews table. All queries that used this table have been updated to use post meta or query the BigCommerce API.
  • \BigCommerce\Post_Types\Product\Product::get_review_count() will return the count of approved reviews. The $status parameter has been removed.
  • Remove the abstract class \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Record_Builder. The functionality that was shared by subclasses is available through the trait \BigCommerce\Api\Api_Data_Sanitizer.
  • Deprecated classes, methods, and variables from prior versions of the plugin have been removed according to schedule.


  • \BigCommerce\Schema\Reviews_Table has been deprecated and will be removed in version 5.0. Its only remaining functionality is to remove the now-unused table from the database.


  • Segment support for cross-domain analytics with Google Analytics. It enables the autoLinker plugin feature for GA.
  • Enforce BigCommerce password requirements when registering new customers
  • Display category description on product category pages


  • Data Sanitization/Escaping code refactor for WPVIP compliance


  • Added manual site URL sync option in the Diagnostics panel


  • Modified admin import timeout message
  • Update checkout SDK to 1.79.0


  • Fixed Best Selling sort on Product archive page
  • Fixed category sort not being reflected in the menu


  • Link to BigCommerce HTTPS settings from Embedded Checkout settings tab.


  • Fixed an issue with product grids where Ajax to cart is enabled but no simple products are on the page. This would cause the Add to Cart button on Quick View to redirect to the cart page instead of an ajax submission.

  • Fixed Google SiteKit plugin breaking Settings page.


  • Added some additional support for Flatsome theme minicart widget on mobile/smaller viewports.


  • Featured and regular product sort order reflect order in BC store


  • Fixed an issue with the add to cart ajax feature where the mini cart does not update after a successful request.


  • Added support for new larger image size and zoom features on the PDP in multiple supported WordPress themes.
  • Added version numbers to templates. Diagnostics panel will now check major versions of overridden files.
  • Support for Flatsome theme added starting with version 3.10.1 of the theme.
  • Added filter to Cart_Mapper map (PR #201).


  • Changed filtering on Brand and Product Category descriptions to use wp_kses_post() instead of wp_filter_kses(). This allows the use of more HTML tags in those term descriptions.
  • Added some additional refined style adjustments to the WordPress Twenty-Twenty theme.
  • Made a change to the onboarding page for connecting your channel. Form sections now start open so you can edit all fields immediately.
  • Both enabled site ssl and Sitewide HTTPS setting in BC store are required to use embedded checkout.


  • Empty cart destination link from Customizer is properly linked in the cart.
  • Product sync reflects adding/removing products from store channels.


  • Added controls to the theme customizer to edit product category and brand taxonomy slugs.
  • Added Customizer option to control image size output for image gallery and the featured image component.
    • Modifications were made to the product-gallery.php and product-featured-image.php templates to accommodate these new changes. Update your template overrides accordingly.
    • Styles updates were also adjusted to accommodate this new image size by adding a new body class: .bc-gallery-size-bc-xmedium
  • Added Customizer option to allow the user to apply a zoom-on-hover interaction for main gallery images on the product detail page.
    • Modifications were made to the product-gallery.php template to accommodate these new changes. Update your template overrides accordingly.


  • Modified the names of the cart cookies for better compatibility with server/host restrictions. (i.e. Some hosts would remove BC cookies because they lacked a wp- prefix)
  • Better error handling around 0 qty field entries on cart items. The ajax response would leave the 0 in the field but would continue to show the previous price value. Entering 0 does not delete an item from your cart so we've updated this to return the field value to its previous value.


  • Removed the notification to finish setting up shipping methods. So long as at least one shipping zone exists (and it will always exist), the notification will not be displayed.
  • Webhooks can be toggled on or off.


  • Added an option to the customizer to toggle the "Continue Shopping" link for an empty cart between the home page and the catalog page.
  • Added a filter, bigcommerce/cart/continue_shopping_url, to modify the destination of the "Continue Shopping" link for an empty cart.
  • Added additional info about routes for all connected channels to the plugin diagnostic data.
  • Added theme support for the WordPress Twenty-Twenty theme and BC4WP.


  • Added a new class to the product archive template title: bc-product-archive__title.


  • Addressed an issue in the WP Admin with field heights on fields making them not visible.
  • Fixed channel site URL to update based on the "Site Address" setting, not the "WordPress Address" setting.
  • Fixed options sorting order on select fields for admin settings sections.


  • Added a missing entry to the 3.0.0 changelog regarding fixing the uninstaller.


  • When the site url changes, the connected channel site URL is also updated.


  • Added a new notification in the Diagnostics panel to call out when template overrides are being used.
  • Enhanced the template for product cards by adding additional classes related to product statuses.
    • bc-[product-id]
    • bc-availability-*
    • bc-product-sale
    • bc-product-outofstock
    • bc-product-lowinventory


  • Added category and product view limitations to customers that are members of a group with product category visibility limitations.
  • Added a filter to modify the cache time of user group category visibility. bigcommerce/product_category/group_filter_terms_user_cache_time accepts a value, in seconds, for how long to cache the local list of terms by user.
  • Added a new tab to the Resources section in the plugin admin area. The new section, Tutorials, contains video tutorial links from BigCommerce's YouTube channel.


  • Added a feature that scrolls the browser to the top of the embedded checkout iframe upon completion of the order. This resolves an issue on smaller screens where the window would be stuck at the bottom of the page.


  • Added the ability to sort products arbitrarily in the products shortcode. By setting the sort parameter to post__in, the order of the IDs in the id parameter will be maintained in the query results.
  • Added body classes to front end templates with product ID and availability, and flags for sale, out of stock, and low inventory products.


  • The import progress bar will also appear at the top of the final onboarding screen if an import is in progress.
  • Redesigned the final onboarding page to list the next steps to configure the merchant's BigCommerce store. This final page will appear in the admin menu as "Launch Steps" until all required steps have been completed.


  • Handled a possible exception in the product update webhook handler
  • Fixed an undefined variable in the product update webhook handler
  • Fixed the product review form handler to respect the value of the bigcommerce/product/reviews/show_form filter that is used when displaying the form.
  • Changed the default value for bigcommerce/gift_certificates/theme to general. The previous value resulted in gift certificate reciepients to receive an email with no gift certificate template attached.


  • Onboarding Screen modifications:
    • When submitting the new account form, a loading spinner and message appear letting you know we're working on creating your account.
    • The email confirmation notice upon creating a new account is now more visible.
    • On the Channel Selection screen, a new notice was added altering the user to the alternate configuration needed for WordPress multisite setup.
  • The first channel will be automatically created when registering a new account via the WordPress plugin. This store will be configured to automatically add new products to that channel. Additional channels may still be created from the settings screen when multi-channel mode is enabled.
  • The item count badge on the cart menu item will be enabled when either embedded checkout or the mini-cart is enbled. The item count will be included in the mini-cart ajax request and used to update the item count cookie.
  • With the release of WordPress 5.3, there were several updates to accessibility in the WP admin including form fields, color contrast, and attribute updates. We've done the same with our plugin and increased AA compliance throughout the plugin, including onboarding screens, settings pages, and Product UI.


  • Added an option to enable the mini-cart to the nav menu onboarding screen.
  • Added support videos to onboarding screens.


  • Changed product videos to use oEmbed instead of the YouTube API, thereby supporting IE11.


  • Handled an inconsistency in Channels and Catalog API responses to ensure that deleted products are removed from WordPress.
  • Removed erroneous override of product shortcode/block sorting when a sorting argument is explicitly given.
  • Updated BigCommerce API client to version 2.0.3 to handle product option sort order.


  • Product gallery template overrides based off of the short-lived 3.9.0 template should continue to function, but should be updated for compatibility with future versions. Templates depending on the YouTube API are deprecated.


  • Added the retail price to the product price template. The retail price will only display when it is set on the product in the BigCommerce admin.
  • Added support for product videos in the product gallery section. The videos will always be YouTube videos. We've implemented the YouTube Player API to assist with play and pause features when switching between multiple videos.
    • There is a known issue with this YT Player API on IE 11 and videos are currently not playing in that browser. This will be addressed in the next release.


  • DELETE requests to the WP REST API are now camouflaged as POST requests to work around web hosts that do not allow standard HTTP methods.


  • Fixed the missing "Cart" section in the theme customizer when visiting the customizer before first saving any settings in the plugin admin.


  • Updated embedded checkout SDK to version 1.37.1 to better handle failures from the cart handover.


  • Created a mini-cart template. There are two ways to display the mini-cart. (1) Use a widget to display the mini-cart in a registered sidebar area. (2) Activate the toggle in the theme customizer to display the mini-cart when the cart nav menu icon is clicked. The contents of the mini-cart will be loaded asynchronously to avoid deleterious effects on page caching plugins. The mini-cart has its own set of templates that can be customized independently of the full cart templates.
  • Added two more WooCommerce function stubs for compatibility with some themes: wc_get_cart_url() and wc_get_checkout_url(). Each will point to the corresponding BigCommerce page for cart or checkout. Props to @mark-netalico.


  • Removed an erroneous error message that displayed when updating from version 3.5 or earlier. If the site's currency matches the store's default currency, no error message should display that says the currency is disabled.


  • If a product variant has an image, and that variant is purchased, the order history page will display that variant's image instead of the default product image.
  • Clarified 3.6.0 changelog entry regarding assignment of currencies to channels.


  • When using the WordPress password reset form or updated a user's password from the WordPress admin, the new password will be synchronized with the BigCommerce customer account for users who's accounts are configured to sync with BigCommerce.
  • Added an endpoint to handle abandoned cart recovery. Visitors who abandon their carts will receive an email with a link that includes a token to recover the cart. On clicking the link, the cart will be restored in the user's new browser session.
  • Added new route configurations to point BigCommerce-generated links to pages on the WordPress site:
    • create_account points to the user registration page
    • forgot_password points to the lost password page
    • account_order_status points to the order history page
    • account_new_return points to the shipping & returns page
    • recover_abandoned_cart points to the cart recovery endpoint


  • If a user account is configured to sync with BigCommerce but the customer ID user meta is missing (as may happen if the BigCommerce plugin has been uninstalled and reinstalled), a matching customer account may be found by email and used for password validation.


  • Added currency selection to the settings screen. Any currencies enabled in the BigCommerce admin are available to assign as the currency for the WordPress site. When in multi-channel mode, a different currency can be assigned to each channel.
  • Added support for custom SEO titles and descriptions. The SEO title set in the BigCommerce admin will override the HTML title tag for the product single. The SEO description set in the BigCommerce admin will be used to render a meta description tag in the page header. Note: If using Yoast SEO, custom descriptions set in the Yoast meta box will lead to a duplicate meta tag. To remove the tag from this plugin, add the following snipped to a theme or plugin:
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function() {
    	remove_action( 'wp_head', bigcommerce()->post_types->product_page_meta_description, 0 );
    }, 100, 0 );
  • Added support for custom image alt text. The alt text set in the BigCommerce admin will be imported into WordPress, where WordPress's standard image rendering functions will use it as the value for the alt attribute.
  • Added a new global JS function to the bigcommerce_config global JS object. You can now retrieve the current user's cart ID via JS using bigcommerce_config.cart.getCartID();


  • Fixed several locations where "bigcommerce" was misspelled as "bigcomerce" in text domains, HTML classes, and filter names.


  • On uninstall of the plugin, pages related to the plugin will have "-uninstalled" appended to their slugs when they are set to draft. If the plugin is reinstalled later and these pages still exist, they will be republished and "-uninstalled" will be removed from the slugs.
  • If a product variant has an image, and that variant is added to the cart, the cart page will display that variant's image instead of the default product image.


  • Currency formatting settings have been removed. Formatting settings are pulled from the BigCommerce currencies API. PHP's intl extension will still be used for formatting if it is available.


  • Product pick lists will include a "None" option if that modifier field is not required.
  • Added filters to modify the price range and calculated price range of a product. bigcommerce/product/price_range/data affects the data that feeds both. The formatted output can be modified with the filters bigcommerce/product/price_range/formatted and bigcommerce/product/calculated_price_range/formatted
  • Added hooks to the initialization of the product importer. Use bigcommerce/import/task_list to modify the list of tasks for the import. Use bigcommerce/import/task_manager/init to perform additional setup actions on the task manager (e.g., register more tasks).
  • Added a control to the theme customizer to toggle display of product inventory. Inventory can be shown for all products that track inventory, or only for products with low inventory. Inventory display is filterable per product using the hook bigcommerce/product/inventory/should_display.
  • Added a webhook to listen for completed checkouts. The webhook will trigger the action bigcommerce/webhooks/checkout_complete.
  • Added support for a omitting products from initial Pricing API calls if they have a .preinitialized class added to the pricing DOM node. This will allow 3rd party plugins/themes to add this CSS class based on their needs/conditions.
  • Added a toggle in the theme customizer to control display of default pricing while waiting for Pricing API responses.


  • Fixed the destination URLs for webhooks, which were missing a path component.
  • Fixed display of error messaging when attempting to log in with an invalid user name.
  • When running in multi-channel mode, removing a product from one channel could remove its images that were shared with the same product in another channel. The images will now stay in place and have their parent post adjusted to the surviving product.


  • The template components/products/product-price.php has two new variables available: $price_range and $calculated_price_range. This allows filtering of those values beyond what was previously possible. Existing templates will continue to work with values pulled from the product on render.
  • The template components/products/product-price.php has a new variable, $visible, to use in place of the bc-product__pricing--visible class. This controls whether default pricing can be displayed.
  • Default sorting of the Product post type archive and taxonomy archives has been changed from "Title A-Z" to "Featured". This can be changed using the bigcommerce/query/default_sort filter.
  • "Featured" sorting now considers the Product's sort order, as set in the BigCommerce admin. Featured items will appear first, followed by all other items sorted by sort order. If the sort order for a product is not set, it is treated as a 10.
  • The template components/products/inventory-level.php has two new variables available: $status and $label. This simplifies the template, while enabling additional filtering of the values. Existing templates overrides will continue to work with values pulled from the product on render.
  • If embedded checkout is disabled, the current customer's cart count will not display on the cart menu item. The behavior is filterable with the bigcommerce/cart/menu/show_count hook.
  • Pricing API requests for unauthenticated users will use null as the customer group ID, which uses the default guest group, instead of 0, which uses no group.
  • When selecting options and modifiers for a product, we're no longer debouncing the clicks and then disabling the fields while a Pricing API call is made. Fields remain enabled, and changes will cause previous Pricing API calls that might be pending to abort.


  • The unused constants \BigCommerce\Cart\Add_To_Cart::CART_COOKIE and \BigCommerce\Cart\Add_To_Cart::COUNT_COOKIE are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • The filter bigcommerce/template/product/archive/default_sort has been removed. Use bigcommerce/query/default_sort instead.


  • The Pricing API request cache did not properly differentiate based on request parameters, sometimes leading to incorrect prices displaying.


  • Created a filter, bigcommerce/api/ttl, to control the TTL of the API response cache. Caches now default to one hour, but can be overridden per request. Requests to the pricing API no longer force a cache flush.
  • Added support for sort order on product modifiers. The order will be imported from BigCommerce and respected when rendering the product form.
  • Added a step to the import process to delete categories and brands that were deleted in BigCommerce. This also resolves the issue of a re-created category getting a numeric suffix on the slug when the new term is created.
  • Wish Lists
    • BigCommerce Wish Lists are now part of user accounts.
    • You can create, edit and delete a Wish List as well as add and remove items.
    • You and make your list public or private. Private lists cannot be shared and can only be seen by the list owner.
    • Shared Wish Lists are presented as a filtered version of the main product archive.
    • Deleting a Wish List cannot be undone. You will be given a confirmation screen before deleting.
    • Wish Lists are currently product ID based and not quantity based. Attempting to add the same product to your list will not increase the quantity nor will it duplicate the product in your list. Only one instance of a product variant is allowed in a Wish List.


  • Product categories and brands will now derive their slugs from the "Custom URL" property set in the BigCommerce admin. If a category name changes, the WordPress term slug will update to reflect the new name.
  • Gutenberg blocks were not able to utilize the drag-and-drop feature due to a conflict with a JS library. This lib has been upgraded and drag-and-drop functionality has been restored.
  • Products options and modifiers that contained only a single option would cause the Cart/Buy button to be disabled permanently. This has been been fixed.
  • The user meta key bigcommerce_nav_settings_initialized was not correctly removed when running the plugin uninstaller. This has been fixed.
  • Removed the product condition from cart and order history when the product is not configured to display its condition.
  • Disabled WordPress's kses filters when storing data in the import queue. This fixes mangled HTML in some circumstances. Post content is still filtered later in the import.
  • Upgraded Lodash JS library dependency to the latest version.


  • Refinery template (components/catalog/refinery.php) has removed the wrapper element in favor of the Controller variables. Update your template as needed.
  • The Gutenberg Product Component Block now has admin previews that contain rendered HTML product content for all component types. When a product ID is not found or is no longer valid, a default message will display letting you know the product is unavailable on the admin side and the theme side.


  • API factory methods for building widget-related clients are deprecated. Calls to Api_Factory::placement(), Api_Factory::themeRegions(), and Api_Factory::widgetTemplate() should be replaced with Api_Factory::widget(). These methods will be removed in a future version.


  • HTML elements can now be used in all text string filters so long as it passes the same wp_kses rules used on comments. Previously, HTML inserted via filters for text strings was omitted in certain cases. For instance, on the ajax add to cart message.


  • Display variant images in the product gallery. Once a specific variant is selected, its image will be used as the primary gallery image.
  • Added stack traces to the error log when exceptions are thrown during the import process
  • Added a screen at the end of the onboarding process to guide merchants to their next steps.
  • Added support for pre-order and non-purchaseable product availability settings. Includes two new theme customizer fields to control the text for the "Add to Cart"/"Buy Now" buttons when displaying pre-order products.
  • Added support for products with hidden prices. They will use the new template components/products/product-hidden-price.php to not show the price.
  • Added a new option for the Product Components block/shortcode for Add To Cart. This will output the Add to Cart/Buy Now button and form on any page, including variants if applicable. Example Usage: [bc-component id="431" type="add_to_cart"]
  • Added a new Channel Select field in the product picker UI in the WP Admin. You can now search for products from any channel you've connected to your WP Store. Selecting a channel will initiate a new query immediately and subsequently only produce product search results from that channel.


  • Fixed import of product descriptions containing HTML links. WordPress core was adding noopener attributes prematurely, breaking the JSON data stored in the queue.
  • Fixed a fatal error when updating to version 3.0+ from 2.2.1 or earlier while a product import is in progress.


  • Pass through custom error messages from the API when Add to Cart fails. Previously we were returning null and using a generic message. We're still using the generic message but only when a more specific message is not available from the API.
  • The template components/products/product-gallery.php has changed to accommodate variant images.
  • The template components/products/product-form.php has a new variable $message containing the pre-order message to display for the product.
  • The bigcommerce/customer/group_id filter will be called from \BigCommerce\Accounts\Customer::get_group_id(), even when the current user is logged out or does not have a customer ID.


  • Added a button to reset channel listing overrides, enabling editors to reconnect a product to the base product for future updates.
  • Added a button to immediately re-sync a product. Editors can import the latest changes from the BigCommerce API for that product without running a full import on the entire catalog.
  • Added a missing entry to the 3.0.0 changelog regarding fixing the uninstaller.
  • Added a method to fetch customer group info. $customer->get_group()->get_info()
  • Created an option to toggle synchronization of analytics settings.
  • Added a customizer option to disable Quick View on product cards. When disabled, product card images are wrapped in a link to the product single.
  • Added a template for the sku component of a product, components/products/product-sku.php.
  • Added a new shortcode/block that allows selection of distinct product components. Example usage: [bc-component type="description" id="117"]. Valid types are: sku, description, image, title.
  • Added an option to disable sync of analytics IDs.


  • Fixed missing markup for AMP templates. Some valid tags had been erroneously stripped out.


  • Added a new parameter to the product title template (components/products/product-title.php) to set the header level. It should set the header appropriately for the context in which the component is loaded (h1 for the product single, h2 for the shortcode/block single, and h3 for the product card).
  • Moved the Quick View markup from components/products/product-card.php to a new template, components/products/quick-view-image.php.
  • Removed the wrapper div from the template components/products/product-quick-view.php. The wrapper will be added by the template controller.
  • Changed the assign_terms capability for categories and brands to do_not_allow. Assignments would be overwritten by the next import. This keeps it from happening in the first place to avoid confusion.
  • Turned off the autocomplete attribute on API fields in the settings page. This will help to avoid an issue where autocomplete causes a change to user credentials and causes the store to disconnect when settings are saved.
  • Updated the product quick view template, components/products/product-quick-view.php, uses the new product sku component.
  • Updated the product shortcode single template, components/products/product-shortcode-single.php, uses the new product sku component.
  • Updated the product single template, components/products/product-single.php, uses the new product sku component.
  • Updated the onboarding flow to indicate where the user is in the setup process. Additionally, some styles were updated on the content areas, buttons, and start-over feature.
  • Optimized the import process to avoid fetching data for products not listed in any active channels.


  • Deprecated the $quickview and $attributes variables in the template components/products/product-card.php. The variables are now empty, and will be removed in a future version.


  • Updated API client library to 1.12.1 to fix error in class definition for PriceRecord.


  • Fixed duplicate posts created in WordPress when importing products in draft or pending status.


  • Added support for connecting to multiple BigCommerce channels. Since the plugin can't know the particular use case a store has for using multiple channels, we provide the base framework for site developers to extend in a way that makes sense for their business. Multi-channel support requires opt-in using a filter:
    add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channels/enable-multi-channel', '__return_true' );
    This will enable an admin to connect to multiple channels on the settings screen. The primary channel will still be used for all front-end requests unless filtered to use a different channel. Example:
    add_filter( 'bigcommerce/channel/current', function( $channel ) {
      // do some logic here to determine what channel to use
      return get_term( 697, \BigCommerce\Taxonomies\Channel\Channel::NAME );
  • Created a taxonomy for storing channels. Most stores will only have one, but a store with multi-channel enabled may have many. The taxonomy's UI is hidden, and it is only exposed during onboarding (when selecting the initial channel) and in the Channel Settings section when multi-channel is enabled. All products are associated with a channel term on import.


  • Updated the position and design of the start-over button and confirmation message for the on-boarding process.
  • Fixed display of tax and total price in order history when an order was paid for entirely with store credit. It should no longer show a negative subtotal, and the grand total should properly display as $0.00 (formatted appropriately for the local currency).
  • Currency can now be filtered at any point in the request. Previously, the currency would be locked in place when creating the formatter in the Currency service provider. The service provider will now use a factory method to return a formatter based on the current, possibly filtered, value of the \BigCommerce\Settings\Sections\Currency::CURRENCY_CODE option. Use the pre_option_bigcommerce_currency_code filter to adjust the currency in use at any given point in the request.
  • The import process has changed to more efficiently support imports when connected to multiple channels. After fetching listings for each channel, products will be fetched from the Catalog API once. When fetching products in bulk, we now also fetch options and modifiers, taking advantage of new capabilities of the API. This limits the bulk import to 10 products per request, but saves two additional queries per product later in the import. The tasks to fetch listings and initialize channels now have a suffix of the channel ID on the string used to trigger the task status.
  • The import queue is now stored as hidden posts in the wp_posts table, using the post type bigcommerce_task.
  • Method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Products\Product_Builder constructor has changed. It now expects a \WP_Term representing the channel the product belongs to.
  • Method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Products\Product_Importer constructor has changed. It now expects a \WP_Term representing the channel the product belongs to instead of a channel ID and an instance of the Channels API.
  • Method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Products\Product_Saver constructor has changed. It now expects a \WP_Term representing the channel the product belongs to.
  • The order of operations in \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Products\Product_Saver has changed to assign terms to a product before setting its post data or post meta. This is to support multiple products with the same slug but in different channels.
  • Method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Products\Product_Strategy_Factory constructor has changed. It now expects a \WP_Term representing the channel the product belongs to.
  • Product price ranges are now calculated on import and stored in post meta rather than relying on values from the bc_variants table on render.
  • Moved \BigCommerce\Import\Review_Builder to \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Reviews\Review_Builder.
  • Moved \BigCommerce\Import\Review_Fetcher to \BigCommerce\Import\Importers\Reviews\Review_Fetcher.
  • Method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Channel_Initializer constructor has changed. It now expects a \WP_Term representing the channel to initialize.
  • Renamed \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Listing_ID_Fetcher to \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Listing_Fetcher and changed its constructor signature to require a \WP_Term representing the channel for the listings.
  • Renamed \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Product_ID_Fetcher to \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Product_Data_Fetcher.
  • Changed the method signature for the \BigCommerce\Import\Processors\Queue_Runner constructor. It no longer requires an instance of the Channels API.
  • Moved \BigCommerce\Merchant\Routes to \BigCommerce\Taxonomies\Channels\Routes


  • Updated registration of block editor plugins to work with recent versions of Gutenberg.
  • Fixed fatal error in the uninstaller from an undefined class constant.


  • Removed the bc_products table. All queries that used this table have been updated to use post meta.
  • Removed the bc_variants table. All queries that used this table have been updated to use post meta.
  • Removed the bc_import_queue table. All import tasks have been moved to the wp_posts table.
  • Removed the bigcommerce/pricing/channel_id filter. The pricing API request will now derive the value from the current channel.
  • Removed the bigcommerce/pricing/currency_code filter. The pricing API request will now derive the value from the bigcommerce_currency_code option.


  • The post_id field in the bc_reviews table is no longer used and will be removed in a future release.


  • Updated the way cached pricing works while requesting new data from the Pricing API. We're now displaying the cached pricing first. We've also removed the spinner while loading pricing data and replaced with a simple fade in/out of prices.


  • Added a redirect to the Welcome/Settings screen on plugin activation


  • Updated the BigCommerce Checkout SDK to version 1.18.10


  • Fixed a layout issue on the WP Admin BigCommerce Resources page where resource cards were misaligned.
  • Fixed AMP validation errors from improperly included scripts. Thanks, @westonruter!


  • Uses the new BigCommerce pricing API to retrieve more accurate pricing data based on selected product variants, options, and customer groups. The original price display feature still exists and is now the fallback if unable to fetch live pricing.
  • Added a setting to determine whether prices should display with tax included or excluded. This duplicates a setting from the BigCommerce admin that is not available via the Store API.
  • Added the customer_group_id property to the customer profile object retrieved from the Customer API.
  • Added a routine to make BigCommerce nav menu meta boxes visible to users by default.
  • Added webhooks to listen for product inventory updates. A received webhook will schedule an immediate cron job to pull updated product data from the Catalog API.


  • Upgraded Checkout SDK to version 1.18.5
  • Reduced the prominence of the checkout requirements notification when on admin pages unrelated to the BigCommerce plugin.
  • Updated the template components/products/product-price.php with markup to support Pricing API ajax requests.


  • Handled the new firing order of block-editor related hooks in transitioning from the Gutenberg plugin to WordPress 5.0+. This fixes a PHP warning and some odd behavior from other plugins that register meta areas for the block editor.


  • Added new links and buttons to the Products custom post type edit screen and the BigCommerce Settings page for managing your products on BigCommerce and logging in to your account
  • Added a Resources page to the BigCommerce admin section. The Resources page contains tab separated content that provides users with a repository of themes, plugins, apps, and support links to enhance or extend their BigCommerce for WordPress installation.
  • Added an option to create a new menu in addition to selecting a preexisting menu on the Menu Select screen during on-boarding.
  • Added an option to configure channel settings for new products during on-boarding. The channel selection screen is always shown now, even for new accounts that don't yet have a channel.
  • Added an option to the on-boarding process to choose between a full-featured store and one directed more towards bloggers. This sets default settings depending on your choice.
  • Added a filter for customer profile fields fetched from the API: bigcommerce/customer/empty_profile
  • Added a filter to wrap the output of a template. Can be used to prepend or append content to the template: bigcommerce/template={$template}/output
  • Added a template for the checkout button on the cart


  • Updated the error handling and response messages related to the product sync feature. We now provide more information to the user based on the type of error that has occurred.

  • Added the product SKU to post meta, so that catalog searches can use WordPress meta queries.

  • If the option to automatically add products to the channel is disabled, it will be honored even on the initial import when the channel has no products.

  • Removed product pick list options for products that are out of stock.

  • Changed how option and modifier fields are rendered and treated on the product single and Quick View modals. Modifiers using select/radio fields are now supported, using the same templates as the option fields.

    NOTE: Please take note of the changes to the option field templates and adjust your custom templates as needed.





  • The template components/cart/cart-actions.php now takes an array of rendered $actions that will be echoed into the template.

  • The template components/products/product-card.php requires a new attribute on the Quick View template wrapper: data-quick-view-script=""


  • Fixed a typo on the Create New Account screen during on-boarding
  • Fixed an issue with Quick View modal boxes in product cards where removing the quick-view feature would break the JS and the page.
  • The nonce for an ajax import request is validated before triggering the import cron action.
  • Fixed an extra quote rendered in template wrappers.
  • Fixed Flatpickr library issue with quick-view modal. NOTE: This changes the position of the date picker to inline with the date field. Update your CSS as needed.


  • The modifiers parameter to the cart REST controller is no longer used and will be removed in a future version.
  • The modifiers variable in the template components/products/product-form.php is no longer used and will be removed in a future version.
  • The template components/products/product-modifiers.php is no longer used.


  • Added a Menu Setup screen to the onboarding flow, giving merchants an opportunity to quickly add BigCommerce menu items to their navigation menu.
  • A "Start Over" button is available in the onboarding screens, enabling the merchant to go back to the beginning of the account connection process.
  • All option caches are flushed before and after running an import batch to avoid cache corruption from longer-running processes.
  • The import log records more extensive debugging information. Use the bigcommerce/logger/level filter to change the logging level.
  • Added hooks to render HTML inside the form tags on the plugin settings pages.
  • Added child categories to the filter options in the product block/shortcode UI.


  • The import debug log moved from uploads/logs/bigcommerce/import.log to uploads/logs/bigcommerce/debug.log.


  • Cleaned up a small memory leak in the product block/shortcode UI pagination.
  • Fixed the check for an expired import lock when running an import via ajax.
  • Fixed arguments to Channel Listings API requests to ensure that all products are returned even with larger batch sizes.
  • Fixed a fatal error when initializing an import on PHP 7.0+.


  • The product selection popup in the admin for the products shortcode/Gutenberg block will now load additional pages of products as you scroll past the initially loaded products matching your query.
  • When completing an embedded checkout, the customer's cart cookie is now cleared out so the cart menu item no longer shows items in the cart.
  • Product Categories and Brands have new dynamic nav menu items to show top level terms in those taxonomies.
  • Added synchronization back to BigCommerce when updating the Google Analytics tracking ID when GAEE is enabled.
  • Added product categories and thumbnails to the admin list table for Products.
  • Product Categories and Brands are visible (but not editable) in the WordPress admin.


  • Fixed a JavaScript console error when initializing Gutenberg blocks, when some of those blocks should be disabled.
  • Fixed the broken cancel button when reloading the customer address form after validation errors.
  • Fixed styles in the products Gutenberg block, because WordPress doesn't call it Gutenberg anymore.
  • Fixed broken synchronization of Facebook Pixel configuration between WordPress and BigCommerce.
  • The product sync should no longer show a success message if an import failed.
  • Fixed the featured image displayed for gift certificates in a customer's order history.
  • Removed the "Required" asterisk from the Company Name field in the address form. It is not, in fact, required.


  • Changed the polling logic for the product import to prevent running multiple requests at the same time from a single browser window.
  • The Product Category dropdown on the Products archive will now show hierarchical terms nested under their parents.


  • Fixed inconsistent defaults for ajax cart setting.


  • Fixed PHP fatal error that would occur intermittently when adding items to the cart.


  • On sites where the official AMP plugin for WordPress is active and SSL is not enabled, added an admin notice on the settings page informing users some features won't work correctly without HTTPS.
  • In AMP, added cart item count indicator to nav menu item linking to Cart page
  • Option to use Ajax to add products to the customer's cart
  • Added the BigCommerce product ID to the products list in the WordPress admin
  • Option to control the import batch size


  • Fixed icons not loading correctly in AMP templates.
  • Fixed as issue with product variants not working on single product shortcodes.
  • Fixed an issue with field labels and IDs colliding when products are duplicated on the same page. All clicks would control the first product on the page.
  • Fixed click behavior on product galleries
  • Fixed bug allowing an import to start (and fail) before setting up a channel
  • Fixed 1970 dates showing on order history when orders had not been shipped
  • Fixed bug that ignored the minimum quantity requirements when adding a product to the cart from a product card.
  • Fixed an issue with pagination ajax on shortcode product groups.


  • Updated BigCommerce v3 API client library to version 1.3.0. Parameters have changed on most methods to accept an array of arguments instead of a long parameter list.
  • Refactored import task registration to use a filterable list. Instances of Task_Definition should be registered with the Task_Manager with an appropriate priority to control the order of operations.
  • Changed the action that triggers each step of the import. It now uses the bigcommerce/import/run hook, with the current status as the first parameter, replacing the former bigcommerce/import/run/status={$current_status}.
  • Separated category and brand imports into separate import steps, allowing for bulk queries and reducing the number of API requests required to import a product.
  • Reorganized classes related to the API import process.


  • Added templates, styles, and plugin logic for compatibility with the Official AMP Plugin for Wordpress, through version 1.0. Themes still need to be made AMP-compatible if not using AMP classic mode.
  • Added REST endpoints to proxy several BigCommerce API endpoints, including catalog, channels and cart. Most requests are cached for ten minutes by default.
  • Added creation and handling of a BigCommerce webhook to bust cached proxy data related to a product when the product is updated in BigCommerce.


  • Product prices will update dynamically to reflect the price of the selected variant.
  • Reintroduced the ability to set API credentials without using the connector app.
  • Added logs for import errors, viewable through the plugin diagnostics section on the plugin settings screen.
  • Added support for links directly to product variants.
  • The import process will continue to run via ajax requests while an admin is on the plugin settings screen. This can speed up import processing on sites that depend on WordPress cron jobs for the import.


  • Refactored Gutenberg block registration to re-use code and allow more configuration when registering the blocks in PHP.
  • Font sizes use relative units instead of pixels.
  • Increased quantity field width to accommodate three digits.


  • Fixed compatibility with newer (4.4+) versions of Gutenberg.
  • Updated the $_COOKIE superglobal immediately on setting the cart cookie.
  • Fixed a PHP error when the BigCommerce tax class API returns an invalid value.
  • Added decimal precision to price sorting queries, fixing sorting for products that round to the same integer value.
  • Improved accessibility and keyboard navigation on the plugin settings screen.


  • Created a new template tag, shortcode, and block for displaying product reviews. Shortcode usage: [bigcommerce_reviews id={product ID}]. Template tag usage: echo \BigCommerce\Functions\product_reviews( $product_id );
  • Added a plugin diagnostics section to the settings screen.
  • Added a static method to retrieve a Product object by product ID. Usage: $product = \BigCommerce\Posts_Types\Product\Product::by_product_id( $product_id );


  • Template may now have a wrapper HTML element that cannot be modified with a template override. This wrapper is defined in the template controller class associated with the template. Filters bigcommerce/template/wrapper/tag, bigcommerce/template/wrapper/classes, and bigcommerce/template/wrapper/attributes are available to modify this wrapper. Modification may break JavaScript provided by the plugin. We have added comments next to other HTML elements that are required to maintain JS functionality.


  • Better error handling when the OAuth connector gives unexpected responses.


  • Added even more sanitization to meet plugin review guidelines


  • Added an additional layer of sanitization to all user input to meet plugin review guidelines
  • Replaced bundled jQuery with calls to WordPress's default jQuery


  • Automatically add new products to the BigCommerce channel on next import


  • Fixed an error in channel initialization that limited channels to the first 100 products


  • Removed the missing SSL notice from the admin. Instead, a smaller notice is displayed next to the Embedded Checkout option, explaining why it is disabled.


  • Introduced embedded checkout, with an option in the admin to disable it.


  • Fixed a typo in the order summary template path. Order history should load correctly now.
  • Replaced obsolete information regarding API credentials in the plugin readme.


  • Created account creation and authentication process
  • Required creation of a Channel before importing products
  • Added two-way sync for Product post status, title, and description with the linked Channel
  • Added support for the BigCommerce Sites & Routes API
  • Added admin notice when the BigCommerce account is not sufficiently configured to support checkout


  • Refactored the Cart template into several smaller components
  • Moved theme templates from public-views to templates/public
  • Organized theme templates into subdirectories
  • Moved admin templates from admin-views to templates/admin
  • Refreshed the list of countries and states used in address forms
  • Updated BigCommerce PHP API to version 0.13.0
  • Refactored template controller instantiation to add additional filtering for both the path and the controller class.
  • Refactored settings sections into the namespace BigCommerce\Settings\Sections
  • Refactored settings screens into the namespace BigCommerce\Settings\Screens
  • Changed checkout login token generation to use the OAuth connector API


  • Removed the API Credentials settings section. All authentication should now go through the OAuth authentication process.
  • Removed ability to edit Product post slug. The slug is imported from the Catalog API.
  • Removed the Import Settings metabox obviated by the Channels API.


  • Fixed the cart tax total to refresh when cart quantities change.


  • Added the Product Sync feature to Product List page.
  • Added Welcome screen and Connect Account screen.


  • Refactored JS code in Gutenberg modules to use ES6 React syntax (removes usage of wp global React wrapper).
  • Refactored other JS modules for extendability and moved i18n strings to PHP JS_Config.
  • Reorganized JS modules and structure for easier readability.
  • Added a new indicator in the Gutenberg products block to let the user know if they chose filters that produce no results.
  • Added support for displaying estimated tax amounts in the cart.
  • Refactored Analytics data tags to utilize Segment Analytics.js script.
  • Improved focus pointer UX elements when editing the product block.
  • Rendered redesigned panels in Settings UI.
  • Refactored settings screen registration and rendering.
  • Prevented editing API credential settings if they are set using constants or environment variables.


  • Replaced GA/Pixel controller with Segment controller.


  • Fixed a bug with the Gutenberg editor where the Featured filter was not showing up when reopening a saved block.
  • Fixed a bug with the cart template where product removal was canceled by a missing template node.
  • Fixed a bug with the cart where updating product qty was updating the remote cart but the API response changed causing an ajax error.
  • Fixed a bug with product pages where product review body text was not showing. Existing products should be re-imported to show reviews.
  • Fixed an issue with the admin Products UI where default settings were not being applied when using the classic editor.

0.11.1 - 2018-08-28


  • Remove reference to Id from the Gutenberg blocks props Object which was deprecated in version 3.3. Replaced with new key clientId.

0.11.0 - 2018-08-27


  • Changelog
  • Support for most product modifier field types: checkbox, date, number, single line text, multi line text
  • Quantity field for the Add to Cart form
  • Shim for the function wp_unschedule_hook(), which is not available on WordPress versions older than 4.9.0
  • Updates to the uninstaller to account for data added in recent releases


  • Combined the "Product Archive" and "Product Catalog" sections in the theme customizer
  • Updated the BigCommerce API SDK to bring it up-to-date with current API behavior. API classes formerly in the BigCommerce\Api\v3 namespace have moved to BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api.
  • When changing the import schedule, the next import is immediately rescheduled, instead of waiting until the next import runs.
  • When running an import via CLI, reschedule the next cron import after the CLI import completes.


  • The class BigCommerce\Customizer\Sections\Catalog is gone. Its constants have moved to BigCommerce\Customizer\Sections\Product_Archive.

0.10.0 - 2018-08-03


  • Rendering of form error messages that do not correspond to specific fields
  • Timeout handling for "Load More" buttons
  • Fallback image for gift certificates in cart and order history
  • Automatically create Shipping & Returns page
  • Placeholder graphics for all Gutenberg blocks
  • Links to product pages from cart and order history
  • Product review pagination
  • Display option swatches with images or multiple colors
  • Link from WordPress admin to BigCommerce admin to manage product reviews
  • Option to disable reviews on a product, tied to WordPress's comment toggle


  • Product gallery thumbnail images will wrap after four thumbnails


  • Render inline content for newly-created product blocks

0.9.0 - 2018-07-19


  • Import product reviews and render on product pages
  • Product review form
  • Gift certificate purchasing
  • Automatically create page for purchasing gift certificates, with the new shortcode [bigcommerce_gift_form]
  • Automatically create page for checking gift certificate balances, with the new shortcode [bigcommerce_gift_balance]
  • Settings for Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics tracking IDs
  • Automatic import of Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics tracking IDs from the BigCommerce store
  • Two-way sync of Facebook Pixel tracking code with the BigCommerce store
  • Render Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics tracking codes
  • Tracking for add to cart and view product events
  • Settings for ordering and pagination in the product shortcode/block interface


  • Manually reset the global $post, because wp_reset_postdata() does not, in fact, reset postdata, so far as Gutenberg 3.2.0 is concerned.